Revolutinary Duo-kun Part 4

Trowa stood silently on the dueling platform, watching the entrance with soft eyes. Any second Quatre would walk up those stairs and this duel would begin. Trowa glanced away as Heero stepped out from behind one of the gundams in his princely outfit. Now there was someone who could fight, someone who so resembled him it was frightening at time. Trowa knew that there were many things he had in common with Heero and he wondered at times who of the two was the most lost. Who was at the edge and soon would not be able to return. Who would benefit OZ the most?

He had a good idea what kind of plan OZ had in store, when one stopped to think about it it wasn't too hard to figure out. The gundams, the soul swords, the star prince, the letters... the duels. They all fit together in a carefully thought through plan, all leading to the ending OZ wanted. Wufei had been one of the first to realize that he and the other student council members were just puppets in a long stretch of duels to... create something for OZ. That's why Wufei had left the school and the student council. But now he had returned, why? Trowa didn't know. But Wufei had shared what he'd figured out with Trowa before leaving, how this entire plan could potentially destroy everything they all held dear. Still Trowa remained in the duels.

For a long while he didn't know why. Then he realized he'd known why the entire time and just hadn't been willing to admit it to himself. He hadn't been willing to accept that for once in his life his 'mission' was being sidetracked by a set of young gleaming blue eyes. Or that his rational mind was being distracted by short blond hair with only the slightest hint of a curl. Or even that his every thought and action revolved around the thought of a younger boy with a childish laugh and a beautiful smile. He realized that he would throw everything away to keep that one from even coming close to resembling Heero. No, he would make sure Quatre would never have that dead look in his eyes. He would keep Quatre protected, even if that meant beating him in the arena and seeing hatred in those beautiful eyes. As long as Quatre still smiled and laughed, even if it wasn't around Trowa, that thought was enough. It was worth protecting, no matter what the cost.

Trowa turned back to the gateway as he heard Quatre step onto the platform. Gone was the silver wig OZ had instructed him to wear. All the better, it had never suited the young boy. Trowa's face was blank as the boy walked with watering eyes to Heero. He looked like he was using all his strength to keep from running, to go through with this. Trowa suddenly wanted to run to the boy, to hold him and comfort him and apologize. But he couldn't. This duel had to happen, and Trowa had to win. In winning he would save Quatre, sadly saving Quatre would make up for the price of his tears.

Heero reached forward and placed the rose in Trowa's pocket then Quatre's. Quatre swallowed as he pulled the sword from Heero's chest. Trowa brought his own blade up so the moon glinted across the shining metal. Bells rang out. Quatre grasped the hilt of his blade and his hands shook.

"I don't want to fight you," he called out.

Trowa's grip tightened slightly. He had already made up his mind; he had to do this. He had to. He moved forward, striking with all his speed, Quatre gave a small cry and stumbled backward, the Star Sword flying out of his grasp as he moved out of the way. Trowa backed away and stood still for a moment.

What was going on? He knew how good Quatre was at dueling, why was he like this all of a sudden? Why wasn't Quatre trying? Something had completely taken his ability to think. Trowa realized the boy really didn't want to fight. But why? No matter. This would only make it easier for him. Trowa had to save Quatre from OZ's plans, and that meant winning. He could worry about the boy's condition later. Right now the duel had started and it needed to be finished. Trowa watched Quatre slowly get to his feet and glance worriedly at the Star Sword which lay far from his reach. Now was the time. Trowa raced forward.

"Trowa!" Quatre's eyes widened as Trowa came closer, the blade glinting. Then suddenly...

"AI SHITERU!!" (I love you)

Trowa faltered and dropped his sword, his run stumblingly into a stop. The sound of his sword hitting the ground rang loudly across the arena as Quatre's words echoed. Trowa watched as the other boy collapsed to his knees sobbing, pure pain showing across his face. Trowa closed his eyes as guilt rested in his chest. He'd caused this; he'd caused those tears. And yet... What Quatre had said...? It was all he could have ever wished for. He should have been happy, but why now of all times? Trowa reached up and touched the orange rose which was attached to his chest. For the slightest moment he fingered the soft petals, then he grasped the rose and crushed it, pulling it from his own chest. Opening his hand he dropped it into Quatre's lap, the petals raining down as if they were tears. And in a way they were, the tears Trowa couldn't cry. Bells rang out again as Quatre looked up and met Trowa's eyes with confusion. Trowa turned away and left the arena as fast as he could without looking like he was running away. Quatre was left watching him disappear into the distance.


Duo stepped into the classroom, and searched the area with his eyes for a moment. Then he headed toward the back where Quatre sat silently, Heero standing off in a corner staring out the window lost in his own thoughts. As Duo came closer he saw that Quatre was holding a large orange rose petal, rubbing it between his fingers absentmindedly. He smiled as Quatre looked up.

"D-Duo..." Quatre looked tired, it wasn't hard to tell he hadn't gotten enough sleep the night before. Duo wondered for a moment what could have changed the normally cheerful boy's disposition. Duo dropped into the seat next to Quatre and was greeted with a look of surprise.

"You... you don't hate me?"

Duo laughed softly. "Hate you? Quatre, why would I? It's going to take a lot more then a silly duel to ruin our friendship."


