The Meaning of Life Part 31

Purring quietly in his sleep, Duo's tall ear twitched as the first sign of stirring. With a soft sigh, his violet eyes blinked a few times before focusing on the familiar bedroom wall across from him. An arm draped over his expanding waist from behind tightened a bit as a deep chuckle made his ear twitch back.

As he reached up to rub his eyes, the neko pushed himself up and onto his back to meet the cobalt eyes watching him. "Mornin'," Heero greeted with a loving smile. Glancing over to assess the way the sunlight was laying on the walls, he smirked, "Then again, good afternoon."

His violet eyes widening, Duo mumbled, "I slept that late?" Rubbing a hand over his mussed hair, he slowly began to recall the events of the prior day and evening.

Much as he did not like oversleeping, he was surprised that his frayed nerves hadn't stayed out of commission longer.

Beside him, the artist pushed himself up and reassured, "Considering everything you had been through yesterday, you needed it." Kissing his lover's temple, he grinned, "And I hate to have to put all of this on you now, but we have a bit of work ahead of us."

"Wedding planning," the neko smiled widely, his tail swishing anxiously behind him. Nodding, Heero rose from the bed and offered a hand to his partner to help him up.

Quickly dressing into their day wear of shorts and T-shirts, the couple headed downstairs grinning from ear-to-ear over the realization that they were actually planning a wedding. They would have been perfectly happy with their originally planned civil service, but this was far more meaningful.

And for the first time, they both allowed themselves to see that they actually deserved this opportunity.

In the living room, Solo and Quatre met their surprised friends. Saluting smartly, the white-furred neko smirked, "Best Men, here, reporting for duty. Considering there is not a long time before the kits are due, we figured that you would want to get started on the preparation as soon as possible."

"Let us take the brunt of the work by just telling us what you need," the Arabian offered. "Between the four of us working together, we can have the big day planned out in no time."

Heero sighed in relief, "Thank you, both. That means a lot." Unable to trust his voice, Duo nodded his braided head in appreciation. "We could have a list drawn up in a few minutes over brunch," the artist suggested.

With the thought of food, the expectant neko could feel his stomach clenching. Dizzied and pained by the sudden attack, he placed a hand over his abdomen while catching his breath. Instantly, his lover turned to him to rest a hand on his shoulder with a concerned, "Duo?"

A watery smile tugged the corner of the cat-eared boy's mouth as he replied, "It's all right. Just a little under the weather suddenly." That did very little to calm Heero or his friends, they all moved in closer.

The tip of his ears bent in thought, Solo turned to the artist and asked, "Are you planning on a visit from Hilde today, or should I call her?" Duo glared at his 'brother' for his intrusion, but suddenly winced when another sharp pain hit.

Wrapping an arm around his partner's shoulders, Heero gently coaxed him to sit on the recliner nearby while answering, "Actually, we were expecting her to be here this afternoon. Maybe I should call her to see if she can't get here sooner."

Finally, the dizziness and pain passed nearly as quickly as it struck the braided neko. Perking up, he looked from one worried face to the next. "I'm fine now," he grinned. "Hilde will be here in a little while, so there's no need to rush her. I probably just need some food in my stomach."

Only mildly reassured by that, the artist looked to their shrugging Best Men. If he really thought that something was wrong, Duo would not have taken any chances.

Given the emotional and physical stress he had put himself through, he was most likely simply malnourished.

Reluctantly, Heero agreed, "All right. We'll get something to eat while Solo and Quatre run some errands for us." When his lover brightened, he raised a finger and warned, "But as soon as Hilde is here, you tell her everything about this little spell of yours."

His shoulders sagging in relief, Duo nodded firmly, "Okay." Growling loudly, his stomach let him know exactly how upset it was at being so empty. Ears and tail bending a bit, he pleaded, "Um... can we please get some food now?"

Snickering, Solo and Quatre accepted their tasks given by Heero before hurrying off to see to them while their friends headed to the dining room together.

Relaxed as they all appeared, they were all quietly anticipating what they hoped to be good news from Hilde when she checked in on her patient.

*   *   *   *   *   *

An hour later....

"That son of a bitch," Danielle gritted through her teeth as she sat beside her boys in front of the living room vid-phone. "I really should not be so surprised, but I never believed that the man would stoop that low."

On the vid-phone screen, Susan frowned, "My coming forward with this is the least that I could do after my involvement in this whole ordeal. I am afraid that my line of work has made me lose sight of my morals when it comes to the feelings of the people I write about."

