Incoming Message Part 2

Duo watched Heero eat with a look of disgust. "How can you stand to eat... ung... raw fish?"

Heero glanced up. "How can you stand to eat greasy hamburgers? Here... try the Toro. You might be surprised." He ignored the surprised looks everyone was throwing him and went back to eating.

Duo stared at the piece of uncooked fishmeat as if it would bite him. He let out a breath and picked up the soy sauce. "Well... Sister Helen once said to not knock something before I tried it." He poured a small amount of the dark liquid onto the fish and picked it up with his chopsticks. After taking a deep breath, he placed the piece of sushi into his mouth and chewed... preparing for that disgusting flavor he'd come to associate with improperly cooked meats. He was NOT prepared for the actual flavor of the sushi. It was different, true, but not unpleasant. He blinked in amazement as he swallowed. "Wow... hey... what's that yellow stuff?"

Heero fought a grin. "Tamago... it's like scrambled eggs." Then he motioned to another table. "They're eating Fugu... NOT for the faint of heart. If it isn't prepared properly, the fish meat is deadly." He turned back to Duo. "Toro is the fatty part of the tuna belly. Very tender."

Quatre grinned from his spot next to Trowa. "Yet another convert to Sushi-ism, Heero?"

Wufei chuckled softly and took another mouthful of rice while Duo was picking things from Heero's plate and trying them. Heero finally ended up handing the remains of the platter over and ordering a second Sushi platter for himself.

"Hey... what's this green stuff?" Duo poked at the stuff with his chopsticks.

Not missing a beat, or knowing what he was getting into, Heero answered. "Wasabi."

Duo's eyes lit up. "Wasabi?"

Quatre giggled. "Wasabi!"

Duo grinned almost maniacally. "WASAAAAAAABI!"

Heero suddenly realized the can of worms he had opened and groaned.

Trowa took secret delight in Heero's discomfort. "Wasabi!"

Duo made a face. "AAAAAA!"

Quatre replied. "AAAAAA!"

Trowa joined in. "AAAAAA!"

Wufei's lips quirked. "You walked right into that one, Yuy."

Heero massaged the bridge of his nose and nodded before kicking Duo.


Walking home, Duo grinned at Heero. "Well... you learn something new every day."

Heero glanced at Duo. "Oh? What have you learned today?"

"That even though you are the most suicidal person I have ever known, you want a say in how and when you're going to die." He shrugged at Heero's bemused expression. "All that sushi and no fugu! Meaning you have SOME sense of self-preservation."

Heero shrugged. "Not really. I just don't like fugu. I tried it once and discovered that it didn't appeal to me. It's a great delicacy, and many people believe it to be worth the risk. Besides... I don't feel like signing a waiver for anything."

Duo laughed. "Remind me not to bring you to this place that sells hot wings that are so spicy they give you a plaque for eating them and surviving." He waggled his eyebrows. "I have several plaques at home. You wanna see them?"

"Baka! Why didn't YOU try the fugu, then?"

"Simple thing, Heero. I'm crazy, but I'm NOT suicidal. Although some people will argue that point considering how close I usually come to getting myself killed by a certain prussian-eyed ex gundam pilot." Duo chuckled softly. "Who is as blind as a bat in some things." He pursed his lips. "Hey Heero?"

Heero snapped his attention on Duo. He had learned to listen when the American was being serious. "What is it, Duo?"

"Are you... happy... with Relena?" He shrugged and walked ahead as Heero gave him a curious look. "I mean... you're more grouchy lately, and it's obvious that you stay later and later at headquarters... and I know for a fact that you stay away a few days longer than necessary when you're on a mission. I just wondered."

Heero blinked. "Of everyone... you were the last person I'd expect to pick up on that." He sighed and caught up so he was walking, side by side, with Duo. "No, I'm not happy. I've never BEEN happy, Duo. I probably wouldn't know happiness if it bit me. I get a thrill now and then, but nothing lasting."

Duo smiled softly. "There's hope, then." He shook his head to clear it. "So... you gonna break it off with her? You could always crash at my place."

Heero chuckled. "Oh? I'm supposed to go up to the former queen of the world and say that I'm ditching her and moving in with my partner? Do you know what that sounds like?"

'It sounds like a dream come true to me.' Duo shrugged. "Yeah... I know what it sounds like. Besides... it's not like you can't get a place to stay on your own." He glanced up. "Well... this is my place. See you in the morning!"


