Author: Merula

Pairings: 3x4

Rating: PG-13

Warnings: Yaoi

Disclaimer: Gundam Wing is not mine.

Drabble 45

Quatre glanced up as his clock chimed. "That time already? I hadn't realized it had gotten so late." He said and heard a soft grunt of affirmation from his bodyguard.

Standing up, he pulled on his coat and headed for the door. Heero got there before him, checking the hallway before ushering Quatre out the door. "All clear."

"Everyone's gone home," Quatre looked around the empty offices, shaking his head. "Why didn't you say something?"

"I did. You told me to be quiet." Heero snorted. "Besides, it was obvious the negotiations needed to be completed- and then the ministry needed to be informed."

"Still, I think Duo isn't going to be happy with me sending you home so late."

"Very true. The last few weeks have been very bad."

"I'm sorry," Quatre offered. "But the negotiations are over now, so it should go back to normal..."

The elevator doors slid open and they stepped inside the empty lift. Quatre hit the button for the garage and frowned as the doors slid shut. There was a prickle on the back of his neck. Something wasn't right...

Heero reached out for the control panel. "Something's wrong-" he started.

Quatre opened his mouth to agree, but then something clamped over his face, something suffocating and sickly smelling, he inhaled without thinking and his vision swirled. He held his breath, trying to pull away, but a strong arm clamped around his chest, holding him in place despite his efforts.

Where the hell had they come from?

Heero was already slumped against the far wall, his head tilted backwards, his gun sliding from his fingers. There wasn't anyone near him- no one was visible- who-

Running out of air- he couldn't hold his breath any longer- he gasped- and the drug swept into his system, robbing him of consciousness and sending him down into darkness.


He wanted to turn over, wanted to curl up in the softness of the pillow he could feel under his head- but his body wouldn't obey him. It wanted to- but something was holding him down...

The elevator...

His eyes snapped open. A pale light glowed dimly above him. He was on a bed, in an unfamiliar room- it was too dark to make out many details- his arms stretched out to either side-hands bound to the headboard. His legs were free, though- that was a mistake on their part- whoever it was that had brought him here. Was Heero here too somewhere? Should he say something? They hadn't gagged him- and that was another mistake.

A shadow stirred in a corner and moved towards the bed. Quatre braced himself- whoever this was, they were going to be very sorry...

"Awake at last," said a familiar voice and Quatre started in astonishment. The light next to the bed flickered on and Trowa sat down beside him, a faint smile curving his mouth. "Before you start to get angry," he said, "let me remind you of our last conversation- what was it- three days ago? The one where I said if you didn't stop working so much, I was going to kidnap you and tie you down and damn well make you get some rest?"

Quatre opened his mouth to reply, then closed it again for a moment. "I... I don't even know where to start... that you... how did... three days?!" It couldn't have been three days-

"Three days," Trowa confirmed. "At breakfast on Wednesday. You dashed through, grabbed a cup of juice, kissed me and I told you that- of course, I don't think you were really listening. And before that breakfast I hadn't seen you for four days."

"But I came home- went to bed- you were there-" Quatre knew it was a weak excuse even as he spoke.

"I was sleeping- and if I wasn't- you were." Trowa reached out and gently ran his fingertips over Quatre's cheek. "And I wasn't going to wake you- you weren't getting much sleep as it was. Do you know you've been out for a good twelve hours and there are still dark circles under your eyes?"

"Twelve hours? But-"

"But nothing," Trowa cut him off sharply. "The negotiations are finally finished, you've turned in all the reports, and your meetings for the next two weeks have been rescheduled. You've been running for the last two months like this, Quatre. You can't do it forever. You need to rest and I'm going to make sure you do."

Quatre took a deep breath, considering, trying to pull his confused thoughts into order. "All right," he said after a moment. "How did you pull off that kidnapping? I know the security systems all recognize you- but I never saw you- there wasn't anyone in that elevator when we got in."

"It's tempting to tell you that you just stopped noticing me-"

"Trowa! That's not true- I admit- I've been really neglectful- and I don't blame you for this- but- I wouldn't-"

"Shh, it's okay. I shouldn't have said it." Trowa stretched out beside him. "Truly, I know how important the negotiations were- I've just missed you."

"I missed you too." Quatre wanted to reach up and pull Trowa down to him- but-

"You didn't see us because we were stealthed. Duo modified the stealth programs from Deathscythe to work on people." Trowa smiled at Quatre's surprise. "Aren't you glad you brought him in for R&D?"

"Very." Quatre made a mental note to sit down with Duo later and get a full report. But at the moment, he had more important things to focus on. Like the man beside him. "So," he tilted his head and quirked his eyebrow at his lover, "are you going to keep me tied down the entire two weeks?"

"So you agree to take a rest?"

"Yes. You're right. There's too many things I've been neglecting."

"Well then," Trowa leaned forward and let his lips just touch Quatre's. "I admit, it would be fun to keep you where I know you'll have to get some rest- but I'm willing to negotiate the terms of your release-"

Quatre lifted up just enough to press his lips firmly against Trowa's. It had been far too long... "I promise I'll be good- I'll do whatever you say-"

"Oh, I know you will."



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