This Individual Fic Rating: PG-13

Blue Forest Banshee Part 66

My eyes snapped open and I sat up all in one motion.

And startled Teal so that he actually jumped.

He slumped on the sofa, a hand to his heart, and gave me a wry grin.

"I think I forgot you were here," he murmured apologetically.

"Teal, I'm sorry. I'm... a light sleeper."

"Duo says you're protective..."

I grinned back at him. "It's a hazard of my species; we are guardians." It had only been a couple of hours since I lay down. "Couldn't sleep?"

Teal shook his head. "Too many thoughts, no way of turning them off," he sighed.

"It's hard," I agreed.

Elbows on his knees, head hanging down, he sighed again. "I can't stay here... But I hate to leave... I can't drag her around the world with me..." He looked around the cozy room. "She worked so hard to make me comfortable..."

I understood that the "her" was his daughter and the "she" was Shar.

"Duo said you were a wanderer..."

He snorted, not looking up. "It's in my blood, I guess. My mother was a wanderer. This is my father's Clan." He looked at me then. "I stayed for her sake, because I loved her so much. They were my family... Shar, Caz and Danc, and then Danc died having Duo... I promised her I would keep an eye on them all. And that one night, I failed all of them... Caz died, Shar nearly did, and Duo was forced out."

"I don't think Duo has ever blamed you," I ventured.

"I had to choose... and Duo was the stronger of the two..." He ran his fingers through his blond hair. "He was strong, even then... Just like Danc."

He let out a long sigh that squeaked at the end. I blinked, and he colored slightly.

"Sorry... Um... Just a thing between Shar and me," he explained softly. "The explanation would sound ridiculous."

I nodded; some of the things I do for Duo would sound about equally ridiculous. "Are you hungry? I made a stew."

He goggled at me. "You can cook? Holy big red rooster... Show me."

I dished up two bowls while he pulled a couple of sodas from the cold box and we sat at the table to eat. Teal brought out a loaf of shepherds' bread also, and we spent a few companionable minutes just eating.

"Man," he sighed, "I've never met a Wizard who could actually cook."

I smirked. "You still haven't; I'm not a Wizard, I'm a Wyvern."

He looked up, startled. "A Dragon? Damn... I've never met a Dragon."

"Some would say you still haven't."

He blinked and then a flicker of understanding glowed in his eyes. "Dragon politics?" he wondered.

"More like 'Mom always liked me best.'"

A grin split his face. "I can see why Duo likes you so much."

It was my turn to blush. "Well..."

"He's doing all right, isn't he?" he asked suddenly. "In his job, making friends, just... in his life...?"

His expression had tightened a bit. Anxiety over Duo?

"I would say so," I began. "His friends adore him; he's very good in Investigations; he's acquired hobbies that seem to amuse and relax him."

Teal sighed heavily. "When he left, he was so frightened. He never said so, but reading between the lines of his letters... He asked so many questions, desperate for guidance in that world. And I tried to give him good answers; I tried to just open my memories for him. Then, when Shar began to recover, to want to read his letters and make her own replies, he stopped asking questions. Started writing these heartbreakingly newsy little notes that really said nothing. Everything was always 'fine'. He was fine, the Humans he met were fine, the damn weather was fine... And I worried." He looked up from his empty bowl. "He's a damn good kid, you know. Nothing that happened to him was his fault; ever. Even when he was little, he was a good kid. A happy kid. Danc wanted him so much, was so happy when she was pregnant. If she had lived..." He stood suddenly and turned away to help himself to more stew.

Damn. I was torn between wanting to hear more about Duo's childhood, and guilt at hearing about it behind his back. I didn't want to stop Teal if talking made him feel better, but it was Duo's life he was talking about...

"Teal," I began after a few seconds. "Duo has never talked about his life here. I don't know if that's because of embarrassment or..."

"Or shame," he said quietly, turning to face me. "I shouldn't be doing this; you're right. Duo's life story should be his to tell."

I looked down at my bowl. "I don't want to stop you; I want to know everything there is to know about him, but... just not behind his back."

"You really are a Dragon," he chuckled, seating himself again. "And it would be better for me to follow that rule, as well, where his present life is concerned. So, are you sleeping together?"

I choked on a mouthful of my soda; just managing to get it swallowed rather than shooting it out my nose.

"And just how is that question following the rule?!" I demanded when I could speak.

"Well, if you aren't, you should be," he smirked, totally unrepentant. "Duo is my daughter's only close cousin and I expect him to be happy."

I blinked. "Is that an order, Teal?"

"If necessary," he replied blandly.

"Then you'll have to talk to Duo. I would love to be there with him, but he's the one saying 'no'."

The blond Banshee snorted. "I guess I'll just have to sort him out, then."



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