A small, sad smile spread across Heero's face. "Well, I believe that it says a lot that you brought this to our attention," he commented. "And we will keep this to ourselves, as you promised Septum, so long as he leaves us alone."

Tilting his head, Duo asked, "So, what will you be doing now that you have retired from the world of gossip publication?"

Susan smirked, "Well, the very accurate telling of my first-hand sit in on the appeal has opened several doors for me with some reputable newspapers. My options are pretty open now. The pay may be far less, but at least I can be proud of my work for a change."

Biting his lip, Heero turned his head towards his lover and whispered into the tall ear twitching towards him. The neko broke out in a wide smile and nodded to his lover before asking the reporter, "How about a story that will help boost your salary?"

"Oh?" the young woman blinked in surprise. "You have something specific in mind?"

At that, the artist smirked, "An invitation to our private wedding. we're going to have an announcement in the paper as it is. We may as well have someone there that we can trust to give an accurate account of it all."

Blinking her wide green eyes, Susan sputtered, "Y-you would really extend that offer to me... even after everything that I've had done?"

Duo shrugged, "Our engagement would have gotten out eventually. Besides, you've made up for your part by keeping Septum out of our lives. I'd personally be very happy to have you there as a new friend of ours." His own smile growing, Heero nodded his agreement.

"I-I don't know what to say," the journalist grinned widely. "Thank you so much for this. I am honored. We'll certainly be in touch, then. Congratulations again." Kind farewells were exchanged before the vid-phone screen went black.

At the sound of the doorbell, the neko's ears twitched upward. "That would have to be Hilde," he stated as he carefully rose from his seat. Rubbing a hand over his churning abdomen, he smiled, "Make sure to smile for your new pictures, little ones."

Snickering, Heero followed after his lover. Despite the smile on his face, the artist could not help his worry after Duo's spell earlier that afternoon.

One thing for certain, he was going to make sure Hilde was made aware of that incident.

*   *   *   *   *   *

Paging through her captures of the babies and the uterus around them, the obstetrician frowned. That frown dug deeper into her face as she scanned over the results of her other tests.

This was not good. While it was expected, it was something that Hilde had hoped her patient would be at least a couple more weeks away from having to endure.

But there simply was no other way of looking at the situation. There was no other way around it.

Sighing, Hilde looked up at her friends seated on the couch across from her. Focused on the neko, she announced quietly, "Duo, I am very sorry, but I am going to have to order you to bed rest for the remainder of your pregnancy."

With a gasp, the braided teenager's eyes widened. "Bed rest," he repeated in disbelief. Taking in the disappointing news, Heero reached for his lover's have to squeeze it. "But... but we have a wedding to finish planning before the babies are born."

"I know," the young doctor replied sadly. "Believe me, if I felt that there would not be anything to worry about, I would be more than happy to let you continue with those plans. But, the truth of the matter is the babies are coming to term so quickly that I am not willing to allow the risk of complications before they are born."

Holding up her notepad, she informed, "Your blood pressure is elevating and I do not want to see it continue on until you reach a dangerous level. I was able to bend the rules up until now, but this time, I must insist that you rest."

Duo leaned back heavily against the couch as his shoulders and long tail sagged. Biting his lip, he fought hard to keep the tears from his eyes as he muttered, "So much for marrying before the babies came."

An idea suddenly striking the artist, he realized aloud, "We can still be married before then."

To the wide violet eyes that turned towards him, Heero shrugged, "We can get married here with a Justice of the Peace. It may not be the wedding we had imagined at first, but we would be legally joined."

Instantly taken by the idea, Duo brightened while the shimmer in his eyes vanished. Looking back at Hilde, he asked, "Would that work? A simple, laid back service here?"

Smiling, the obstetrician chuckled, "I feel comfortable allowing that." A finger rose as she warned sternly, "So long as you don't work yourself up in preparing for the event."

All but launching himself, the neko wrapped himself around Heero for a fierce kiss. Pulling back as his partner blinked his cobalt eyes in surprise, he exclaimed, "All right! Let's do it!"

Between them, the babies stirred as though giving their own blessing to the newly planned nuptials.

*   *   *   *   *   *

Over the course of the next few days, Heero and Duo were once again overwhelmed by the support of their friends and loved ones by their coming together to plan a wedding in a little over a week. With the due date of the babies' delivery coming up in less than a month, there was not the luxury of time for the event.

