For kian15- the next part of Cubes.... someone will make a move soon, I promise....

Cubes Part 3

"No car?" Heero asked as he followed me out of the building.

"Nope. The usual place is within walking distance. Just around the corner." The crisp air was refreshing, driving the fog from my brain. "There's lots of places around here- and most of them have some sort of lunch special for all of us office drones."

"What about by our apartments? Any good places there?"

"A few- depends on what you like to eat." Did he still like the same sort of things he'd liked during the war? I used to know his favorites...

Heero gave me a smile. "I'll have to have you give me a tour of the neighborhood- if you have some free time this weekend."

"Sure," I said and squashed the instant delight that had popped up at the idea of spending more time with Heero. "Just let me know when."

"Well, I have a few things to do- but they shouldn't take a lot of time. You sure you don't have any other plans? I don't want to interrupt anything..."

"No," I assured him as we turned the corner. "Here we go." I opened the door for Heero and ushered him inside. "Don't let the sign fool you- they have more than tacos."

He chuckled. "No problem. I like tacos." We joined the line at the cash register and Heero studied the menu on the wall. The line moved fast- it didn't take long to order, get our drinks and make our way through the tiny, packed dining area in search of a seat. He picked a table in the corner where we could both sit with our backs against a wall. Old habits die hard...

"So, how's it going so far?" I asked him, trying to ignore the fact that his leg was pressed against mine. I really should've brought him someplace where there was more room- I wasn't sure how I was going to make it through lunch with him so close to me without giving myself away.

"Pretty good," he smiled and spun his water bottle between his hands. "The environment is going to take some getting used to- I was working on ships before. There were always people around- but not like this." He rolled his eyes and I laughed.

"It does take a bit to adjust. You bought headphones though, right?"

"Of course. Even had them on this morning, but it didn't block that one on the other side of me-"

"Janie? Nothing does."


"So, what kind of work were you doing on the ships?"

"Maintenance. Mostly of the computer systems which is what got me a job here."

"Why'd you leave?"

His lips quirked up in a faint smile. "Well, one reason was I was tired of traveling so much- I wanted to stay in one place for a bit."

I wondered how long Heero considered a bit to be. Was he planning on moving on eventually? As our food was delivered to the table, Heero gave me a look I couldn't quite read.

"Can I ask how you ended up here? Right after the war you were on L2 with Hilde- I thought you were planning on staying there."

"Well, she needed someone to help her with the business and all, and I was available. But it really wasn't something I felt comfortable doing- and L2 was... well, there were some bad memories there." I left it at that. "So, once Hilde was doing well enough to hire some other people, I came back to Earth- ended up here." I picked up my taco and shrugged. "It's not quite what I imagined I'd be doing, but at least it's something interesting."

"Was Hilde okay with you leaving?"

"Oh sure. She was the one that bought me the ticket to go." I smiled at the memory. Hilde had given me the ticket one morning when I arrived at the yard.

"There you go, big brother. Now that Noe knows the ropes, you can get off this chunk of metal and find something you want to do."

Heero was looking a little puzzled and I wondered why. I half expected another question about L2, but instead he asked me a technical question about one of the projects our department was working on, and we spent the rest of lunch and the walk back on work issues.

Once back at my workstation, I was able to slip my headphones on and get back to work. Lunch and the walk had driven the fog from my brain and I was able to concentrate at last.

So much so that when the wadded up post it note landed on my keyboard I started in surprise.

I cast a glance around my cube, but I didn't see anyone. Slipping my headphones off, I could hear the usual clamor- nothing that gave me a clue. Carefully I unfolded the note and had to smile.

Ready to go home?

Looking at the clock, I realized it was past time. Quickly I scrawled a yes and sent the note back over the wall.

A few minutes later, Heero appeared at the opening of my cubicle. "Still tired?" he asked as I finished tidying up.

"It's amazing how invigorating the idea of being finished with work and going home on a Friday can be," I said and he smiled.

"We didn't really have the whole weekends off thing on the ships," he followed me down the hallway. "But I'm sure I will come to appreciate them."

"You will. Trust me, you will."


"Are you sure you don't have any plans for the weekend?" He asked again once we got to our apartment building. I had been pointing out a few places that I thought he might be interested in on the way home- and had told him that I'd show him a few more when we went on the 'tour'.

"Nothing huge," I evaded and he gave me a look I couldn't read. "What?"

He shrugged as we stepped onto the elevator. "Nothing really, I just imagined... I mean, I thought you'd have more of a social schedule..."

I felt my face turn slightly pink. "I tried that for a while."

"Didn't like it?"

It was my turn to shrug. "It's hard- I mean, the one time I told someone what I had been doing during the war- they, well, freaked out."

"One person-"

"One was enough." I mentally winced at the memory. The elevator dinged and I stepped into the hallway. "Don't get me wrong- I go out with the guys from work, do the social thing occasionally with some people from the Sweepers when they're in town- but it's not an every weekend thing."

"Ah," he said and I grinned at him.

"Plus, I sort of have this online game thing I do- they're pretty social-"

He laughed. "Trowa talked you into that thing?"

"Did he pitch it to you too?"

"Course. I've played a few times." He grinned back at me. "Now that I'm settled in one place, maybe I should log back on."

"You should." I stopped by my door and suppressed a yawn. My tiredness was catching back up with me. "So, just come and knock when you want to tour, okay?"

"Thanks Duo," he unlocked his door and frowned at me. "In the meantime, get some sleep. You're looking tired again."

"I'm planning on it."

"Good, then I'll see you tomorrow."

I stepped into my apartment and closed the door. Leaning back against it for a moment I wondered if I was ever going to get used to having Heero around all the time, living next door to me, working in the next cubicle. I had done okay today, but how was I going to manage not giving myself away....?



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