The Knights' Chronicles Part 29

Running back to the crib, Odin reached down to scoop the sleeping baby into his arms. Quietly stirring awake as he was pressed against a firm chest, the tiny prince blinked his heavy violet eyes open at the Commander's face.

"I will need you to stay as quiet as you can, little one," Odin whispered with a deep frown to the cherub face resting against his shoulder. "We are in for a rough flight away from this place."

Her head still peering through the balustrades of the balcony, Peacemillion let out another low growl at the hooded figure below. Eyes narrowed, Lowe returned to his steed's side to chide in a harsh breath, "Sh! Be still, girl! We will do no good if we show them where the prince is!"

That snapped his dragon from her fiery glare and her golden eyes filled with worry as she rounded her head back to check on the infant as her whole body trembled with frustration.

Understanding her anger, Odin ran a hand over the end of her muzzle and sighed softly, "I know that you want to act, but we have been through this. Our first duty is seeing that we get back to the encam-"

At the sound of armored boots charging into the courtyard to pierce the silence, the knight cut himself off and crept back into the balcony doorway to peer down along with Peacemillion. Charging into the scene from their descending the stairs or hurrying from the sides of the palace, knights brandished their weapons in their moving in on the dark-clad presence in their midst.

The sudden realization that something was not right washed over Odin, but he could not find his voice to warn the soldiers running headlong into danger. Voices rose up to shout demands as a ring was made around the visitor...

"Who are you!?"

"Let us see your hands and get them behind your back!"

"Get onto your knees and keep your head down!"

Even with over a dozen soldiers aiming their swords and drawn arrows at them, the figure remained unmoving.

Shaking his head, Lowe's skin paled as he muttered under his breath, "Get away. Every one of you, back out of there. It is not about to be that easy." When he spotted the slightest lifting of the hooded head, his breath hitched in his throat.

Beyond the closed nursery door, sounds of life rose in the form of more soldiers rising and charging through the corridors to make their long way down to the courtyard.

Very slowly, the folded arms across the wide chest of the Keeper's chosen unlocked and rose for their face. Metal clanged as the soldiers prepared to strike at the first sign of a threat as the sides of the hood were taken into the long, slender hands that pushed it back to have it fall away.

A smirk as dark and sinister as any that Odin had ever seen was etched in the finely wrinkled face framed by fine, white hair. The sharp-chiseled face of a man well advanced in his years bore a long mustache of the same shade.

By all rights, their unwanted guest was not exactly an imposing sight. Strong though his build seemed under his robes, and confident as he carried himself, an older man alone was little match for even one of the knights surrounding him.

However, this was no mere man.

"Who am I?" the man repeated, chuckling in a low and raspy voice.

Before there was any reaction, he stretched his opened hand before himself and lifted it. Choking, the knights dropped their weapons as they were lifted from the air, scratching at their throats frantically. Their mouths opening and closing, no sound broke through the grip on them and so they flailed helplessly in their suspension.

The smirk on his face growing, the old man announced, "The name is Dekim Barton. And I am the last face that you and countless others will see this night." His hand closed into a tight fist that he spun on its wrist with a flick.

In that motion, the heads of the men around him spun around their necks in a full revolution to fill the air with sickening cracks of bone and the thuds of their lifeless bodies crashing to the ground at the sorcerer's feet.

And that eerie silence returned.

"Dear Creator," Odin breathed, eyes bulging as he held the baby in his arms all the tighter against his chest. Silently, he willed the young men that he had grown with, trained with, lying so haphazardly on the cobblestone to move.

But he knew that they were dead, their lives taken in the blink of an eye. It was too difficult a thing to comprehend.

The door to the nursery flew open to Solo and Sophia in their white nightgowns. Frantic, they ran to the Commander. "What is happening, Odin?" Solo asked, his voice low and filled with fear. "The guards only told us that there is a strange visitor demanding to see us before they all ran off."

Swallowing roughly, Lowe turned to take in the royal couple. "I-I do not know what he wants," he answered softly, hating the lie even as it came out of him. "But he just killed a handful of my men with what I am quite certain is dark magic."

Just then, the air vibrated with a deafening crack. The shockwave of the sound nearly knocked those in the castle off balance. Everyone held their breath, eyes growing in terror as they waited.

And the sound came again in a second deafening crack. If one strained their ears, they could hear a distant rising of cries and screams.

Covering her mouth with a trembling hand, Sophia whimpered, "Good spirits, the city walls." Her body shaking, she turned to her husband and cried, "They are attacking the city walls!"

Out in the courtyard, a deafening roar rose in the form of voices of more soldiers storming onto the scene. Though they feared what they might see, Odin and the royal couple were still compelled to peer through the balcony window as a wave of men charged the dark-robed sorcerer.

