Twas hard the mournful words to frame, To break the ties that bound us
But harder still to bear the shame, Of foreign chains around us.
And so I said, The mountain glen I'll seek at morning early And join the brave united men
While soft wind shook the barley
-Lyrics to 'The Wind That Shakes the Barley' performed by Loreena McKennitt

Elements of Great Design Part 10

It was such a slight of hand play that no one in the audience that had been looking for it would have known what happened during that last act. However, because Heero and his friends were searching for an Elemental Stone Keeper, they had seen it clearly.

A wind tunnel had been formed, a column of churning air that directed the fire aimed at a certain entertainer to rise past him without causing so much as a singed hair on the seemingly doomed young man. But as it turned out, Trowa Barton- the named silent killer of beasts was the Keeper of Air.

Long after the crowd had sifted out of the arena, the Fighter, and his Mage comrades stayed in the shadows, following their person of interest. Curiously, the tall young man was joined by the same redhead dancer that had caught Heero's initial interest. Still wearing her strapless blue dress tied by a thick green sash at her waist, the girl kissed the Keeper on his cheek and walked with him beyond Lefein's walls.

Maneuvering themselves out of the city, Duo frowned in confusion when they spotted two tents waiting, deep in the cover of the trees. "Now why in Gaia would they prefer to sleep out here as opposed to taking up a comfortable room at one of the inns?" he whispered, crouched low along with his companions to keep themselves hidden amidst the foliage several feet away from the small camp.

Quatre shrugged when he met the violet eyes on him. Heero kept his own focus on the tents that glowed softly from within.

When Trowa reemerged into the darkened world with his back to his onlookers, he was fully dressed, a deep green tunic and brown boots added to his tan trousers. Under his arm, he carried something rather large that was wrapped in a blanket.

Ducking lower in their cover, the trio watching him watched as he raised his head to the opening in the trees and let out a high-pitched whistle. Heads rising to follow the performer's line of sight, the concealed pack's eyes widened and their breath hitched in their throats at the swooping in of a large black cloud that blocked out the stars.

As quickly as that formation appeared, it sailed down to land just beyond the small campfire several feet before the teenager. Gasping sharply, Heero and his fellow warriors fought off their sounds of surprise in seeing the same red dragon that had attempted to claim the life of the very boy that had now called it.

Its long, scaly lips pulled back in a closed-mouth smile that revealed the sharp tips of fangs poking out into the open and its great head tilted at the flapping of that powerful tail. Chuckling deeply, Barton approached with a warm, "There's my girl." Without hesitation or fear, he approached the giant and ran a hand over the tip of her snout.

To the wonder of the onlookers, the dragon purred and leaned into the entertainer's touch. Pulling back, a long tongue darted out to lick her company's cheek. "Hey now," Trowa laughed as he wiped his skin dry. "You did beautifully back there, Scarlet."

Opening the blanket, he revealed a large heap of fresh meat that had been skinned clean of whatever fur or feathers it may have had. Her mouth opening in anticipation, the beast easily caught the offering tossed to her and managed to swallow it whole in one loud gulp. Beaming, she craned her neck in to run the side of her horned head against the young man.

Just managing to stay on his feet, Trowa snickered and wrapped his arms as far around her muzzle as he could manage for a squeeze while the redheaded dancer stepped out of her tent. Dressed in a conservative long, pink night dress, she smiled to the dragon and gave a greeting pat to the large snout. "You found the pack of rabbits that we secured for your babies?"

Scarlet grinned and gave a snort that certainly sounded like an affirmative as she flapped her tail again. "Very good," the young woman giggled.

Nodding firmly, Barton righted himself and said, "Enjoy the next week off with your family. I'll call on you or one of the others when we need to go over some new tricks for the next show." The corner of his lip curling up, he smirked, "I have ideas to how we can make the next act even more spectacular." The dragon grunted, its own mouth stretched in a long smile of anticipation.

"You go take care of those hatchlings of yours now, dear friend," Trowa told her softly. Scarlet gave him one more nuzzle, a deep purr rumbled from deep within her chest before she lifted her head and gave her wings a few massive flaps. In the blink of an eye, she ascended and disappeared into the night once more.

Under his breath, Yuy commented, "Well now we know why they stay out here as opposed to inside the city." The fact that the Keeper was able to tame such a terrible monster still had his mind reeling. But as much as he admired the feat, there was also one very imposing problem to their situation...

