Avengers: lollipops. horror movies

Avengers Halloween Drabble 2

"I'm not so sure this is a good idea," Heero said as Duo opened the door. "I mean- think what happened the last time we saw a movie..."

Duo shook his head with a grin. "And hello to you too, Cap," he said as he stepped back. "If I might remind you, we're both officially off duty tonight. Thor said he had it covered."

"I know," Heero stepped inside and shrugged out of his coat as Duo closed the door behind him. "It's just- Halloween and all... you almost expect something to happen..."

"If it does, then they'll call us." Duo caught Heero's doubtful glance and laughed. "Yes, my phone is on. Besides, this time we're watching the movie here- and dinner is a delivery pizza- which just arrived." He waved Heero towards the kitchen. "In addition, I have a big bowl of lollipops for any trick-or-treaters that show up. So don't worry. I'm ready for anything."

The stress he put on the last word made Heero's throat go dry. Sure, on their last... well, it hadn't been a date, not how it had ended up going, they'd shared a kiss or two. And they'd shared a few more since then- sly, secretive, stolen ones- there hadn't been time for any others.

Or anything else.

"I rented a bunch of horror movies," Duo added cheerfully as he scooped a plate up from the counter and handed it to Heero. "The really cheesy B movie type where the blood is chocolate or Karo syrup? I figured they sort of fit for the night, you know?" He popped open the pizza box and gestured at it. "Help yourself. I put the sodas out in the other room already- I figured we'd want to watch in front of the TV."

Heero forced himself to relax. Duo was right- Thor was on duty and if there was any trouble, they'd know. So he grabbed some pizza and followed Duo out to the main room.

It took a few minutes to arrange pizza, sodas and themselves, and a few more to decide which of the horror films they would start with.

"All set," Duo smiled as the movie's opening credits scrolled across the screen. He leaned over suddenly and kissed Heero's cheek. "Relax, Cap. Enjoy yourself."

Much to his surprise, Heero did.



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