Author: Merula

Pairings: 1x2

Rating: PG-13

Warnings: Fantasy AU, possible OOC and plot holes... remember, it's just a drabble!

Disclaimer: Gundam Wing is not mine.

Drabble asked by lavendarlizard: something furry.

Author's Note: Plaid wanted something furry, and this isn't very furry, but it does talk about furry things a bit. I think the muses just kind of ran away with it.

Something Furry Part 1

"We're going to get an interesting one this afternoon," Sally said as Heero walked by her desk in the storeroom.

"One for Wufei?" He smiled as he found the box he needed. "He gets a lot of the interesting ones."

"Nope." His boss grinned at him and tossed her blonde hair over her shoulder. "You're the only one who'll be able to help this poor customer."

"When you say it like that, I start to worry. I remember the last one only I was able to help. That haunted toaster?" Heero rolled his eyes. "If it's like that, I am not doing it."

"It's not like that," Sally reassured him, and then she smiled. "In fact- I can promise you that you'll really enjoy at least part of it."

Heero wasn't sure he liked her smile. Still, it wasn't smart to argue with a psychic. So he just took his box and went back out. Wufei was lounging behind the counter, a magazine spread out in front of him.

"Sally says we have an interesting one coming in this afternoon."

"Good," Wufei puffed out a bit of smoke and flipped a page. "One more lady looking for a book on how to read tea leaves and I think I might just scream. Is this customer for you or me?"

"Me," Heero said and Wufei sat up.

"Really? Your interesting customers are always very interesting."

"That's what worries me." Heero put the box down and started restocking the jars that stood behind the cash register. "Why are we going through so much wormswort? You haven't been telling customers it's an aphrodisiac again, have you?"

"It is if they use it right."

"According to you anything is an aphrodisiac if you use it right."


Heero didn't have time to retort, the bell over the front door jingled and a young man stepped into the shop. He looked apprehensive, but also determined. It was a combination Heero had seen many times before.

"Can I help you?" He said as the man approached the counter.

"Um- I hope so," the man replied softly with a smile that made Heero's heart do a strange skip. "I have a... very serious problem and one of my friends told me that maybe there were some people here who could help me."

Heero glanced at Wufei, who frowned and tugged on his ponytail. Ask Sally, he meant, but before either one of them could stir a step, her voice echoed from the back room:

"Hilde sent him! He's fine!"

The young man blinked in surprise. "It's our boss," Heero explained. "Sally."

"The psychic?"

"Ah, so Hilde told you that?" Wufei smiled and Heero saw their customer blink at the sight of Wufei's sharp teeth. "Then she does trust you. I'm Wufei Chang and this is Heero Yuy. How can we help you?"

"I'm Duo." The man bowed his head a little and Heero noticed the braid swinging down his back. It was unusual, but not more unusual than his eye color- Heero wondered if they were contacts of some kind. "I- have a curse."

"What sort of curse?" Wufei asked and Duo pushed up his sleeve. Silk, Heero noticed, and then his eyes widened as the mark on Duo's upper arm became visible.

Curse marks were usually small, easy to get rid off. This one was huge, encircling the whole of Duo's upper arm, the pattern seeming to twist and shift even as Heero looked at it. If it was that big, then-

"That's a serious curse," he said. "Those sorts usually require that you pass them on to someone else- someone who accepts the curse."

Duo turned pale. "So I can't get rid of it without cursing someone else? Where would I find someone who would want to be cursed?"

"Depends what the curse does," Wufei said, blowing out another whiff of smoke. "You'd be surprised what people are willing to put up with for money. What does yours do?"

Duo looked around the shop. "Are we alone here?"

Heero moved around the counter to flip the lock closed and pull the shade. "Now we are."

"It does this," Duo said and closed his eyes.

A moment later, large black wolf, in a silk shirt and what were more than likely designer pants, sat on the floor looking up at them.

"A were curse!" Wufei breathed. "Damn, those are rare."

"Well, that gives us someplace to look." Heero headed for the bookshelves. "Can you turn back right away?" He asked and ran his finger along the shelves, looking for the book he needed.

"Yes," Duo answered, apparently already having done so. "I can change at will."

"And you want to get rid of this curse?" Wufei asked incredulously as Heero found the book he needed and yanked it off the shelf. "Most people would kill for one of those."

"I have to get rid of it."

"Why? Do you have a fiancé who's allergic to dogs?"

