Author: Merula

Pairings: 5x6

Rating: PG-13

Warnings: Yaoi

Disclaimer: Gundam Wing is not mine.

For Mechante- watermelon, sand and bug spray. Um... I didn't really start out with the intention of being mean to Zechs in this fic. I truly didn't. And I'm sure Wufei took him home and was very nice to him for the rest of the weekend. It's just... I had to get watermelon in there somehow...


Drabble 60

"I hate the beach," he said as he hung up the phone.

"And yet, you agreed to go."

Turning, he looked at his lover, sitting quietly on the bed, glasses perched on his nose, a book open on his knee. Zechs was tempted to toss a pillow at him- just to disturb his serenity for a change. "What else was I supposed to do? Maggie asked me to go."

"You could've said no."

"I can't tell my niece- my only, adorable niece that I don't want to go to the beach with her on her birthday."

"Zechs, she's five. You could've just asked her to go to the zoo instead and she would've changed her mind."

"Are you kidding?" Zechs moved to join Wufei on the bed, tucking a pillow behind his head. "You've spent time with her- you know she's more stubborn than her mother- hell, sometimes I wonder if she's your kid and not-"

"Don't even go there." Wufei tapped him on the nose with his book. "First off- I've never been tempted to do anything like that with your sister and secondly, the child looks nothing like me."

"You know what I mean. She is a very determined child."

"True," Wufei conceded. "I haven't forgotten her last birthday."

"I haven't either," Zechs frowned, glancing down at his ankle. "I still have the scar. Maybe I should stay home this year."

"You won't. You adore Maggie- and she adores you. You can't miss her birthday."

"I know, it's just... I really hate the beach."

"How hard is it to enjoy the beach? You'll have a good time."

"I don't notice you volunteering to go with me."

"I have a class to teach tomorrow. I'll be working while you are lolling around on the sand."

"Getting bitten by sand fleas."

"Take bug spray."

Rolling over onto his side, Zechs put his chin into the curve of Wufei's arm. "No pity at all for me?"

"You are going to spend the day with your family, on the beach, swimming-"

"In ice cold water."

"Wear your wetsuit- or one of your dive shirts. You'll be fine."

"You could call in sick."

"It's midterms," Wufei put his book to the side and took off his glasses neatly on top of it. "Otherwise I would. But I'm sure you'll have a good time tomorrow..."


The phone call from Relena came right after his last class had been dismissed. Wufei hurried down to his car, cursing under his breath as he drove to the hospital. Relena hadn't been very coherent, but at least he knew Zechs was still among the living.

For the moment at least...

Once he arrived, he was ushered into the ER, where he found Zechs stretched out on one of the beds, his eyes unfocused and his hair- sort of pink.

"What happened?"

Zechs squinted at him and gave him a half smile. "Sorry- had to call you. Relena had a late meeting to go to- I said you could pick me up-"

"What happened?" Wufei repeated.

"I have a concussion- the doctor said I should be fine-"

"How did you get a concussion?"

"Well, I was in the ocean- and the watermelon just came out of nowhere- I guess Maggie was aiming for something behind me-"

"Maggie threw a watermelon at you?"

"Her Uncle Duo gave her a catapult for her birthday- he said he didn't think she'd really be able to use it with a watermelon- but-" Zechs put a hand up to his head. "Next year I think I'm going to be out of town on her birthday."

"That sounds like an excellent idea."



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