Crimson Ties Part 40

Duo bit his lip as he leaned forward on the couch that he shared with Heero. This meeting was something that he'd been anxious to sit in on, considering how there was an order given to the Preventers that they needed to keep an extra eye on him and Quatre at all times. At least now he would finally know why that was the case.

Wringing his hands together, Treize cast his wife a sidelong glance. Swallowing roughly, the head Commander focused back on their agents as he announced, "Lady Une and Zechs recently made an unplanned trip to Athens, Greece to follow up on a theory behind our Rogues and the humans that they are killing."

Throughout the room, eyes widened and several of the Vampires craned their necks towards the couple standing before them, every one of them silently urging an explanation. Even Noin was on the edge of her chair at the table that she shared with her husband as she had been left in the dark by Zechs over the matter."

A deep frown marring his face, Treize announced, "It was during that visit that it was realized beyond doubt that the Rogues are targeting Companions."

Gasps and startled cries rose through the room as the Infected and human alike reacted to the startling news. Instantly, Heero's eyes grew further as he went rigid and rested a hand on the small of Duo's stiffened back. Relena's jaw fell as her head snapped to the side so that she could look on a startled Quatre worriedly.

"B-but that doesn't make any sense!" Anna shouted. Shaking her head, her long hair whipped in its ponytail as she stated, "What Rogue would purposely go after humans that are deemed to become Companions?! They'd be killing our own along with them-!"

With another sharp gasp, her already pale face turned even more ghostly white with the same realization that was running through the group around. "In little more than a breath, she managed, "Unless..."

Swallowing roughly, her scaly husband shifted on the floor that they sat on out of his piquing nerves. Under his breath, he muttered for her, "Unless we're not actually dealing with Vampires. That's the only thing that could explain it..." Hope flooded his golden eyes as he looked to Lady Une, suggesting, "If you're absolutely certain that the humans being taken out are meant to be Companions, Commander."

The Councilwoman's shoulders sagged heavily. "I completely understand your wish that Zechs and I might be wrong and our findings might be off. And I promise you that we have done all that we could to put holes in what we believed. but there is no doubt between us, or Treize, that our victims were meant to be tied to one of our own."

Lady Une bit her lip and nodded to Merquise when she was struggling to go on with the rest of what they had to share.

Clearing his throat, Zechs rose to his feet and addressed his friends, "We met a young Infected named Jacob in Athens. As young as he is compared to most Vampires, he would not have been in dire need to be bonded with his Chosen for centuries."

He lowered his head, frowning deeply, "But he's dying... slowly and painfully as the Originals are now in their starvation." Duo's heart hammered in his chest, gaze locked on the floor as he took every word in. Heero's hand moved to grip onto his thigh tightly... protectively.

Still silently struggling to deal with the image of poor Jacob, Zechs shook his head before he lifted it and went on, "He identified our latest victim from the clearing, Sharon Berber, from the lineup of images of those mortals that had been lost. He knew her name before we'd even told him. He knew her face from dreams that he'd experienced through the delirium of his weakening state."

Chewing on the inside of his cheek, Treize informed, "Since their return, there has been a notice sent out to the agents throughout the world to report in any strange illnesses in any of the Vampires around. A couple dozen have already been reported in and more are coming daily. From the line up of victim images we have, every one of them has been identified by a fading Infected from dreams like the ones Jacob has had." Releasing a deep breath, he sighed, "Including the two little ones."

That hit the truth home for the agents and humans sitting around. Wide eyes saddened, filled with panic that was on the verge of making them snap. So, not only were they looking to protect more innocent humans from being slaughtered... they were fighting to save the Infected that were tied to them.

But there was more for them to be concerned with. "Dozens of reports?" Trowa questioned when no one else could find the words to bring that detail up. ""That means we're looking at potentially hundreds of missing humans that are being taken out by... whatever these things are."

