Author: Merula

Rating: PG-13

Warnings: Yaoi, Assassins, Slightly psychotic Duo, prequelish....

Pairing: 1x2

This is a side story and not really complete... It's Heero and Duo's first mission together.

One Night Sidefic 2
One Night Mission

Heero knew he was in trouble. He didn't really care. It wasn't like he was one of these Org-raised assassins, depending on the damn Org for their every thought. Hell, it wasn't even like there were many of those left these days- most of them had self-destructed or been taken out by the Org because they had been proved to be too dangerous.

Heero's father had been an independent. Odin Yuy had contracted himself out to individuals and companies, and had taken his small son with him on jobs. No one suspected a guy with a kid after all. Heero had never found out what had happened to his mother. He had never thought to ask his father about her, and then it was too late...

After his father had been killed- in the line of duty so to speak- Heero had gone to live with one of his associates- also in the business, though not exactly the way that Odin had been. Dr. J took care of medical emergencies for people who wanted a low profile- there were some injuries you just couldn't explain to a hospital after all. Dr. J had insisted on Heero going to school, having a somewhat normal life, but didn't say no to the young man taking on an occasional job for one of his father's old clients.

When he'd turned 21, he had signed on with the Org when they had come recruiting. It seemed the best thing to do at the time, though now he was not so sure.

This time he had disobeyed a direct order from his superior in the Org. It didn't matter that he had still gotten the job done- and in less time than anticipated- what mattered was that he had not done it their way.

It wasn't the first time. In the years that he had been with the Org, he didn't like doing things in the way they so often ordered. In this case he had found it sloppy and wasteful to blow up a bus of people to only kill one. So he had arranged for a different kind of accident.

The Org wasn't pleased.

Which was why he was here, sitting in his supervisor's office, waiting to explain himself.

His supervisor had been studying a file when Heero had come in. The man merely waved him to a chair, without looking in his direction and ignored him. Heero had expected that.

What he hadn't expected was Mr. Chang to suddenly put the folder down and meet his eyes coolly, without a sign of temper. That wasn't normal.

"Yuy. You are being sent out again today. We have a small job in Rome for you."

"Yes sir."

"You will be accompanied by your new partner."

"New partner?" Heero hadn't had an old partner.

"Yes. We're afraid that since you have this little tendency to do things your own way, that we need to send someone with you to keep you on task." Chang smiled. It wasn't a pleasant smile. "He'll be your partner until we say otherwise and you will do all your jobs together, is that clear?"

"Yes sir. Who is it?"

Chang glanced at his watch. "Well, I asked him to come and join us so you could be introduced face to face, but he's a bit late."

As if on cue, Chang's office door slammed open and a young man walked in.

Heero inhaled sharply as he took in the smiling long-haired man in the doorway. The Org must've been more displeased with him than he thought to give him this one for a partner.

"Hey Wufei!" The young man said cheerfully, draping himself over the free chair and grinning ear to ear. "You sent for me?"

"Indeed I did Mr. Maxwell. I wanted to introduce you to your new partner before you left for Rome together."

"New partner?" Duo Maxwell's eyes darted over to where Heero sat and then back to Chang. "I thought you weren't happy about what happened to my old one?"

"We decided to give you another chance. Duo, this is Heero Yuy."

"Nice to meetcha." Duo said with a smile. "I've heard about you."

"Likewise," Heero nodded politely. He hoped most of the stuff he had heard about Maxwell had been wrong.

"Excellent." Chang pulled out two plane tickets and passed them to Heero. "Here's the tickets- your baggage has already been arranged. Instructions are waiting there. Your plane leaves in an hour."

Heero got to his feet. "Thank you sir." He looked at Duo with a faint smile. "Guess that's our hint to go?"

"Sounds like it to me." Duo got to his feet and winked at him. "Shall we?"

Once they were out of Chang's office and heading towards the elevator, Heero studied his new partner out of the corner of his eye. He had seen Duo Maxwell in the offices on his first day there and been hastily warned by another operative to stay away from the man if he wanted to stay alive.

When he'd asked why, he'd been informed that Duo was one of the Org orphans, raised to be a killer-for-hire. Most of his other classmates were dead- some of them killed by Duo himself...

Heero suddenly realized Duo was also examining him out of the corners of his eyes. He wondered what Duo had heard about him. Was he already planning how he was going to rid himself of his new partner?

It would be a pity if he had to kill Duo defending himself... the young man was simply stunning. Heero laughed inwardly. J would scold him for being so confident. Duo was one of the best- he wouldn't be easy to kill.

Then again, Heero reflected, neither am I.

Once they got in the elevator, Duo gave Heero a smile and asked: "What did you do?"

"Huh?" Heero was surprised by the question.

"You had to have done something bad to have gotten partnered with me. What did you do?" Was that a hint of sadness in Duo's voice under the light tone? Heero was intrigued.

Heero smiled faintly. "I disobeyed a direct order."

Duo whistled. "And you're still alive?"

"I still took out the target- and in less time than they had asked. They couldn't really punish me for correcting their inefficiency."

Duo looked thoughtful. Heero hoped he wasn't going to get skewered for saying something bad about the Org. Most of the Org orphans were fanatically loyal to the Org- he kicked himself for forgetting that fact.

Duo however, apparently did not take offense, because after a moment the thoughtful look vanished and was replaced with a rueful smile.