Duo sighed and leaned back in the chair, looking up at the ceiling. Part of his mind registered that Heero was now watching them, a guarded look of wonder on the silent boy's face. "Quatre, I figured we all have our reasons. I'm not going to ask yours, I don't expect you to understand mine. But I need to see this through; it's the only clue I have to what happened to Father Maxwell and Sister Helen. I just and you to know that our friendship reaches beyond the duels, its separate. And even if you beat me a million times, I still want to be able to talk with you as before." He turned to Quatre. "Understand?"

Quatre nodded, still looking surprised.

"So... friends? Whether we win or not?"

Quatre nodded. "Friends," he agreed.

Duo stood up. "Good. Then I'll see you in the dueling arena."


Duo smiled. "Nothing personal Quatre but I need to see this through. I want to duel with you again, this time no surprises. And I don't want you to hold back, be yourself and we'll see who is better."

Quatre smiled slightly. "Agreed."

Duo glanced toward Heero who only glared back. "See you soon Heero-kun."

"Hn." Heero grunted, his eyes narrowing. Duo grinned, satisfied that Heero was still the same. Then he waved and turned, leaving the class as the other students filtered in.


Heero watched silently as the two duelists entered the arena by way of the gundams. Both entered with a smile on their faces and a cheerful gleam in their eyes. This wasn't a game! Heero wanted to take up a sword himself and fight against each of them, proving to them that this wasn't some game children could play. The duels were serious! Trowa knew that. Wufei knew that. Zechs knew that. Every Relena had known that, though in the end she'd chosen not to care. The duels weren't a game for children to laugh at. OZ was serious in all things.

Yet he could do nothing. He was meerly the Star Prince, the one who watched the duels until the time was right. Until the power to awaken the gundams appeared. He had to admit that what had happened to Duo in the last two duels could be that very power, but it didn't seem right that someone like Duo should have the power to unlock the gundams. He decided to wait a little longer and see how things came out. After all, in truth he could do nothing until he received orders from OZ. He'd have to be patient and watch, see who won the duels and wait for the right time. Though he silently found himself wishing Duo would win again. Against all his better judgement he found he missed the cheerful American boy. But he couldn't understand why! Heero pushed away the feelings, this was ridiculous. Enough thoughts, time for the duel to begin.

Soon the roses were in place and Quatre had removed the sword. Heero found himself watching the duel with complete silence and for once he watched intently as the two boys fought. Duo had only a wooden bokken, which he had most likely borrowed from the school. He still didn't know how to use the weapon, but he faked it pretty well. Heero stood completely still yet his eyes followed every second of the duel, watching Duo with all his attention.

Then the duel was over, Quatre's blue rose falling apart and the petals scattering across the dueling floor. Heero hadn't even seen what had happened, he'd been concentrating on Duo so much he'd missed the entire duel. That wasn't like him at all. What in the world was happening? The sword dissolved from Quatre's hand and the two smiled at each other.

"Still friends?" Duo asked.

"Hai!" Quatre grinned.

Duo turned to Heero, who found he had to force himself to give his normal glare. And even then the glare only made Duo smile more. "I'll see you back at the room Heero-kun. Nice to have you back." Duo slapped Heero on the back, then turned to leave.

Heero just stood there, confused. What was going on? Why in the world was this happening now? And why Duo?


Heero entered Duo's room to find him leaning against a wall, his usual smile gone. Strange. Heero's face was blank as usual, he found himself stopping in the doorway though meeting Duo's almost cold gaze with a colder one. Behind him the door swung shut shattering the silence but neither moved. Heero glared as Duo walked up to him, yet he had to struggle to not look surprised as the usually happy boy pushed him into the wall. Heero acted on instinct and grabbed Duo's shoulders, turning he slammed Duo into the wall. He pulled a knife from what seemed like thin air and slammed it into the wall next to Duo's ear. Duo's face remained blank and cold as Heero glared at him.

"Leave the duels. If you don't I will kill you."

Duo frowned. "No."

Heero glared even more and opened his mouth to spit out another threat, when suddenly he found Duo's lips pressed against his. Heero's eyes went wide as the American slid his hands around Heero's waist and held him tightly, kissing him. Heero froze, completely shocked. He could only stand there in shock as Duo finally pulled back and smiled at him. Smiling at his surprised expression.

"So, it is possible for the 'Star Prince' to show some emotion. And here I thought you were a lost cause." Duo shrugged and ducked around Heero. Heero heard him change into his nightclothes and slip into bed. Only then did Heero trust his ability to stay standing if he tried to move. He turned and looked at Duo. The American lay between the covers of his bed, his eyes closed and a small smile on his face, he seemed to have already drifted off to sleep. Heero just stared at him, in wonder.

What in the world had possessed him to do something like that? Heero shook his head, shaking off the feelings of wonder and confusion. There wasn't time to worry about this now. He had to meet with OZ... he had an appointment to keep. Heero headed for the door to the room, pausing only for a second to glance back.

Duo lay there silently. Heero could still taste the kiss on his lips. Why? It didn't make sense. The thought of going over and planting another kiss on Duo's lips to see how he would react entered Heero's mind but he quickly pushed it away. This was absurd. Duo had to leave the duels now, before this got any worse. Before...


Before Heero started to care who really won.



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