For amymizuno. Dark Bond Heero/Duo, Trowa/Quatre

Dark Bond Halloween Drabble 1

Duo wandered out to the balcony, leaving the bustling of the party behind. The breeze was cool, tugging hairs free from his braid, brushing his bangs away from his eyes.

"We spoke for the first time out on this balcony," the voice of his beloved whispered into his mind.

"So we did." He replied in the same way. "I was so very frightened."

"I remember." A caress. "I was too."

"Funny to think that way now." Duo returned the caress. "Why not come out and join me love? I'll give you a warmer reception this time."

"As soon as I can escape, I will." Heero sounded amused. "Irea's lifemate is a bit long winded..."

"I know," Duo laughed. "Why do you think I'm on the balcony?"

"Cruel, leaving me to his clutches." Heero pouted and Duo headed for the doors.

"I assure you beloved, I don't intend to let anyone else claim your attention for the rest of the evening."

Before he reached the doors, they swung open and two men stepped outside.

"Duo," said one, inclining his head politely.

"Trowa," Duo greeted and smiled at the other man's lifemate. "Quatre. I'm glad to see you. Our prince said you might not make it."

Quatre nodded. "We had some vampire hunters to deal with." He rubbed the back of his neck and smiled faintly. "Luckily, they were less of a threat than we anticipated."

"Some are very troublesome," Duo agreed. "Heero and I had to deal with a few ourselves this year."

"Where is Heero?" Quatre asked and Duo frowned faintly.

"Irea's lifemate is talking to him."

Trowa rolled his eyes and Quatre laughed. "The man never shuts up. Do you need us to rescue him for you?"

"No need," Heero stepped out onto balcony and smiled. "I managed to escape on my own."

Another round of greetings was exchanged and Heero stepped close to Duo, sliding his arm around his lifemate's waist.

"I am glad the prince invited us all to share this celebration." Trowa said.

"I am relieved that his daughter is healthy and thriving. It is a good sign for our people. So many girls in these last few years- and none of them lost." Heero agreed.

"So many bondings as well- between all sorts of partners." Quatre smiled at Trowa and leaned close. "Less of us lost to the dark."

"Speaking of which," Trowa smiled. "We need to go in and greet your sister and her mate."

Quatre sighed. "I know, I know."

A moment or so later, Duo and Heero were once again alone on the balcony.

"So," Heero turned to Duo and pulled him close. "I think we had some reminiscing to do?"

"So we did," Duo touched his lips to his lifemate's. "And I won't run away this time."

"You'd better not," Heero pulled him closer still. "I'd chase you to the ends of the earth if I had to."

"Why would I run, when I'm content here? You know what you are to me, beloved. The light in my heart."

"And you're mine."



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