"So they decided to partner you up with me instead."

"Are you that bad?" Heero asked, meeting Duo's eyes.

"Depends what you've heard." Duo raised an eyebrow in challenge.

Heero rose to the bait, and set his own. "Well, on my first day here I saw you in the hall and asked Ran about you. He told me quite a few things, but I figured it was all because he wanted to try for you himself."

Duo blinked for a moment. "Try for me himself?"

Heero nodded. "Sure seemed like it." He sighed. "That was before I realized he was all wrapped up with whathisname- the one that smokes all the time..."

"The blond?"

"That one. Other than that, I haven't heard much more about you than I have about our other coworkers."

"That's politely vague of you."

"It's always best to judge for yourself."

That made Duo look thoughtful again. The elevator doors slid open and they stepped out into the garage.

"I'm driving," Duo said and headed towards a dark-colored sports car. Heero followed without argument. It would be better to defer to Duo as often as he could. So far the young man hadn't seemed as bad as Heero had been told.

It's only been a few minutes, he told himself. Stay focused. Don't let your guard down yet.


The trip to Rome had been uneventful. Duo had spent most of the plane ride absorbed in a book that he had bought at the airport and hadn't spoken more than a few words to Heero. When he had, he was polite and cheerful and didn't seem to be anything like the monster Heero had been told that he was.

But when they got to the hotel and found their instructions, it was a whole different story.

"The orders are clear," Duo said as he finished reading the small packet. "The best way would be to knock the guy out, set fire to his shop and take the objects out with us. That way our tracks are covered."

"Hardly," Heero countered. He scanned the instructions, frowning. "The shop is on a busy street and it's close to other buildings. There is too great of a chance that other people would die in the resulting chaos. There must be another way to do it."

Duo's eyes narrowed. "We have to have the job completed in 24 hours."

"I can make sure he dies what looks like a natural death in 24 hours without endangering other people."

"What does it matter if other people die? Who cares about them?"

"I do!" Heero snapped. "And so should you- we aren't being paid to kill innocent people!"

A moment later and he found himself pinned to the wall, long fingers digging into his throat. "Are you telling me what to do Heero Yuy?" Duo's voice was harsh with rage.

"No," Heero managed to gasp out. "I'm asking you to look at it another way."

"It didn't sound like asking to me." The fingers tightened and Heero lashed out with a foot, connecting with Duo's leg.

The fingers didn't move. Duo didn't flinch. What the hell?

"That's not nice either."

"You're choking me," Heero managed to point out.

"You snapped at me."

"I'm sorry, I won't do it again..." Heero fell gasping to the floor. Duo sat down on the edge of the bed and watched as he sucked in air.

"I don't like being snapped at."

"I'll remember that." Heero tried to get his breathing back under control. "But I don't like not being consulted about the way to do a job. I thought we were partners."

Duo blinked. "You're right... It's just- that's what the Org said to do..." He smiled faintly. "Aren't you already in enough trouble for not doing what they want?"

"It's only their suggestion. Can you please give me a few hours to look for another way?"

"Of course," Duo tilted his head to the side, watching as Heero got to his feet. "I can help if you like?" The offer was softly voiced.

Heero nodded. "I would. Just let me change and get the map." He knew bruises would be forming on this throat already- hopefully the Org suitcases contained something high-necked enough to hide them.


Luckily there had been a turtleneck in the luggage- had someone thought ahead? Heero didn't know what Duo's preferred way of killing someone was- but at that moment he was betting on strangulation.

Watching the way Duo eyed the shop, flipping his lighter between his fingers, Heero was ready to change that theory.

Then again- maybe Duo just liked killing... the how of it didn't matter.

Duo put the lighter down and sipped at his coffee. "He lives above the store?"

"Yes," Heero took a sip of his own coffee, grimacing slightly. "Bet that is where the objects are."

"Not a lot of customers," Duo frowned.

"Work night?" Heero suggested.

Duo shrugged. "Shall we go check it out?"

Heero opened his wallet and tossed some money on the table. "Let's go."

Once inside the shop, Duo went right to the shelves and began looking at books, leaving Heero to study the older man behind the counter. He looked like the man in the pictures they had been given, but the target could always have a relative who helped him with the shop.

He moved up to the counter. "Excuse me," he said, "I was wondering if you could recommend a book? My grandmother has a birthday coming up."

The man behind the counter gave him a practiced smile. "A romance novel, that's what the older ladies like- I have a fine collection of them over on those shelves to the right."

"Any one in particular?"

"They are all pretty similar- try to find one written in the time of her girlhood if you can," the man suggested. "I carry quite a few of the historicals."

Heero nodded. "You carry? Then you own this establishment?"

"I do," the target gave him a sharp look.

"Then I will trust your judgment," Heero smiled and went to look at the shelf the target had suggested.

He pretended to study the titles as he noted the front and back exits- as well as a partially hidden staircase- the way up to the target's rooms.

A hand slid around his waist and he started.

"These books are dreadfully overpriced," Duo murmured in his ear. "I suspect that is the reason there are so few customers."

Heero nodded, smiling, understanding Duo's reasoning in grabbing him. He turned his head slightly to the side. "Behind the desk."

Duo's arm squeezed him. "Mm," he reached out with his free hand, plucked a book off the shelf and in a slightly louder voice said: "Just get her this one, lover. Even if she's read it before she won't remember it."

