Gundam Seiyuu Part 9

I came into work the next morning to hear Quatre give out a strangled cry. She rushed forward and yanked me into an office before I could protest. Her eyes were wide and she had a pleading look.

"Duo! You can't wear that today! Heero'll kill me!"

I raised an eyebrow and looked down at my shirt. I'd bought one at the concert on the spur of the moment. It's wasn't like the one Quatre had worn, instead it had Heero standing on the front, one hand raised to cover his eyes and he was wearing the black leather outfit from the concert (the shirt was black) and his songs were listed down the back.

"It's just a shirt."

Quatre shook her head. "If he sees you in that he'll know I took you to the concert. I wasn't supposed to tell anyone and..." Quatre moaned. "He's going to kill me."

"Calm down Quatre, aren't you being a little over dramatic? I mean you know how crazy my cousin is, who's to say she didn't bring the shirt back to me and I wore it just to get a reaction out of Heero?" Well, there was no point in hiding it. I admit I bought the shirt as a kind of guilt pleasure... I loved that outfit on Heero. But the other part was true, I did wear it to get a reaction out of him. Maybe, just maybe I could get him to smile at work the way he'd smiled at the concert. It was worth a shot, and besides, the worst he could do was glare at me and walk away, so I had nothing to lose, right?

"There's no way he's going to believe that." Quatre dropped into a chair, shaking her head in despair. I just watched her; it was just a shirt, right?

"He's not going to kill you Quatre, don't be so melodramatic."

From outside the door came yelling and I walked toward the window in the door. It sounded like Heero was yelling. Opening the door I leaned out and looked down the hall to Relena's office. Yep, that was Heero, and he sounded angry. You couldn't really call it yelling actually, but real angry words just didn't fit either. Quatre walked up behind me with wide curious eyes.

"He sounds like he's going to kill someone," she muttered.

I nodded and stepped out of the office, heading toward Relena's door. We both reached it just in time to see Heero walk out of the room in a huff and Relena hurrying after him. Quatre and I froze as the two stopped in front of us. Heero leveled a glare at Relena.

"If you're so sure this will work why don't you tell the rest of the cast? Or is that why you've kept the scripts locked away from us until the day of recording?"

Relena frowned and looked about ready to cry. "When OZ Studios received the script that was part of the contract. I swear I didn't know about this until just this week. I would have told you sooner but..." she bit her lip and glanced away. "You're all signed onto the show by contract, I didn't want to ruin the show."

Heero's glare intensified. "I'd say this was a horrible way of doing it."

"What's going on?" Quatre asked quietly.

Heero looked slightly amused and looked to Relena. "Go on, kaitou, tell them."

Relena took a deep breath and clutched the new script copy in her hands, wrinkling the paper. "In the episode we have to record today... Odin Lowe dies."

"NANI!?" What?! Heero's character dies! How? Why? How could they do that? "What? Why?" I just couldn't believe it. How could they do such a thing?

"You can't can Heero!" Quatre protested. "He's... he's one of the most popular ones on the show! You know how much people will protest!"

Relena nodded in defeat, her eyes still watering slightly. "I know I know. But there's nothing I can do. We all signed the contract to make the show and I just found out and this is how it happens..."

I snorted. "Talk about killing your audience. The fans are going to murder us. You realize that by killing Odin you're going to send this entire show down the toilet?"

Relena leaned back against the wall and her bangs covered her eyes. I almost felt sorry for her but my anger was too strong. How could they kill of Heero's character? How could she allow this? And why now?

The thought of not working with Heero after what I realized at the concert last night was just horrid. It wouldn't be any fun! And even if I never told him about my feelings it would have been fine if I worked with him almost every day. But now he was going to be kicked off the show just for the sake of a plot point that was going to send us all down the toilet. I could just imagine the reactions on the webpages, how the different fanfiction authors would react. The anger and just how upset they would be... and Hilde? Oh man! She'd murder me for not telling her!

I looked between the two, noting the obvious anger in Heero's eyes and the shame that Relena hid behind. Trowa walked up behind us and over to Quatre.

"You heard?" Quatre asked quietly and he nodded, hugging her.

The absurdity of the situation hit me and I almost forced out a laugh. It was an animated show, for Shinigami's sake! But no, it was more then that. It's hard to explain but when you become the voice for a character in a show you start to really like that character, as if it were another part of you. I loved being Solo, even if I only was his voice. I loved joking with Odin and Miki and Triton and Li even if they didn't exist in real life. The show was like a separate world where it was still a part of me.

To hear that that world was going to go up in flames because some author had decided to kill the most popular character was a huge shock. I was angry, no check that, I was pissed! I wasn't just the voice actor of Solo Reaper I was stuck in the show. And they were killing off Odin. And I wasn't going to be working with Heero anymore and...

I glanced up into Heero's eyes and saw his anger melting away. When he spoke his voice was soft, but determined. The voice of someone who'd accepted his fate, someone who'd accepted that there was no point in fighting.

"We had better get this over with."

I wanted to punch him! I wanted to do something, anything to get that anger back. How could he just accept it? How could he just let this happen? My eyes narrowed as he turned and headed toward the recording room and I stepped after him, but Trowa's hand settled on my shoulder and lightly held me back. I glanced at him and he shook his head.

"It's just a show, and we're just the voices. Things like this happen."

I clenched my fists. "But..."

"What are you going to do? Order them to redraw the entire series? We signed a contract Duo. The show always ends, no matter how much we want it to continue it never does."

I sighed and forced my anger down. He was right. I had to accept that it was just a show and nothing more. I looked down the hall after the disappearing form of Heero. Maybe... maybe it would be a good thing for the show to end. I had no idea how I was going to deal with my new found 'crush'. Maybe... Maybe Heero leaving would be a good thing. And as much as I hated to admit it that made sense.

God life sucks sometimes!



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