Wolf Moon Part 22

The aroma of sizzling bacon and hearth-baked wheat bread wafted up to meet the Demon Tracker as he descended the loft's ladder.

"Good mornin' to ya." Mary greeted.

She stirred the porridge pot hanging over the fire, wiped her hands on her apron then motioned for Heero to sit at the table. "Rest well?"


"No dreams." was a statement rather than a question. "For ya or Duo." Mary added handing her guest an earthenware mug of hot tea.

Spearmint steam rising over the rim immediately began to detangle the drowsy strands of sleep wrapped around Heero's brain. A careful sip of the honey-sweetened liquid further cleared the cobwebs.

Mary set pewter bowls, spoons and additional mugs on the table. "I sent Duo to the stables to fetch Trowa and Quatre. If ya need to take care of nature's business the privy is behind the cottage."

Heero finished his tea in two gulps and headed outside to "take care of business". When he exited the outhouse, he headed up the well-worn path to the stables where he found Quatre in the paddock currycombing a dapple-gray mare.

In his usual cheerful mood Quatre called, "Good morning."

Trowa emptied a bag of freshly milled oats into a wooden feed trough. With his sleeves rolled up and his tunic sprinkled with grain dust, he looked more like a page than a priest. He patted a red roan stallion then stepped aside to allow the gray mare to join the stallion, a black mare and two brown geldings as they lined up for their morning meal.

Duo, his braid frayed and his eyes closed, lounged lazily atop a pile of loose hay. At the sound of Heero's voice the Irishman mumbled. "So you decided to get up before noon."

Heero nudged Duo's leg with his boot. "At least I'm on my feet. Aren't you supposed to be fetching Quatre and Trowa?"

One violet eye cracked opened and squinted up at the Tracker but its partner was less inclined to cooperate. "I told them but the horses needed tendin'." he stated, the last word swallowed up by a yawn.

Trowa brushed off his tunic. A chunk of limestone was set in place to prop open the paddock gate so the horses could get to the creek.

Quatre joined his lover and finger-combed stalks of straw from Trowa's hair. "The horses have their breakfast, now it's our turn."

Duo stretched, planted his hands in the hay and got to his feet. "I'm ready."

"You're always ready to eat." Quatre stated from previous experience with the Irishman's hardy appetite.

"I'm a growin' boy."

Heero took an impromptu headcount."Excuse me for butting into your bantering but has anyone seen Wufei?"

Trowa pointed his thumb back at the stable."He's asleep inside in his natural form so you might consider leaving him alone." he advised.

Heero studied the Cleric's suggestion."Your counsel for caution is appreciated but it would be wiser to risk the beast's ire for disturbing his sleep than have Wufei pissed off over missing breakfast."

Duo nodded in agreement. "Better let me wake him; I ain't lost any fingers yet."

The black wolf was curled up with his tail draped over his haunches and his muzzle buried in the straw.

Duo squatted just out of strike range of the beast's massive paws and spoke softly so as not to startle the slumbering canine. "Wufei wake up."

Receiving no response to the verbal urging, Duo repeated the whispered appeal. "Wake up." then added an extra incentive. "You want breakfast?"

An ear twitched. Eyes that gleamed like polished coal offered a brooding stare.

"Are you hungry?"

A snort ruffled the straw.

Duo reached out slowly, paused to let the wolf sniff his hand then scratched behind a silky ear. "I'll wait outside while you transform."


Midmorning sun had burned off the haze and dried the dewy grass. Five horses waited under an oak tree's shady branches.

One saddlebag filled with five fluffy biscuits, three thick wedges of white cheese, a half dozen spring apples, a pouch of spearmint tea and tin cups was secured on the stallion.

A second bag containing three bottles of ruby wine cushioned with scraps from a coarsely woven wool blanket was tied to a gelding's saddle. The three remaining equines carried baggage and various weapons.

The quinque planned to spend the night and restock supplies in Baleward, the last pocket of civilization before Hell's Gate Pass, a rocky ravine that lead directly to the Valley of Visions.

Unless they encountered unforeseen obstacles such as a washed-out bridge or bandits or spiteful wood trolls or an undead army led by a delusional Dark Lord they would reach their destination by nightfall.

But if the fates chose to abandon their safeguards then all their planning could be pointless and their journey end in either heaven or hell.


Beside the cottage's front steps, Mary McFaddin said her bittersweet goodbyes to the Twilight warriors. "I'll make a supplication for your protection in my nightly prayers."

"I'll also hold you in my prayers." Duo promised as he hugged the miller who had steadfastly shown him motherly love.

Quatre willingly accepted a hug. "Thank you for your kindness." he expressed his gratitude.

Wufei bowed but Mary ignored the Asian's aloof nature and pulled him into a tight embrace. "Safe journey."

Heero offered no resistance to a similar embrace. Just before Mary let go, she whispered in his ear. "Follow your heart."

Trowa raised his staff and recited an ancient entreatment."May the sun shine on your face and the wind be at your back. May the saints bless your house and angels guard your dreams."


Morning passed into afternoon encouraging the Twilight travelers to stop for lunch in a grassy meadow ringed by white pines.