Heero rolled his eyes. "Fine, fine." Duo let him go and he moved back over to the counter, book in hand.

He placed it on the counter, but the target didn't look at him. His eyes were fastened on Duo. "What a lovely young man you have there," he said.

Heero looked over his shoulder. Duo was back at the shelves, leaning against the corner of one, flipping through a book. He looked up briefly, giving Heero a quick flash of a smile. "Yes," Heero agreed.

The target picked up the book, and gave Heero a considering look. "I don't suppose you would be interested in a business proposition..."

Heero frowned as he realized what the other meant. "He's not for sale."

The target waved his hands. "Not that! Just...." He lowered his voice to a whisper. Heero's eyes widened at the proposition.

Well, that would be one way to get upstairs and get at the target with a minimum of fuss....

"Very well. What time?"

Now all he had to do was convince Duo...


Duo followed him down the street. "What happened there at the end?" He asked.

"He offered us a... job of sorts."

Duo lifted an eyebrow. "What kind of job? Will it give us an opening?"

"Oh yes. Without a doubt." Heero took a deep breath. "We're to meet him tonight, upstairs in his apartment- going through the back door which will be left open for us."

"Perfect. All we have to do is make it look like an accident..."

"Exactly- or slip one of the harp pills in his drink." A harp pill was an Org creation- it simulated a heart attack.

"That would be perfect- he's just the type to have one. We just have to make sure he drinks it."

"Oh, considering the job, that should be easy enough."

"What is the job?" Duo asked again. "Don't think I didn't notice that you avoided the question earlier."

Heero stopped and looked at him. "Promise not to kill me."

Duo lifted both eyebrows.

"Okay, promise not to kill me for this."

"I promise."

"Well, he liked you. Really liked you."

Duo's eyes narrowed dangerously. "You did not sell me..."

"Of course not!" Heero snapped. "I wouldn't do that. He... just wants to watch..."

Duo blinked. "Watch?"

"Watch us... you know..." Heero waved a hand. "I'm sure we can fake it long enough for the pill to work..."

Duo's lips curved into a smile, and Heero took a step back. "You promised not to kill me."

"I'm not going to. I think that's a good plan. We can definitely distract him that way." Duo looked at his watch. "What time?"


"Perfect- let's go get dinner." He hooked his arm through Heero's companionably and led him down the street.

Heero breathed a sigh of relief. Now if he could just live through the rest of the night...


Duo stopped to pick up a six-pack on the way back to the target's home. Halfway there, he pulled Heero into an alleyway and Heero watched as he pried off one of the bottle tops and dropped the harp pill in.

"I hope he likes this brand," Heero muttered as Duo carefully refitted the cap.

"I saw lots of empty bottles of it in the dumpster by the store." Duo opened another bottle and poured half of it out. "We want him to think we've started..."

Heero nodded. "One more thing-" he said as Duo turned to leave the alleyway. "Anything I shouldn't do? You know- while we're distracting him?"

Duo's expression changed into what looked like surprise. "You want to set boundaries?"

"I don't want to make you uncomfortable."

Duo gave him a sad smile. "Heero, I'm an Org orphan. I had uncomfortable trained out of me early on."

Before Heero could think of a reply, Duo glanced at his watch. "We've got to go! Can't be late."

The target was waiting for them at his door.

"Hello!" Duo greeted cheerfully waving his half open bottle as he walked into the man's flat, Heero right on his heels.

"Good evening," the target replied and Duo pressed a bottle into his hand.

"Since you're paying, we thought we'd bring the refreshments!" He went and sprawled on the futon that sat in the middle of the room. "I assume you want us here?"

"Ah yes," the target smiled. "Will that work?"

"It's perfect!" Duo tossed back the contents of his bottle and crooked a finger at Heero. "C'mon lover, let's not keep the nice man waiting..."

Heero let his eyes scan the room for recording equipment- just in case- as he turned towards the target. "Payment first," he said and the target pulled out his wallet.

Money tucked carefully in his pocket; Heero joined Duo on the futon. "Anything in particular?" He asked the target as Duo nuzzled at his jawline.

"No... just pretend I'm not here." The target sat down in a chair in the corner and took a deep sip from his bottle.

Heero turned slightly and caught Duo's mouth with his own. He expected it to be awkward- more than that with their audience- and the fact that he had a bad feeling that if he did anything Duo didn't like, he'd end up dead...

But Duo kissed him back easily, sliding himself onto Heero's lap, wrapping his legs around Heero's waist, deepening the kiss.

Heero barely remembered that he needed to keep his mind on the job... Duo's taste was addicting... and he was so responsive...

Heero let his mouth wander down Duo's neck as Duo arched back in his arms. He opened his eyes slightly, saw the target take another large gulp from his half-full bottle, his eyes roaming eagerly over the two of them.

He slid his fingers under the hem of Duo's shirt, tugged it upwards, forcing his mouth away from Duo's skin long enough to pull the shirt off.

Duo helped, and then bent down to kiss Heero again, sighing into his mouth as Heero slid his hands down to Duo's waist, pulling him closer.

Heero tumbled Duo down onto the futon, dipping his head to Duo's chest, delighting in the way the other moaned at his caresses...

There was a faint thump, but Heero ignored it, reaching up to kiss Duo again.

After a long moment, Duo pulled away. "I think half the job is done..." He murmured against Heero's mouth. "We need to clean up, find the objects and report in..."

