And finally this fic is finished

*Snow drops into her chair exhausted* I didn't realize it passed 100 pages... Oi!

Hehehe, hope you guys like the ending!!

Fire Mated Epilogue

Dear Uncle,

I hope you made it home safely. You surprised all of us having to leave so abruptly. So how is that empty and uneventful house of yours? I can't see how you can stand to live there, especially after all you saw here. Are you back to paging through your books now? What myth are you going to track down this time? Perhaps Pandora's box? I can't help but chuckle at the thought of trying to hunt down another myth... after all that has happened it just seems too... I don't know...


I promised I would write when I found out everything, so here you are. You were right, everything went completely over without a hitch and now it seems all the problems are solved.

The money you gave me has been put into an account and should take care of Heero's situation until he finds himself a job. He insists he'll pay you back for it and I think he honestly means it, besides he still has the ability to carve and build things like you wouldn't believe. I have no doubt he'll be able to pay you back for the money you leant him and Duo, given a little time.

And you were also right in the case of Hilde. Her parents are nowhere to be found, least not as far as I can track down. I talked with Lucrezia and she said that Hilde was an orphan who'd signed up for classes and stayed at her house just recently. The local police force thinks Hilde ran away... and I don't think I'm going to correct them any time soon.

As for the part of the story we never heard? Well it seems that Hilde and Duo were the unfortunate victims of an arranged marriage between wealthy parents. Hilde had fallen for Duo but Duo wasn't happy. So who does Duo fall in love with? Heero, the hired carpenter and all around helper at the house. It sounds so much like the dime novel 'forbidden romance' it's hard to believe. They actually fell in love with each other and Hilde found out. She was so angry that she decided to burn down Heero's cabin with Heero in it. What she didn't know was that Duo was in the cabin at the same time and she ended up killing both of them by locking them in and burning it to the ground.

You should see them together Uncle; I've never seen a happier couple. And now that they can be together again without any major complication... I swear that smile hasn't left his face! And I don't think it ever will.

But then... you'll have to test that theory yourself.

I'm not writing any more in this letter, Uncle.

So if you want to know more you had better pack your bags and come back. Visit us again! We'd all love to see you now that things have returned back to normal. And you know you want to. Besides... you can't stay hidden in that house, behind your bookshelves forever.

So get on that plane!


Quatre set down his pen with a grin and stood up. He picked up the letter and ruffled through his things for an envelope, when another hand snatched it away from him.


Duo chuckled and ran over to the bed, dropping down to sit on it as his eyes scanned the paper.

"Duo," Heero said in a mock scolding voice.

"What? I just want to know what he said about us! I mean, gotta be careful. If we let things get out people'll start pounding at the door, asking about how they can find their soul mates." He snickered and then handed the paper back to Quatre.

"Did it pass your inspection?" Quatre asked with a laugh as he folded the paper and placed it in the envelope.

"Yep! Now come on! Or we're going to be late meeting up with Mari and Trowa!"

Quatre shook his head and just sighed. Duo was certainly back to his old self.

Quatre grabbed his coat then both boys helped Heero back onto his crutches, despite the large amount of grumbling from the Japanese boy. His legs were still badly burnt though and the doctor had insisted on him using crutches to lighten the stress on them. Both knew the grumbling was only half-hearted. In truth Heero was overjoyed to have his own body that didn't just exist in Duo's mind, and if he had to walk with crutches for a while well... it was certainly a very small price to pay.

A taxi was waiting for them outside the door, ready to take them to the hospital where Trowa and his cousin were waiting. Duo and Quatre helped Heero into the front seat then they both sat in the back.

As they drove Quatre leaned back in the seat and sighed softly. He could still feel the stitches across his forehead; he was scheduled to get them out in a week, thankfully. But his stitches weren't the main thought in his mind... instead he sat there quietly and watched with amusement as Duo chatted lively with Heero. He couldn't help but be amazed at those two.