Dekim raised his hand before himself again, coursing his magic through to send off a black cloud of death that tore his attackers limb from limb when it consumed them.

Moaning, the queen spun and buried her head in her king's shoulder to bite on it and stifle the scream that she released. Stricken, Solo raised his shaking arms to hold her as tightly as he could, his large eyes unable to tear away from the mangled bodies sprawled across the courtyard.

In the wake of the bloody massacre, the old man stalked up the steps of the castle unopposed with an ordered, "Find them."

From the walls surrounding the castle, dozens of giant shadows leapt. In the dim light of the moon, jagged sharp teeth glistened from the misshapen beings as they grunted and ran for the steps behind their leader. Blades of axes and flails gleamed in the moonlight, promising the same pain and horror that their gruesome bearers did.

"W-what are they?" Solo stammered, sweat running down his brow as he turned toward the Commander. "By the Creator, what are those things, Odin?"

Try as he might to answer when his mouth opened and closed, Lowe could not find his voice. Even if he was able to speak, he doubted it would come out loud enough to rise over the terrible snarling and growls of the monstrosities that continued to pour into the castle.

All of a sudden, the faint hint of the clouds over the king and queen's eyes slid away as they blinked. Their eyes clear, realization seemed to flow into them in that same instant and their breaths caught in ragged gasps.

"The vision," Sophia managed and her whole frame seemed to stiffen with the cold reality of the situation returning to her. "Relena saw this coming." Solo wrapped his arms tightly around her waist to pull her close to him as their impending doom took hold.

Stunned, Odin's jaw snapped shut so that he could swallow past the lump that had formed in his throat. Beyond the closed door, far down the hall, the sound of metal clashing with metal echoed through the corridor along with the anguished cries of the men being slaughtered in the wake of the beasts that they tried to fight off. At those sounds, the baby began to groan and shift in the soldier's arms.

Peacemillion growled and grunted while she shifted from side-to-side in rage and frustration at not being able to join in the struggle. Clouds of black smoke puffed through her nostrils as her claws scratched at the stone floor beneath her.

With a shimmer in his eyes, the king stepped forward to run a hand over the back of his son's head. "You must hurry to get our son to safety with Heero," he told the Commander softly, but his voice stern in its direction. "There will not be a window for escape if you wait much longer."

Every bit aware of the prophecy, the knight's devotion to the royal couple... to his dear friends was too overwhelming to mind what the seers had decreed. Ignoring the tears that fell from his own eyes, he shook his head, "We can all get away. Peacemillion will be able to carry all of us to the encampment."

Gently resting a hand on the Commander's arm, Sophia smiled sadly through her damp, violet eyes. "You know every bit as much as we do that we must stay here and meet our fate," she told him.

Easing her son from the knight's thick arms, she held her son close and did her best to not fall apart when his worry eased when he looked up at her. Cooing, Duo gave his parents a brilliant smile that almost made them forget the horrific sounds that were drawing all the closer to the nursery.

"Oh, my sweet boy, we love you so," the queen sobbed before she placed a long kiss on the infant's forehead. Biting his lip, Solo suppressed a groan and rained a couple of kisses on his son's face.

When he pulled back, the king whispered to his baby, "We will not be far from you, wherever you may go, Duo... even if you may not be able to see us. Be strong, son." Unable to go on, he took the grinning child into his embrace and held him out to Odin with a stern, "Go. Now."

Shaking his head, Lowe took the infant back into his care and climbed into his saddle with the assistance of Peacemillion's tail. Grunting, the red-orange kept her glaring golden eyes on the heavens in her preparation to soar into them.

The gnashing teeth and deep, haunting laughter of the beasts was just beyond the room then. "They must be in here!" something inhuman yelled over the roar.

Quickly securing his harness, he pulled one of the arms around his tiny charge free to take hold of the hilt of his sword just as the wooden door crashed open, splintering into thousands of splintered shards. The blade hummed in its release from its sheath its wielder shouted, "Get us to the encampment as fast as you can, girl!"

Not needing to be told twice, Peacemillion launched through the window with the snarl of their attackers on her tail when she hopped onto the ledge of the balcony. Pushing off the stone perch, she opened her wings and climbed into the skies.

Against his better judgment, Odin peered over his shoulder just in time to watch Solo and Sophia clutching onto each other as they were pulled violently by clawed hands into the darkness within the castle. Shaking his head, he peered ahead of himself again and willed his last sight of his king and queen alive to fade away.

Instead of loss, he needed to feel the same rage that his steed was using to sail them through the darkening heavens. Beyond the castle walls, the city was already a site of hysteria as people ran about, gathering everything from their loved ones to whatever belongings they could as the city walls crumbled with such force that the ground shook.