Duo shook his head and reached into the top of his shirt, pulling out a necklace with an intricate-looking pendant. "Because of this."

Wufei blew a smoke ring in surprise and Heero nodded as the pieces fell into place. "You're Pride."

"Exactly. I can already shift forms. And the wolf isn't mine." Duo dropped the necklace back into his shirt and shivered. "It feels- wrong- and the rest of the clan won't accept me unless I'm in my true form."

"Do they know about this?" Heero asked.

"Yes. I have until the next full moon to get rid of the curse or they'll outcast me." His desperation was obvious and Heero nearly reached out a hand to comfort him.

Squashing the impulse, he turned back to the book. "Two weeks then. Who cursed you? Do you know?"

Duo shook his head. "I'm related to some of the higher ranking members of the pride. My grandmother says she thinks that's why I was cursed."

"To cause shame to your family?" Wufei snorted. "How dishonorable of this unknown enemy."

"Well, it shouldn't be hard to find someone who wants this sort of curse," Heero continued flipping pages. "The were curses are highly valued. You could possibly even sell it off."

"No-" Duo protested. "To do that I'd have to advertise and I can't do that to the Pride. My grandmother was very specific- I have to keep this quiet. That's why Hilde sent me to you. I'm willing to pay to have someone take it from me - I just need it gone."

"Do you know anyone who would want one?" Heero asked.

"I only know Pride. No one wants a different shape than their own."

"Among your people- but there are humans who would value it," Wufei assured him, "silly things that they are."

"Keep a civil tongue in your head, lizard." Heero frowned. Wufei blew a smoke ring at him.

"How- how are you doing that?" Duo asked.

"He's a dragon," Heero said before Wufei could reply. "He just likes messing with people."

Duo blinked. "But- you look human. Well, except for the teeth..."

"My dragon form is a bit large to fit in a place like this." Wufei told him. "It's always better to know how to camouflage oneself."

Heero snorted and stopped on a page. "Let me see the mark again." Duo obediently rolled up his sleeve. "What do you think, Chang?" He turned the book towards Wufei.

"Hmmm. It looks like the diagram. Amazing- we actually have a curse that's listed in that damn book. Does it say how to get rid of it?"

Heero scanned the page quickly and felt his face turn a flaming red. No wonder Sally had said it was 'his' customer. He was tempted to go back there and strangle her.

"Just do it, Heero!" She hollered from the back.

"Just do what?" Wufei snatched the book and scanned the page. "Oh my..."

"This is usually your area," Heero told him and Wufei shook his head.

"I can't take this curse- I have an alternative form already, remember?" He gestured at himself. "This one. So it has to be you."

"What is it?" Duo leaned over the counter and Wufei helpfully pushed the book his way. Heero was glad that at least the client looked as embarrassed as he felt.

"This- this means what I think it means right? All this stuff about 'becoming one' and fooling the curse into switching bodies?"

"Yes," Heero said and took the book back, not willing to meet Duo's eyes. "That's why it would be really helpful if you knew someone...?"

Duo shook his head. "Like I said, I only know Pride- and none of us are magicians. The book says it needs to be a magician who takes the curse."

"Heero's one of the best in the city," Wufei smiled. "I usually do the sex magic jobs, but he's really good at curse removals. I'm sure he can handle it- and the were form would be really helpful for him with some of the work we end up doing."


"I would be very grateful if you could help me," Duo turned the force of his gaze on Heero pleadingly. "I'll pay you- whatever sum you ask-"

Oh bloody hell. Heero shook his head. "I couldn't take money for this-" Not without feeling like he was taking huge advantage of Duo. Bad enough he was attracted to him...

"The curse itself is valuable," Wufei came to his rescue. "That will be enough payment."

"Is that okay?" Duo asked, his eyes still on Heero.

"The curse would be very valuable to me," Heero admitted. "But- maybe you'd like us to find someone else? I know some nice female magicians-"

"Heero, just agree!" Sally called. "You are messing up the timeline!"

"Messing up the timeline?" Duo repeated.

"She always says that," Heero rolled his eyes. "It just means by presenting alternatives, we're giving her a headache."

"You three were recommended to me- I'd prefer one of you. The dragon says he cannot. Can the lady?"

"She's not a magician," Heero frowned. "Which is a good thing, because then she'd rule the world."

"So it has to be you. Unless-" Duo paused. "Unless you are not free? Do you have someone who would feel uncomfortable about you doing this with me?"