In the course of those days, Duo rested and allowed the bigger tasks to be handled by everyone surrounding him. Reserving himself to only answering questions of of his personal taste and hopes for the wedding, he at least had a sense of relief at being able to help somehow.

The exchanging of vows was to happen in the lavish garden at the center of the house cluster for the Yuys, Merquises and nekos.

One of Quatre's many sisters, Iria, made a special trip from her own hometown to serve as Justice of the Peace. Instead of suits, both Heero and Duo decided on traditional Japanese kimonos that matched the shade of their eyes.

While the wedding was going to be a simple one, not a detail was missed to make it as special as possible.

"So, the gardeners will be arriving tomorrow with fresh plants to set at either side of where the guests will be seated," Danielle noted aloud while looking through her notes.

Lifting her reading glasses to set them atop her red head, she looked to Quatre across from her at the table. "Has Iria contacted you on when she will be arriving?" she asked.

A smile spreading across his face, the Arabian nodded, "Yes. She'll be arriving tomorrow night to spend some time visiting our family before the rehearsal on Saturday."

Next 'in line' beside Quatre, Solo informed, "I've confirmed the time and menu with the caterers for the reception. They'll be arriving at ten o'clock to start setting up their tables."

To Solo's left, Relena piped in, "The girls and I have every ribbon and streamer in blue and violet that we could get our hands on. Between that and the white Christmas lights we own between us, we'll have the garden and house decked out."

Raising a hand, Trowa stated, "I am all set for music that I can play through my laptop setup during and after the dinner."

Arms folded across his chest, Wufei said, "The large gazebo that I called in for the garden will be in place in two days. It'll be large enough shield everyone from any possible rain and unwanted guests in the press that may want to know what's going on."

"We're covered for a photographer," Noin added with Danny in her lap. "Susan Weathers called with the name and number of a professional that we can trust. I'll call him as soon as we're finished here to get the time booked."

Beside her, Zechs concluded, "And the kimonos for everyone participating will be ready to be picked up Friday morning. I'll get the word out to everyone that will be picking one up so we can arrange one trip out together."

Their wide eyes blinking, Heero and Duo took all of the information in. Mentally going over all of the details, they could not find anything overlooked. It was hard to believe that all of those items had been squared away, but thanks to everyone, they were ready for the wedding.

Smirking, the artist commented, "Well... that pretty much covers it."

"I just don't know how we can thank you all for your help," the neko all but whispered while his tail swished back and forth lazily.

Trent snickered and shook his head, "I think I speak on everyone's behalf when I say that there are no thanks needed." Everyone around the table nodded.

And so, after a round of embraces and handshakes, the meeting was called to a close so that the last little details could be overseen.

*   *   *   *   *   *

Before anyone knew it, Friday had arrived and with it, the wedding rehearsal. Those standing and participating all learned their places and tasks.

Iria facilitated the whole rehearsal from her place in the far corner of the large gazebo surrounded by the garden. Serving as ring bearer, Danny was more than happy to go through the motions while helping little Leslie out in walking down the isle made between the empty chairs that had been set up.

On Heero's side of the makeshift altar, Quatre, Trowa and Wufei stood proudly. At the opposite side, Solo, Andrew and Carson had their tails as tall and straight as their backs in their own honor of representing Duo.

Unable to hold their smile back, the expectant parents had their hands joined whilst being directed through what their wedding would be like. Whenever Iria was speaking, walking someone else through their responsibilities, they would mouth little endearments while no one else as looking.

At the end of the rehearsal and dinner that everyone pitched in on, the lot split an went their separate ways for the evening.

Relena collaborated with the ladies to meet not long after sunup to set up the decorations that they had been pulling together before they headed back to their respective homes. Their kimonos draped nearly over their arms, the groomsmen offered their good nights before heading out with their significant others.

Yawning widely, Duo stretched his arms and tail out. "I suppose it is that time, ne?" Heero chuckled quietly. Wrapping his lover up, he kissed the tip of his nose and whispered, "We'll officially be husbands this time tomorrow."

"I know," the neko sighed as he returned the embrace as best he could with his body. "It's really happening." With another yawn and a soft a quick kiss, he reluctantly pulled back while muttering a soft, "G'night, 'Ro."

Lightly running a hand through his partner's bangs, the artist smiled, "Sweet dreams, Duo." Purring, the braided teenager gave him a tired grin. Their hands remained joined until they could not reach when they separated for their families' homes for the evening.

The next time they would meet, they would be at the altar to exchange their rings and vows. And finally, nothing was going to get in their way.



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