The few kings that lived in Sanq were at arms and running for the opening to keep the disgusting creatures entering at bay. Riders took to the air with their dragons when a ghastly sight appeared in the form of skeletal dragons with hooded apparitions in their saddles.

Red eyes shown where no face could be found and translucent hands of bone reached out to fire spheres of liquid fire and beams that decimated whatever they came in contact with.

Glaring heatedly at the first wave of those bewitched riders, Odin let out a fierce battle cry and swung his sword when Peacemillion had no choice but to fly into the fray. All that mattered was protecting the prince, nothing more. What happened below in the city and around him with his fellow soldiers did not matter. He needed to get Duo to the encampment.

It was with that intent that the Commander fought with everything he had. Paying no mind to whether it was those ghost riders or an ogre that managed to jump onto Peacemillion's hide from a building that they had taken, he whirled his sword through them all. Being cut and slashed at, himself, he was completely unaware of his own state while he kept the prince as close to him as he could.

After the hellish nightmare of a flight, the skies were suddenly clear of danger again. Panting heavily, the surprised officer spun to see that Peacemillion had managed to punch them clear out of the harm that threatened them. In the confusion of the battle, it appeared that the attackers were so preoccupied with their overrunning the city that they had not even noticed, or cared that they had passed through.

Only then did Odin really see the massive numbers of the dark army. Miles beyond the city, he could make out the high crests of thousands of ships sailing to the northern edge of Sanq. Such a mass of soldiers was beyond reasoning.

Continuing to soar beyond the deafening fight, Lowe was finally able to hear that the baby was crying. Frantic, he pulled the prince from his chest enough to examine the boy. To his relief, there was not a single bruise on his charge, but the wails of fear continued.

Forcing down the lump that was quickly closing off his throat, the broad man sheathed his blood-covered sword and cradled the infant with a soft, "Shhh. I know, little one. I know. You will be well on your way from all of this soon, I promise." Gulping, Duo blinked his large violet eyes free of the tears that had filled them.

A worried frown on her face, Peacemillion dared a peek back at the prince and curved the end of her tail around to lightly tickle him without slowing her flight. Giggling, a smile finally broke on the child's face and he latched onto the tail in a tight grip. Contented, the dragon returned her focus onto the course ahead of her for the encampment.

Taking his steed's lead, Odin also retained his attention on what was before them. His heart simply could not cope with what he would have seen if he looked back... especially knowing that he was going to be sending his men, his knights-in-training into that hell.

*   *   *   *   *   *

Curled up together in one of the empty stalls where they had escaped for at least a little time alone that night, Wufei and Anna were unaware of the conversation taking place around the corner between Odin and Heero.

At the far off rumble in the air, the swordsman shifted himself without moving the head on his shoulder too much. Without opening his eyes, he sighed, "Thunderstorm must be coming." The archer hummed an affirmative as she held onto her partner and silently willed herself to drift back off when another angry clap sounded.

"Wufei. Anna," Odin's voice called to the pair, the urgency saturating his voice. Their eyes flying open, the knights-in-training shot up in their disheveled clothes and hair to see their Commander half hanging over the stall door.

Noting the sporadic scratches in Lowe's tunic that revealed bleeding gashes, the young couple were on their feet in wide-eyed alert. "The Keeper's army," Wufei stated more than questioned.

"Yes," Odin nodded firmly. "See that Heero has Wing packed and off with Prince Duo quickly. I need to get the squires up to see that the other dragons are ready for their riders." That said, he ran off.

Rather than dwell on what they were about to head into, Chang and Fraise fixed their attire as best they could before they pulled their boots on. Tugging her long hair back in a high ponytail, the archer grabbed her quiver and bow while the swordsman secured his blade at his side.

Their first and most important responsibility was seeing that their 'brother' and the prince were well on their way from the danger that had befallen their homeland. It was only at the next roll of 'thunder' that the pair realized that what they were hearing were actually the sounds of the distant battle in the city.

Hearts hammering in their chests, they hurried off to gather their steeds and oversee Heero's flight out.

"I do hope that the Creator will be able to play some part in this night," Anna frowned as she and her partner charged for Wing's stall. Another explosive rumble sounded and she swallowed roughly while peering over her shoulder for the stable's entrance. "We could certainly use the help."

*   *   *   *   *   *

Moments later, it was with heavy hearts that the Sword and Shield watched Wing soar off into the skies to sail south of Sanq. "Please get to the portal safely," the redhead whispered as she waved them off. Biting his lip, Chang lowered his head and closed his eyes to say a silent prayer for their journey.

All around them, the encampment was already alive with a flurry of activity following Odin's rousing of the troops in their bunk houses. Knights, trainees and officers alike, ran about shouting to one another as they armed and mounted themselves onto dragon or horse.

