This isn't the Christmas fic I had in my head. It's a Christmas eve drabble, set in one of my other universes- before the main story of that one began...

It's well.... what can I say? It's Horrible.

Horrible Drabble 1

It's a little late to be visiting the museum."

The dark clad man didn't jump in surprise, he simply turned and looked upwards. "Dude, it's Christmas Eve. Don't you have something better to do?"

The metal covered superhero snorted as he executed a perfect landing on the floor beside his nemesis. "There isn't anything better than stopping evil."

Wraith rolled his eyes. "Please, save the speeches for the civilians. I'm not committing any evil-"

"Not yet."

"Not yet," his arch nemesis agreed amiably. "I didn't think you'd be out tonight though, Steel. I mean, it is Christmas- isn't the little woman a bit put out that you aren't home?"

"I don't have a little woman." Heero studied Wraith carefully. He'd learned over the last few months that the villain always had some sort of trick up his sleeve. What would it be this time?

"Alone for Christmas? That sucks."

"Says the man who is out alone robbing the museum."

Wraith laughed, his eyes twinkling through his dark mask. "I don't suppose you'd believe that I had some last minute shopping to do?"

"I think the museum's store is closed. There is however a drugstore still open up the street."

Wraith waved off the suggestion. "I'm not really in the mood for candles or stale chocolate, thanks."

"Not the sort of thing your little woman likes, I take it?"

Wraith rolled his eyes. "I was actually looking for something for me." His smile widened a little as he studied his steel-covered foe. "Then again... I may have something right here."

Heero tensed. The damn man could vanish whenever he pleased- impossible to trace. So far that's all he usually did- but that didn't mean it was the only trick in Wraith's repertoire. There had to have been a reason the other hero had quit...

Wraith tilted his head to the side mischievously. "I'm betting you're worried under that armor right now... trying to figure out what I'm up to..."

Heero didn't see the point of denying it. "I'm going to stop you this time-"

"Now where would be the fun in that? Besides, I haven't even done anything yet."

"You broke into the museum."

"Hardly. I strolled right in. Not my fault the security system can't see me."

Crap. He was going to vanish again. Would the new sensors be able to track him? Heero pulled them up onto his helmet's display. Time to see if those weeks of work had paid off.

He waited, tense in every muscle. What was the damn man going to do?

Wraith was still smiling, perfectly relaxed- and why shouldn't he be? He'd managed to escape every time so far-

Before Heero could react, Wraith leaned close. "Look up," he suggested, his voice rippling with amusement.

Hell! Heero did, certain that something was about to fall on him.

But there wasn't anything there. Nothing but some Christmas decorations..

And he'd taken his eyes off of Wraith...

Damn! He looked back, sure that his nemesis was long gone, that he'd been tricked.

But Wraith was there- closer than he'd been before-

Before Heero could react, Wraith reached out- through the helmet, his fingertips brushing the skin of Heero's cheek.

"Mistletoe," he said and kissed Heero. A quick brush of lips that ignited Heero's blood even as his mind screamed at him.

Wraith could go through the armor! He could-

"Merry Christmas!" His nemesis winked at him and vanished.

Leaving Heero standing in the middle of the empty museum.

Quickly, Heero started to scan- but the new program turned up nothing. No sign of the villain anywhere.

Damn it. Heero swore internally before turning on his flight mechanism. No one had warned him that Wraith could phase through matter... though that would explain some of the disappearances...

As his mind whirled away on this new aspect, one other thought made its way to the surface of his mind:

Wonder if I can figure out a way to get him to kiss me again?



To The Next Drabble

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