Revolutinary Duo-kun Part 2

-knock, knock-

Duo groaned and rolled out of bed, his braid flopping and hitting him in the face. He pushed it away and moved toward the door in a half-asleep walk. "Quatre, I know I missed studying but now is not the time-" Duo opened the door and his words broke off. He blinked and shook his head to make sure he was actually seeing who was in front of him. He was.


The silent boy watched Duo for a moment then his eyes moved to the room, he had been right about Duo having a single. Heero moved quickly and knocked Duo into the room, pushing him up against the wall, his hands at Duo's throat, held tight.

"Those who care nothing for the gundams have no place in the duels!" He said in a low threatening voice, Duo attempted to get out of the strangle hold but couldn't. "Stop dueling, or I will kill you."

Duo's eyes went wide at the threat. "Let... me... go!" He choked out in panic. Heero's hands let go and Duo fell to the floor. He rubbed his neck as Heero took a step back and cursed.


Duo glanced up at him. "Why did you let me go?"

Heero clenched his fists and glared. "I belong to you now, I have to listen to your orders."

Duo grinned slightly and stood up. "You... belong to me? You mean I can tell you to do anything and you'll just do it?"

Heero nodded slowly.

"My own personal body guard." Duo snickered at the thought. "Une-sensai would never dare make a comment about my hair again and Quatre wouldn't bug me so much about my homework..." He paced around slowly listing all the things he could do with a personal bodyguard, seeming quite happy about it.

"Baka," Heero muttered. Duo paused and looked back at him in question.

"Spoil sport."

"Hn." Heero grunted. "Those who don't care about the gundams don't belong in the duels."

"The gundams? What are the gundams?" Duo dropped down on to his bed and watched Heero intently, waiting for an answer. Heero frowned, it was going to be a long night answering this one's questions.

"They are the figures that surround the arena."

"What are they used for? Why are they there?"

A very very long night. "Mysteries. No one knows."

"Then why bother dueling for them?"


"What was with that sword that came out of your chest?"

"The Star Sword."

"What does the badge mean?"

"You are a duelist."

"What does the student council have to do with this?"

"They are duelists."

"Who is this Star Prince?"


"Can you give me some details in these answers? You know more then a few words?"

"Hn." Heero only grunted in response to Duo's smart-ass remark.

Duo looked confused and Heero had a strange urge to laugh, he didn't though. "Whoa, whoa, slow down." Duo paused and chewed on the end of his braid in thought. "You mean that all the student council members, the ones who wear this badge, fight to get you?"

Heero nodded, surprised. This seemingly airhead boy was smarter then he let on.

"Why are you so damn important?"

Heero frowned. "I am known as the Star Prince."

"Like that tells me anything." Duo sighed and lay back on the bed, staring at the ceiling, as he seemed to ponder things. Meanwhile Heero turned and walked over to the window, staring out at the starry night. He heard Duo suddenly sit up behind him.

"You mean to tell me that the others will fight me to get a hold of you?!"

Heero nodded without looking back. The boy was finally starting to get the whole picture.

"K'so! And I don't even know how to use a sword!"

"So then lose. If you don't want the gundams you shouldn't be fighting anyway."

Heero heard the boy stand up and walk up beside him. Duo's grinning reflection appeared in the window next to Heero's ear. "You keep saying that, like you want me to give up."


"I don't think you're nearly as icy as you pretend to be and you could have at least thanked me for saving you from Relena-senpai. I can't see how you could stand to be treated like that by her."

Heero shrugged slightly. "I am the Star Prince." He said in a flat voice, as if it explained everything. It was supposed to. Oddly enough though it didn't anymore. He found himself wondering if there was a better explanation, yet he couldn't think of one.

Duo slapped him on the back. "Well I don't believe you, I think you hated it with Relena. Besides, I like the idea of having a personal body guard."

Heero allowed himself a very small smile that Duo didn't notice. 'You don't deserve to fight in the duels' he thought 'I'll make you wish you never had.'

"Saaa Heero, where are you staying?"

Heero's smile dropped and he frowned again. "Here. I must stay with you in accordance to the rules."

Duo grinned happily. "Well then you can have the top bunk. I'm going to sleep!" Duo dropped down on to his bed and rolled over so his back was facing Heero. Heero turned around and watched him for a moment as the boy fell asleep. With a grunt of acknowledgement he climbed the latter and lay down on the top bunk. Placing his hands under his head he just stared up at the ceiling.