Gathered in the center of the encampment with their riders, Nataku and Ingier grunted and clawed at the ground in their wanting to be off to answer the insistent screams and explosions from the city.

Reaching up, Anna patted the scales of her steed's chest in her reach and soothed, "Easy, Trouble. Keep that fire, but do not let it override your focus. We are all in for a rough night." The blue-purple frowned deeply along with Nataku, but they kept their eyes on the north towards Sanq.

All around, worried murmurs were spreading throughout the soldiers. What they could hear of the battle that was well underway only added to the nerves that were running rampant. Much to Wufei's concern, he noticed many of his fellow classmates were trembling so hard that they were struggling to secure their weapons.

"Rough night is putting it mildly, I am afraid," he mumbled under his breath. Just for some kind of reassurance for himself, Chang unconsciously stretched his hand to his side so that it could run over Nataku's claw for the cool comfort that the familiar scales provided. Lowering her head, the green dragon lightly nuzzled his side with her muzzle.

Just when the overwhelming confusion seemed to be subsiding enough for a formation to begin, all present in the encampment were completely taken by surprise when the heavens above were filled with a wave of dragons of a multitude of colors. Hands were stopped in their mid-preparation to fire on the unexpected creatures at a yelled, "They are Sanq knights!"

Descending rapidly, the hoard of steeds took up what little available spaces there still were on the ground. Their riders, most with their armor scratched or mangled, all bore bleeding wounds of some sort. And every one of them had a tormented horror in their large eyes as they looked around to the frightened faces watching them as a chilling hush fell.

"We need every able soldier to hurry to Sanq now!" a tall man hollered, his shoulder-length dark hair damp with blood as it clung to the back of his neck. "We are being slaughtered by this army of... of demons!"

Those troops that had not seemed shaken up until that moment certainly painted a different picture at that announcement. The word 'demons' was passed from mouth-to-mouth and faces paled.

Running up to the newly arrived knights, Odin raised his hand and turned to his charges. "Everyone, listen to me now!" he bellowed over the rising commotion.

The masses fell silent once again as all attention fell on the Commander. Taking a deep breath he nodded, "Yes, we are up against an unimaginable opponent this night! But our people are under attack and we will be there for them! This is what you trained for! Do not lose sight of that! Now fall into your formations!" Cries rose up as the order was followed without pause.

At the display of bravery by one and all of his boys, Lowe felt his throat constricting. Turning, he spotted Wufei and Anna. Quickly making his way to them, he leaned close and raised a finger to them with a stern, "Watch yourselves out there. You still have your duty to Prince Duo to fulfill, remember."

Nodding firmly, the couple replied as one, "Yes, sir." Content with that, their superior ran to rejoin Peacemillion.

Meanwhile the disarray that was the scene of the encampment had become a less frantic running about as the teams gathered together in their respective groups of swordsmen, archers, and lancers.

"Anna, fall into ranks!" Justin yelled as he and he rode by atop his white horse.

Before the archer could respond, her breath hitched when she was suddenly caught into two strong arms and pulled flush against her lover's chest. Her lips were captured in a desperate, searing kiss that she melted into and responded with everything in her as her eyes drifted closed while clinging onto the swordsman.

Panting when they broke away for air, Wufei rested their foreheads together. "I love you," he breathed. "Remember your promise. Do not go let them take you quietly, should anything happen out there."

A smirk curling her bruised mouth, Anna replied, "I love you, too, Wufei. You just be sure to keep your end of that promise as well." Tilting her head, she winked, "As for me, do not worry. You know that I am a screamer." Chang chuckled and shook his head in amusement as the pair separated and hurried up to their saddles.

Bow in hand and quiver hooked close against her back, Fraise took hold of her handhold and shouted, "Come on, Ingier!" Gurgling a response, her steed's wings opened and he brought them to hover by the northern reaches of the encampment where hundreds that made up the archery reserves waited.

"Let's go, Nataku!" Wufei cried when he freed his sword from its hilt. Without a blink of hesitation, he was lifted towards the next ring of soldiers consisting of the blade masters.

At the front of the whole army, Odin could see that his men were falling into their formations in skilled proficiency from their training. Still, no matter if they were trainees or life-long soldiers before him, he knew that not a one of them was nearly prepared for what they were about to endure.

Swallowing roughly as he sat atop Peacemillion, he waited for the commotion around to settle until all that could be heard was the attack miles off from them beyond the woods.

His blade ringing at its freedom from its sheath, the Commander raised it overhead and hollered, "For the people of Sanq and all we hold dear, hold to all the courage you can, men!" The air pulsed with the energy from the knights in their anticipation for the fight.

Taking a deep breath, Odin screamed a prolonged, "Charge!"



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