This is the first day of my last days
Built it up now I take it apart
Climbed up real high, now fall down real far
No need for me to stay the last thing I left I just threw it away
-Lyrics to 'Wish' performed by Nine Inch Nails

Crimson Bonds Part 70

Everyone knew their parts when Broderick appeared with Emma right behind him. The prisoners were already on their feet, standing at the main walls of their cells.

An electricity of anticipation was in the air, everyone exchanged quick glances between one another as the Hunter stopped just inside the main entrance. "Let's get the hell out of here," he announced as he pressed the release button of the remote in his pocket.

Instantly, the captives felt the latches of their collars come undone with an audible click. Knowing the seconds of an opening that provided, they quickly pulled the restraints off their necks just before the override mechanism sealed the rings back up. Unable to help their relieved smiles, each immortal unconsciously rubbed at their exposed throats and tossed their gold bands aside.

Moving as fast as he could, Dawson was already at the control panel for the entire holding area and punching in the code that had been entrusted to him by Septum. At the push of the last bit of code, the invisible walls turned to water and dropped away in a loud splash. Rushing from their quarters, the prisoners were in an ankle-deep puddle of overflow that flooded the walkway.

All of this happened in less than a minute. And already the shrill, pulsing alarms were sounding.

Not about to lose his opportunity, Solo was on his knees at Emma's side as he locked gazes with her. "Ready?" he asked quietly. Holding out her arm without hesitation, the living nodded enthusiastically. "That's a brave girl," the Hybrid praised. Fangs growing in, he brought her hand up and pierced the skin on the inside of her wrist.

Covering her mouth and turning away to fight off her hunger, Anna swallowed roughly and squeezed her eyes closed tight. Duo was at her side, holding her trembling form against him as he rubbed her back soothingly.

Surprised when the blonde half-breed pulled his head and retracted his sharpened teeth, Emma blinked widely at the two puncture holes left behind in her skin. "That... didn't hurt like I thought it would," she muttered in awe.

"Good," Solo smirked. That smile fading, he urged, "Now I need you to listen very closely." Leaning in towards her ear, he cupped his mouth to whisper. Only a few words in, the girl's eyes widened.

Dawson peered anxiously towards the opened door and the flashing, red lights that were glowing throughout the base. "We have to get moving!" he shouted over the blaring sirens. "We're going to lose our only escape route!"

Maxwell was scooping the Hunter onto his back in the next heartbeat while his brother did the same for the Emma and Anna easily handled Celeste. Through the long stretch leading into the lab, the Vampire and Hybrids shot past the mounting guards and flew through the closing double-paneled security wall in blurs of themselves.

Even in the swirl of their surroundings, the escapees could make out the scrambling Hunters along the catwalks that they were scaling. "Duck!" Duo shouted, his family following his instruction to narrowly avoid a hail of bullets.

Any and everything that could be thrown at them in the mad haze of the abrupt strike was used. From shooting away large chunks in the walkways to the most imaginative of weapons were used. Anna narrowly cleared one of the long gaps. Solo's ankle was clipped by metallic jaws that had nearly clamped down on his foot.

But no one could come close to touching Duo. Well in the lead, the braided Hybrid's teeth were gritted as he followed Dawson's hollered instructions. All around him, he could smell blood. He could hear the elevated heartbeats of his enemies closing in more and more at every pass.

Seeing the start of the high-speed elevator shaft overhead, the living cheered, "Just two more floors to clear! Once we're there, we won't have much standing in the way at the rate we're going!"

"No," a deep growl hissed. His eyes widening, Broderick's skin paled. The sound had come from Maxwell... but it wasn't his voice at all.

Heels digging into the steel floor, the half-breed slid to a complete halt and threw his passenger from his back. Taken aback and frustrated, the Hunter hollered angrily at his carrier's back, "Duo, what the hell are you-" It was all he could get out when he took in the face turning to watch him.

With a glow to the violet irises of his eyes, the hunched over creature had a terrifying danger written on his heart-shaped face. Fangs drawn and a low rumble vibrating from his chest, Shinigami let out a warning snap of a bark at the mortal.

Stumbling back a few paces until he was stopped by the wall behind him, Broderick gaped in horror at the beast that had only seconds before been his friend. A whirl of wind flashed past them without pause at the same instant the other materialized into Anna and Celeste.

