Author: Zazu

Rating: PG-13

Warnings: Fluff

Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Wing, nor do I own the characters. I have borrowed them here for some fun and creativity, and this is not for profit. I do, however, own the plot mentioned here, and any instances that you may find similar to real life events are purely a coincidence.

Notes: Not beta-read.

House to Home

When Heero arrived home, he was a little surprised to see Duo in the yard stuffing leaves into a large paper bag.


"Heero!" Duo spun around, several leaves flying from his grasp. He grinned. "How was your day?"

"Not bad. We had a guest speaker in one of my classes and he was pretty interesting." He eyed the large pile of leaves on the ground.

"Interesting?" Duo asked suspiciously. "Interesting in the way he dressed? The way he looked? The way he spoke?"

"The content he spoke of," Heero answered, smiling a little, knowing that Duo was just teasing him. It seemed that even after a couple of years, his boyfriend still had trouble understanding the fact that Heero didn't find anyone else but him attractive.

Okay, so maybe the model in that magazine had been attractive, but then he'd mostly been thinking about Duo being that model and how delicious Duo would look, shirtless and advertising a tight pair of denim jeans.

Then again, looking at Duo now, with dry leaves attached to his shirt and his braid, he figured that his boyfriend could look good in anything. Or nothing, for that matter. He grinned at that thought; it was Thursday and neither of them had class on Friday, which meant it was okay for them to spend some time in bed and sleep in the next day.

Heero started when a handful of leaves flew into his face; he immediately stepped back.

"I know what you're thinking," Duo said, turning back to his task.

"Do you?" Heero asked, setting his backpack by the porch before rolling up his sleeves to help Duo.

"Yes." Duo scratched his nose, leaving a smudge of dirt there. "You're thinking about what's below my waist and below your waist, and how they could interact on the sturdiest furniture we have up on the second floor. And the fact that it could work into our class-free Fridays."

His boyfriend knew him surprisingly well, but Heero decided he could deny those thoughts given this perfect opportunity.

"Kind of," he said. "But I was thinking more of giving you a massage, since you must be tired from your physical labour now."

"Really," Duo said doubtfully. "Somehow, I don't think it would end as a massage only."

"I'm capable of keeping my hands to myself," Heero protested.

"Which would not really be a massage, would it? I'm saying you'll make sure you do a nice job and a very intimate massage at that."

"I promise to be attentive." Heero rolled his shoulders. "How long has this taken you?"

"Longer than I expected. A couple of little kids had a lot of fun jumping into the piles I made and I had to keep gathering them."


"It's what kids do, apparently. They looked like they were having a lot of fun so I put the pile together a few times for them."

Heero eyed the pile of leaves remaining. "Looks painful."

"Well," Duo huffed, gesturing to the two full bags at the end of the drive. "There was enough to cushion their fall twenty minutes ago. I just hope they didn't get in trouble, going home a little dirty."

"Hn." Heero reached forward and rubbed the dirt from Duo's nose.

"Thanks. Don't bother helping; you'll just get your hands dirty. I'm almost done."

"You sure?"

"Mmhmm. Just keep me company out here." Duo stuffed more leaves into the bag then lifted the bag to shift the leaves down to the bottom.



"Why are you raking leaves today of all days?"

"Everyone else did it already," he replied, gesturing up and down the street where several houses had neat bags of leaves sitting at the end of the driveway. "I guess we're supposed to, before it starts snowing badly. I mean, that would be why there was a rake in the garden shed when we bought the house right? If everyone else is doing it then there has to be a good reason."

Heero nodded; it made sense. "Ah," he suddenly said. "I remember checking the little municipal book that said the collection of leaves was sometime later this week."

"Two days later, actually. I looked it up too."

"Hm," Heero tilted his head. "So, if my boyfriend is being attentive to the matters around the house, what do I do?"

Duo grinned. "You'll just have to be attentive to him, I guess, to make up for it."

"Then it sounds like I have a better bargain," Heero shrugged, watching as Duo lifted the bag and set it down by the other two. "Done?"

"Just about," Duo glanced around. "I wonder if I should trim those bushes?"


"I don't know. I saw the other lady doing it across the street."

"Did hers look like ours before she trimmed it?" Heero asked.

"Well, hers was more brown than green."

"That might be because her bushes weren't getting as much sun as ours," Heero deduced. They were, after all, facing opposite directions and had different amounts of exposure to the sun.

"Could be. I guess I'll leave it." Duo surveyed the yard, satisfied. "That was fun, if tiring."


"Mmhmm," Duo gestured. "Keeping the yard clean makes the house look nice and neat." He lowered his voice. "Makes it more a well-kept home."

Heero nodded, although he would have to say that their home was made such by much more than just a neat yard. "So, ready for that massage?"

"You bet," Duo said, gesturing towards the doors and then following Heero in.

As soon as the front door was shut, Duo pushed Heero against the wall and kissed him, leaning against the firm body and sliding a hand into Heero's hair. He chuckled when he pulled back.

"I thought you wanted to prevent me from getting dirty?" Heero asked. He could feel dirt and grime on his neck.

In answer, Duo smeared his other hand on Heero's cheek, leaving a streak of dirt, making Heero flinch back.

"I thought I'd give you a reason to share a hot shower with me, before the massage." With that, he bolted up the stairs, laughter, braid and a loose leaf or two trailing after him.

It only took Heero a moment to give chase, smiling at his lover's antics, and very eager to share some quality time with the man who made their house feel like their home.



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