Heero shook himself. "Sorry..."

"Don't..." Duo grabbed his shirt and gave Heero a faint smile. "That was better than I thought it would be..."


Clean up done, and objects found- two books that recorded the target's roaring drug trade with a list of customers and dealers- they headed back to the hotel to report in.

Duo was silent on the way back, and Heero found himself unable to come up with any conversation topics as well. How could he say... How could he ask..?

Once they were back at the hotel, it was Duo who picked up the cell phone the Org had provided and called in.

"Maxwell and Yuy. Job complete."

Heero couldn't hear Chang's response.

"Yes, of course he is. Otherwise I would've called."

Was that a faint squawk of surprise?

"No. We distracted the target and used a harp.... Yes, cleaned up and retrieved."

Duo was silent for a long moment, and then his lips quirked up in a faint smile. "Yes sir. Of course."

He hung up the phone and grinned at Heero. "We leave tomorrow morning for Toronto."

So, he was still Duo's partner.

He didn't know if he should be happy or concerned...

Duo dropped down on the bed beside him. "Don't look like that. I'm not going to kill you anytime soon..."

"How reassuring," Heero found himself smiling back. "And why not?"

Duo leaned towards him. "I have my reasons..."


Heero studied the packet that had arrived at their door a moment ago. It contained their instructions for the next mission, their travel itinerary and a small box.

"That was amazingly fast." Duo raised himself off of the bed. "I got off the phone what- five minutes ago?"

"Less than," Heero answered. They'd been on the bed- Duo had just been leaning towards him- and there had been a knock at the door. Frustrating. "Though it looks like we're going to have to move to get to the plane on time."

"Do we take these suitcases?"

"Looks like it," Heero scanned the documents quickly as Duo pulled the suitcases out and tossed their things into them haphazardly. Luckily they hadn't unpacked much.

"What kind of job is it?" Duo asked as he zipped up the cases.

"We're the backup." Heero handed the papers to Duo as he opened the box. "We're supposed to go and get settled in- establish ourselves in a hotel. In a week there will be an ambassador staying there- he's the target."

"We're not primary?" Duo frowned as he looked at the pages. "What's our cover?"

Heero got the box open. "Newlyweds." He held the box out to Duo, displaying the rings inside. "I gather we're supposed to spend a lot of time in the hotel room."

"So I see," Duo folded the pages and met his gaze. "They really want you dead, you do realize that?"

"How do you know?"

"I killed the last person they put me on a mission like this with."

Heero swallowed hard. "Why?"

Duo picked up one of the suitcases and headed for the door. "He snored."

"You killed him because he snored?" Heero picked up the other suitcase and followed Duo out.

"It was like a train. I couldn't sleep. I get a little crazy if I'm sleep deprived..." Duo shrugged.

Heero mentally vowed to make sure that Duo got nine hours of sleep every night.

"I don't snore," he said, and Duo smiled.

"I hope not."


They had slipped the rings on in the cab on the way to the airport. Since the flight was a late one, they were some of the only passengers on board. Heero studied their tickets in the dim light- they had only brief layovers- only enough time to catch the next plane in most cases.

"Want to get some sleep?" He asked Duo who was curled up in the seat next to him, reading. "I'll keep an eye out."

"I'm not too tired yet," Duo smiled. "Relax Heero- I said I wasn't going to kill you anytime soon."

"Soon is a relative term," Heero answered, yet found himself smiling back.

Duo lifted up the armrest and slid closer. "We have to pretend to be newlyweds," he pointed out. "It's going to look odd if you flinch whenever I touch you." His tone was light, but there was something underneath that made Heero form a protest.

"I'm not flinching..."

Duo put his head down on Heero's shoulder- and sure enough- Heero felt his muscles tighten. "See?" Duo said quietly. "We did okay on that man's futon, but now..."

"Now I'm worried I'm going to snore." Heero admitted, and heard Duo snort.

"Heero- it was days of it- and he..." Duo's voice dropped, "he tried to do other things. He tried to force things..." His voice trailed off and Heero wondered what had happened.

"I haven't forced anything have I?"

Duo shook his head. "No. You... you're different. You... even when it was for the mission... you asked... and you- were gentle..."

Heero closed his eyes. He took a deep breath, tilted his head and let his cheek rest on Duo's hair. "I'm sorry."

"Nothing to be sorry for- I wasn't trying to tell you that I'd kill you for snoring... only that you've really pissed off the guys in charge."

Heero chuckled. "I knew that already." He relaxed completely, letting his body rest against Duo's. "If you aren't going to- mind if I get some sleep?"

"Go ahead. I'll keep watch."


Duo woke him in time for the landing, then it was a quick dash across the airport to another plane, and it was Duo's turn to sleep.

Heero watched over him, his mind spinning. Duo was dangerous, frightening... and yet... Heero didn't want him hurt. He made Heero feel protective- of all the bizarre things since Duo was more than capable of looking out for himself...

Then there was the wanting... he hadn't wanted anyone like this ever before... He forced himself to pull out a magazine, tear his eyes away from the man sleeping beside him. It wouldn't be good to make Duo feel pressured... Heero knew that if anything was going to happen that it had to be at Duo's instigation... and he did seem interested...

Maybe if he stayed interested he would be less likely to kill Heero on a whim too...

Another landing, another dash- and they were on the last leg of their trip.

