Misunderstandings Part 3

For a moment, just as she walked into the room, Cathy was angry with Trowa. But it was hard to stay angry with someone who was the exact same color as the hospital sheets. Harder still when they looked at you with dazed eyes that took a moment to recognize who stood in front of them.

"Oh Trowa," Cathy sat down in the chair beside the bed and picked up her brother's hand. "What am I going to do with you?"

"The show?" He asked and she smiled faintly.

"Went on of course. I have to call and tell them you're okay. What happened?"

He shrugged helplessly. "I don't know. My foot just... missed the rope."

"You don't usually miss the rope."

"Cathy- not again- I told you-"

"Quatre's outside."

Trowa turned his face away. "Why is he here?"

"Why do you think? You can't be that surprised- you told the nurse you didn't want to see him."

"We're on L4..." Trowa started and then closed his lips tightly.

"He just finished a mission for Une. He's been gone this whole time- he left orders for you to be told- but you never called. He was rushing here to see you when he got the news." Cathy rushed the words out, hoping that they were getting through. "He was dreadfully hurt when the nurse told him you wouldn't see him."

She watched as he bit his lip, processing the information.

"Can I bring him in?" She asked impatiently. "He really wants to see you."

"I...I don't... know...we..." Trowa lifted a hand to rub at his head and she was immediately contrite. The poor guy did have a concussion after all- his head was probably aching.

Better not to let him make a decision right now. She'd do it for him. Hopefully it wouldn't be a mistake.

"I'll get him." Before her brother could protest, she moved quickly to the door.

Quatre was in the hallway, Rashid beside him, a tiny computer in his hands. His mouth was set in a tight line and the look on his face made Cathy falter for a moment.


He looked away from the screen, the anger vanishing as if it had never been. "Will he see me?"

"Yes." Cathy said and quickly stepped to the side.

Quatre thrust the computer into Rashid's hands, with a "you know what to do", and hurried into the room. Cathy hovered in the doorway just long enough to watch him take the seat by Trowa's bed and reach cautiously out to touch Trowa's wrist with his fingertips.

The she virtuously closed the door and put her back to it. She'd done all she could.

Rashid was punching the small computer's buttons rapidly beside her, muttering under his breath.

"What are you doing?" She asked, trying to keep her mind off of what was going on behind the door.

"Contacting Master Quatre's lawyers."


"He's going after those columns- the ones that said he was dating someone else?" Rashid lifted his shoulder in a half-shrug and smiled. "Usually he just ignores them, but circumstances being what they are- he wants retractions- if not blood."

"Will he get them?"

Rashid laughed. "You know he will."

Cathy leaned her head back against the door and sighed. She couldn't hear anything- so that meant that they weren't yelling at each other at least. But were they talking?

Damn, of all the times to be good... she should've left the door open a crack.

"It will be all right," Rashid said as he tucked the small computer away.

"I wish I could be sure of that. But Trowa..."

"I know Master Quatre. It will be all right."

Rashid sounded so sure. So it had to be okay to hope a little? She closed her eyes and willed herself to relax. It took time- each muscle group seemed to be a separate twisted ache. How long had it been since the accident? Damn- she'd have to call the circus- tell them that Trowa would be all right...

The door suddenly opened behind her and Cathy fell backwards as her support vanished.

A hand caught her elbow, pulled her upright before she could hit the floor. "I'm so sorry!" Quatre apologized, as he made sure she was steady on her feet.

"My fault," she told him, managing a smile. "Shouldn't have been leaning on the door." She looked past him, over his shoulder at her brother. Trowa met her gaze, a small amused smile curving the corner of his mouth. "Is... everything okay?"

"Fine," Quatre assured her. "I need to go find the doctor." He gave her arm a squeeze and walked out of the room, Rashid following him down the hall.

"Trowa?" She started, once they were gone.

"It's fine." He reached out a hand to her and she moved to take it. "Quatre wants me to stay with him for a few days, if-"

"We can manage without you," she assured him. "You know we can- and I for one don't want you near a tightrope for a bit."

That made his smile widen and Cathy realized how long it had been since she'd seen such an expression on his face. Her heart lightened a little. "So you've forgiven him?"

"We forgave each other." He corrected and reached out and tapped her on the nose. "With a little push from a certain someone. Thanks for stopping me from being stupid."

She squeezed his hand with a grin. "What else are big sisters for?"



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