It was very strange, he reflected. After an entire life of people fighting to have control of the powers he possessed here was one who didn't care. Here was one who didn't care at all. The boy was especially smart on his feet, defiantly more then he let on with that airhead grin. After all he had been able to beat Relena without a sword. The fact that the Star Sword didn't dissolve from his hand as soon as he touched it must have meant something. Normally only the current champion duelist could touch the sword. Heero allowed himself a quiet sigh and closed his eyes. He had a feeling it was going to be a long time before any of the other duelists beat this one, especially if he wised up and asked Heero to teach him how to use a sword. Heero had a feeling he wasn't going to like this.

Then again, it would be intriguing to see how things turned out.


"Matte! Catherine-chan!"

Catherine and Hilde turned to see Quatre racing up to them, they paused for him to catch up. "Ohiyo Quatre-kun, something wrong?"

Quatre shook his head. "Have you seen Duo? He left his room before I could catch him this morning and I can't find him."

Hilde smiled. "I saw him a few minutes ago walking into the building with Heero in tow."

"Heero?" Quatre's eyes widened in surprise, what was Heero doing with Duo? For that matter what was Duo doing with Heero?

Catherine nodded in agreement. "It was real strange though, seeing those two together. Heero was holding both of their schoolbags and looked ready to kill Duo. Meanwhile Duo just walked along like there was nothing new."

"Where did they go?"

Catherine and Hilde both pointed toward the school building, in the direction of the garden area. Quatre thanked them and headed toward to garden, hoping to catch Duo. Yet as he entered the garden he found it empty. A cool breeze had started and the smell of roses was everywhere, thick and potent. Quatre stepped out into the garden and looked around to make sure Duo wasn't there. He didn't see Duo, yet he did see someone else. Quatre drew in a short breath and stood completely still.

Trowa sat across the garden on one of the many ornate benches. He was leaning back, his legs crossed and a small hint of contentment on his normally silent face. He had his head turned up so the sun shined down on his face, glinting off his light brown hair. Quatre saw he had a hand to his chest, clutching a pendant he wore. He looked so beautiful just sitting there in the sun, letting it shine down on him in his dark orange colored student council uniform.

Quatre didn't dare move, for risk he might disturb the resting beauty. He completely forgot about trying to catch Duo and convince him to do his homework. All he could think about was Trowa sitting on the bench and whether or not it would be worth the risk to walk over and try to talk to him. He finally decided and took a step forward but paused once more as Trowa moved. Quatre watched sadly as the student council member stood up, tucked the pendant back under his uniform and walked out of the garden. Quatre reached after him, even though they were very far apart, but his arm fell to his side and he just watched as Trowa walked out of sight.

With a sigh he walked over to the bench and sat down in it, wallowing in his own misery. Why couldn't he just walk up to Trowa and talk to him? Why couldn't he just walk up to him? Quatre closed his eyes and placed his hand on the place where Trowa had been sitting only moments ago. He smiled, imaging that Trowa was still there. In his mind the student council member leaned down and whispered into his ear. Quatre turned and looked up at him, his eyes widening in surprise as Trowa planted a small kiss on his lips. Quatre's eyes snapped open as his cheeks grew red. He looked down at the ground quickly to hide his blush from passerby.

It was only a silly wish. Trowa didn't love him, wouldn't love him. The only one Trowa loved was the person inside his locket. Quatre had seen the locket clasped in Trowa's hands many times, but he'd never seen it opened. He always wondered who's picture was inside. Sometimes he'd spend an entire night just lying in bed wondering, but he could never figure it out. It might be Catherine, who seemed to like Trowa a lot. Or it could be any of the other girls on campus, or even Relena for that matter. Quatre frowned at that thought. No, Relena was not in the locket; he knew that for sure. But then who was? He wished he knew.

Quatre sighed and stood up, pushing the thoughts away. It wouldn't do him any good to be depressed about it. After all if he couldn't get up the courage to walk over and tell Trowa how he felt Trowa was perfectly open to finding someone else. 'Who knows', he reflected, 'maybe I will get the nerves one day. But until that day I'll just have to wait patiently and build up my courage.' Quatre smiled softly and turned, heading toward his classes.

'Just wait Trowa, one day I'll tell you the truth.'