Once they were settled on the plane, Duo closed his eyes again. "I think I'm glad we're going to be there for the foreseeable future, I'm tired of planes."

"Me too." Heero glanced around the cabin- there were more people on this plane, but it was empty enough that the passengers had spread out. There was no one close enough to hear them. "So... what is permissible?"

Duo arched an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"We're supposed to be newlyweds- what is permissible in public?" He was rewarded with a smile.

"Hmmm..." Duo tilted his head to the side thoughtfully. "Well, I suppose we can do this..." He took Heero's hand in his own, intertwined their fingers.

"Hand holding," Heero repeated, as if making a list.

Duo lifted Heero's hand to his mouth, kissed the back of it. "Small kisses?"

"Small kisses," Heero repeated and lifted Duo's hand to his own mouth, kissing the back and the curve of the wrist. "Just on the hand?"

"In public?" Duo lifted an eyebrow. "Where else could we?"

"Here," Heero leaned over kissed Duo's cheek. "Here," he brushed his lips down the side of Duo's neck and felt the other man shiver.

"What about here?" Duo asked and turned his head to catch Heero's mouth with his own.

Heero opened his lips, invited Duo in, his fingers tightening around Duo's hand. "There is good," he managed when Duo let him go.

Duo smiled and curled closer. "Anyplace else?"


Heero was having trouble focusing. The nice lady behind the counter was explaining all of the amenities of the hotel as she checked them in.

As she spoke, Duo had wound his arms around Heero's waist and started nuzzling the skin behind Heero's ear. The clerk was smiling the amused tolerant smile most people bestowed on newlyweds, so the cover was working...

It was just very distracting.

Of course, Heero reflected, he should've realized it would be- on the plane if that flight attendant hadn't appeared to take their drink order right when he was contemplating pulling Duo onto his lap...

Duo's teeth teased at the edge of his ear and he shuddered.

"Here's your keys, and your bags have already been delivered to your room," the clerk's smile was wider now. "I hope you enjoy your stay with us."

Duo reached out and took the keys before Heero could lift his arm. "Oh, I'm sure we will." He tugged Heero away from the counter, keeping one arm around Heero's waist as they moved through the lobby.

"Lots of exits," he murmured in Heero's ear.

Heero nodded, forcing himself to focus his attention on his surroundings.

"Lots of people too." It would be easy to lose a pursuer in here- if the hotel was always this busy. Had the clerk said something about a conference?

The elevator was half-full of people in suits; Heero pressed the button for their floor, aware of the eyes that were focused on him and the man who was snug against Heero's side.

"I think we chose a wonderful place for a honeymoon," Duo spoke softly, but his words were pitched to carry. "I just hope the bed is comfortable."

Heero heard a smothered cough, some uncomfortable shifting, and lifted his eyebrows. Duo evidently wanted to play. "Since when have we needed a bed?"

He saw Duo's lips twitch in amusement. "True... you do seem to like the floor a lot... oh, and there was that one time in the elevator..." His mouth brushed Heero's neck and his voice deepened. "I liked that one..."

The elevator dinged, the door slid open and suddenly Duo and Heero were alone in the elevator.

Duo looked at the floor number. "They couldn't have all been staying on this floor?"

Heero snickered and hit the close door button. "I think they were afraid you were going to demonstrate the elevator thing."

He found himself pinned against the wall, both hands above his head.

Damn... he hadn't even seen Duo move...

Duo leaned into him, the warmth of his body sending shivers through Heero. "I'd be more than happy to demonstrate..." He said against Heero's lips.

Heero opened his lips in anticipation- and the elevator dinged again. Duo cursed softly. "Our floor."

He let Heero go, pacing down the hallway, looking for their room. Heero managed not to stumble out of the elevator.

He needed to focus on the job. Granted, it wasn't going to start for a few days, but he needed to focus on something other than how he wanted to drag Duo off to bed at the first opportunity. That would get him killed. Duo was being... affectionate... but that might just be part of the cover- there had to be security cameras up in the elevator- and more than likely in the halls too.

Duo had stopped before a door at the end of the hallway and was waiting, his lips curved in a half-smile.

He swiped the key through the lock as Heero joined him. Once the door was closed behind them, Heero began a sweep of the place as Duo called in to tell the boss that they had reached the hotel and were establishing their presence.

The task of sweeping the room was enough to get Heero focused again- as long as he ignored the fact that there was a very big comfortable looking bed taking up half the floor space.

When he finished, he looked out the window, noting the curve of the building and studying the layout of the grounds.

"It's nearly dinnertime," he said to Duo. "Shall we go down and eat?"

"On the first night of our honeymoon? I think we should order in." Duo joined him at the window, and Heero watched as Duo swept his gaze over the grounds. "This is a huge place- we're going to have to be out and about tomorrow- we want people to see us."

Heero nodded. "I agree. The boss have any orders for us?"

"No, just maintain our cover." Duo turned to look at Heero, his eyes narrowed. "That reminds me..."

Had he messed up somehow? Heero took a half-step back and bumped into the table. Pinned. Not good...

"Yes?" He asked, making sure his voice was level.

"We talked about what was permissible in public," Duo moved closer still. "What about private?"

Heero's pulse suddenly doubled. "What... whatever makes you comfortable."

Duo leaned into Heero, like he had done on the elevator, putting his mouth next to Heero's ear. "It's hard to make me uncomfortable," Duo rubbed his cheek against Heero's. "But I think we both will be if we don't..." he paused as if searching for the words, "... agree to some mutually beneficial terms..."

