Since it be 'Talk Like a Pirate Day' I thought that I should be posting a fic in honor o' the day, in all. So here be the last part of the Cat Pirates fic- and do be rememberin that this be sheer and total crack.

Cat-shifting Pirates Part 6

"Steady!" Duo called to the crew. "Wait until they're in range!" He felt the beast moving under his skin, awake and disturbed- already angry at the earlier interruption-

He'd had that lovely pure blood right where he wanted him- Duo suppressed a snarl. Afterwards, he promised the beast. We'll fight first and then afterwards- he would make sure that there would be no interruptions.

A silence had fallen over the deck, the pirates waiting for the other ship to get in range- the ones at the cannons ready to fire, the other ones poised to attack. Duo caught a glimpse of his prize standing with the other man they'd taken from the Prince and turned to shoot his second in command a questioning look.

Quatre merely nodded, a quick reassurance before the Claw ship finally drew close enough and the call to fire at will went out.

The Claw were known for their underhanded tactics, known for trying to take ships that had already been in a battle- but Duo and his crew had fought them in similar circumstances before- and knew that at heart, the Claw were cowardly dogs...

Duo shifted, his claws scraping the wood of the deck. The Claw were howling their battle cries over the boom of the cannons and Duo's crew was roaring in response.

Then it was all rage and blood, claws and teeth.


The beast clawed under his skin. It wanted out- it wanted to fight! Heero fought it down, stabbing fiercely at his opponents, Trowa at his back. These were his enemies- and he was not going to fall into their hands again.

He pulled his sword free from his most recent opponent and took advantage of the small lull to glance around- the Claw were obviously losing- the retreat had been called, they were scrambling back to their ship, leaving their wounded comrades behind.

Give chase, his beast demanded. It wanted to rip a few apart...

Heero pushed it down again, scanning the crew of their vessel- there was the golden colored beast that had claimed Trowa- slightly bloodied, but relatively unhurt-

There was the Captain- the dark beast had pinned one of the Claw beneath him and was bending down to bite- but overhead- on the railing-

Heero saw the Claw above the Captain- saw the moment the enemy poised to spring-

With a roar of his own, he sprang towards the Claw, his beast rising to the surface on a wave of pure rage- there was no way he was going to let that dog touch what was his...


Something sprang over his head and Duo looked up from his fight just in time to see a huge cat, larger than any of his crew, knock a Claw pirate off the railing behind him and tumble into the sea.

That couldn't have been-

He finished with his opponent and changed back, quickly moving to the rail and scanning the water between the two ships- where had they gone?

"Captain!" His second in command called. "They're running away!"

Sure enough- the other ship was sailing away, and his crew was making short work of those left behind. "None of ours on their decks?"

"No sir," Quatre frowned. "But the pure blood is gone-"

Damn it all. It had been him- Duo grabbed the railing, ready to swing himself down into the water, but before he could, there was a large splash.

The huge cat shook itself, spraying water everywhere and then collapsed down on the deck, eyes closed.

Quatre swore. "I knew the pure bloods were big-"

"Is he injured?" Duo demanded. The cat was panting hard.

"Can't tell." Quatre elbowed him in the ribs. "You check. I'll take care of the mopping up."

Cautiously, Duo approached the beast. It opened one eye and looked at him. He didn't see any signs of blood-

"I thought you didn't change," he teased and the beast snorted. He didn't step away as the change rolled over the other.

Heero scowled at him. "That's the last time I try to save your skin."

Duo leaned over him, chuckling, but still checking carefully for signs of damage. The scent of heat still drifted up from Heero's skin- even the battle hadn't quenched it. Interesting.... "I didn't say that it wasn't appreciated. Do you hurt anywhere?"

"No. Just tired."

"Hm, and here I thought pure bloods were supposed to have all this stamina," Duo sighed. "Guess the legend doesn't live up to the truth."

A moment later, he was tossed over Heero's shoulder, heading for his cabin. "I'll show you stamina," Heero growled and Duo hid a grin.

Quite a prize indeed....



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