They figured that during the fire, Hilde's kiss had somehow taken Heero from Duo's body and placed it in her own. No one, honestly had any idea if that was actually how it worked, but they all did know that Heero now had his own body and Hilde had disappeared that day. So somehow there had been a switch, and Quatre couldn't help but wonder if in those last moments Hilde had noticed the truth and let Heero into her body.

But whatever the case it was finally possible for the two lovers to be together and now no one would pull them apart. The two souls had survived and found each other. And Quatre knew that if they had any say in it, they would be together until the end of time.

They arrived at the hospital and it was a relatively easy trip to Trowa's room, where they found everyone waiting.

Trowa lay in his hospital bed; covered with more bandages then an Egyptian mummy, but the doctors said they would be removed soon enough. He'd been burned pretty badly in his own house and it would take years for his body to completely heal, but other then that he was doing fine. Not to mention that they'd just recently learned that his time in the hospital had been made quite enjoyable, thanks to a certain nurse whom now stood before them.

Trowa smiled lightly and shifted in his bed, getting as close to sitting up as he could. Beside him, sitting in the chair was Mariemeia. And standing off to the other side, in the light pink outfit of an assistant nurse was a beautiful young woman.

"So Trowa, who's your girlfriend?" Duo asked with a bright grin.

The girl's face immediately flushed red and she glanced down at the floor, her long blond curls slipping forward to cover her face. Quatre couldn't help but notice that most of her blond locks were pulled back into a loose braid that traveled part way down her back. Was it just his imagination or did she resemble Duo?

"Guys, this is Middi Lawrence." Trowa said with a smile.

Quatre smiled and shook her hand; Duo grinned and winked while Heero gave a polite nod of greeting.

"And yes, Duo, she is."

Duo blinked for a moment, processing what Trowa had said, then it hit him and he grinned brightly. "Now isn't that cheating? I mean it's her duty to take care of you and all..."

"And I enjoy every minute of it," Midii said with a smile.

Trowa smiled and Duo chuckled.

Duo's face turned more serious for a moment and he stepped toward his adopted brother, clasping the boy's bandaged hand lightly in his own. "No, but honestly, I'm glad you found some one."

Trowa returned his brother's understanding smile and nodded. "I'm glad for you too Duo."


Mariemeia stood up from her place next to Trowa and crossed over to where Heero was standing and smiled at him. Leaning forward she placed a light kiss on his cheek.

Heero blinked and stared at her in confusion.

"Thanks," she said softly.

"Thanks? For what?"

"For pushing me out of the way before, into the swimming pool."

Heero nodded and a small smile crossed his lips. "You're welcome."

No one had explained to Trowa or Mariemeia exactly who Heero was or what had happened to Hilde but no one really needed to, at least not yet. At the moment it seemed that both of them understood it was a very long story. Perhaps sometime soon in the future it would be explained to both of them, but at the moment it wasn't of the utmost importance. What was, was that Duo was finally happy, and so it seems was every one else.

But there was one last thing that remained to be done. At least in Mariemeia's mind.

Stepping up to Quatre, and without giving him much warning, she quickly kissed him. But this wasn't nearly as chaste as the one she'd given Heero's cheek, instead this was a full-fledged lips to lips kiss. And the others in the room could only stare and laugh as Quatre's eyes widened and his face reddened from the surprise.

Mariemeia pulled away a moment later with a smirk.

"So, are you still going to play hard to get, Mr. Winner?"

Quatre coughed lightly and adjusted the collar of his shirt in a nervous gesture, though a smirk grew across his face. "What fun would it be if I didn't make it a challenge for you?"

"Friday night?"

Quatre laughed and shook his head. "Yes. Friday night."

"Whoa, Mari finally got a date with a decent guy," Duo remarked with a chuckle.


"You had better watch out, Quatre, she's quite a handful."

Quatre chuckled. "Mari's a handful? What about you Duo?"

Heero smirked at that. "I can handle him."

Smiling happily Duo wrapped his arms around Heero and grinned.

Yes, Uncle, Quatre thought. It did all work out. And I think this lifetime they will get to be happy.



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