Battlestar Andromeda Part 14

Battlestar Andromeda
Command Deck

Heero felt the blood drain from his head as he heard Duo issue the command. With a muffled oath he turned and ran out of the control deck. He continued running until he reached the door to the landing tube. Once inside he ran over to where Lt. Schbeiker was standing at the control unit. Her pale face told him all he needed to know.

"How is he doing?" Heero asked hoarsely.

"It's not looking good. His oxygen level has now dropped to 10% and his turbo is not working well." Hilde said her voice tight. They watched as Zechs landed his fighter and as with all the other pilots, waited for Duo to land before leaving their fighters.


Quickly walking down the hallway towards the landing tube Dr. Sally Po was looking down at the small computer in her hand. She had just pulled up her Commander's complete file and was reading it when she came to a complete stop. Not quite sure that she had read the words right she said, "Computer bring up the information on the next of kin for Commander Duo Maxwell."

"Affirmative Dr. Po." the computer intoned. After a few moments the computer then came back with the answer. "Next of kin for Commander Duo Maxwell is Heero Yuy, husband."

With a frown on her face Sally then said, "Computer, cross reference Heero Yuy in Commander Maxwell's file with Ambassador Heero Yuy."

"Affirmative Dr. Po." Again there was a moment of silence before the answer was given. "Cross reference to Heero Yuy, husband and Ambassador Heero Yuy is complete. They are one and the same."

"What?" Sally stood there stunned and then said, "Computer, can you access World Council files and find out if Commander Maxwell and Ambassador Yuy are still married?"

"Affirmative Dr. Po." This time the time the computer came back with the answer quickly. "Commander Duo Maxwell and Ambassador Heero Yuy married five years ago, no divorce has been filed. They are still married."

"Thank you computer." Sally said with a frown. She wondered why they had kept this a secret. She knew through the gossip around the ship that the Commander and the Ambassador both had separate quarters; in fact, most thought that the Ambassador was seeing his assistant, what's her name. Before she had a chance to think any further alarms started going off around the ship. This was a signal that a fighter was coming in that was in trouble and that meant the possibility of casualties. Breaking into a run she continued on to the landing tube, coming through the door in enough time to see the Commander's fighter hit the side of the tube before careening into the end of the tube. She continued running on, vaguely hearing someone yell in the background, until she got to the short walkway that separated the main area from the landing tube.

Heero stood at the control unit watching in horror as Duo's fighter slammed into the end of the landing tube. He ran forward, fear gripping him, as he tried to get to the door that led to the tube. Once there he pounded on the door screaming, "No! Duo!" He turned back to Hilde and demanded, "Open the door! Now!"

Hilde quickly hit the gravity lock and within seconds a wall slid across the tube, allowing people to enter the tube while the main portion of the tube was still being shut down. She then watched as the door to the walkway slid open and both Heero and Dr. Po ran towards the downed fighter. She said a quiet prayer for her Commander.

Heero ran down the walkway as soon as the door slid open, not stopping until he got to Duo's fighter. His heart slamming in his chest, he jumped up onto the fighter and looked in to see Duo lying in his seat unconscious. Without any further thought Heero looked for the safety latch to open the window of the cockpit. To his dismay he found the latch but it had sustained damage with the crash and was now not working. Refusing to let it stop him from saving Duo he looked around for something to use. Not finding anything to use he put his hands under a break in the seal of the cockpit and pulled with all his might. The metal groaned but refused to move more than an inch.

Frustration filled him as he tried once again to lift the cockpit window. Just as he was about to scream other hands appeared to help. Looking up he saw all of the pilots standing around the cockpit with six of them ready to help pull with him. He turned his head and looked at Zechs standing next to him. He struggled to hold back tears of gratitude.

"On three." Zechs said quietly.

"On three." Heero said with a nod of his head. He watched as the six pilots plus Zechs get into position around the cockpit. With a deep breath he called out, "One....two.....three!" There was a loud groan as the cockpit slowly released. There were shouts of encouragement from all those around them. As one they put forth a burst of strength and soon the cockpit window was being pushed back.

Heero carefully, with shaking hands, reached down to feel for Duo's pulse. His body sagged in relief when he found the weak pulse. He turned to Zechs, who was the only one still standing next to him, and said, "He is still alive but his pulse is weak."

"I will go and let Dr. Po know." said Zechs.

Heero turned back to Duo and felt tears slide down his face. He looked at Duo's face and saw that the side had started to bruise. He looked around for a way to enter the cockpit to lift Duo out but the space was too small for him to fit into. He moved to the front of the fighter and lay down on his stomach so that he could reach the straps that held Duo in. Once he had the straps undone he then gently moved Duo to the side of his seat. That finished, he then stood up and carefully lowered his feet to stand on the seat. Just as he was about to lean down to pick Duo up he was interrupted by a voice beside him.