Heero closed his eyes. "I agree. You can set the limits."

A sharp intake of breath. Heero opened his eyes to find Duo looking at him with surprise. "You trust me to set the boundaries?"


"Why?" Duo still looked confused- but also pleased.

Heero smiled. "I just do." Duo was the one who had to feel comfortable...

"Then..." Duo's hands touched Heero's sides, slipped under his shirt, " will let me do whatever I want to you?"

"Well, I am hoping you don't want to kill me, but other than that... yes."

Hopefully Duo wouldn't abuse the trust... hopefully he'd see it as a reason to trust Heero in return...

"Wasn't even considering it," Duo smiled. "Not when there are so many other interesting things to do..."

Heero closed his eyes as Duo's lips touched the skin behind his ear. Duo hummed gently, making Heero shiver.

"So... boundaries...." Duo's hands slipped further into Heero's shirt, traced his spine. "How about- anything I do to you- you can do to me?"

Heero slid his hands under Duo's t-shirt, tugged him closer. "Fair enough..."

He tried to ignore the little nagging voice in the back of his head that pointed out that he might not be in a position to ever return a favor... nor did he know what Duo liked to do...

Duo's lips were on his neck, gently tracing the fading bruises. "No pain," he said softly. "Not on purpose... Sometimes it's hard not to get carried away, but..."

Heero relaxed more. "No pain on purpose," he agreed.

Duo pulled him away from the table, tugged him towards the bed. "And if one of us tells the other to stop... we do- right away- no matter what." He stopped right as the back of Heero's legs touched the bed. "Is that okay?"

Heero opened his eyes to find Duo looking at him somewhat anxiously. "I think that's a good one. Anything else?"

The anxious look vanished and Duo's lips curved up. "I can't think of any others... do you have any?"

Heero shook his head. "No- those work for me." He reached out and cupped Duo's face in his hands, tracing Duo's mouth with his thumbs. "Kiss me?"

Duo's smile glowed for a moment, and then he did as Heero asked.

Duo's kiss was distracting- Heero didn't notice his shirt vanish- didn't realize that the rest of his clothing was in danger of slipping off until Duo tumbled him down on the bed.

He returned the favor, tugging Duo's shirt off, sending his hand down to unzip Duo's jeans even as Duo pulled his off.

Hands wandered, skin caressed skin, lips met and explored. Duo's fingers slid between Heero's thighs, teasing and demanding all at once.

Heero could do nothing but respond, lost in the heat.

"Can't wait anymore..." Duo's eyes were dark as he looked down at Heero. "Please?"

Heero couldn't speak- so he reached up and grasped Duo's hips, urging him down.

Duo was true to his word- he went slow, tried not to hurt- not that Heero cared- all he wanted was Duo...

When it was over, Duo put his head down on Heero's shoulder, panting for breath. Heero licked his lips and tried to slow his breathing.

"Thank you... I didn't... It's never been like that...."

It was a whisper, barely audible, but Heero heard it- and ached.

He put his cheek against Duo's and held him close.


"We should go down to breakfast. Scout around," Duo suggested when he came out of the shower the next morning, tying up the end of his braid.

"I agree," Heero pulled on a clean shirt and ran a hand through his still damp hair. "I'm starving. We never got dinner last night."

Duo smirked as he went hunting for clothes. "And yet you didn't complain about being hungry."

Heero rolled his eyes. "Neither did you."

"Course not- I was completely satisfied." Duo pulled on a pair of pants and grabbed a shirt.

Heero stuck his feet in his shoes and waited until Duo finished dressing. "Completely satisfied? So then I can spend my afternoon at the pool?"

"Sure," Duo grabbed the keycard and opened the door. "As long as you don't mind me molesting you in one of those waterfalls they have..."

They continued to banter as they walked down the hallway to the elevators. They were lucky enough to get a car to themselves and Duo declared that Heero owed him a kiss, since he didn't get to finish last time they were in the elevator.

It was a good thing the elevator was fast, Heero admitted to himself, otherwise he would've been tempted to do more than kiss Duo in it.

They were greeted cheerfully at the door of the hotel's café and shown to a corner table. Heero cast his eyes over the room automatically and froze.

"What is it?"

"The primary's here already." He said and lifted an eyebrow at the brown-haired man seated in the corner.

The brown haired man brushed his bangs out of his face and nodded briefly before returning to his newspaper.

"You know him?"

Heero nodded. "I've worked with him a few times. He's very good. More than likely we won't have to do anything this time."

Duo's eyes narrowed. "Is he?"

Heero missed the implication. "Oh yes. He trained with mercs, joined the Org a few years ago."

Duo sipped his coffee, his eyes flickering over to the man in the corner again.

"What is his name?" His tone was cool, impersonal and Heero wondered what he was thinking. Was he mad that the primary was a good one? Had he wanted to do the job?

"Trowa Barton."


After breakfast the two of them scouted around the hotel, making sure that their identities were clearly established. Not that it was hard to pretend to be wrapped up in his 'spouse'. It was all too easy...

"Want to go swimming before we spend the rest of the day up in the room?" Duo asked as they crossed the lobby.

"Did they pack us suits?" Heero frowned as he tried to remember the contents of the suitcases.

