Author: Merula

Pairings: 1x2

Rating: PG-13

Warnings: Yaoi, AU

Disclaimer: Gundam Wing is not mine.

Here's the fic I meant to have last Tuesday.... many apologies!!! It's a mini sequel to Garden.

Sundays go by so fast, don't they? O.o I meant to have so much more done!!!

Garden Part 2

Heero's car was in the driveway.

Duo pushed down the small burst of panic and didn't slam his foot down on the gas. Residential neighborhood, he reminded himself and kept his speed down, despite his need to get down the street now.

Heero wasn't supposed to be home. The Preventers had a huge 'incident' that they were dealing with- had been dealing with for the last three days. Heero had called and texted Duo several times, assuring his lover of his well-being and confirming that he couldn't come home anytime soon.

So why was his car in the driveway? Duo could only think of one reason- that Heero had been injured somehow and sent home.

'He has to be somewhat okay if he's home,' Duo reminded himself as he finally parked the car and hopped out. 'Sally wouldn't send him home otherwise. But then again, the MedCenter doesn't really like having Heero in there....'

He fumbled with his keys, succeeded in getting the door unlocked and stepped inside. He didn't call out- if Heero was home and injured, he might also be resting- and Duo knew that it was rare for Heero to rest well.

The sofa in the front room was empty- it wasn't unusual for Heero to crash there if he came home exhausted. Duo headed for the bedroom quietly, hoping Heero was asleep there.

Heero's uniform hung over a chair, the bathroom mirror was still fogged with steam and the damp towels hung from the racks- but Heero wasn't in sight. Duo frowned at the uniform- the shirt was hanging a little strangely. He picked it up and inhaled sharply at the sight of the soot, tiny holes and scorch marks.

So something had happened...

Well, if Heero wasn't on the sofa or the bed, then there was only one other place for him to be- and since Duo hadn't seen Charlie around either... he headed for the back sliding door.

Sure enough, Heero was stretched out on the grass, barefoot and jean-clad, eyes closed. Charlie was beside him, his head resting on Heero's stomach, tail thumping happily in the grass.

Duo couldn't help the smile that curved his lips. At least he'd been able to give Heero a sanctuary...

He slid the door open and stepped outside. Charlie's tail wagging increased, but he didn't move. Heero's eyes blinked open and he tilted his head forward a little.

"There you are."

"Here I am," Duo agreed and stretched out beside him, thankful that Heero had remembered to put a blanket down. "But you aren't supposed to be here. Not that I'm complaining..."

His lover didn't look injured, but Duo knew looks could be deceiving.

"Well, I was part of the building inspection team, and since the building blew up, I didn't have anything left to do, so..."

"Blew up?" Duo repeated, the words catching in his throat. "How bad- ? Casualties?"

Heero shook his head. "We got a warning and cleared out. No one was badly hurt."

Duo closed his eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath and sending a brief thank you to whoever was watching out for his lover.

But Heero might not always be so lucky.... if only he'd give up the Preventers.... Duo had asked him to, over and over, but Heero had always said it was something he had to do... and Duo understood that, even if he didn't like it.

"And they still sent you home?" He said as lightly as he could manage. "I'd think there was still work to do..."

"There was- but someone else can do it." Heero slipped his arm around Duo and tugged him a little closer. "I gave my notice."

Duo couldn't breathe for a minute. "You...gave..."

"I quit."

"But... you said... you needed to- don't get me wrong- I'm happy- we can find you something better-" Something safer, he added silently.

"I realized today that there was something I needed more." Heero's arm tightened a little. "I need to be here for you."

Duo hugged him back, relief sweeping over him. His fingers found the bandage at the edge of Heero's shirt. "I thought you said no one was injured...?"

"I said no one was badly hurt," Heero moved so Duo could examine the bandage. "But it was a pretty close thing. Some of the metal racks blew out- damn things were like spears... well. Let's be glad I was standing where I was and not an inch or so more to the right."

Duo was very very glad. "I'm going to be happy that you won't be in those sorts of situations anymore." Duo laid back down again and closed his eyes.

"So it's okay?"

Duo heard the worry underneath Heero's casual tone.

"You know damn well it's okay." He felt Heero relax beside him and smiled. "There's really only one more thing I want."

Heero's breath was warm on his ear. "And what's that?"

"Can we move into the house and onto the sofa or something? I think you put this blanket on an ant hill...."



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