Secrets Part 7

The deck was cold underneath his cheek. Heero groaned and rolled over on his side, blinking rapidly, trying to get his eyes to focus. Damn, he was getting soft- hadn't even seen that one coming- and he should have.

Once his eyes seemed to be cooperating, he lifted his wrist and checked the time. Five minutes... had Duo only wanted it to be a short nap- or had he used one of the drugs Dr. J had helped Heero build up a tolerance for?

Either way, Duo had run- but was he out of the sensor's range? Or had he discovered it?

Only one way to find out.

Suppressing another groan, Heero levered himself to his feet and up into his chair. He reached for the controls- and his comm. unit went off.

Swearing under his breath, he flipped on the comm. unit and glared at the screen, his fingers moving quickly over the keyboard, pulling up the scanning program. He didn't have time for...


"Heero," his boss was frowning- never a good sign. "I'm glad you landed safely- I have bad news."

"What is it?"

"Duo's dead."

"What?!" For a moment Heero's heart stopped. "How?" He'd only been gone five minutes...

"Shot on L2-"

Heero took a deep breath. Ah, hell, he'd forgotten.

"In an alley somewhere.... Wufei called and left a message. Supposedly, according to the news, Duo was working for the Preventers- I've been trying to get a hold of someone to explain-"

"Did Wufei say what he was doing for the Preventers?"

"Of course not." Quatre rubbed his eyes. "Just the damn message. I'm going to kill him when he does call- he damn well knew we've been looking for Duo- worried about him- the least he could've done was told us that he was with them- goddamn Preventers and their secrecy-"

Heero glanced down at the scanning program. No blips... nothing. Not a sign of Duo.

Damn it.

"Quatre-" He started, ready to confess all, to hell with what Duo wanted...

"We're going to kick Wufei's ass. And Une's. And anyone else's I can think of for withholding information. I'm going to get some fucking answers one way or the other..."

Heero couldn't disagree with any of that. "I'll see what I can start from this end." Maybe he should keep Duo's secret a little bit longer...

"I hoped you'd say that." Quatre's angry expression faded a little. "I know how much Duo meant to you- we'll find whoever did this, Heero. I promise."

"We will."

"I'm going to keep after Wufei. I'll let you know if I hear anything more."

"Thanks Quatre."

"No thanks needed." Quatre cut the connection at his end and Heero bent over his keyboard.

Maybe if he enlarged the perimeters? Included the whole city? Quatre had access to some satellites- and there had to be a few he could hack to pick up the signal...

The comm. unit buzzed again. Heero hit the button, expecting Quatre again.


"Wufei. Quatre's looking for you."

"I'm sure he is," the other man sighed. "But I'm looking for you. I assume you heard?"

"Of course."

"You were on L2 when it happened- you didn't happen to hear from Duo, did you?"

Heero kept his face impassive. "No."

"Damn. I was hoping he'd contact you..."

"Before he died?"

Wufei shook his head. "Or even after."

"What do you mean?" Did Wufei know more than Duo had implied?

"All we have to prove Duo is dead is a very grainy video- and some blood in an alley. No body. It's possible that it was faked."


Wufei sighed again. "That is the question of the hour. I don't suppose you'd come in and see me at the Preventers HQ? Say in two hours? Once you've unloaded?"

"I'll be there."

"I'll be waiting."

Heero flipped off the comm. unit and tapped his fingers against the keyboard. Was he going to get some answers at last?



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