"He's very free," Wufei smiled toothily. "Heero's too prickly for most of his fellow humans."

"Shut up, lizard." Heero sighed and grabbed a card from the small stack in the front. He knew when he was beat. Flipping the card over and he wrote quickly on the back. "This is my home address. I should have everything we need there by-" he paused a moment to consider- "Friday. If you still want to do this on Friday, come by at seven."

Duo took the card and tucked it into a pocket. "Friday at seven," he repeated and smiled, making Heero's heart do that skip again. "Thank you. I know this makes you uncomfortable, but you can't imagine how much you are helping me."

Heero nodded and moved around the counter to unlock the front door. "I'll see you on Friday, then," he said and opened the door. Duo stepped out to the sidewalk and then turned to give Heero a shy smile. He was slightly pink, Heero noted, which made him feel a little better about the whole thing.

"Look- I know you only have our word that this is how we can get rid of your curse. If I were you I'd check in with some of the other guys. Winner is right down the street- he can give you a ..." Heero searched for the right word, "...second opinion."

Duo shook his head. "I trust you Mr. Yuy. I'll see you on Friday." He headed down the street towards an expensive looking black sports car.

Heero sighed and headed back into the shop. Sally had joined Wufei at the counter. She looked up and grinned at him.

"You could've given me a slightly better warning," he told her.

"And wreck all the fun?" She smiled at him. "Besides, why are you complaining? You're finally getting a were form! Do you know how many other jobs we'll get because of that?"

"But think of what I have to do to get it-"

Wufei rolled his eyes. "Sleep with a drop dead gorgeous shifter. You've seen some of the ones I've gotten stuck with- I have no pity for you."

Heero sighed and went to pick up the book on curses. Maybe he'd be able to find an alternative spell by Friday.

"You won't," said Sally.


Heero triple checked the drawings, one little mistake and who knew what would happen. He couldn't afford to make a mistake. Bad enough he was already nervous about this whole thing. His attraction to Duo worried him- it felt all too much like he was taking advantage of a person in need- and he didn't like that feeling...

"Relax," said Wufei, leaning over his shoulder. "They're right."

"I know," Heero gave him a faint smile. "Don't want to mess up and have to do it twice is all."

Wufei chuckled, but didn't make the obvious reply, for which Heero was somewhat grateful. He gathered up the drawings, a small bag of supplies and headed for the door.

"Good night Sally!" He called.

"Everything's going to go fine!" Was her reassuring reply.

Stepping out on the sidewalk, he blinked. Duo was standing there, hands in his pockets, obviously waiting.

"I'm sorry," he said with a smile. "I know you said seven, but-" He lifted a shoulder. "Well, it's been a hard couple of days. I wanted to make sure everything was still going okay."

A hard couple of days? Heero wondered what that meant. "Just fine. I was about to go home and get set up- you can come help if you like."

Duo's face lit up. "I'd love to."

They walked down the street and Heero noticed that Duo kept scanning their surroundings. Was he worried about an attack? If someone had set a curse on him it was possible that they'd attack as well. Or was it just Pride behavior? Heero hadn't spent a lot of time around shifters, other than Wufei. Were they all so jumpy?

"I'm very grateful that you're willing to do this for me, Mr. Yuy."

"Heero," he corrected quickly. "Any changes in the curse since you came to us?"

Duo shook his head. "No- does that happen sometimes?"

"Sometimes- especially if the person who did the cursing knows that their victim is taking steps to get it removed."

"Nothing's changed that I can tell." Duo rubbed the back of his neck. "I'll just be happy to have it gone." He cast a wary look around again. "I know you don't know our ways, but I am low in the Pride ranks. Having this curse has made this time very difficult for me- even though it is not my fault, it is seen as a weakness."

That did make sense, given what Heero knew about animal behavior. No wonder Duo was jumpy- and maybe that was what he meant about having a hard time.

"I can understand that. Here we are." Heero led Duo into his building and up to his apartment. Duo looked around the room and then smiled at Heero.

"It wasn't what I was expecting," he said and Heero nodded.

"I know. No black walls or skulls on the mantelpiece- believe me, several of my friends have given me a bad time about that. A magician's apartment should look the part, or so they tell me."

"But if it's not what you're comfortable with, then you shouldn't."

"That's what I keep telling them- if you'll follow me we can get the workroom set up."

His workroom was the reason he'd rented the apartment- it was a small empty room with concrete floors and walls. He wasn't sure what it had been used for originally, but it was perfect for his work.