"Well, there are more of these things than the two we initially believed there to be," Noin supplied, a slight groan in her voice. To the wide eyes turning to watch her, she advised, "Based on the tracking that Anna and I performed in the clearing where Sharon met our enemies, we determined at least five of these monsters were present."

'Holy fuck!' was all that Maxwell could compute as all of this information was only making their already frightening problem amplify to a whole new level of terror. He felt Heero's hand tighten on his leg all the more.

Through all of the time devoted and risks taken in understanding this case more, there were only two certainties... Companion prospects were being wiped out. And there could potentially be an army of whatever it was that was responsible.

Yuy ran his free hand through his unruly hair, growling, "This is... worse than anything we've ever encountered before." Facing Quatre, he asked, "If we're truly not dealing with Vampires, what explanation could there possibly be to the mutated blood that we've found at the crime scenes?"

"Oh, there could be many possibilities there," the scientist answered, rubbing his chin in deep thought as he wracked his brain to filter through what he already knew.

Chewing on the inside of his cheek, he stated, "There was not a lot of blood for me to study, but I'll continue to examine it for anything that I missed while I am at my parents' for a few weeks starting tomorrow. Somewhere in the mix of this whole nightmare, I'm convinced that Infected are still involved."

His eyes widening, Quatre murmured under his breath, "Unless it was planted there."

As quiet as the comment was, even Duo was able to pick it up. And it brought another level of concern to just how nasty these monsters might be.

Leaning back against the door frame behind him, Wufei thought aloud, "Whatever they are, they're able to find future Companions. That could very well be a potential ability that a Vampire of several generations down the line from the Originals might wield. Though the motives for targeting Chosen are unknown, it may still all come down to Rogues. They could be trying to make a statement to our kind and humans alike."

Treize nodded, "That is not out of the question. There are just as many Infected that are unhappy with the peace forged between humans and Vampires. Many despise the fact that we have to conform to the mortals' ways just so that we can continue to exist. So, until we have any solid proof that we're looking at anything different, we're to continue on with the faith that we're still hunting down Rogues."

Every agent nodded their heads firmly in agreement.

"Now, where Duo and Quatre are concerned," Lady Une began, "the order to have them watched at all times would be understood clearly now, I assume." Once again, the Preventers nodded.

The corner of her mouth curling up, the Commander said, "Good. That order is permanently in effect until this crisis is handled. At no time is either of them to be without the presence of at least one of you. At the time of hunts, it will be worked out who will be assigned to watch who."

Biting his lip, Maxwell ducked his braided head, silently regretting how he had just become an added measure of potential danger to his family and friends. If there was a way or these Rogues to see Companions, it could very well only be a matter of time before he was spotted and sought out.

At the very least, he wasn't the only one potentially in danger. Casting a glance from the corner of his eye at Winner, the teenager was silently thankful that he was in good company there.

Lady Une looked to the scientist as she commented, "Theoretically, Quatre, there is a chance you would not be in our enemies' interest at all as they are only claiming future original Companions."

Blushing fiercely, the blonde living grinned as sheepishly as an equally embarrassed Relena. In seeing how the Infected would be making her own mind up to who she were to be linked to now that her husband was gone, the bond was very different from those of Vampires and humans that were destined together.

That much, of course, was left unsaid as to spare Peacecraft and Winner their privacy over their situation.

'Shit,' Duo snapped mentally. So much for his not being alone in being a burden to the Infected that had already sacrificed for him. Even though he was well aware that any one of the agents surrounding him would gladly give up their existences for his safety, simply the thought of that happening was tearing at him.

Under his breath, he snorted, "Good thing Wufei's going to be training me in defense."

Feeling the hand on his thigh loosen its grip and hearing the soft, sharp pull of air beside him, Maxwell froze. He hadn't meant to say that out loud. And being as close as he was to Heero... Slowly turning his head, the young scholar flinched at the intense glare of cobalt-and-gold that was locked on him.

"Oh... fuck.' The living's mind half-squeaked. This was bad. At the shift of the fiery stare that moved to settle on Wufei and Anna across from them, Duo cringed in knowing now that it was worse than bad.

