Shinigami - The God of Death Part 9

So here I am, sitting in Heero's car as he cruises down the street. He's driving like a mad man; hands clutching tightly at the wheel, turning sharply a moment before it's too late. I can only guess what's going through his head, but I know one thing for sure. Heero Yuy is pissed that I destroyed his laptop, and when I 'fess up to it, as soon as I'm back in my body, he's probably going to give me the meanest right hook...

I am not looking forward to that.

However in order for him to punch me I have to have my body back, so I am looking forward to that. Hey, good is good, even if it does come with a little bad. Right about now I'd be happy to jump into a fire pit if it meant I got my body back. I just want my body back now, I'm pretty much beyond caring if Heero really loves me or if I'm just another member of the puppy-love-perfect-soldier-fanclub. See, the way I figure I can always find out if he loves me when I get my body back.

It's sad but it's the truth. Unfortunately getting my body back has taken precedent to finding out if Heero loves me. I hate priorities.

So I'm sitting in the car and he's driving... somewhere. We obviously aren't heading home, since we're going in the opposite direction, so I have no idea where we're going. Least... no wait this looks familiar.

Turning to look out the window I vaguely start to recognize the landscape a little more. A particular curve in the road, that broken street lamp that really pissed me off that night since it left a large amount of the road dark. Huge trees lining the road and the ditch... and right up ahead is that one same tree, still sitting there with the crumpled up piece of metal that used to be my car! I stare in shock as Heero pulls his car to a stop and just glances through me out the window.

Two things cross my mind.

1. They really don't clean up highway garbage that fast do they? I mean it's almost been a whole week!

2. Holy shit it's my car!

So how the heck was Solo able to ride my car back to the guys' house the night of the crash and with the guys to work every morning there after? Did he have some strange ungodly power to create things out of thin air? That didn't make sense but it had to be the only explanation. Dang, what a power to have! Is that the weird kind of power death has when mixed with life? Or just some fluke?

Something else suddenly strikes me, in his version of my car I'd been able to see my reflection when in truth neither of us actually had a reflection. Which meant Solo probably had some really nice powers of illusion or none of this would even be possible.

Beside me Heero just sits there for a moment, glancing out the window at my wrecked jeep. Crumpled and burnt metal, broken glass and torn up seats that had spilled their insides. Making a small grunting sound he turns his head away and reaches for the keys to his own car, to start it up again.

"What? You're leaving? Without even getting out of the car to see if that's mine? Heero Yuy, what the hell is wrong with you?!"

Obviously he doesn't hear me and the car's engine starts back into its gentile purring. I growl and bare my teeth, thinking of only one thing. I killed his laptop and his air conditioner earlier, and damn it all I will kill his car if that's what it takes to make him get a clue. Without a second thought I close my eyes and dive into the hood of his car.

For a moment I feel nothing then there's this really weird sensation as electricity crackles around my non-body. Almost immediately I am tossed from the engine followed by a rain of sparks and I land in the middle of the street, my vision spinning wildly. Beyond me the front hood of the car sputters loudly and sparks fly.

Heero opens his door and dives from the car just before the engine bursts into flames, the bright reds and yellows licking at the sides of his car. Thinking quickly he opens the backseat and comes out with a fire extinguisher, spraying the engine with white foam until the car itself looks like it has rabies. I groan and stand to my feet as he finally drops the empty fire extinguisher. Glancing warily at the now still engine his eyes drift back to the car wreck. I stand up and follow him as he walks slowly toward it.

Heero steps up to the wreckage and kneels down slowly. Reaching forward he moves around a few of the charred pieces. I stand off to the side, my hands clutched tightly together and having a very hard time swallowing.

Every time he turns over a new piece of metal I can't help but wince. I keep expecting him to find a charred body or something. You know? I keep expecting to see my real body BBQed to a crisp in that pile of scrap metal and I really don't like that idea. Still, after searching the sight of the crash for a good half-hour he stands back to his feet and brushes his hands on his pants, sticking something very small in his pocket.

I can't see what it is, not fair! I honestly have no idea whatsoever what he found. Maybe he's going to take a piece of the wreckage to some big forensic scientist or something to find out what really happened, but wouldn't it make more sense to just tell them where the crash is?

"And now you're leaving. Heero! Come on, at least mutter what you're thinking or something! That's my car! Surely you noticed that, can't you piece two and two together? He's not me!"

Heero walks right past me and back to his own car. I watch in defeat as he grabs his keys and his jacket from the car. Then he starts on a brisk jog back to the house, I guess I really fried his car. So, I jog next to him, or rather try to and pretty much succeed, toward the house. The whole time he's completely quiet and I honestly have no idea what he's thinking, aside from the fact that he is in deep thought.

Man, this is really going to start driving me insane... though it probably already has started to now that I think of it.

We finally reach home and I feel exhausted. Yeah, I know I don't really have a body so I shouldn't feel so worn out but there's a lot of psychological stuff mixed into exercising so I still feel worn out, even though my limbs don't hurt or anything like that. Go figure.

As soon as we reach home we find Trowa and Wufei sitting at the kitchen table. Their discussion, whatever it might have been, dies as soon as Heero enters the room. Heero merely nods to them and wipes the sweat from his brow. Stepping up to the fridge he pulls out a large carton of orange juice and proceeds to down the meager amount that's left.

"Why are you home so late?" Wufei asks. "You left before all of us."

"Car broke," Heero mutters between swallows.

I see Trowa raise an eyebrow. "Your car broke? Like your laptop?"

Heero tosses the empty orange juice carton in the trash and frowns deeply. After a moment he shrugs. "I don't know."

"You don't know?!" I growl angrily and take a swipe at him, attempting to punch him right in the gut, no response. I drop my fist angrily and fall to sitting on the floor, depression and helplessness flowing over my body in waves. "How could you not know?" I hiss at his unhearing ears. "Does it need to be spelled out for you?"

I watched in despair as Heero turns and leaves the kitchen. I can hear his steps as he climbs the stairs to his room and I just shut my eyes, lying there on the kitchen floor like road kill.

He's not going to figure it out. I can't accept that but I don't have the energy to try and get him to notice. Instead I just lay there as the sun dips below the horizon and the rest of the guys head to bed. Tomorrow I'll try again, and I'll try non-stop all day.

But I don't have much time left.

Tomorrow is Friday.



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