"What are the marks on the floor?" Duo asked.

"Protections. I'll activate them before we start. First though I have to draw these diagrams on the walls." Heero found his box of chalk. "How are you at copying?"

Duo took the paper he offered and a piece of chalk. "I can do this. Where does it go?"

"Back wall- it doesn't need to be big. Just put it in the middle."

Duo nodded and got to work. Heero picked up another diagram and got started on the side wall. This was odd, he told himself. He'd never had a client actually help with the set up before. Then again, Duo seemed to be really worried about getting rid of the curse. If helping Heero set up eased his fears, then it was a good thing.

"How long have you worked with Miss Sally?"

"For a very long time. When I was about thirteen my guardian dumped me off in the middle of town. Sally's mother found me and took me in."

"Dumped you off?" Duo repeated.

Heero frowned at his diagram; one of the lines was too thick. He thinned it down with a fingertip. "He was scared of me," he said bluntly. "Once I was old enough that the social services back home would believe I ran away, he dropped me off here."

"Was he related to you?"

"Stepfather. My mother died before I could remember her. Never knew my father."

Duo was silent for a moment, as if unsure how to take this information. Heero mentally cursed himself. It wasn't like him to talk about his background- but then he was nervous too.

"I didn't know my parents either." Duo's voice was soft. "But I had the Pride to take care of me. That was horrible of your stepfather."

"It was- but I can't blame him. Magicians aren't easy to raise. I'm sure you've heard the stories." He caught Duo's nod out of the corner of his eye.

"So- Miss Sally's mother took you in- and trained you?"

Heero shook his head. "Sally's mother was psychic- just like Sally. Wufei did the training. He's a lot older than he looks."

"It must have been a little intimidating- having a dragon for a teacher."

"No kidding." Heero laughed. "I think he threatened to eat me once or twice if I messed up a spell."

"I'll bet that made you learn fast."

"You have no idea."

"I think I'm finished." Duo stepped back from the wall and compared his drawing to the diagram. "What do you think?"

Heero joined him and did the same. "Perfect. Here's the one for that wall."

The work went quickly with another pair of hands to help him. Heero stood by the door and surveyed the finished room. "I think we can get started."

"Where-" Duo cleared his throat. "Where are we going to...?"

"Oh-" Heero tried not to turn red. "In the middle."

"Can we..." Duo paused again and Heero noted the pink on his face. "Can we get some blankets or something? The floor looks hard."

Heero mentally smacked himself. "Of course. I'll go get some. I'm sorry- like I said in the store- I don't do these types of jobs- I didn't even think-" Well, it was more like he'd been trying not to think, but it was close enough.

Duo smiled, his relief evident. "That's okay- I've never done this before either. We'll be new together. How does it- I mean, what do we do next?"

"Well, I'll get the blankets and then we'll put a few things on your mark to encourage it to feel like moving. In fact-" Heero turned to his bag of supplies and pulled out two tiny jars. "If you could put these on your mark- cover it completely--while I go get the blankets?"

"Of course- does it matter what order they go on in?"

"No. I'll be right back."

Heero's mouth went dry when he came back into the room. Duo stood in the center of the floor, his clothes gone, his hair loose. He looked up from smoothing the balm over his mark and smiled impishly at Heero.

"I thought it would be easier to just get it over with." He said and stepped aside so Heero could put the blankets down.

"Ah," Heero managed and told himself to focus as he arranged the blankets in the center of the room. Then he carefully checked the mark to make sure Duo had covered it completely, keeping his eyes fixed on Duo's arm. When he looked elsewhere, he got distracted.

"I think we can get started." Duo nodded and dropped gracefully down onto the blankets. Heero took a deep breath, focused and called his protections into place. Duo's eyes widened and Heero wondered if he could see the energies swirling around the room.

He sat down on the blankets next to Duo. "Ready for the next part?"

"I think so." Duo was that light pink color again. "Like I said- I've never done this before."

Of course he hadn't-- how many people sleep with strangers to get a curse removed? Still, it was nice of him to say it, Heero thought and relaxed a little. "Like I said, it's the same for me," Heero assured him. "Wufei usually does these. But I promise you that I will do my best to rid you of the curse."

Duo's smile reappeared and he leaned over to kiss Heero lightly on the lips. "I know you will." He leaned back onto the blankets and Heero had to remind himself to breathe. "Come here."