Quickly setting the Companion onto her feet, the redheaded Vampire reached out to prop herself beside Dawson with one hand. Panting for air as she stared in fright at her brother, she cried desperately, "Shingami! No!"

But the darker half of the Hybrid had taken control of the body that normally caged him away...

...And he was hungry.

Only a few feet overhead, Solo punched and kicked his way through the short barrier of Hunters that had attempted to block the path to the large column that rose high up past the ceiling of rock that was the top of the base.

Running headlong to the opening door, the blonde half-breed mentally thanked Adodera's perfectly timed delivery of the elevator. He could feel the rush of the fresh air that was carried down from the world above. He could see the glimmer of sunlight through the cracks of the structure.

Emma gasped when they came to a sudden standstill before they were actually inside of the lift. "Solo?" she frowned deeply as he reached back to gently lower her from his back.

"Just like I told you, kid," the Hybrid replied, his tone confident and reassuring to keep her calm. Bending down to a knee, he gripped her shoulders. "There was no way we were all going to make it out of here. But only one of us actually needs to escape. That's why I picked the gift I gave you. You're a brave girl and I know that you'll be able to get the help we need."

Tears filling her green eyes, the girl sniffled. Swallowing roughly, she nodded and lifted her head to take in the elevator. Her nerve cracking, she began to shake.

A tightness constricted the half-breed's throat, surprising him. "Well," he began thickly before he cleared away the lump, "Anna's not here to give this to you, so..." Pulling her into a firm hug, he fought his own emotions from catching up with him when the child clung onto him without any hesitation.

"Go," Solo whispered, gently pushing against her back to steer her towards the elevator when they separated as the sounds of gunfire, raised voices and blasts mounted below them.

Hands balled into fists, Emma took a deep breath and ran inside the lift just as the doors were sealing up.

Staring after her, the Hybrid whimpered as he watched his own way out slip away just when it was within his reach. His eyes following the elevator up through the clear tube until it vanished from sight between sheets of rock, he could feel himself begin to quiver over the opportunity of freedom that had been denied to him.

For the better part of his life, Solo had only known existence inside a prison. And he had willingly volunteered himself to remain in a cage for the sake of a family that he had only just come to know.

"DUO! YOU HAVE TO STOP THIS!" Anna's voice screamed desperately over the growing clamor of the struggle a few floors beneath his feet.

Stricken by his sister's yell, the blonde immortal froze with wide eyes for a breath. Glaring back the way he'd come, he noticed one of the dozen unconscious guards on the floor beginning to stir. The young man had only started to raise his head when Solo closed the gap between them to send another hard blow across his face to knock him out cold again. Unopposed, he ran in the direction of the deafening sounds.

In a matter of a couple milliseconds, he materialized back to the point where he and his fellow prisoners had been separated... and what he found sent a bolt of ice cold terror down his spine.

~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~

Emma gulped when the elevator reached its destination, coming to a slow pause. Holding her breath as the doors slid open, she winced at the blinding sunlight that flooded in.

Shielding her eyes, they grew as far as they could at the sight of dozens of pistol barrels being aimed right at her. Behind each of those weapons, the stern faces of the Hunters wielding them changed from focused anger to confusion and disbelief.

The man at the helm of the pack frowned deeply and stomped into the lift, searching high and low above as the girl avoided colliding with him in a dance around until she was outside. "Huh," the middle-aged Hunter puffed out in a laugh, "Not a sign of anyone here."

Beaming, the Companion fought the urge to cheer. Solo was right. They couldn't see her. No one with any intent to harm her would have so much as a glimpse of her. That was the gift he'd bestowed on her.

However, there was one pair of eyes present that saw her clearly. Mouth muzzled by a gag and hands cuffed behind her back, Doctor Gloria Adodera sat on the sandy floor with armed guards surrounding her. A hand flying up to cover her mouth to hold off the cry that almost shot from her, Emma held the stunned woman's gaze.

Realization setting in, the physician collected herself and made a point of shifting focus hard right.

It was a signal, the child realized. Staring out in that direction, she noted the collection of tall boulders only a few yards away. That must have been the launching pad that Broderick had told her about. There would be jeeps and other vehicles hidden inside of the cave beyond the long crevices between the stones.

Nodding to the Gloria, Emma made sure to not stir up the dust as she walked towards the small mountain amongst the endless stretch of red dirt and rock. Meanwhile, completely unaware of her, the Hunters standing by scratched their heads and muttered amongst themselves over the empty elevator.