At the Fightrer's left, Quatre voiced that concern with a whispered, "How are we going to alert him to our presence without having him call that dragon back? One whistle from him and we'll be her next meal before we ever get the chance to talk."

Frowning, Heero shook his head, "I know. Maybe if we wait for daylight we can-" He cut himself off when he turned to check on his braided partner at his right only to find that the patch of grass that the Black Mage was no longer lying there. Cobalt eyes growing in panic, he breathed, "Duo?"

Hearts pounding, the gifted and the solider peered forward to watch in fright as Maxwell casually stepped beyond the shield of the brush and vine around them towards the performers. Gritting his teeth, Yuy whispered harshly, "Duo..." When there was not so much as a glance back, he growled, "Duo! What in the name of the Creator are you doing?!"

A wide grin on his face, the hooded son of Shinigami entered the glow of the campfire raised his hand and applauded. "That was a hell of a trick back there! I'm most impressed!" he complimented excitedly.

Spinning back at the sound of his clapping, the entertainers looked on their unexpected guest with wide and disbelieving stares. Trowa's visible green eye narrowed as his startled redheaded counterpart darted behind him for protection.

Lips pursing to release his sharp whistle for Scarlet, the tall teenager stopped before he even began when the dark-clad figure raised a finger and shook it in time to the clicking of his tongue while his violet eyes glowed within the shade of the hood. "I wouldn't do that if I were you," the gifted advised calmly, his smirk in plain sight from the brilliant purple shine. "No need for anyone to get hurt be they human or dragon."

"Demon," the dancer whimpered, her hands clinging to the sides of the Keeper. "Oh, dear Creator we are going to die, brother." Shoulders rigid, bound so tight with tension that his whole muscular frame was shaking, Barton swallowed roughly as his eyes widened anew on their visitor.

Though Maxwell never so much as flinched at the title, Heero did. Ever since the revealing talk that he had the privilege of having with his lonesome friend, he was especially sensitive to the unfair accusations. Duo was nothing more than another person as far as the soldier was concerned.

Quickly lowering his hood, the Black Mage shook his head, "I promise you on my honor to Shinigami that I mean no harm." To further prove that, he called off the glow in his eyes and smiled sadly to the beast killer, "My friends and I only wish to talk with you."

Blinking in surprise, Trowa frowned, "Friends? There are more than one of you here?"

Heero swore under his breath and slowly rose to his feet so that at least he could be seen from the waist and up. Raising his hands in the air as Quatre followed suit, he led the way out into the opening as their company took them in, a new wave of shock washing over their expressions. The redhead's tight grip on her brother had not slackened, but he seemed to ease the slightest bit as his eyes raked over the trio.

"You all make up quite the unlikely lot," Barton stated, a bit of amusement in his tone. "A Black Mage, a White Mage and a Fighter." Gesturing to the small pouch on Yuy's hip. That little satchel was apparently recognizable in every land since the way a soldier carried their armor was all the same.

Focusing back on the braided teenager, he said, "It is little wonder to how you have been able to go unnoticed with the company you keep, Monster."

Unable to contain his frustration, Heero snapped, "His name is Duo Maxwell and he is one of us. You should both be wise to treat him as such." Violet eyes growing, Maxwell finally turned his head to peer back at his best friend. The shock on his face fading, he gave the Fighter a warm smile in appreciation. Clearing his throat, the Romefeller native nodded firmly back.

Taken aback by the reprimand, the entertainer's emerald eye moved back and forth between the soldier and the mage. Glancing back at his sister, they exchanged confused frowns. "My apologies," he said sincerely as he looked back on their company, specifically the violet-eyed teenager. "Duo," he concluded with a regretful smile.

Rather than make the already tense atmosphere any more uncomfortable, the braided gifted changed the subject entirely. "I'm a fan of your work in how you were able to escape that dragon's fire unscathed," he praised. "Very brave thing to stand in the direct line of it the way that you did, even if you had nothing to fear thanks to your secret."

Shoulders tightening again, Trowa raised his head and replied, "Yes, well, Scarlet would never harm me. Now that you know what no one else in the arena was aware of in how she is a friend of mine, the mystery behind the feat is solved."