Gazes met from opposite sides of the room. Silent 'conversations' were exchanged. Grounds were held, neither side willing to budge.

And then in an instant, Heero was on his feet, gritting through his teeth, "Forgive me for this, Commanders, but I need a word with my brother and sister. Now." Not waiting for a response, he stormed from the room with Wufei and Anna on his heels before they disappeared around the corner.

Maxwell shot to his feet, chasing after them with a sharp, "Damn it!" Hurrying into the hallway, he ran for the back porch where he could hear voices already rising in a heated argument beginning with his Vampire's.

"When the hell were either of you going to tell me about this arrangement?!" Yuy bellowed. "You both know that Duo wouldn't only be happy with knowing how to defend himself when it bothers him so whenever any of us are on a hunt while he's stuck here waiting for our return home!"

Wufei retorted, "You're right about that. He asked me to bring him up to speed in fighting Rogues so that he might become a Preventer. This was the best compromise that I could satisfy him with after I had given my word to-"

He was cut off with Heero's cried, "I don't give a damn what word you gave him, Chang! And making such a compromise will only eventually lead him to getting his real wish in joining our ranks when he could be killed out in the field!"

The braided living panted heavily reached them to find his siblings on one half of the patio and his bonded on the other before he stepped into the room, yelling, "Would all of you please stop fighting like this?!"

Heads snapping to stare at him, the three Vampires blinked. Their shoulders slumping, they sighed and relaxed in their stepping down from their little battle of wills.

Slowly moving towards Yuy, the mortal sighed, "Listen, 'Ro, I knew that you would hate the idea of this, so I went behind your back and I really am sorry for that. But this is what I want, and I think it's my right to have the option to protect myself from other Infected."

When his Vampire opened his mouth to protest, Maxwell raised a finger and insisted, "I know that you and everyone here is perfectly capable of protecting me, but you just never know what could happen." Holding his arms out, he shrugged, "We already know now that future Companions, like myself, are being attacked by these Rogues... or whatever the hell those monsters out there are."

Biting his lip, the unruly-haired immortal closed the distance between them to cup his living's face in his cold hands. "More than the thought of anything happening to you, there's so much more to this, Duo," he whispered. "The thought of you ever having to see what my kind can do through training with a creature as experienced in combat as any of us are..."

His heart stilling for a couple beats, the scholar's violet eyes widened. "Y-you think that it might scare me away from you?" he breathed. Swallowing roughly, Heero lowered his head and made a shallow nod to the surprised gasps of their brother and sister.

Instantly, Maxwell covered the hands on his face with his own to lower and hold onto them between their chests. Resting their foreheads together and forcing the Infected to look into his eyes, he vowed in a breath, "I'm here. And nothing in this world is going to make me leave you."

Taking a shaky breath at those sure and sincere words, relief washed over his Vampire's face, reaching his golden eyes.

Duo knew that he was responsible for those concerns in Heero. Just the way that he had been towards the Infected when they first met gave Heero reason enough to be concerned that it would be easy for that hatred and fear to come back... driving his Other away for good.

Only time and further demonstrations of Maxwell's loyalty to Yuy would prove to the immortal that he had nothing to worry about when it came to that. Sighing softly, the teenager closed the short distance between them to lace his arms tightly around his Infected's strong torso, turning his head to pillow his cheek against a firm shoulder.

His bottom lip trembling ever so slightly, Heero rested his chin atop his Chosen's forehead. Closing his eyes, he wrapped the boy in a tight embrace and willed his demons away.

After a long pause, Anna stepped forward as she wiped a stray tear from her eye. "Brother," she frowned deeply, "these monsters are doing more than killing these Companions. From what Noin and I discovered, Sharon was chased down and tormented."

Having to pause to swallow roughly, she went on, "Her bones were broken and she was forced to drag herself with the false hope that she could get away before they finally ended her suffering. She was nothing more than a sick game to them as she died alone and terrified."

