Author: Merula

Pairings: 1x2- Don't like, don't read!

Rating: PG-13

Warnings: Yaoi, AU, angst, OOC, death.

Disclaimer: Gundam wing is not mine.

This idea came about after reading a bit too much Terry Prachett- The Fifth Elephant to be precise.

Conversation with Death Part 1

Heero shivered and pulled his Preventers coat tighter around himself. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Chasing a suspect to the roof, only to have them double back and lock him up here- 50 stories off the ground and no way of calling or getting any help. Of all the times to have forgotten his radio in the car- and of course, it was his partner's day off. Oh, they'd notice when he didn't check in and come looking for him- but his shift had hours to go yet, and it was getting darker and the temperature was starting to drop.

Not too bad under normal circumstances- but there was supposed to be snow later tonight- and a light rain was already falling. It was sleeting actually. He walked back and forth on the roof until it got too cold to move.

The wind had picked up, and the sleet had turned to snow as the day faded into night.

He huddled next to the door, getting slight protection from the wind and pounding on it every once in awhile despite the fact that he knew it was futile. He was going to die of exposure. And he was going to die alone- fitting since he'd been alone all of his life really. No family, no lovers, nothing except his job and his fish. He wondered if anyone would take them in after he died. They hadn't been bad pets.

"Ah, you can't just give up like that." A cheerful voice said from out of the shadows by the large air conditioning unit a few feet away.

"Who's there?" Heero tried to get to his feet, but his legs were too cold and he nearly fell over. The shadowy figure moved closer, his face illuminated by the security light above the door.

It was a young man, dressed in black jeans and a turtleneck, a long chestnut braid down his back, carrying a large weapon, his eyes glowing an eerie purple, Heero's brain noted, and then pointed out that the young man wasn't standing on the roof. His boot heels were floating about 6 inches or so in the air.

Ah. That explained it. He was hallucinating.

"Are you death?" Heero asked, too cold to care that he was talking to a hallucination, just grateful for the company.

"It's the scythe, isn't it? People always notice the scythe." The young man flipped his braid over his shoulder and smiled, scythe twirling idly in his hand.

"It is rather noticeable. Most people don't walk around with one."

"Good point." The young man sat down across from Heero, still not managing to make contact with the rooftop. "But it kind of goes with the job. People expect it."

"Shouldn't you have a robe with a hood? Or be a skeleton? Or some gorgeous girl with a top hat?" Heero tilted his head to the side. Granted, the young man was gorgeous, but other than the scythe he didn't look anything like Death should look.

"Nope. That's some of the others. I'm me." Death grinned.

"There's more than one?" Heero shivered and pulled his legs closer to his body. The cold didn't seem to bother his lovely hallucination- but then it wouldn't, would it?

"Sure, Death is a very personal thing you know- different for everyone." Heero considered that statement for a moment.

"So, am I going to die?"



"You don't know?"

"Not really." Death shrugged.

"Why not?"

"You might survive the night. You might not. Either way- I'm here until it's decided."

"When will you know if it's decided?"

"When you do." Heero nearly growled, except his lips felt too cold to do so. Was death- or rather, Death- supposed to be this frustrating?

"So, I might not die?"

"No, you will. Everyone does." Death was still smiling. Of course, thought Heero, what does he have to worry about?

"I mean right now."


"Some help you are."

"I'll help you when I can." Heero looked around the roof. The snow was getting heavier, his body was getting colder, and he couldn't feel his legs anymore...

"Anytime now would be good. I could use some help getting off of this roof." Death didn't move. "So, are you going to help me?"



"Well, after you give up living of course. Oh wait- that wasn't quite the answer you wanted, was it?"

Heero sighed.


"Cheer up. You've been in worse situations and been fine. I doubt a little snow is going to kill you," Death said encouragingly. "Think of the time you were under fire in that warehouse raid- I thought it was then for sure."

"You know about that?"

"Of course I do. I was there. Just like I was there when you crashed your motorcycle three years ago chasing those carjackers, or two years ago when you got shot at during that bodyguard gig at the embassy. Still can't believe you turned that one blond chick down when she invited you to her room- but then, you don't really have much of a life outside of your job, do you Heero?"

"How do you know all that?"

"Are you familiar with the saying: 'Death was his constant companion'?"


"Ah, too bad. Well, I am." Death's smile was back. "Yours at least."

"But I've never seen you before! Why now?"

"No idea. I didn't even know you could until you answered me." Death tilted his head to the side. "Perhaps it's the cold? Maybe you are closer to me than before. How odd."

"Well, maybe your job will end tonight. I'm sure it hasn't been the greatest one you've had."

Death's smile vanished. "Don't be so sure." He reached out and brushed a hand over Heero's cheek. Heero was surprised to feel the touch- Death's fingers weren't warm, but they were less chilly than the air. "I've been with you a very long time." His eyes dimmed a bit. "I am hoping you make it. Your partner is looking for you- you have a good chance- if you can hold on."

"Will it hurt if I can't?" Heero managed. He was so very cold.

"No." Death shook his head. "That I can promise. No pain."

"That would almost be worth it." Heero closed his eyes. The cold started to go away. He was feeling warm again...

Something sharp poked him.


"Don't fall asleep idiot! That's how you'll die! Your partner is nearly here!"

"Are you supposed to keep me alive?" Heero snapped as he opened his eyes.

Death flushed. "Well, no actually, I'm not supposed to interfere. But he's really close! Don't give up now!"

"Maybe I want to," Heero protested. "A painless death- no more being alone-"

"Heero," Death smiled. "I told you- you're never alone. I'm always with you. I will always be with you."

"Until I die."

"And afterwards..." Death smiled again, warm and- Heero realized finally- lovingly. He got to his feet and raised his scythe in both hands.


"I'm going to be in such trouble for this..." Death muttered. He swung- with the blunt end of the scythe, striking the door over Heero's head. The door boomed.

And Heero could hear voices now- feet pounding up the stairwell on the other side.


"They still need you Heero. You still have things to do. I'll catch you later." Death grinned as the door behind Heero pushed open and hands reached out to grab the nearly frozen young man.

He was dragged in from the cold, wrapped in blankets, taken to the hospital. His partner was there, fussing and angry; his commander was there too- worried and concerned.

And he knew that somewhere- even though he couldn't see him was a young man with a grin and a braid and a scythe- waiting for him but at the same time, hoping he would be waiting for a while.

It made him feel less alone.



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