Duo watched as Heero hailed a cab and smiled. 'He knows I hate letting someone else drive.' He spun and ran to his laptop.



There may be some hope for me getting the guy of my dreams after all! I can't believe how thrilled I am! I mean... one minute, I'm wallowing in the depths of despair (I read that somewhere in a book... neat, huh?) and the next... WHAMMO! Man... I feel like dancing around my apartment in my underwear!

I know... I know. I shouldn't get my hopes up. Still... what happened today was more than I'd ever hoped for. If I knew where you lived, I'd run up to you and give you a huge hug! ^_^ seriously!

So... you gonna get a day off and come see me? You have less to fear now. I won't bite... much! J/K! OMG! I can't believe I'm babbling in an Email! GYAAAAAAAAAH!!!! ^_^

Take care, pal!


Duo giggled as he hit the 'Send' button. There were times he would let Tinman in on how he was feeling. His pen pal seemed to like hearing about his ups and downs. He shut his computer down for the night and went to bed.


"You're WHAT?" Relena scowled at Heero. "After all of my plans? You think you can just walk away from me? I've already sent out invitations."

Heero shrugged and continued packing. "Not my problem. I never agreed to marry you, Relena. You simply took my silence as an agreement and went ahead with your plans... YOUR plans. Did you ever once ask me if maybe I had some plans? I know why you didn't bother." He zipped up his duffle bag. "You knew that if you asked me, I would tell you that I wasn't in the slightest bit interested in marrying you." He walked past the shocked diplomat. "To tell you the truth, Relena... I can barely stand being in the same room with you. Ja!" He picked up his laptop and left the house. It didn't matter that he had no place to crash for the night. Suddenly, he grinned a little. "Might as well take that baka up on his offer." He walked to a nearby phone and dialed Duo's number after inserting the proper change.

One ring... two... three... four... "Hello? Hello... you've got my answering machine. Aw HELL! Hang on a sec while I stop this. If you don't wanna leave a message after the beep, then that's your problem and not mi... Hello? Sorry 'bout that!"

"Duo... I'm taking you up on your offer. I'll be there in ten minutes." He hung up the phone and chuckled. 'I'll bet anything that he's running around like a madman cleaning up his apartment.'


Ten minutes later found Heero standing outside Duo's door. He knocked and expected to hear swearing at his punctuality. Truth be told he had never actually seen Duo's apartment, but he remembered all the times he had roomed with him at school. He was surprised when Duo opened the door not a minute after he knocked.

"Heero! Come in! Lemme give you the tour before you collapse." He grabbed Heero's duffel bag. "Well... this is the living / dining room." He motioned to the room. Not much was in the room besides an old sofa and a coffee table. "I live alone, so I don't need much furniture. TV is in my room... The kitchen is right in there. Don't try going in there while I'm in there. I have barely enough room for myself." He trudged down a small hallway. "Bedrooms are right here. This is my bedroom, and you're sleeping in the guest room / computer room. There's a desk where you can set up your laptop if you need to. Bathroom is right here. Knock before going in because the lock doesn't work properly. Any questions?"

"Yeah... why are you living in such a crappy place when you get paid as much as I do? You can afford to rent a house three times the size of this place." Heero watched as Duo placed the duffel bag on the bed.

"This is what I'm used to, Heero. Hell... if I had my way, I'd live on the street. You can take the brat off the streets, but you can't take the streets out of the brat." Duo sighed and sat on the bed. "I know I can afford to live someplace better, but I can't stand the idea of living in a huge place on my own. Every night, I go to sleep expecting to wake up on the streets of L-2 with someone's boot in my gut. It took me a year to accumulate the few pieces of furniture I have, and I still feel like it's too much." He fiddled with the end of his braid. "If I ever get used to having a place that I can call mine, I'll move to something better. For right now... this is all I can stand having without going crazy over worrying that someone is going to steal it all away from me. You understand what I mean?"

Heero blinked. He had rarely seen this serious side to Duo. He nodded to indicate that he did, indeed, understand. "Thanks for letting me stay the night."

Duo grinned and stood. "Don't mention it. That's what friends are for." He walked out and closed the door behind him. When he was in the hall, he pressed a hand to his mouth. 'God, Heero... how can you be so blind? If you asked me to jump off a building with nothing to break my fall... Shi no Kami... I'd do it if it would make you happy.' He fought the sob that welled in his chest as he entered his own room.


Note: Shi = Death, no = of, Kami = God. Shi no Kami = God of Death.


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