When the living in his arms shivered, Yuy held onto his Other even more tightly as visions of that sort of attack befalling Duo flashed through his mind. Pressing a soft kiss against the living's head, he opened his eyes and nodded to his brother-in-law, "Alright. I want you to train him immediately."

Chang stepped up, to rub his wife's back soothingly as he promised, "I'll make sure that he's brought up to be a formidable fighter. Nothing will ever want to try to bring him harm." A proud smile lighting her face, Anna wrapped her arms around his scaly neck with a quick peck to his cheek.

Satisfied at that, Heero sighed, "Good. At least I'll have peace of mind in knowing that he'll have the best mentor." Wufei smirked.

"Thank you," Duo whispered sincerely as he looked up at his Vampire. "This really means a lot to me, 'Ro."

Chuckling, the Infected replied, "You may not be so appreciative after working with Wufei for a little while. He's not going to be easy, considering his military background with the China army as well as his experience in bringing up Preventers."

Anna lowered her arms to her sides and nudged her husband, grinning, "You'll be in the best hands possible." Giggling, she winked, "And as for using his word to get what you wanted, well played, little brother."

His eyes rolling, Wufei snorted, "Don't encourage him, love." Nudging her back, he gave away his amusement with the lopsided smirk that curled his mouth as his family snickered quietly at his antics now that the atmosphere had officially calmed again.

Reluctantly releasing his Chosen, Heero suggested, "We better get back to finish up the meeting. There's a lot that'll have to be worked out when we get back home to see that everything needed for the training is ready."

No argument was raised at that, bringing his brother and sister to lead the way off of the back porch. Taking his Vampire's hand, Duo shared a warm smile with him as they followed after them. When they returned to the living room, their cousins and friends were all doing their best to not watch when they returned to their places.

Sitting back on the couch with his Chosen, Heero smiled sheepishly, "Sorry, everyone. I'm sure since you were all able to overhear what we were discussing, you could understand my urgency to address that situation."

Well, the Vampires for certain would have been able to unintentionally pick up the conversation. Most relieved of the lot was Midi, who was still being restrained with her husband's arms around her. No doubt hearing the raised voices at the start of the conversation made it difficult for the 'little mother' to not get involved and break the up the fight. Now seeing that everyone was fine, she sighed and relaxed as Trowa's hold fell away.

Glancing at Quatre and seeing how he shifted in his chair under his violet gaze, Duo was aware that apparently his friend had been brought up to speed as well. Not that the braided living minded. It was eventually going to get out to the others anyway.

And a pretty important meeting had been put on hold over the whole thing in the first place.

"For what it's worth," Treize grinned at Maxwell, "I think that it is both a very brave and wise thing for you to want be able to protect yourself against our kind as best you can. Few mortals would ever consider the notion in knowing the odds that would be stacked against them. And you have the support of everyone in this room."

Several heads nodded in agreement through the room. Even Trowa reached over from his perch beside his mortal cousin to lightly punch him in the shoulder with a smirk on his face. Heero moved a bit in his seat, no longer against the plan but still a little uneasy.

Lady Une stepped up beside her husband to announce, "We've discussed all that we can discuss for this meeting where the things that we know are concerned. Seeing that Christmas and New Years are just around the corner, there will not be another hunt until after the holidays so that we can spend them together." She smiled and winked to her braided friend, "Especially with this being Duo's first time with us for the season."

A deep sigh of relief escaping him, the braided teenager leaned against his Vampire.

Clearing her throat, the Commander went on, "However, on January first, we must get right back to work. The next team will consist of myself, Trowa and Heero."

With a wave of shock cascading over him, Maxwell gasped quietly as his body tensed. From the corner of his wide eyes, he could see Barton squeezing Midi's hand when she frowned deeply in worry just as he felt Heero securing an arm around his shoulders.

"This meeting is officially adjourned, then," Treize declared. Bowing his head to the scientist, he said, "Quatre, as always, your efforts in finding out what you can for us are most appreciated and we hope you enjoy your time with your family."

