Author: Merula

Pairing: 1x2

Rating: R

Warnings: Yaoi, AU, comics fusion

Disclaimer: I don't own GW.

For sunhawk16 cause she poked, and really she needs to write this crossover, cause she knows more about this corner of the universe than I do... Oh yes...! (Though I did have my comics expert check it.)


"Whacha doin Cap?"

Heero looked over his shoulder and gave the man standing behind him a faint smile. "Just looking, I guess." He wondered idly what Duo was doing here- there wasn't a mission after all. He was dressed in normal clothes and looked odd to Heero's eyes. He was used to the purple. Still, it was good to see a friendly face.

Eyebrow lifted, his teammate strolled over to the edge of the roof and looked down. "Hm. Whatever you say, Cap."

They stood there for a moment, looking at the busy street below.

"I don't think jumping will help."

"I wasn't planning on it." The faint smile got a bit fainter. "Probably wouldn't work anyway."

"Wanna talk about it?"

"It's been quiet lately."

"I know," Duo grinned at him. "Been kinda nice, don't you think? All that free time?"

Heero shrugged. "I guess so."

"Guess so? What have you been doing with your time?"

Another shrug. "Mission sims."

"That's it?"

"That's it." Heero leaned against the ledge. "Don't do much outside of the team you know."

Duo frowned a little. "Why not?"

"I... I still don't feel quite... like I fit in. All my friends are gone..."

Duo noticed the hesitation over the last word. It wasn't exactly true- but all of the people Cap had known all those years ago were older now- and thanks to his time in the ice, Heero wasn't...

He'd been 'back' for a while- but obviously most of his time had been focused on saving the world stuff. Not that it wasn't important, but...

Heero was startled when Duo threw an arm over his shoulder. "C'mon Cap, we've got someplace to be."

"We do?"

"Sure," Duo smiled. It was kind of nice to know he wasn't the only one on the team feeling a little lost when the world wasn't in danger. "You're buying me dinner."

His smile was irresistible. Heero smiled back. "Why am I buying dinner?"

"Cause I'm treating you to the movie after." Duo steered him towards the stairs.

"Are you sure? I'm not taking you away from something else?" Heero had to admit a night out sounded fun, but he felt bad about guilting Duo into it.

"Hardly. I came up here hoping you had something for us to do- even though the tights are in the wash tonight." Duo laughed. "Unless you have a better idea?"

Heero shook his head. "No. Sounds perfect to me. Let me just go change first." He followed Duo down the stairs. For the first time in a long time, he was looking forward to an evening off.



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