Heero sat down in his new seat without a word, watching Duo with silent hatred. Was it hatred? It sure seemed like it. Duo had flat out stated last night that he didn't care about the gundams, yet he still intended to fight, why? The explanation had been painted across his face, to annoy Heero. That wasn't a motive for fighting, so he figured that Duo wouldn't last long in the duels. Especially when the others came to challenge him. It was only a matter of time before someone else won. Heero frowned at that thought, surprised to find himself wishing it wasn't Relena. A year with her as the champion duelist was quite enough! Relena certainly could hold her own in a duel but she didn't care about the gundams either. Which meant that she deserved to win as much as Duo did, they shouldn't have won. They shouldn't have...

He frowned deeply and glanced over at Duo. The long haired youth sat on top of his desk, his feet on his chair, talking with a small crowd of girls that had decided to surround him on all sides, save the one that would have separated him from Heero. 'How considerate of them' Heero seethed. He hated that one, a lot. It wasn't just the fact that he'd won a duel and was unworthy but many other things as well. Duo wasn't the type of person who belonged in the duels. He was too happy, he lived to be around people, he had everything set out in front of him for the taking. And he had the determination to take what he wanted. He didn't belong in the duels save for that very last trait. Heero had a feeling that it was that very last trait that would keep him from losing.


Heero schooled his expression to blankness and watched out of his peripheral vision as Relena entered the room. Duo looked up and met her murderous glare. She held a white rose. He watched Duo's eyebrow go up as Relena took the rose and tossed it into his lap.

"Meet me in the arena tonight after classes. If you don't show up you forfeit the duels and the Star Prince." Her voice was thin and icy, full of hatred. At least Heero could say one thing about her, she was persistent, she would never give up. Which wasn't such a good thing, he reflected.

Relena had said what she'd wanted to, so she spun around and walked out of the classroom, never losing a beat. Duo was left staring down at the long steamed rose in his lap, the girls around him silent with wonder, or fear. After all none of them knew about the duels. They had no idea what was going on, which was as it should be. Still Relena was being careless challenging Duo in public. No doubt Zechs would give her a lecture on that one as well. Heero turned away from watching Duo and looked up as Noin-sensai entered the room. Silently he wondered what it would be like, how could Duo possibly hope to win when OZ wasn't even sending him any letters?


Duo walked up to the large kneeling gundam. "Why me?" he asked quietly. Pulling the badge out of his pocket he placed it in the slot and watched the gundam come to life. As the hand lifted him up he frowned. Relena wanted to fight again and he still didn't know how to use a sword. He doubted the same tricks would work again so... Duo's frown slid into a grin. He would just have to improvise, which he was good at anyway. When it came to improvising, Duo Maxwell was the best. 'Besides' he thought 'all I have to do is protect me rose, that shouldn't be too hard.'

Duo stepped out on to the platform to find Relena already there in her student council uniform holding a katana. Heero stood off to one side wearing his outfit, how the heck had he gotten there so fast? Duo had just left him a few minutes ago... he shrugged. He'd ask Heero later. Duo walked over to Heero.

Heero moved silently between the two, placing a green rose on Relena's chest and the white one Relena had used to signal the duel to Duo's chest. Heero then stopped in front of Duo.


"The sword." Heero hissed. "Just do as you saw Relena do in the last duel."

Duo shrugged and placed his hand on Heero's chest. Heero placed his hands over Duo's and they began to glow. The skin under Duo's hand became warm and he had the urge to pull his hand away but resisted it. He had no idea how this worked and he needed a sword this time if he was going to beat Relena. Suddenly the sword handle appeared and moved out of Heero's flesh, phasing into view. Duo grasped the hilt and pulled it free, he glanced at Heero to find the boy's face was dead again, as if he were a statue. Duo shivered silently at the thought then turned to Relena. She pulled the sheath off her sword and the bells rang in the distance, the duel had begun.

Duo held the sword tightly in both hands, not sure what to do. It felt light, almost comforting, as if it were actually alive in his hands. Unlike the last time he'd touched it where it had been as cold as a normal blade. This time there was life in the sword, and Duo had a feeling it was Heero's. Strange, so this was what Heero had meant when he'd said 'his powers'. Was the sword actually a part of Heero that was used in the battles? Duo's thoughts were cut off as Relena charged at him with a yell. Duo let instinct move him and he jumped to the side, landing clear of the blade without losing his balance. He swung the sword blade at Relena's chest as she flew by, but he missed by a long shot. Relena laughed as she spun around to face him.

