Author: Merula

Pairings: 1x2

Rating: PG-13

Warnings: Yaoi, OOC, post EW, Duo POV....

Disclaimer: GW is not mine.

prussianblue1x2: Deliveryman sweet with some scary. Uh, it's not exactly scary. Well, it is for Duo, sort of... *hides*

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Deliveryman Three Halloween Drabble

Walking into the building, Heero a silent presence behind me, I wondered again if I was going to regret this. Maybe I should've left Heero in our cabin- but I didn't like the idea of him being alone out there. I knew damn well that he thought I'd be better off without him around and even though he was willing to promise me anything, I couldn't be sure he'd be there when I came back. So he had to come with me.

We presented our i.d. to the lady at the desk, who scanned the cards and handed them back with a smile.

"Take the elevators over there. Detention level." She said. Heero followed me across the lobby, half a pace behind. I knew he was watching everyone around us, but my hated sixth sense wasn't ringing, so I knew we'd do okay.

Unless it wasn't inclined to help today.

"Which floor?" I asked him as he studied the map by the elevators.

"Fifth," he said softly. "Do you want me to wait for you down here?"

"No," I said and pressed the call button. "I'd rather you were with me for this." I wanted Heero where I could keep an eye on him. The bell chimed once and the elevator doors slid open.

Heero stood behind my shoulder; I could feel his warmth. As we rode up to the fifth floor, I leaned back against him just enough. "You all right?"

"Fine," he said in my ear. "You gave me orders, remember?"

I did. I hated doing it, but if he needed them...

He kissed my shoulder. "It's all right, Duo."

Before I could answer, the doors slid open. An unfamiliar man in Preventers uniform was waiting for us.

"Maxwell and Yuy?" He said and we nodded. I saw the look he gave Heero and bristled a little. "This way please."

We followed him down the corridor, past huge darkened panes of glass. I wondered what was behind each one and yet, at the same time, I was glad I couldn't see.

The last pane of glass was lit. We stopped in front of it, looking into a small room, outfitted with a hospital bed and several machines. I had to clench my jaw not to cry out at the sight of the man in the bed.

"Is it him?" The Preventer asked us.

"Yes," said Heero and the tone of his voice made me reach out to him. "That's J."


"Yes," I managed. "I'd know him anywhere."

"Thank you," the Preventer smiled tightly. "The Commander asked me to apologize for dragging you out here for a confirmation, but he's near death and you were the closest to this location."

"What's wrong with him?"

The man shrugged. "We can't tell. Doctor Po is on her way out, but our doctor doesn't think she'll be in time. Thank you for your time, gentlemen."

That was a dismissal if I ever heard one. Not that I really wanted to stay- granted, if you'd asked me five minutes earlier what I would do if I ever saw J, it wouldn't have been walk away.

But Heero was still standing behind me, and I could feel his anger building. When I turned to look at him I knew that orders or not, I needed to get him out of there, and get him out fast.

He didn't object when I took his arm and nearly dragged him back down towards the elevators. Our escort didn't follow us- I suspect he had caught that look on Heero's face too.

Luckily, the elevator was still there, and I dragged Heero into it. The moment the doors closed, I pulled him into an embrace. "Stay with me," I said in his ear.

His arms came around me tightly. He held me all the way down and once we reached the lobby, I didn't dare let him go. I kept an arm around his waist, hell with what anyone thought, and led him out of the building. He kept his head down, his bangs shielding his face.

I had to let him go when we reached the car, but once inside, I wrapped my fingers around his wrist. "Heero?"

He looked up at me then and the anguish in his expression made my heart ache. "Duo- if he dies... then I'll never be fixed..."

It took me a moment to find my voice. "You think I care?"

"You should."

"I don't." I tugged him close and kissed him. "You know I don't."

He held me tightly. "But I do... and Duo... you can't go on living this way with me... it was all right for a while, but you've got a life to lead and I'm... I'm not safe..."

"What the hell are you saying? You know damn well all I want is to be with you!" Fear rose up inside of me. "And you are safe! You've never hurt me-"

His fingers brushed my shoulder, as if he was trying to soothe away the long-healed mark he'd left there. "Yes, I did... many times..."

"Heero- please-" I searched for the words I needed. "We've talked about this-"

"I know..." He sounded tired now. "I know."


Duo was watching me out of the corner of his eye as he drove us home. I knew damn well why he was watching me- I knew that he was promising himself not to let me out of his sight.

Easy enough to slip away from him.

With J gone, Duo was safe... G had promised me that no harm would come to Duo... but could I trust him? Was it G that left J at that hospital with the Preventers phone number? Why leave him there? Why not let J die in some dignity instead of in that glassed in cell? The man did horrible things, but...

Maybe it was so that I'd know he was truly dead.

That would be like G. He'd know I'd never believe a phone call... and if J died where I could see, then Duo's safety was assured...

And I could run...

But what about Duo? If I left- what would he do? Search for me- that was the most obvious answer- but he would have to give up eventually. He could go back to his delivery business or join the Preventers... find someone normal...


That thought hurt.

And, what if this was all a trick? Something to lure us into a false sense of security? What if the man in the bed wasn't J? Just because it looked like him didn't really mean anything. I knew damn well what the doctors were capable of... and finding some poor sap to change into J would be easy. They knew how to cover their tracks- and the Preventers didn't have any records of them to compare- no DNA, nothing...

Maybe J was hoping I'd leave... maybe he had something else planned for Duo...

He damn well better not.

If he touches Duo, I'll rip his heart out...

What the hell should I do?

I was so far gone in speculation that I didn't notice that we made it home until Duo said my name. He had his hand on mine for most of the drive, and his fingers squeezed mine as he spoke, emphasizing the anxiety that I could feel radiating from him.

"Sorry," I managed a smile for him. "Just thinking."

The worry lines on his forehead deepened a little. "Come on," he said and opened his door. "Let's go inside."

Once inside, we shed our coats. I saw Duo shiver a little and went to turn the heat on. He watched me from the doorway of the kitchen, and I knew that he had indeed decided that I wasn't leaving his sight.

I joined him in the kitchen and he turned the kettle on before going to sit at the table. He was biting his lip and I waited, wondering what he was going to say.

"Heero," his voice was soft. "Come here."

I moved across the kitchen, surprised when he pushed his chair slightly away from the table. He gestured at his feet as I reached him, and I knelt obediently- even though I knew damn well he hated having me there. What was he up to?

I realized it even as he said it.

"Orders," his voice was firm, his hand resting gently on my head. "No leaving home without my permission. Understood?"

"Understood," I repeated, even as I blinked in shock. Duo knew I was his to order, his to call, but he never liked to use that power...

His hand was shaking as he twined his fingers in my hair. "Accepted?" He persisted. "No leaving home unless I give you permission."

I couldn't refuse him. The doctors had seen to that.

And how could I refuse him, seeing that look in his eyes?



"Understood and accepted."

He bent down, put his cheek against my head. "I'm sorry..."

I reached up and pulled him down beside me. "It's all right..." Before he could answer, I covered his mouth with mine. He relaxed into my arms, opening his lips and welcoming me in.


I could do this to soothe his fears.

Besides, there was always a loophole even in the best of orders...



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