Bound Part 6

Relena smiled warmly at Duo as she finished. She had been a little irritated when Heero had called her, but when she learned the reason, she had smiled. She stood up after she healed the tiny holes in Duo's ears. As a favor to Heero, she healed a few of Duo's minor injuries. "There."

Heero, who had been filling out the paperwork that would free Duo, smiled gratefully at Relena. "Thank you, Relena. I'm sorry if I bothered you."

Relena chuckled and stood up. "No bother. I'm honored you called me to do this, and not some stranger." She bowed and left.

Heero felt a twinge of trepidation as he called Noin. He was unlocking his kitten's cage and freeing him. Duo would now be able to come and go as he pleased. Still... he managed a smile when Noin appeared. "Noin! Good morning."

"Good morning, My Lord. To what do I owe the honor of being summoned?" She was a little worried about Heero. He looked melancholy... as if he were about to lose his best friend.

Heero handed over the papers and watched Noin read through them. He felt some of his fear dissolve as she smiled.

"You're granting Hilde's children rights to your land and title?"

Heero nodded. "You see... I don't plan on having any heirs."

Noin glanced over at Duo, who was sound asleep. "And if he refuses?"

Heero followed her gaze and smiled sadly. "I still won't have any heirs. I don't want anyone else but my kitten warming my bed."

Noin giggled. "You're going to woo him, aren't you?"

Heero sighed and nodded. "Yes. Thank you for coming so quickly." With that, he dismissed Noin and sat on the bed to gaze at Duo. "I know you're awake, Kitten."

Duo pouted as he opened his eyes. "I couldn't fool you, huh?" He then smiled brightly. "Did you mean it? You want me to be with you always? I don't hafta be alone ever again?"

"Never again, Duo. You won't have to answer to anyone anymore. So... what should be done about Alex and Mueller. You were their victim. It is now your right to decide their punishment."

Duo frowned. True... he was still angry at the two men who had hurt him, but a part of him could sympathize. He HAD been difficult. Still... as Heero had said, it didn't give them the right to decide his fate. He thought for a few minutes and nodded. "I know the perfect punishment."


Heero felt a surge of satisfaction as he saw the two men in chains. He glanced at the soft seat where Duo was bundled up and Wufei was fussing over him. He was here for two reasons. He waited until the hubbub died down. "Alex and Mueller... you have been found guilty of treason. I could have had you killed. Be glad that I was not the one that decided your punishment. You are both hereby banished from my land. You will each be given a horse and provisions to last you until you reach the neighboring lord's lands. What you do from then... is not my concern. Should you be discovered anywhere on my land ever again, or anywhere near Duo or myself, you will be killed on sight." He watched as the two men were taken away. "On a happier note... I have freed Duo so he could do what he wished. It pleases me to say that he wishes to stay with me."

Duo blushed as the members of the staff cheered. He'd only met a few of them, but he was pleased that they accepted him.

Heero continued. "I am making him my equal... and..." He knelt in front of Duo, who's eyes were wide. "My consort... if you will have me?"

Duo felt his jaw drop. He had gone, in a matter of days, from being a slave to being a free nobleman. He tried to say something, but he just couldn't get his voice to work. Then he simply wrapped his arms around Heero. "Forever."

The gathered people knew what had happened and started cheering.


Author's Notes: Wow! That was short! Ummm... there is going to be a sequel for Tro and Quat. Those two kinda disappeared after the stable scene.


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