"You have no idea how to use that sword, admit it! The duel is mine!"

Duo only returned his grin. "It can't be that hard. All I have to do is dodge and swing at you until I hit your rose." He started to get an idea. She definitely had a temper; maybe he could use that against her. It was worth a shot.

Relena dove forward, moving with grace and quickness toward him, aiming for the rose. Duo brought the blade up and there was a loud clang as the two blades connected. The shock of the impact rocketed through his arm and he winced and backed away. She was strong! He backed away quickly as she moved toward him again. Duo painted the grin back on his face, keeping it there even though it was false. He wouldn't lose; he wouldn't let her win! He grinned more and she glared.

"Give up!"

"Why? I've made it this far."

Relena gave a yell and charged again. Duo brought up the sword and swung at her, their swords connecting once more, but not as hard this time, he was getting better. For a moment they just glared at each other as their blades scraped together. Then Duo saw a glint of light and he threw himself backward swinging blindly as a second blade appeared out of nowhere and aimed for his rose. He fell back onto the ground just in time for the blade to miss. He landed hard, his face covered with shock and surprise. It took a half-second for him to realize she'd had another blade hidden under her jacket. If the retreating sun hadn't of glinted off the blade he would have lost. Duo glared at her.

He didn't know if that was cheating, but it sure seemed like it to him. The bells hadn't rung so the duel was still going. Duo pushed himself to his feet and clutched the sword tightly. He glared at Relena, his good humor completely gone. As he glared at Relena and clutched the sword he felt it flare to life with power. Time seemed to slow around him and he felt a very light weight settle on his shoulders and back. The glare slid off his face replaced by nothing, just pure blankness. His grip on the sword loosened and his mind only halfway registered Relena was charging toward him again. His body didn't move.

Suddenly, at the last second, he brought the blade up with surprising strength, his arms seeming to have a mind of their own, as if they already knew how to use the blade. The sword moved upward, connecting with Relena's and sending it flying. At the same time it move so fast she never saw it heading toward her chest. She tried to block it with the smaller dagger but was too late, the rose was sliced from her chest and the bells rang out loudly.

At the sound of the bells Duo lost his footing and dropped the sword. His head hurt, his world seemed to be spinning. He caught himself as he lost his balance and stumbled to the ground, just kneeling there for a few moments catching his breath. What had just happened? What in the world had just happened to him?

Beside him the Star Sword dissolved and he heard Heero move. After a few more seconds of catching his breath he looked up to find Relena standing there silently with her back to him. Her shoulders were shaking, as if she were silently crying. Duo stood up but didn't move toward her. If he tried to speak with her it would only enrage her more, and she had lost. Duo figured he should leave as soon as possible. Glancing toward where Heero had been he found the boy gone. Duo shrugged and headed for the platform, smiling to himself.

Somehow he'd won, he didn't know how, but he'd won. It felt good; still he wondered what that strange feeling had been from the sword. He walked faster, hoping to make it back to the room before Heero, then he had some questions for that silent boy. Questions that needed answers.


He watched silently as the second blade came out of nowhere, slicing for Duo's rose. Trust Relena to try something like that, cunning yet stupid at the same time. Seite frowned as he watched Duo fall backward in his attempt to get out of the way. Then something amazing happened and all he could do was stare. He watched as Duo got to his feet and the sword began to glow. Seite said nothing as Zechs and Trowa came up beside him to watch. All three watched as the sword's glow intensified and Duo straightened himself. A black cloak seemed to appear out of nowhere flying swirling around his shoulders. He took a step and charged at Relena, the black cloak flaring. Then the duel was over and the cloak disappeared, Duo stumbling to the ground.

Seite clenched his fists, this wasn't right. That wasn't supposed to happen!

"Did you see that?" Trowa asked in a flat voice, truly asking if all had seen it. He didn't seem at all surprised.

"Yes," Zechs said, a smile crawling across his face. "Very interesting. Even Relena never showed that much power." Zechs turned and looked at Seite who had locked his eyes securely on the dueling platform, even though Duo and Heero had already left. "You know what this means."

"I know perfectly well what this means." Seite said softly. Trowa raised an eyebrow in question. Seite gave no response; he only turned and headed for the exit.

"The next duel is mine."



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