Hollyhocks swayed on slender stalks. Butterflies danced on the wind and gently caressed the vibrant flowers. Daisies, buttercups and dandelions in varied hues of yellow mingled with blue-purple violets that reminded Heero of Duo's eyes.

Unfortunately the brilliant blossoms also attracted honeybees so where to sit had to be carefully considered. As usual Duo didn't mince words when he declared. "A bee in the bum would hurt like hell."


"The Gray Goose tavern has food but there's no inn." the stable boy replied to Trowa's inquiry concerning lodging for the night.

The adolescent lad seemed genuinely surprised by the question. Few people trekked that far north and those who did seldom spent the night in the sparsely settled hamlet of Baleward.

The Twilight Priest rested the Staff of the Rose against his shoulder. "What's your name?"


"Would you like extra coins in your pocket?"

Andrew studied the tall man with the fancy stick. "Depends on what you want."

"Let us sleep in the stable."

Andrew shifted his weight and tightened his grip on the pitchfork he angled across his chest. "I don't come with the deal." he announced in a stern tone that indicated he might have previously been propositioned for sexual favors.

Duo stepped forward but was careful not to encroach into the boy's personal space. "We need a place to sleep, nothing more."

"Two pence each above the price for feeding and watering the horses." Andrew struck a deal with the odd collection of strangers.


Blustery wind rattled the stable's shutters, forced large drops of rain through cracks in the rough-hewn plank walls and trickled through gaps in the waterlogged roof to splatter on the straw-strewn floor.

Thunder's deep baritone vibrated through the ground. Spikes of blue-white lightning split angry clouds and momentarily turned midnight into noon.

Duo huddled in the narrow space between a feed bin and the wall and hoped that the lightning's blinding flashes wouldn't reveal his hiding place. Shrinking back into the murky gloom he shivered from cloths and hair drenched by the cold rain and trembled with fright that he would be discovered.

A burly man with wet stringy hair plastered to his swarthy face cursed under his breath and raised his torch higher. The yellow-orange flame tinted the room in eerie light and elongated his shadow as it rippled across vacant stalls, rat gnawed grain bags bundled in the corner and dry-rotted tack hanging on the wall.

The wind howled again. The rickety walls creaked and groaned.

"That pretty boy has to be in here." the man stated with certainty since the stable was the only structure on the abandoned farm that hadn't completely fallen into ruins.

A second man, his cloak leaving a spotty trail where water dripped from the hem, strained to pick out details that were distorted by the wind-battered torchlight.

"Come on, Jake," he sighed in frustration, "I'll admit he could be a good piece of ass but it's late and I'm cold. Let's get some ale to warm our bellies, hell, I'll even buy you a whore."

Jake walked closer to the feed bin, extended his arm and surveyed the limited area illuminated by the wavy flame. The spot on the wall directly above Duo's head glowed, he sucked in a quivering breath.

"Tell you what boy, come out now and I'll take you slow and easy but if you force me to find you I'll fuck you so hard you'll beg me to slit your throat."

No motion except for the torch's flickering flame.

No sound except for the moaning wind and the rumble of thunder.

No compliance to Jake's unconditional ultimatum.

Jake turned around and the malevolence in his eyes made his friend's blood run cold. "I got a better idea. Instead of searching I'll burn the bastard out."

Before his friend could register any protest or move to stop him, Jake tossed the torch in the nearest stall and bolted for the door. His friend had no choice but to also run for his life.

In seconds flames erupted. The heat was so intense that water leaking through the roof evaporated. Fed by old straw and bone-dry wood, the fire crept along the floor and clawed up the walls.

Thick gray smoke rolled in waves to blind the eyes and hot air stole the breath away.

Duo threw his arms over his face but superheated air scorched his skin. He fought to breathe but his lungs burned. He wanted to scream but all he could do was whimper and pray that he would suffocate before he was burned alive.

Duo drew his legs to his chest, curled into a fetal position and calmly surrendered, he would not beg or bargain for his life.

Something wrapped around his body. A phantom caress soothed his blistered skin. The air cooled but his lungs still heaved in shallow gasps for air.

A voice called, softly at first then more demanding in its volume. "Duo."

The voice...Heero's voice.

"Duo wake up."

Duo opened his eyes. He was indeed in a stable but there was no smoke or fire. He was not alone but was held securely in Heero's arms.

"You had that dream again." Heero stated with certainty since his dream bond had also allowed him to share Duo's fear and pain.

Duo looked across the stable to find Quatre, Trowa and Wufei sleeping peacefully then gazed up to Heero's haggard face. "I'm sorry you suffered, too." he whispered so as not to disturb his comrades.

Heero slid up to rest his back on the wall and pulled Duo tighter against his chest. "I willingly accept our link. I don't ever want you to travel your dreamscape alone." he stated sincerely then placed a chaste kiss Duo's moist forehead."I do have a question."

"Ask me anything, I'll keep no secrets from you."

"Is this recurring dream based in reality?"

Duo snuggled closer, gleaned strength from Heero's comforting embrace and answered honestly. "Yes the fire really happened."

"How did you survive?"

Duo closed his eyes and let a long sigh escaped over his lips. "I don't remember."



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