Perfect Part 6

Duo kicked his feet up; setting the swing moving while Tomas got dressed. So far no overtures. Either it was a wash, or Tomas was being careful. What the hell; Duo could be patient when necessary. Anyway, it'd been a long time since a trick treated him to a room like this. He kicked higher, increasing his swing, long braid flying out behind him.

"You are a beauty," said Tomas in admiration. "Ever done any permanent arrangements?"

"Nope. I like bein' independent. More variety that way." He leaned back looking at his customer from upside-down.

"Put your clothes on and we'll talk."

"I like this way better. Is my naked ass a distraction?"

Tomas grabbed the chain and Duo's swing lurched to a stop. "It sure is." He closed his larger hands over Duo's on the chains and leaned close. Duo turned his head sharply and Tomas' lips landed on his cheek. The man growled and Duo leaned away, shaking his head.

"No kissing. I don't kiss you, you don't kiss me."

Tomas' eyes narrowed. "Is this like the hair? I get it if I pay for it?"

"No. I don't kiss. It's my rule." He shrugged. "You don't like it, don't pick me."

The man watched him narrowly for a moment. Duo twisted the swing around, winding up the chain, then let it go to spin him around, his braid flying. He giggled when he stopped, just a bit dizzy.

Tomas nodded to himself. "Is this our second date?" he asked.

Duo turned wide violet eyes his way. "Yep."

"Okay," Tomas muttered. "And this date is over, right?"

Duo leaned back, kicking the swing into motion again. "Yep."

"So if I say I've decided I want another round, that would be our third date, right?"

"Yep." C'mon, Duo coaxed silently. You know you want to... I'm waiting...

"So I can get the hair, right?"

Duo waggled his tongue at the man. "Yep. Providing we agree on the price."

"Three hundred, plus the usual."

"Put the money in my jeans, and I'm ready to go." He stopped the swing and hopped off, rubbing his butt where he'd been sitting on the bar. "Up or down?"

Tomas turned back grinning. "Oh, down. Definitely down."

Duo smiled back and reached for the ribbon. Oh, yeah... You're gonna LOVE this, you slimy pieceashit... He shook his head and his braid began to unravel. He bent forward at the waist and shook loose the last of the plaits then straightened and flung his head back. His auburn mane settled around him like a cloak reaching almost to his knees.

Tomas stared, his eyes traveling from Duo's hair to his feet and back again with a familiar hunger. He licked his lips and swallowed as Duo folded his arms and raised one eyebrow.

Yeah, you sonuvabitch, come and get me! Take your best shot, fucker. We'll see who comes out on top!


Duo's eyes snapped open at the sound of the door closing. He sat up looking around the room. He was alone.


He scrambled off the bed to check his jeans. To his relief the money was all there. He sat down on the bed again and yawned.

He'd broken one of his rules by allowing himself to climax with Tomas, but it was in a good cause. But falling asleep, well, dozing really, was not a good thing. Rule of the streets, keep your eyes on the trick until he's out the door, otherwise the money may go with. Apparently the guy was sufficiently impressed to play it straight. He couldn't help giggling. Wait'll next time!

Duo flopped back on the bed looking up at the swing. He reached up with one foot to give it a push. Yeah, he smiled to himself; he's on the hook. I'll just play him out a bit and see what happens...

And in the meantime... He swung off the bed to bolt the door and head for a shower. ...A new fantasy for dreaming of Heero. He did a little tango into the bathroom.


"Tomas is kinda neat, ain't he?" said Snow, rubbing Duo's back absently. Duo had noticed early on that Snow liked physical contact. He was very snugly with Rose, hugging and petting him constantly when they were "off-duty", hanging onto him whenever he was nervous or frightened. Sometimes, like now, when Rose was gone, he would get close to Duo, touching him more often than not.

Duo didn't mind. It was nice to have a physical presence around that wasn't paying for the privilege. It hinted at belonging and camaraderie, like someone cared. Duo hooked his arm around Snow's waist.

"Seems to be," he agreed laconically. "Are ya okay? Ya look kinda nervous."

"Huh? I guess so," he admitted reluctantly.

"Bad date?" Duo said sympathetically.

Snow leaned against him. "He sorta... he scared me a little..."

"What'd he do?" Duo could take care of that, at least.

Snow pulled his collar open to show the bruises on his neck. "He choked me. I almost passed out. But he apologized and left some extra."

Duo's eyelids drooped and he forced himself to speak without anger. "Didja cum when he did that?" Yeah, dude, yer on my list now...

"Yeah..." He looked at Duo curiously. "How'd ya know?"

"Some guys'll do that to make ya cum. It sucks. Point him out next time an' I'll take care of him." He'd take care of him, all right. He'd fuckin' castrate the bastard.

"Maybe I should tell Rose."

"No!" said Duo sharply. Then he took a deep breath. "Nah, don' do that. It'll piss him off an' he won't be able to keep his mind on you." He gave Snow a gentle squeeze. "Where it belongs. I know how to handle assholes like that; I'll fix him."