Heero woke up the next morning with a sore back. Sleeping on the floor was never a good idea. He sat up, one hand clutching his head and squinted at his arm. The curse mark swirled around his bicep and he smiled. At least it had worked.

He was alone in the blankets- not a huge surprise. He remembered a soft whisper of thanks in his ear right after everything had- well, after the spell completed. He squashed the feeling of disappointment and got to his feet. Shower first.

As he waited for it to warm up, he leaned against the sink and studied his arm again in the mirror. He'd have to test it out sometime- but it would be better to do it in the shop under Wufei's eye, in case anything went wrong.

The shower soothed his aches away, and after he was clean, dry and dressed, he went to go clean up his workroom.

Picking up the blankets, he caught a sudden whiff of something that smelled like musk and trees- Duo's scent.

Stretched out beneath him on the blankets, head tilted back, his hair spread out around him-

Heero shook his head, banishing the image. He was a client. One Heero would more than likely never see again. There was no use in feeling disappointed about it, he chided himself, that was how these things went.

How the hell did Wufei manage all the time? Of course the lizard would say he didn't have all the hang-ups humans did.

Once the workroom was clean, he ate breakfast and headed down to the shop. It was going to be a regular day, he told himself. Just like all the others.

Luckily, Wufei was not working today. Heero didn't think he could take the ribbing Wufei would most likely give him.

He opened the door and blinked. Duo was standing beside the counter, a stern-looking female next to him. Sally stood behind the counter, her expression guarded.

"There you are, Heero," she said calmly. "Lady Une and her grandson have been waiting to see you."

Grandson? She didn't look old enough to be his mother. Then again, Pride supposedly aged differently.

"You are the one who removed my grandson's curse?"

Why did he have a sudden urge to cover his throat? "Yes-" Heero glanced back and forth between the two of them, puzzled. "Didn't it work?"

The Lady nodded. "It did. However, there is another issue."

Heero wondered what it was. He'd gotten rid of Duo's curse, what else was wrong?

"Duo is one of our gifts. Orphaned at an early age, he was chosen to make a match advantageous to the pack."

Heero nodded, still confused.

"That means that they may not mate with anyone other than the one chosen for them."


"Since Duo had to mate with you to rid himself of the curse, he is now yours. I trust you will take good care of him." The Lady got to her feet and Heero's mouth dropped open.

"What? But- He-" Heero tried to think of where to start.

"Yes. What's wrong? Don't you like him? Duo didn't say that you complained." She shot a glance at her grandson.

"That's not the point! I had to do it to remove the curse. I didn't know-"

"I realize that. However, he still slept with you and the law is the law. He's yours now."

"But- he didn't tell me-"

"Of course not. I ordered him not to when I put the curse on him."

Heero's jaw dropped open. "You put the-"

"Of course- and I had to pay a lot to have it crafted for us, but it was worth it."

"Worth it?" Heero repeated, his head starting to hurt.

"You are one of the best magicians in the city. You are known to be unattached and difficult- but you are always willing to help. The Pride needs a connection with a magician. Knowing that you are my grandson's mate will help us." Lady Une turned away from him and focused on her grandson. "Be a credit to me, Duo."

"Yes Grandmother."

She swept out of the store and Heero glared at Sally. "What?" She said. "The Pride connection will bring in lots of jobs. It's perfect for us. Besides, we need more help in the store- Duo will be a big help."

"You could've warned me!"

She smiled. "And have you try and get out of it? Give up Heero- it was fated to be."

"I hate when you use that excuse."

Her smile widened and she vanished towards the back of the store. "Just get ready to open, will you?" Heero closed his eyes and rubbed his forehead.

A gentle hand touched his shoulder. "I'm really sorry about this-"

Heero looked up into Duo concerned gaze. "They really did curse you just to get to me? Would they have thrown you out if I hadn't removed the curse?"

Duo nodded. "Grandmother doesn't like failure."

Heero opened his mouth to argue more, to tell Duo he really didn't have to stay, he'd help the Pride out no matter what- Duo didn't have to be stuck with him...

Sally forestalled him.

"Heero- get to work! Duo's staying with you! Just accept it and open the damn store!"

Duo burst out laughing. "I can see that it will never be dull around here."

"That's an understatement. All right, if you are staying, why don't you be helpful and go organize the back room?"

Duo leaned over and dropped a kiss on Heero's cheek. "Thank you," he said and headed towards the back.

Heero watched him go, his heart doing that funny skip again and wondered what he'd gotten himself into...



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