Biting her lip, the redhead stepped out from the shield of her brother. Hands folded against her chest, she beseeched, "We did not mean harm through our deceit over their connection. We only mean to bring people happiness through out acts. With the terrible darkness that has so many worried, the people need distraction and some enjoyment in their lives.

"Oh, I'm not at all concerned with how you know Scarlet at all," Duo grinned as he waved his hand nonchalantly. "No dragon can change the direction of their flames as abruptly as they did for you." That grin widening, he stated, "I'm referring to how you manipulated the air to create the tunnel that directed the fire."

His visible eye widening and skin paling in the flickering glow of the campfire, Barton was quick to insist, "I have no idea what you are talking about. No one has that kind of power." Shaking his head, he told his now unwanted guests, "As flattered as I am that you think me capable of such a feat, I am afraid that you are mistaken and need to move on from here."

Without looking back at his veiled friend, Maxwell requested, "Quatre."

Already well aware of what was silently being asked of him, the White Mage raised his upturned right hand. Feeling every last drop of evening dew that had started to form on the leaves around, he called them to him.

Their jaws falling with sharp gasps, the performers watched in awe as those droplets floated forth, flashing brilliantly in the light of the flames as they moved to the one summoning them. Gathering above the blonde's hand, the tiny specs gathered and grew into a large churning globe of water suspended over his palm.

Lifting his gaze to his stunned audience, Winner smiled and shrugged, "Now if we were closer to a lake or a river, I would have been able to demonstrate something really impressive for you."

But what was shown was more than enough for Trowa. His legs shaking so badly that they gave out, he collapsed to his knees with a rush of air from his lungs as he kept his gaze on the swirling ball. "Whatever it is you wish to discuss with me," he whispered, "I'm listening."

*   *   *   *   *   *


It was a sprawling land, one filled with lakes and streams within its fortified walls...

...and it would be the next city to fall when Mariemaia's army should move again.

The scene when King Zechs and Queen Noin arrived was much the same as it had been in Babil. The town's Fighters and civilians were bringing in the weary caravan of refugees. Water and food were disbursed and shelter was provided.

But unlike Babil, there was a significant difference at how the Sovereigns were accepted in the palace now that they were joined by the newly dubbed Queen Sylvia.

"Please, accept these," Lord Drake beseeched as he held out three wide bands of gold to his honored guests. "It is only proper that you have some form of a crown that you may be recognized the way you should amongst the people. They may not be anything of the crowns that you deserve, but you should have something to represent the sacrifice and difficult decisions that you have had to make."

Zechs bit his lip and accepted the first of the rings, securing it to wrap around his head as his wife and their young friend did the same. It was a wonderful feeling to have that familiar feeling back, that physical weight on them that represented their duty to others that looked to them for guidance and support.

Her long, blonde hair falling about her pale orange gown, Lady Gloria shook her head across the table from her visitors, "It is a miracle and a strike of great fortune that you all have survived. You honor us with your presence." A concerned frown marring her lovely face, she faced the young Queen to ask, "How are you faring in all of this, dear one?"

"As well as can be expected," Sylvia answered softly, her voice already thick with emotion in her first few words since the destruction of her homeland, loved ones and people. Eyes shimmering over, she managed, "I am just grateful to be here and have my brave friends to thank for that."

Swallowing roughly, Noin reached over and wrapped an arm around the child's shoulders. Noventa leaned against her as a daughter would lean against her mother, resting the side of her head on a firm shoulder.

Drake Armstead, a handsome young man of his physical early thirties as his wife was, cast his troubled expression on the young Sovereign. "And you say that your grandparents had signed the treaty that Mariemaia had drawn and sent to the lands? You accuse the child of completely overlooking that pact when she had sworn safety?"

Suddenly finding her nerve, Noventa's blue eyes narrowed as she straightened. "That treaty is nothing more than a useless piece of paper," she gritted through her teeth. "My grandparents... my parents... my brother and sister... they all put the fate of their lives in the validity of that agreement. And many other realms that we cannot reach will fall because of that very same belief."

Her head shaking, she declared, "So long as there is life in me, I will use it to convince every leader and every citizen of the danger. If even one person listens and takes their existence into their own hands to preserve it, I will consider my efforts and my pain worth it."

The host King and Queen shared worried glances. "We, too, had signed that pact," Gloria admitted as they looked back on their guests. "However, in light of all that you have shared, we have no other choice but to accept that we are now in grave danger in being so close to the darkness."