"Okay... Yer really nice, ya know that?"

Duo laughed. "People tell me that, but I don' see it."


"You know, I'd like to get some sleep tonight," Duo growled into the council of war gathered on his bed. "I don't know why the hell you're here anyway. I gave you what I had over the phone."

Quatre frowned. "It's important to make plans. If he's the one, we need to be prepared to deal with him quickly and efficiently."

"I realise that you enjoy playing everything 'by ear'," snapped Wufei. "But we need to handle this in a professional manner."

Duo turned to the Chinese pilot. "That's the second time you've used that tone with me. Do it again and I'll cut your fuckin' head off, pigtail boy," he snarled. "Since I'm such a damn liability, why don't you all make your lousy plans and just leave me a note, huh?" He grabbed his jacket and headed for the door. "And you better be gone when I get back, damn it!" He slammed the door behind him.

Quatre, Heero and Trowa glared at Wufei.

"You know, Wufei," said Quatre softly. "Sometimes I just want to SMACK you."

Wufei looked away. "I'm sorry," he muttered. "Damn it, he just gets under my skin! This whole attitude of his --"

"- Is totally understandable, given what he's been doing." Trowa shook his head with a sigh. "If you have to take shots at him, then don't speak at all after this. This is his mission; it'll succeed or fail on his abilities alone."

Wufei grumbled under his breath. "I know that."

"Then act like it," snapped Heero, getting to his feet. "I'm going after him."

"I don't know, Heero," began Quatre. "He might not appreciate that."

"Hn. I'll follow; he won't know I'm there. I just want to be sure he doesn't let his guard down because he's angry."


Duo paced up the boulevard toward the cluster of clubs, bars, restaurants and shops, seething inside over his partners' apparent lack of confidence in him.

When did I become the fool? Sure Heero calls me "baka", but he calls everyone "baka!" I don't make any more mistakes than anyone else. My success rate is great. Why are they all acting like I'm going to blow the whole mission?!

He stopped to laugh to himself. Blow the whole mission! Yea-us, at the rate I'm going, I probably will end up blowing every guy in town! Hah!

They just won't listen to me... If Heero told us to get out of his room, we'd be running over each other to be first out the door. Same with Wufei. If Trowa said go, no one would question him. We all respect him. Quatre would never be so rude as to kick everyone out, but if he were, we'd go, and worry if he was okay.

But me? Nope. Just Maxwell the Idiot making noise again. Give him a cookie or something shiny to play with and he'll be okay...

He waited at an intersection for the light to change, his anger ebbing away to be replaced by resignation.

Whattaya expect dumbshit? All ya ever do is make jokes and pull stunts. Wufei goes to red alert every time ya walk into the room. Quat and Trowa smirk cuz they know something funny's gonna happen. And has Heero ever smiled when he sees ya? No! Cuz they all expect ya to do something stooooopid! Ya borrowed Trowa's mask, dude, an' fergot to give it back!


He rubbed his eyes tiredly.

Let's go have a nightcap, mebbe ya'll score again.

Don't want to score. Tired. Want to go to bed, forget whole mess, forget ALL of it.

Just a beer?


Duo shook his head and crossed the street to walk back on the other side. He'd window-shop the trendoid boutiques; maybe that'd make him feel better.

Half a block away, Heero lurked in the shadows, keeping watch.

A guy paused half a block ahead of Duo. When he came along side, the guy touched his shoulder and asked a question. Duo shook his head and started off again. The guy grabbed him by the arm and spun him around, dragging him into a darkened parking lot.

Heero began to run, gun in hand, his heart in his throat.

In the lot, Duo went down on one knee and came up again with his big damn automatic pointed at the guy's nose.

Heero stopped and slipped into a doorway.

"Now what was your question?" Duo asked in a pleasant voice, grinning nastily. The man repeated his question in a trembling voice. "And what was my answer?" The guy shook his head. "I can't hear you."

"You said 'no'," the guy whispered.

"That's right," agreed Duo. "And what part of 'no' did you have trouble understanding? Are you in the habit of grabbing kids off the street and fucking them against their will? Is that how you get off? Hmmm...? Well, not anymore, you shit. Not ever again."

He squeezed the trigger and blew a hole in the guy's face. The back of his head exploded, blood, bone and brain matter splattered the wall of the building he'd been thrown against and his corpse slid down the wall.

Duo safetied his gun, stuck it back wherever he'd been carrying it, walked back to the street and continued on his way.

Heero stared after him for a moment before slipping away to make it back to the room before Duo.

The parking lot was almost empty, Duo noted with satisfaction. Guess they finally decided to take me seriously.

Inside his room, he found a note on the bed. "Duo," it read, "Chocolate milk and chocolate donuts in the fridge. Heero"

Puzzled, he checked the small refrigerator. Sure enough, he found a box of chocolate covered donuts and a quart of chocolate milk. "Well, how about that?" He sat on the bed drinking the milk and munching on donuts. "Wonder how he knew?"



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