Asked by silverkiiri. Characters: Heero & Duo (for flavor, toss in Relena), sweet.

Halloween Drabble 6

Duo leaned against the wall, grateful that his mask hid his expression as he watched Heero move across the floor with Relena.

Not that he was supposed to know who was who, the ball was a masquerade one, held to celebrate Halloween, but the two of them were unmistakable. Relena was dressed as the Good Witch, in yards of pink silk, her blond hair pulled up underneath the glass crown. Her partner was dressed as Robin Hood, his green hood casting a deep shadow over his face, but the tuft of chocolate brown hair that stuck a wee bit out of the hood was a dead giveaway.

Duo sighed. He tapped his stick against the wall. Wufei had talked him into coming as one of the characters from some legendary Chinese folk tale. Duo didn't really care. It meant his clothing was loose and comfortable and he got to carry a 'weapon' of sorts. He wondered when Wufei was going to bother to show up. He was supposed to be dressed as some kind of buddist priest. He should be easy enough to spot.

Forcing his eyes away from the couple happily spinning on the dance floor, Duo scanned the crowd for Wufei. He was tired of having to explain to people that he wasn't really sure who he was.

There was Wufei. A spot of white, the golden crown, the dot between the eyebrows, the black half-mask like his covering most of the faux-priest's face. The masks really didn't match, but Relena had insisted on identities being hidden.

"About freaking time," Duo muttered as the priest joined him. "I'm getting tired of not knowing who I am."

"You don't know who you are?" The priest answered in a voice that was obviously not Wufei's. Duo blinked. "Do you know who I am then?"


"Yes," Heero answered, his lips curving up in a smile. "Surprised?"

"But... if you're..." Duo shook himself. "Who's that dancing with Relena?"

Heero looked out at the whirling couple. "Oh, that's Chang."

"You... switched places? Why?"

Heero leaned against the wall next to him. "We didn't switch places. We just figured that if we were going to hang out in silly outfits all night, we wanted our choice of company."

Duo blinked again, jaw dropping. "Wufei... and Relena? He... he wants her?"

Heero nodded. "Yes." Duo managed to pull his jaw back into place, but then it dropped again as he came to another realization.

"Wait... then you..."

"Yes." Heero smiled again. "I do."



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