~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~

Hurling a shrieking Hunter over the railing of the catwalk, Shinigami howled viciously. Fangs dripping with fresh blood, he spun on his feet to descend on the next wave of assailants scaling towards him. Vanishing in a blur of himself, every shot made against him missed and the mortified livings laying in his wake were mowed down when he collided with them.

A hand raised towards him, Anna shook her head and yelled, "Shinigami, you can't take on all of them! If you can hear me, Duo, you have to get through to him!" Paling when she peered down to see an endless swarm of Hunters rounding the catacombs of walkways, she gasped sharply.

Instinct kicking in, the Irish Vampire rushed ahead to take hold of Maxwell's shoulders. Having the advantage of surprise, she managed to pull the beast that had taken over back a few paces from the mortal that he was moving to bite into as she shouted, "SHINIGAMI, GET OUT OF MY BROTHER'S HEAD BEFORE THEY KILL ALL OF US!"

Wailing in his rage at being denied his revenge, the braided half-breed hauled off and swirled around to deliver a violent punch that sent the Infected flying backwards off her feet. She crashed hard onto her side on the ground, barely managed to adjust her collapse to that she didn't land on her abdomen.

From the corner that they had backed themselves into for their own protection, Celeste and Broderick cried, "Anna!"

That was the scene Solo had rushed into. Gaping at the Infected shakily pushing herself up, he had no idea how or why Shinigami had struck her. It didn't matter. All the blonde Hybrid had to see was the blood running from his sister's nose along with her dazed expression.

And it was like the world split in two with a loud crack.

Piercing the air with a wild roar, the darkness that he had consciously locked away up to that moment was released from its confines to be the one in charge of their shared body. Bolting headlong for his brother, he sent a fist flying into Shinigami's chest and tackled him to the ground. From there, the half-breeds became a violent series of blurred punches, kicks and every possible strike they could make against one another.

On his knees to shield Anna, Broderick rested a hand on her shoulder. Wiping away the last fresh blood running prior to her healing ability kicking in so that only a couple of thin trails of dry crimson remained, she peered up and reassured, "I'm alright." Gently rubbing her belly, she added, "We all are." The mortal swallowed, nodding firmly. Though she put up a good front, there was no mistaking that she'd been shaken by the hit she took.

Celeste bent down at the redheaded Vampire's other side as they all paused to stare wide-eyed at the display of devastating power and unbridled wrath unfolding. The newest guards closing in froze in opened-mouth awe over the incredible fight between the half-breeds.

For a brief eternity, the dark entities were left to their own devices to try and best one another with a mesmerized audience.

Every blow was answered by equal or greater strength. Fangs bit into any exposed flesh they could sink into. What should have been fatal shots were deflected as though they were hitting stone.

Then, a handful of Hunters took advantage of the Hybrids' distraction to move in with tasers. It took more than ten ribbons each on either half-breed before they slowed and eventually collapsed onto the floor side-by-side. Yet more guards descended upon them, collars in hand to slip them around the necks of their prey to have full command over them again.

Backs reeling with pained screams at the shockwaves pulsing from their constraints, Duo and Solo regained their senses just as Septum stepped through the gap in his Hunters that parted for him.

Clicking his tongue in a chiding fashion, the researcher smirked down at his prizes, "Tsk. Tsk. And here I thought that I was being more than hospitable towards you. Under normal circumstances, I would be irate over your little attempt to escape, however..." gesturing to the opposing wall when the half-breeds followed the hand pointing out the tiny lenses aimed at them, he smirked, "now I finally have a recorded demonstration of what you've been holding back from me. My clients will be most interested to see a glimpse into your full potential."

Sweat dripping down his face, Duo dropped his forehead onto the floor in defeat. He couldn't even begin to take in the holes in the railings, walls and catwalks. There was no way for him to process the dead bodies lying in his wake. Startling as it was that any part of him could be capable of so much destruction and death... what was more unnerving was that he wanted more. So much more.

Navigating around the gaps and carcasses covering the floor, Millers stalked towards the prone Infected with a glare. "You, my dear, I have no time for," he snarled. "You were existing on borrowed time to begin with. Now you can finish out your last few days locked in a steel cage away from your family here." At that, he snapped his fingers back at the guards. Two of the taller, more muscular men at the front of the bunch stormed for the Vampire.