"I don't think so- but we can get them here." Duo nodded towards the hotel's sundry shop.

Once inside, Heero blinked at the selection. All of the trunks were obviously chosen by someone who was not only tasteless, but also colorblind.

Duo, much to Heero's surprise, selected a neon blue pair with big red flowers. "Perfect."


"Oh yes. They remind me of one of my teachers," Duo's smile faded a bit. "He loved obnoxious stuff like this."

Heero noted the past tense and slid an arm around Duo's waist. "You're going to have to help me pick- I think I'm going blind from the glare."

"What an opportunity," Duo chuckled and fingered a neon orange pair of trunks as Heero groaned.


"Those look good," Duo said as they headed towards the pool. They had made a quick stop in their room after purchasing the trunks to change before heading out to swim.

Heero looked down at his green trunks and shook his head. "Well, I guess little sharks are better than flowers."

"Hey now," Duo lifted an eyebrow. "Are you insulting my fashion sense?"

"What looks good on you would not necessarily look good on me."

Duo smiled. "Very diplomatic."

"I try to be."

"I've noticed," Duo's smile changed slightly.

Much to Heero's surprise, after a few laps Duo accepted the invitation of a few of the kids in the next pool to race. Heero declined, choosing instead to sit on the warm cement, dangling his legs in the water and keeping an eye on Duo.

Not that he thought Duo would do anything to the kids... would he? He seemed to be having a good time, laughing and splashing... and Heero found himself wondering what Duo would've been like if the Org hadn't trained him. Would he be like this all the time?

A shadow fell over him and he looked up. "Hello," a sweet-faced older woman stood beside him. "Is that yours playing with mine out there?"

Heero smiled, hoping she wasn't about to complain. "Yes, that's my husband."

"Newlyweds?" She asked, sitting down beside him.

"Yes- it's our honeymoon."

"I thought so. I could tell by the way you were watching him- and all the looks he was giving you." She smiled. "So cute."

Heero managed to keep smiling. He didn't want to tell her he'd been keeping such a close eye on Duo because he was worried about the safety of her kids.

A hand touched his ankle. "Hey love," Duo gave him a warm smile before he looked at the lady. "You're Mom?"

"I am," she smiled. "Thanks for keeping them occupied."

"It was fun." Duo turned back to Heero, his fingers stroking the instep of Heero's foot. "Ready to go back upstairs for a bit?" The tone was slightly teasing, but the look he gave Heero made his heart speed up a little.

"Sounds good," he managed.

The lobby was crowded when they crossed it, the elevator full. Heero stood beside Duo, watching the numbers over the door change with impatience. Why did they have to have a room so many floors up?

It didn't help that Duo's fingers were on his wrist, sliding up and down slowly, a reminder of what those hands had felt like on the rest of his body.

The elevator finally reached their floor; Duo had the key already in his hand. Once the door was closed behind them, Heero pulled Duo into his arms and kissed him... it seemed too long since their last kiss...

"Shower first?" Duo murmured against his mouth.

"Hell no." Heero's mouth moved to Duo's neck, tasted the salt and chlorine and water... and Duo shivered.

Their clothes were wet. Heero moved back just enough to pull off his damp shirt and trunks, tossing them into the bathroom- Duo's following a moment later.

Duo was cold, he shivered again in Heero's embrace, but Heero held him close, ran his hands over Duo's body, shared his warmth.

It was with some effort that he moved them to the bed, knowing it was more comfortable than the hallway floor. He pinned Duo underneath him, pressed him back into the pillows and claimed his mouth...

And then set out to claim more... he lost himself in the feeling of Duo underneath him, responding to his touch, welcoming him...

Then he realized that there was something wrong.

Duo was responding, returning caresses, kisses, arching his body against Heero's... but was there a tenseness in his face? Were his eyes closed a little too tightly? Was he shuddering in pleasure... or something else?

Heero pulled back a little, wondering if he dared stop- dared ask Duo what was wrong... it hadn't been this way last night...

Ah... maybe... Heero slid his arms around Duo and flipped them over, so that he was the one with his back on the mattress.

Duo's eyes opened in surprise.

"Please?" Heero asked, pulling Duo's hips down gently. "Move for me?"

Duo smiled and did as he asked, and Heero had to force himself to watch his lover, to make sure it had only been that...

But the tenseness was gone... and his eyes were open now, watching Heero as he moved...

Relief washed through him for a moment before it was drowned in other sensations.


The next morning Heero cracked open an eyelid and glanced at the clock. Was it so late already?

His stomach growled indicating that yes it was, and damn it, it needed real food soon. He turned slightly and found Duo spread out over most of the bed, still sleeping. Heero yawned and considered just ignoring his stomach, but Duo would wake up soon and be hungry too.

And as he'd learned the last few days- a hungry Duo was not always pleasant to be around.

Heero slid out of bed and headed for the bathroom. A quick wash and some clothes were needed if he wanted food. He thought about ordering in, but decided that running down to the small coffee shop would be faster.

"What you doin'?" Duo raised his head up from the pillows as Heero exited the bathroom.

"Going down to grab some food. I'll be right back."

"Okay," Duo put his head down again.

Heero left the room quietly and headed down for the coffee shop. Right outside the lobby it already had a line of people waiting for orders. He put his in and then went to sit in the sun by the door to wait.

"Good morning," a quiet voice said. "Come walk with me?"

Heero looked up and smiled slightly.



