Another drabble for jilltanith, cause I kind of gave her a horrible cliffy. She had also said that a drabble for the Egypt series would be okay, so here is one for her. Yes, I muck with mythology. I know it. All you need to know to read the story is that Heero is an angel, and Duo is Anpu (Anubis). The original was set during the war, so I decided to see what would happen if the guys followed the timeline a little and became preventers.

Egypt Story Drabble 1

Duo dodged around the cars, their flashing lights painting everything with red. Where was Heero? He was supposed to be on this scene. He scanned the uniforms, looking for his lover.

Heero was standing by the steps of the building, talking to another Preventer- one Duo didn't recognize. Heero glanced over and gave Duo a quick smile.

"How's it going?' He asked once he reached Heero's side.

"Bad," Heero frowned up at the building. "I want you to take a look. Something was odd about the corpse- I couldn't place it."

"Diplomat, was it?"

"If it wasn't we wouldn't be here," Heero pointed out.

"Good point. Sure, I'll go take a look. Is he still-"

"In the alley," Heero sighed. "It's not pretty."

"I'm sure I've seen worse."

"I'm sure you have." Heero poked him in the arm. "Just go look so that I can leave, okay? Quatre's handling the family- so once the body gets taken away I'm finished."

"Going right now." Duo headed for the alleyway. There was a uniform at the corner of the building, Duo flashed his badge and smiled.

The body was sprawled in the alley- and Heero was right- it wasn't pretty. "Did a swan dive, I see," Duo muttered as he crouched by the corpse.

A familiar scent tickled his nostrils.

He frowned. Only one thing he knew smelt like that.

Casting a glance back at the uniform to make sure the guy was looking the other way, Duo put his hand down beside the shadows next to the body.

They rose up and caressed his palm. He sent a silent inquiry and frowned at the answer. Getting to his feet, he pulled a small bit of the shadows up with him.

"Find," he told them and they swarmed away. He walked back out to the end of the alley and waved at Heero.

A moment later, his lover was beside him. "What is it?" Heero asked.

Duo pulled him away from the uniform and towards the body. "The heart is missing."

Heero blinked at him. "But- the guy jumped-"

"I know. After he died something came and took the heart out of the body."

"You sound like you know what the something is." Heero looked at the body. "It doesn't look like he cut the body open-"

"What I'm thinking did this wouldn't need to. I fixed it so no one should know the heart is missing, but if my old associate is around then I predict more bodies without hearts will show up."

"Then- we have some kind of killer something on the loose?"

Duo shook his head. "No- not a killer. This guy was dead before the heart was eaten. All the others will be too- and they won't be nice people."

Heero sighed. "You're going to force me to look it up aren't you?"

"History is good for you. Besides, angel of mine, you always have such interesting questions afterwards."

Shaking his head, Heero turned away. "I should've known better than to get involved with an ancient."

Duo grabbed him, sliding his arms around Heero and pulling him into a convenient shadow. He brushed his lips over Heero's. "Ammit," he said against Heero's mouth. "The eater of hearts."

"One of yours? You said associate."

"One of mine."

"So you're going to handle this?"

"I'll have a chat with her once I find her."

"Tell her to eat after the medical exam."

"Good idea."

Heero returned the kiss. "Now let me go finish up. I'll meet you at home. Unless you need me for the chatting?"

"I think bringing along an Angel of Destruction might be overkill. Ammit wasn't unreasonable before. I'll be fine. I'll see you at home."

Duo hoped he was right. Some of his kin had gone a little crazy over the centuries. Hopefully the eater of hearts wasn't one of them.

Heero gave him a knowing look. "An hour," he said. "Later and I'll come looking. Be careful."

"Always," Duo assured him and let his lover go. He had seen Heero's version of 'looking' and had no intention of setting it on his old comrade- unless he proved unreasonable. "See you at home."

"I'll be waiting."



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