Tanuki02 asked for party favors, any universe, any characters, soooo I have this. I think it's this universe- don't ask, I've been flipping thru old stuff lately looking for inspiration, I guess! Two more to go!

Drabble 78

Quatre had managed to find a quiet table off to the side. The waitress didn't seem fazed when he only asked for a bottle of ale and refused the entree. A few moments after his ale was delivered, he was joined by a dark haired man who gave him a thoughtful look as he sat down. "I wasn't sure you would show."

Quatre raised an elegant eyebrow at his host. "I did accept your invitation."

"True," Heero smiled back without showing his teeth. "But you are known for being capricious."

"I suppose I am. It's a bad habit I've gotten into over the years. However, I don't want you to think I'm ungrateful. You did give me sanctuary here- and I am sincerely grateful for that."

"You have been a most gracious guest," Heero allowed, turning slightly and surveying the packed restaurant. "I appreciate your- discretion."

Quatre nearly said that he knew damn well if he didn't, his welcome here would vanish. Instead he countered with a bland: "It's always best to play by the rules."

Heero's smile widened a little as if he knew what Quatre was thinking. "True, even though I know ours are a bit restrictive."

Shrugging, Quatre took a sip of his ale before changing the subject. "What has got that crowd around your now-legally-recognized spouse so excited? I didn't think werewolves were that fond of free beer?"

Heero laughed. "It's not free beer- Duo is passing out the party favors."

"You know, at most wedding receptions those are just little bags of almonds on the tables."

"Well, I don't think wolves are that fond of almonds, so we went with gift certificates for the local burger joints."


Heero caught the attention of someone in the crowd and made a brief 'come here' gesture. "Well, it was a good idea for my pack, but for our other guests, we have to improvise."

"I wasn't expecting- nor do I need-"

A tall man moved through the crowd to stand by their table. Heero stood up, allowing the other to take his seat. "I know- but allow me to make the gesture. Besides, he volunteered."

Before Quatre could protest more, Heero continued: "Quatre, meet Trowa Barton- one of my enforcers- and your party favor. If you'll excuse me, gentlemen?"

As Heero headed for his mate, Quatre leaned over the table and studied the man sitting across from him. "You volunteered? Really?"

Barton's lips curved in a faint smile. "I did."

"Not going to tell me why?"


Quatre placed his elbow on the table and held out his hand. "May I?"

Trowa placed his hand in Quatre's, his expression not even flickering as Quatre moved their joined hands to his lips. Trowa's blood smelled sweet, underlying the wild musky tones of his skin.

He was tempted to take a small taste, but this wasn't the place. "You do smell good."

"So do you."

"Well then," Quatre cast a glance around the rather raucous celebration going on around them, "maybe we should go someplace else?"

"Lead on."



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