"Ambassador, don't lift him out yet. I want to run this scanner over him so that I can get a reading of his injuries." Dr. Po said holding a small device in her hands. At his nod she then moved the scanner over Duo's body waiting for the beep to tell it was done with the scan. She gave a sharp hiss at the findings on the screen. Looking up at the Ambassador she said, "Be very careful with his right side, both his arm and leg are broken. There is also a concussion and some internal bleeding so try not to jar him to much."

Heero nodded and then turned back to Duo. Taking a deep breath he once again bent down to lift Duo from the seat. Just as he put his arms around him, Duo slowly opened his eyes and looked at him. "H'ro." Duo whispered. Leaning down even further Heero carefully placed a kiss on Duo's forehead. As gently as he could manage he lifted Duo's slight form from the seat. He heard a slight whimper come from the injured man. Crooning softly, he continued to lift Duo from the seat. Once Duo was cleared of the cockpit Heero then worked his way out of the cockpit with his precious bundle. Many of the pilots came forward offering to take Duo from him but one snarl from him kept them at bay.

As quickly as he could without causing more injury he walked over to the stretcher that was waiting for him. As soon as he lay Duo down Dr. Po rushed forward and started barking out orders. Heero watched as she and three other medical personnel rushed the stretcher down the hallway towards medical. Just before the stretcher was out of view Dr. Po turned and called back to him saying, "Ambassador, I will need some information so I need you to meet me at medical as soon as possible." And with that she then left the landing tube.

Heero turned and looked over at all the other pilots still standing there, many with tears in their eyes. He closed his eyes for a moment then opening them again, nodded at the pilots in thanks and then turned to leave the tube. Before he could however one of the pilots came forward and placed a hand on his arm. Looking up he saw that Lt. Winner was standing there, a look of gratitude on his face.

"Thank you." said Quatre, "The Commander is loved by all of us here on this ship."

"You're welcome." Heero said. Just before he walked away he added, "But no one loves Duo as much as I do." Then Heero walked out of the landing tube and towards the medical bay that held his husband.

Quatre stood there with his mouth open unsure if what he heard had been correct. He turned to Trowa and Zechs and said, "Did I just hear that right? Did the Ambassador just tell me that he loves the Commander?"

Trowa looked at Quatre his own face showing his confusion, "That's what he said. Do you think that maybe they knew each other before the Ambassador came on board?"

"I think maybe they did." said Zechs. "I have heard through the gossip line that the Commander was not happy when he found out that the Ambassador was here for the mission. This could make things very interesting." Suddenly he looked over at Quatre and exclaimed, "Oh my god! Wufei! I just left him here when we landed! I need to go find him!"

Just then a crew member came forward and said, "Captain Merquise, I had your guest taken to your cabin. I wasn't sure where you wanted me to take him and it seemed like the best place with all the confusion."

"Thank you Perkins. That was the correct place to put him. I will work on finding him a permanent place to stay later."

"Are you sure that is a good idea Zechs?" asked Quatre. "I mean, I am sure that this is a totally different place than the palace. It might be better for him if he was able to stay with you for a while."

"You're probably right." Zechs said with a sigh. "I just didn't want to force him to stay with me."

"Zechs the man is going to be extremely scared and nervous for a while. It is going to take some time for him to realize that he is no longer a slave and that he has his freedom. Just take it slow for now."

Battlestar Andromeda
Medical Bay

Heero paced outside the exam room waiting for the Dr. to come and give him an update on Duo's condition. Every time he closed his eyes all he could see was Duo's broken body sitting in that fighter. Guilt racked him as the realization that he was at fault for the situation hit him. If he hadn't walked away from him the night before in anger then Duo would not have been flying. He would have been in the shuttle like he was supposed to be, not lying in medical in grave condition.

He stopped pacing for a moment and looked at the door to the exam room that Duo was in, willing the door to open. When it didn't he resumed his pacing. He had thought to call his father and talk to him but he didn't want to leave until he was sure that Duo would be alright. 'He has to be alright.' Heero thought to himself, 'I just found him again. I will not let him go again. I love him too much to let him leave me again.' Just then the door opened and a tired Dr. Po walked towards him. The solemn look on her face made his heart start to pound in his chest. Blinking back tears he waited for the Dr. to approach.

"How is he Dr. Po?" Heero asked.

"I'm afraid it is not looking too good."


* Author's note- Please accept this heartfelt apology for not updating this story sooner. Starting a new job during the holiday season is very, very tough. I have gone back to restaurant management after a few years absence and it has taken awhile for me to get back into the swing of things. Now that the holiday season is soon to be over I will be able to update a lot faster. So with that said I will give you a slight hint as to what will be happening to our favorite pair in the near future- Lots of Lemons! Yes that's right, things will soon get hot and steamy as the pair work out their differences. So lot's more to come! Happy holiday's to all who read this story and may the New Year bring you joy and happiness.


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