nimaime asked for H/D, Something Furry, scary, This is also for faeriedustings, since I never heard about what kind of furry, I just doubled the length of this drabble and threw in some sweet to balance the scary in case that's what you wanted.

This is set sometime in the future of the current storyline of SF. So, we are jumping ahead a bit...

Something Furry Halloween Drabble 3

Heero slammed the car door shut. "I knew this was a bad idea, I just knew it."

"Calm down," Wufei grabbed his friend's elbow. "You know that Sally said there was a slight chance of this one going to hell, but she was sure that she and Duo could handle it."

"Well, it looks like the psychic network went down," Heero growled under his breath as he charged up the walk. "Are you Mrs. Suarez?"

"Yes," the woman replied fearfully as Heero glared at her. Wufei stepped in between Heero and the woman and smiled charmingly.

"Thank you so much for calling us. You said that you haven't heard from Sally or Duo yet?"

She shook her head. "No. Sally told me to call you two if they weren't out in half an hour. It's been forty-five minutes now. I opened the door and called for them, but no one answered- and I couldn't go in..."

"That's perfectly understandable," Wufei soothed her as Heero turned towards the house. "Don't worry about a thing. We'll go right in-"

Before he could finish, Heero had already left his side and was on the front porch. Wufei rolled his eyes and hurried after.

Stepping inside the house, the two magicians looked around. Everything seemed to be in order. It looked like a normal living room, nothing out of place.

"Sally?" Wufei called. "Duo?"

No answer.

"Duo?" Heero tried. "Answer me!"


"Do you feel that?" Heero frowned. "The temperature dropped... I think we're being mocked."

"Maybe the heat's off." Wufei snorted moving over towards the stairs. "Sally?"

His voice echoed back to him. "Sally? Ally? Ally?"

"Enough." Heero snapped and lifted his hand. A moment later a bright blue flame engulfed his fingers. "I know you're here and I don't have time for games. I want Duo and I want Sally and I want them now, or you are going to burn."

The temperature dropped a few more degrees and the front door swung open revealing an anxious-looking Mrs. Suarez on the lawn.

"Oh," Heero said, as if the house had spoken. "It's not going to hurt the house- just you." He put his hand against the wall and the house shrieked.

The hall door popped open. Sally and Duo fell out. Sally was panting, but Duo was unconscious, his eyes rolled up in the back of his head.

"What happened?!" Wufei demanded as he and Heero sprung to their sides.

"The house... shut us in... tried to call... it made the breath stop... in throat... couldn't breathe... I stopped fighting... but Duo..."

"He's got protections!"

"Not against spirits!"

Wufei put one hand on the side of Duo's neck. "He's breathing now, Heero," he assured his furious looking partner.

"It dared..." Heero got to his feet, the blue flame exploding around him, haloing him in an eerie light. He slammed his hands against the wall and the flame rushed out, consuming nothing, but covering the walls with its crackling glow.

The house shrieked again. And again.

"Come out come out where ever you are." Heero turned towards the stairs, his lips pulled back in a snarl.

The fire around him suddenly rushed upwards, vanishing up into the second story, and now the shrieks were smaller. A glowing white figure appeared at the top of the stairs, surrounded by blue flame.

"There he is," Sally got to her feet and stood at the bottom of the stairs, her hands on her hips. "Just what do you think you've been doing, young man?"

"I was just playin'!" The figure wailed. "Hide n' seek!"

"Tone it down, Heero," said Wufei in a soft tone.

"Hell no."

"Heero-" Sally started, but was saved the effort when Duo struggled to his feet. Heero immediately dropped the flames and went to Duo's side.

"Mean man," said the ghost and stuck its tongue out at Heero's back. "Scarin' people!"

Sally turned her attention back to the small ghost. "That wasn't funny- and you've been scaring people too! You're just as mean as he is!"

The ghost's expression crumpled. "Didn't mean to! Just wanted to play! It's lonely!"

That of course, gave Sally the opening she needed. "Of course it is, that's why you've got to go on."

Heero wasn't paying any attention to Sally or the ghost. "Are you all right?" He said in Duo's ear, cuddling his mate close.

"Fine," Duo stroked Heero's spine reassuringly. "Just fine. He didn't mean to choke me like that- I could tell. It was an accident. I'm fine." He kept repeating the word, Heero felt like a drawn bowstring under his fingers. "Relax."

"I can't. I'm going to have a heart attack anytime you go on one of these jobs without me."

For some reason, that made Duo smile. "Then we'll be even."

Heero's grip got a little tighter for a moment. "You're really okay?"

"Of course I am." Duo stepped back a little and looked towards Wufei and Sally. Sally was still talking to the ghost, but Wufei made a little shooing motion with his hand. "Why don't we go outside and talk to Mrs. Suarez? Tell her things are going better?"

"All right," Heero agreed and followed Duo outside.

"So, what do you think?" Sally said as she and Wufei watched the ghost grow bright and then vanish.

"About the ghost?"

She punched his arm. "No, about Heero."

"He's besotted of course. He'll realize it soon enough if he hasn't already. He just needs to get over that stupid 'Duo could do better' complex he has going."

"That's not quite what I meant." Sally met his gaze. "Did you see his reaction? What is he going to do if Duo gets really hurt someday?"

Wufei's expression darkened. "Will he?"

"Too many variables." Sally sighed. "I never quite understood why the futures that we lose Duo in also ended in Heero turning to the dark... but now I do."

Blowing out a stream of smoke, Wufei sighed. "Then we'd best make sure nothing happens to Duo."

"That might be tricky..."



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