"Anna," Duo and Solo muttered at the same time, their heads craning around to watch the brutes fall in on her. Panting for air between his clenched teeth, the braided Companion cried, "Anna!" In his trying to get to his feet, he was given another jolt of energy through his collar and fell like a rag doll to the ground once more.

His right hand snapping up when the Vampire began to open her mouth, Septum warned, "Not a peep out of you, Siren! If you make so much as a sigh, you and those babies will be cut down before you can finish. I can't have you singing us to sleep." He took a step to the side so that she had a clear view of the hoard aiming their weapons at her.

Sucking her bottom lip in, Anna nodded. There was no point in fighting the issue. It was over. The whole plan was over the moment Shinigami took matters into his own hands. As she rose to her feet, Broderick and Celeste's hands on either of her arms fell away to be replaced with brutally tight grips from her escorts.

Over the radio strapped to Millers's side, a gruff voice announced, "Boss, the elevator's clear and we have the doctor."

Head shaking as he looked over his captives, the researcher brought the com to his mouth and patched back, "Something's wrong. If your team's not already searching for the girl, they better be spreading out to find her now. Only two guards come back so we can secure Adodera after she's examined her patient. No one else returns until that little brat is found and locked away again."

"Yes, sir," the guard on the other end replied.

Head hung low as she was dragged past her brothers, Anna's shimmering eyes fell on them to offer a silent goodbye. Hands clenching in tight fists, Solo's whole body shook while Duo couldn't hold back the tears running down his cheeks. Devastating as it was to see her carried through the herd of Hunters, neither one was about to lift themselves an inch from the floor out of fear of what may happen to her and the babies if they moved.

Once the Vampire was beyond their sight, the blonde half-breed felt a rare sting in his eyes. "Solo," he heard beside him, "Why was Anna bleeding?" Blinking widely, he craned his head around to see the genuinely confused and worried look on his brother's damp face.

All attention drew back to Septum as he growled down at Dawson, "As for you, my friend, you can spend time in a cell of your own until this mess is cleaned up so I can handle you properly."

Walking up from the pack to stand just behind her lover, Lucie smirked darkly at her former crush. It was certainly a joyous moment, seeing the one person to ever deny her what she wanted disgraced and under her lover's heel.

"A Hunter who turns on his own for a Vampire doesn't deserve the right to rot in a prison," she stated. "His end should be a slow and painful one." At her back, the heads of her comrades within earshot nodded in agreement.

Broderick helped Celeste to her feet as he stood alongside her, shoulders rocked back and head high without breaking his stare from his judge and executioners. "I have no regrets," he declared in a clear, loud voice for all to hear. "What you sorry excuses for livings are doing here is wrong. And as long there's any life in me, I'll see to it that you suffer for what you've done to these poor creatures."

Millers and his brethren laughed. "Words to die by," the scientist grinned. Slipping his hand into Aisley's to squeeze it, he told her, "You're right, my dear. I already have a fitting death worked out for him. We'll deliver it together when the dust has settled enough around here that we'll be able to enjoy it."

Leaning against him, Lucie purred, "I can't wait to hear your plan." Her eyes narrowing, she sighed in frustration, "But for now, I better join the search party for that girl. If they somehow let her slip between their fingers once, they'll need the help of a real Hunter to bring her in."

"She can't be far, wherever she is," Septum sighed. Facing the swarm behind him, he commanded loudly, "I want just enough escorts to lock the prisoners back to the holding area. The rest of you, comb every inch of this place until she turns up!" Hurrying to part ways, the onlookers set off to carry our their orders.

On her way past Broderick, the blonde young woman removed the pistol at her hip. "I hate baking out in the sun," she commented, "this is for making me dry out my skin."

He saw the butt of her gun sailing for the back of his head just before everything went black.

~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~

Minutes later, Aisley had been quickly debriefed of the situation on the surface. She grumbled under her breath as she took to the wheel of one of the few remaining jeeps of the launching pad. Tossing her bag of weapons into the passenger seat, she removed a pair of designer glasses from her pocket and set them on the bridge of her nose.

"Apparently it takes a village to find one little brat," she grumbled to herself. Starting the ignition, she peeled out of the cave and into the bright Outback...

...completely unaware of the young passenger huddled tightly in the back, open hatch of her vehicle.



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