Blinking in surprise and relief, the visiting leaders fought the sting of tears and sighed deeply with tired smiles.

"How long do you suppose we have to move everyone out of here?" Drake questioned, the seriousness of their situation setting in.

Zechs did not hesitate to respond, "The sooner we can disperse the better. I would not wait longer than a day at the very most. The less that your people carry the easier and quicker they will be able to move. With the Fighters that we can bring together, we will have some measure of protection but nothing would be able to keep us from being cut down if that army should catch up with us."

Biting her lip, the blonde Queen sank lowly in her high-backed chair as a hand fell on her flat stomach in such a way that Noin's concern rose. "Gloria," she asked softly, "Are you... at last with child?"

A shallow nod of her head and her husband's hand resting on her arm, the lovely woman replied in a breath, "Yes." Peering over to her King, she smiled sadly, "We only recently found out." Glaring, she hissed, "And I will not risk the life of our child to the broken word of that little witch."

"The journey could be just as dangerous to both of your safety," Drake frowned deeply, though his tone was not arguing against the exodus. Voicing as much, he sighed, "Though we are up against an even less favorable option by staying."

Before their new friends began to second-guess their decision, Noin stated, "There are healers and midwifes amidst our growing colony. And though I am sure not all of your people will accept going into the Unknown, I imagine there will be more of where they came from amidst those in Peacemillion that do join us."

There was a moment of consideration before the King finally nodded, "Right. We have already lost too much time in discussion."

Snapping his head towards the two guards standing at the closed doors of the grand room, he called, "Alex. Mueller. Assemble every Fighter within the castle as quickly as you can. I have new orders that are to be carried out immediately."

*   *   *   *   *   *

A heavy silence had fallen upon the clearing where five souls sat together around a small camp fire in the clearing beyond Lefein. Now armed with all of the information that the travelers had to offer regarding their quest and his role in it, the Keeper of Air stared silent and still into the flames before him as he weighed his thoughts.

Catherine, the dancer that the trio had come to know during the course of their talks, watched her brother anxiously.

Pulling the blanket that she had brought out of her tent close around her, she allowed the tears to fall as she breathed, "You are all the family that I have, Trowa. I have always supported you and your unique powers, but the odds that you're going up against because of them-" A whimper cut her off before she wailed, "You'll never survive!"

"If I don't go, no one in this world will survive," the tall entertainer whispered calmly as he met her shimmering eyes. "And for once in my life, I no longer feel alone." Gesturing to Quatre, he said quietly, "There was no one else like me before that I could relate to that might help me make sense of what I am." Winner smiled and nodded in understanding.

Smirking, Trowa focused on Heero and Duo as he added, "Then I also have two of the most unlikely allies to watch my back as well." The Fighter and the Black Mage smirked.

With a deep sigh, Barton reached over to take his sister's hand and met her eyes once more. "I have to do this," he told her plainly, shoulders shrugging. "You and I have both known that the darkness would bring a threat the likes of which Gaia has never seen. Only now I might be able to help stop it. There is only one choice that I can possibly make in accepting that or not."

Despite how much she hated that logic, Catherine never voiced an argument. There was only reluctant acceptance in her pained expression as she raised a finger and ordered, "You had better swear to me that be careful out there and come back. I would never survive if anything happened to you."

"In addition to that, you have my promise to defend him with everything in me," Duo vowed solemnly. When the girl's focus fell on him, he stated, "Trowa is as good as a brother to me as well and I will care for him as such, with my own life if need be."

Moved by that, Barton's jaw fell open and closed though his voice could provide no words. Clearing his throat of the lump that had formed there, he grinned and bowed his head to the braided gifted that he had earlier insulted instead.

Heero was quick to also decree, "He will have my sword and will on his side as well." Nodding vehemently, Quatre silently promised the same.

Catherine scanned the faces of her company and saw the sincerity in their declarations. She felt the seriousness of their alliance. And that was what solidified her in being able to let to.

Squeezing the hand in hers, she dried her face with the other and released a deep breath. "Alright," she managed. "We all best get to sleep, then. You will need an early start in climbing through the mountains tomorrow."

There was no celebration over the new addition to the growing clan of travelers... only the profound reminder of what was at stake in their mission. Somehow, they could all feel that the journey from that point on was only going to grow more and more difficult...

...and now the Provaka Mountains seemed all the more ominous a foe to face.



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