Gundam Seiyuu (The OAV) Part 9

The phone rang loudly next to the bed and I groaned loudly to match. Man I was really really beginning to hate that phone! Rolling over in bed I tried to reach for the phone to shut it up, but another hand caught it first. Blinking I rubbed my eyes and realized who the hand belonged to, it was Heero. He glanced at me for a moment then picked up the phone and dropped it back down, effectively hanging up on whoever was disturbing us.

I smirked at him. "That wasn't nice," I mock chided him.

"Who ever said I was nice?" He purred softly and in a challenging voice. Rolling over in the covers he pushed me against the feather-soft mattress, giving me the best morning kiss I'd ever tasted. I couldn't help but smile as his lips moved against mine and his tongue slipped into my mouth, exploring until we both ran out of breath.

The events of the night came back to me in full blast and I laid there, happily kissing him back with equal passion as I remembered. We'd taken a taxi home from the hotel and went straight up to our room. As for the rest of the night? Lets just say the hot tub and bed got more use from us then they ever had from the entire list of clients down stairs in the check-in book, I'm sure of it. We spent the entire night boinking each other silly until we both collapsed and fell fast asleep. And here I am now, being kissed by the handsomest man in the entire world and I couldn't be happier.

All our problems were solved and I was happy.

"Ne, Hee-chan," I ventured as he pulled away and we lay quietly curled in each other's arms.


"You realize this means we'll have to go bed shopping when we get home."

Heero smirked. "Very true." He leaned forward to kiss me once more when the phone rang, springing to life. Heero let out an angered growl and tried to hit it off the table, but he failed and tumbled onto the floor, his legs becoming tangled in the blankets and pulling me down with him. I caught the phone on the way down and answered it just after I landed on top of him with a not so graceful thud.


Quatre's voice giggled on the other side of the line. "I take it you guys made up?"

"Ha ha ha, very funny Quatre. Don't you know better then to call newlyweds this early in the morning?"

Her gasp echoed over the line and I heard some crackling, did she drop the phone? Her voice came back on the line. "Newlyweds?" she breathed happily.

"Yep, me an' Heero." I grinned as Heero wiggled out from under where we'd landed and headed for the bathroom to take a morning shower. The sound of water turning on soon followed.

"Is that a shower I hear?"


Quatre giggled. "Rule number one of being a newlywed Duo, never let him shower alone."

I raised an eyebrow even though I knew she couldn't see it. "Seriously?"

"Yep. And you guys better hurry up, the plane leaves in a few hours."

I didn't even bother to answer. Instead I hung up the phone and raced to the bathroom, knowing Quatre would forgive me for hanging up on her later. After all, she'd just gotten married a little under a year ago, so she knew exactly how I felt. Or at least pretty close.


The time between the phone call and boarding the plane didn't seem long enough. The entire thing was a blur of actions as the American voice cast met us at the airport to see us off. After a good twenty minutes of hugs, friendly talk, pats on the back and hand shakes they announced the plane was now boarding. Saying our good-byes we headed for the plane and took our seats.

Once again I found myself next to Heero and Wufei, though this time Heero snagged the window seat before me. Quatre, Trowa and Mariemeia sat in the row in front of us while Hilde and her friends sat behind us with Milliardo and Relena. We settled into our seats and Quatre walked back to Hilde, handing her the large pile of doujinshi.

"Thanks so much, but I think I'll be ok this time."

Hilde smiled. "Keep 'em. We've got so many, besides you can get those ones signed right now." She glanced over at me and I stuck my tongue out at her for good measure, even though we both knew it was a joke. Quatre smiled happily in response and took her seat as the plane began moving for the runway.

"Flashback! Don't stop!" Blared Wufei's voice from behind me. Immediately we all twisted in our seats to face Milliardo who was fiddling with his headphones. He immediately pressed stop on the player and flashed an embarrassed smile.

"Oops, guess I forgot to plug in the headphones."

Wufei whirled back around to sit angrily in his seat, his arms crossed and his face set. I could hear him mutter something that included 'idiot' but other than that it was too quiet to hear. From behind him Milliardo merely chuckled and placed the headphones in his ears, blaring whatever music he had on there. My bet was it was all Wufei singing.

I glanced over at Heero who was looking out the window. His bright cobalt blue eyes matched the deep blue of the sky as the plane began to take off and I couldn't help but smile. Leaning over I placed my head on his shoulder. He turned and looked at me in surprise, but it quickly wore off, because he reached over and clasped my hands in his.

"You happy?" he asked quietly.

"Yep, never been happier."


"So... what do you think Heero, you think Wufei and Milliardo make a good couple?"

Wufei shot me a glare. "Maxwell..."

At that Heero turned a broad grin at both of us. "Most definitely."

"You hear that, Wu-chan?" Milliardo leaned forward in his seat and reached between our seats to clasp Wufei on the shoulder. Immediately Wufei shrugged off his hand and grumbled a few insults. Milliardo merely dropped back into his shelf with a chuckle.

"Yep," I agreed. "Next time we get them the honeymoon suite."

Wufei sighed melodramatically. "That's it, I give up." Unsnapping his seatbelt he stood up and walked over toward Milliardo's seat. Before anyone could say anything he leaned down and gave Milliardo a kiss that rivaled the one Heero and I had shared on the stage the other night. But this time no one cheered, we just all sat there watching in amazement.

Wufei pulled away and raised an eyebrow at Milliardo, a smirk growing on his face.

"Woah," was all Milliardo could say, his face one of complete surprise.

"Way to go Wufei!" I cried out happily.

And Wufei returned to his seat, picking up his book and going back to reading. Still, that smirk is on his face. I lean my head back on Heero's shoulder and smile. Yep, I am definitely happy and it seems everyone else is too. I close my eyes and just lay there, happy to fall asleep so close to the one I love.



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