Heero got to his feet and followed Trowa Barton down one of the small concrete paths that led to the pools. No one was headed there at this time of day. It was a perfect place to talk.

"What is it? Is there a problem?"

Trowa shook his head. "Not at all. I was worried at first- the guy changed his schedule- that's why I'm here so early. However, I think I'll be able to do this remotely. Just make sure you're ready to check out two days from now."

Heero nodded. "Very well."

They walked in silence for a little bit. Trowa obviously had something else he wanted to share, and so Heero waited. At last Trowa looked at him and smiled. "I was surprised to see you alive- your new partnership has set the gossip machine going you know- there's a bet that you won't last out this assignment."

"I'm sure," Heero smiled back. "Are you looking for the inside track?"

"No," Trowa shook his head and stopped walking. "I wanted to ask if you wanted me to help you get free."

"That's against..."

"Regulation, I know- but I don't like the thought of having to see you dead. You did save me out in Greece that one time."

Heero frowned. Free of the Org... it was nearly impossible. He knew what Trowa was offering to help him do...

He reached up a hand and smoothed the hair down on the back of his neck. Funny how the thought made him feel like someone was watching him... He looked up at the façade of the hotel... Duo was asleep- he wasn't watching him from behind one of those windows...

"I'm really okay."

Trowa's eyes opened wide. "Heero- they partnered you with Death himself! Are you insane? No one has lasted around him! He's killed off his teachers, his friends... if you can call them friends..."

"I know- but... it's not that bad. It really isn't. I'm doing fine."

Trowa looked at him if he'd gone insane. "All right- but if you change your mind- let me know."


Heero walked back into the hotel room, the food cartons in his hands. All the way back up he'd thought about Trowa's offer. He'd known his odds weren't good with Duo, but... he didn't want to leave him... or hurt him... and if he wanted to be free, Duo would get hurt. He couldn't leave a hunter like that alive to come after him...

The room was still dark. He put the cartons of food on the table beside the door and moved towards the bed. It was empty...


"Right here."

Behind him.

The blow knocked him to his knees, stunning him. He turned in time to see Duo's hands reaching for his throat...

Heero grabbed Duo's wrists, trying to keep the other's hands off his neck. It wasn't easy. Duo's fingertips brushed his jugular as Heero tried to push away. "Duo?"

The other man snarled. "If you want to leave, I'll help you...."

What the hell....? How had he...?

"I don't want to leave!"

Duo faltered. The anger vanished off his face and was replaced by an expression that made Heero want to wrap him close...

Except his hands were still too near Heero's throat.

"Everyone leaves," he said. "One way or another they all leave."

"I won't. I promise!"

"You think others haven't promised?" Duo's hands dropped away from Heero's neck, but Heero didn't let him go. He held on to Duo's wrists and pulled him gently down beside him on the floor.

"Duo- I don't want to leave you."

"Yes you do," Duo looked down at the floor, his bangs shading his expression. "I saw your face when Barton offered to help you leave."

How had he seen that? "It wasn't leaving you- it was leaving the Org."

Duo tensed beside him and Heero wondered if he'd made a fatal mistake. Duo was one of the Org's orphans after all...

"No one can leave the Org," he said in a soft voice. "I've tried. But they don't let you go..."

Oh. Heero carefully let go of Duo's wrists and slid an arm around Duo's waist, pulling him close.

"I know. That's one of the reasons I said no. I also thought that Barton might have been asked by the Org to ask me that question. To see if I would try to flee..."

He felt Duo tense slightly. "I didn't think of that... It would be like them."

Heero brushed his lips over Duo's temple. "It would. I don't know how much you heard..."

"The whole thing. After you left I got dressed and came down to meet you..." Duo paused. "I saw Barton talk to you outside the restaurant and I followed... I thought... you knew him from before..."

Heero smiled, understanding. "Then you heard him remind me that I saved him in Greece?"

Duo nodded.

"What I saved him from was a double-cross. An agent from one of our rivals was pretending to defect- in order to get close enough to a few of our higher-ups. I think it was Trowa's way of telling me that the Org was trying to double-cross me." He smiled faintly. "Or I'm a paranoid bastard."

Duo moved his hand up towards Heero's throat. "I'm... sorry."

Heero shook his head. "It's okay. I just told you I'm a paranoid bastard. I think I can forgive you for being the same."


"No." Heero cut off Duo's response. "It's really okay. Just... next time talk to me first? Before attempting to kill me?"

"I promise."

Heero relaxed. He cradled Duo closer, wondering if he was insane. The other man was unbalanced- damaged in so many ways, impossible to predict, near impossible to control, and would more than likely end up killing him.

But Heero wanted to stay with him. Wanted to help him find his balance, help him fight his demons...

Loved him.

"I meant my promise too. I won't leave you... if I can help it." Heero knew he had to be completely honest- nothing else would work.

Duo tilted his head to meet Heero's eyes. He smiled and it was pure happiness, no darkness, no shadows behind it.

He touched Heero's cheek. "Then... you're mine?"

"Always." Heero leaned forward and kissed Duo for a long moment.

Duo pushed him away with a small sigh. "We'd better go disable the bomb I put in Barton's room."

Heero's eyes widened. "Timed?"

"No- triggered."

Heero nearly laughed. He lay back, tumbling Duo to the carpet beside him. "In a little bit then," he said, and claimed Duo's mouth again.



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