With the corner of his lips spun upward, the Commander glanced to the braided living and offered, "As for you, Duo... good luck with your training."

*   *   *   *   *   *

Less than two weeks.

That was how much time Duo had with Heero before his Chosen was off on another hunt for who knew how long. He hated the thought. But it was all that remained on his mind for the remainder of the day following the Preventer meeting.

It was difficult enough the first time that his Vampire was away when things were estranged between them. But now that they were getting closer and closer by the day... it was already breaking Maxwell's heart knowing that he would be home worrying and wondering about Yuy the whole time he was gone.

About the only thing keeping the teenager sane was his content in soon being prepared to fight Rogues. He was going to do whatever was demanded of him, push himself beyond every limit to prove himself as being able to do more than protect himself.

For his part, Yuy seemed to be as content with the notion of going off to continue the search for the Rogues. It was a part of his duty as a Preventer, after all. Still, he was not completely thrilled with the separation, going by how especially quiet he was that evening.

Lying in his bed as he stared at the ceiling, Duo absently reached down to run the bulb pendant against his chest along its chain as he thought deeply.

Things would be so much easier if he was turned. Based off of their research, Noin and Zechs had said that there were no definite cases of true Companions being targeted, only future Companions... like him.

But then the thought of taking that last big step scared him. Biting his lip, Maxwell silently wondered if he was up for such a leap of faith into a whole new life. Yes, he would be turned eventually so did it really matter whether it was sooner than later?

What would become of the person he knew himself to be now? His life would be extended to the immortal existence of his Vampire, but how many other changes would come over him?

If he jumped into the choice to drink Heero's blood and become permanently tied to him because he felt pressured over the Rogue situation, he ran the risk of regretting or feeling bitter over the circumstances. And that was the one thing that his Vampire feared happening the most.

The change had to come when Duo knew that he was ready... content to leave his life as he knew it completely behind.

So many things were running through his mind that Duo thought his head might explode from the pain of trying to sort them out. Groaning, he threw his arm over his closing eyes. Seconds later, he could hear the soft click of his closed door turning. "Hey, Heero," the living greeted quietly without removing his arm.

He felt the other half of the bed dip under the Infected's weight and took comfort in the strong chest that pressed against him as an arm draped across his waist. At the soft kiss pressed and held against his forehead, Maxwell finally lowered his arm to his side to look into Heero's eyes. In the moonlight filling the room, the gold ringing those cobalt irises almost glowed.

Thinking back to their deep kiss from the day before, Duo reached up to run his fingers along the Vampire's cool jaw line before he pushed himself up to press their lips together. With their eyes closing, the two desperately clung to each other when the kiss deepened.

As he put everything that he could into the exchange to reassure the Infected that he wasn't going anywhere, the braided teenager felt the surge of devotion and adoration that was being returned to him. And the intensity damn near had his eyes welling up with tears.

When they parted, Heero smiled warmly down at his panting Chosen, making it known that he understood what the kiss was meant to communicate to him. Gently running the backs of his fingers over the human's cheek, he whispered, "Love you."

"I know," Duo chuckled breathlessly in his usual response, earning an amused snicker from his bedmate.

Sighing, he pulled his Vampire as close to him as their bodies would allow. His head pillowed on a shoulder, his violet eyes drifted closed to the soft song being hummed to him.

*   *   *   *   *   *

The following morning, Quatre was off to reunite with his family for a few weeks before the start of the semester with Relena in tow. More than wanting to meet the Winners, the Councilwoman insisted that she be the one off to oversee the scientist's protection.

No one raised an objection, of course.

Waving to the car pulling away from the street that he shared with his cousins and siblings from his front porch, Duo sighed softly and looked back to the two Vampires standing behind him. "So," he began, clapping and rubbing his gloved hands together with a smirk, "what's the first step in my training?"

Anna and Wufei shared private smiles and a glance from the corners of their eyes before the scaly Infected announced, "First, we're taking a road trip. It's time for you to meet Howard."



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