Wolf Moon Part 16

Heero wrinkled his face then swatted at the fly tickling his nose. When the bothersome bug refused to be batted away, he cracked open one eye and squinted at the thin shafts of light leaking through the bamboo shades.

Trowa and Quatre's bedroom door was shut as they, no doubt, continued in their uninterrupted sleep. By the fireplace, Wufei in his unveiled state, was curled up as he, too, was still under the Sandman's influence.

The moving of his head stirred up the tickling again causing Heero to open his second cobalt orb. His twin eyesight revealed not a fly but Duo's braid lying across his shoulder, the feathery tip barely touching his nose.

The Tracker's vision focused at the braid's end then traced up the messy ginger plaits until he gazed at Duo's serene countenance as he slept with his forehead against Heero's bare arm.

Since Heero was very protective of his private space he should've been perturbed with the contact but somehow the closeness seemed right. His next discovery was that the fingers on his right hand were intertwined with Duo's fingers and, for some baffling reason, the handholding also seemed natural.

Normally when Heero slept half of his subconsciousness traversed strange dreamscapes, which was now less troublesome because Duo shared the journey, however the other half of his subliminal senses remained tactile.

He actually heard noises, wind rustling the trees, the scraping of claws or batting of wings. He could smell a fire demon's sulfur stench or the sticky sweet odor secreted by naughty nymphets.

The Tracker's wits remained keen even when exhaustion numbed his body and tried to fog his brain so Duo being that near and not setting off his instinctive alarms confirmed his and the Duel Spirit's bond of trust.

There was one sensation that needed no conformation, the insistence pressure in Heero's bladder. With a frustrated groan, he gave up the notion of returning to slumber's embrace or lingering in bed to enjoy Duo's company.

As Heero eased his fingers free, the sleeping Irishman momentarily tightened his knotted grip then relaxed with a contented sigh and mumbled. "No more dreams."

Careful not to disturb his bedmate, Heero slipped from the futon, smoothed the blanket over Duo's chest and crawled three feet then got to his feet. A spine-popping stretch loosened his body and a yawn reawakened his groggy brain.

Heero tugged on his trousers and pulled the laces tight enough for the waistband to rest on his hips. No use in securing the entire front since his needs called for "letting the horse out of the stable" once he reached the outhouse. He left his shirt unbuttoned then flopped in a chair, decided to forego his socks and wiggled his toes to help slide on his boots.

Heero's stirring about caused Wufei to raise his shaggy head and scowl at the Lone Hunter. A puff of air flared the wolf's nostrils, the snort intended to express his annoyance at the early morning commotion.

"Sorry." Heero whispered as he tiptoed to the door.

Wufei blinked his large black eyes, which had softened their glare then gathered his legs under his lean but muscular frame and got up. He braced his front paws on the floor, elevated his haunches and lowered his shoulders to stretch his spine all the way to his tail.

The wolf's elongated posture, with his head pointing downward, reminded Heero of Wufei in his human form offering a respectful bow.

Then an image flickered through Heero's mind of Chang Wufei as a ronin, the masterless samurai, adorned in heavy leather armor, a double-bladed katana clutched in one hand and a wakizashi held in the other hand, sitting astride a noble warhorse.

"Surely," Heero thought to himself, "the Oriental has the warrior's spirit of both a wolf and a human."

The wolf was unaware of the Tracker's paranormal perceptions as he padded across the room, stopped beside Heero and gazed at the door with a "let me out" look in his eyes.

The Demon Hunter and the Perpetual Beast paused on the porch to watch the sunrise paint bands of color ranging from deep rose, to pale pink, to grayish purple over the horizon. They shared the birdsongs and the fresh fragrance of dew-damp grass.

They walked side by side, only parting when Heero took the outhouse path and Wufei sniffed along the tree line. While Heero peed in private, the wolf cocked his leg on a lavender lilac bush then utilized his excellent sense of smell to ferret out something for breakfast.


Duo was standing on the porch wearing only trousers when Heero returned minus the prowling wolf. The dawn blushed his creamy skin and glowed on his bare chest. Although mussed from sleep, his hair sparkled with a thousand pinpoints of cinnamon-tinted light.

"Good mornin'." Duo called, raising his hand to shield his eyes against the steadily brightening morning.

"Good morning to you." Heero greeted the Duel Spirit.

Duo picked up the bucket setting by his bootless feet. "I'm fletching water for breakfast." he stated the obvious, "Is Wufei hunting?" he continued as he hooked the handle on the rope.

"I suppose."

The wooden pail swung over the spring's stone rim. "Did ya sleep sound last night?" Duo inquired in a rhetorical tone.

"Sound enough for you to sneak up without me knowing."

There was a moment's silence, a splash then the rope went taut under the water's weight. As Duo hauled up the bucket, Heero was treated to a display of bulging biceps and an abdomen strong enough to bounce rocks off of.

"Let me help you." Heero volunteered, looking for an excuse to scrutinize Duo's athletic physique.

Inside Quatre was emptying a large scoop of dried oats into a pot hung in the fireplace. The water was already rolling in a rapid boil and the oats quickly joined in the topsy-turvy swirling. Trowa was slicing salted bacon from a thick slab set on a cutting board.

Quatre asked Duo to stir the oats while he sprinkled salt into the thickening pottage then delegated the workload as he addressed Heero. "You may get the plates and bowls from the cupboard."

Soon the aroma of bacon sizzling on the iron griddle placed on the firestones filled the room. The pot had been removed from the fire but the oats still bubbled from the residual heat.

Biscuits left over from supper, that had been wrapped in an unbleached cotton napkin and stored under a stone crock to keep out the mice, were arranged on a plate. A round of butter, a jar of strawberry jam and a pitcher of Duo's recently drawn water completed a meal fit for royalty.

The porridge had just been ladled put into four bowls and the bacon and biscuits passed around when the human Wufei shuffled in with a dejected stoop to his shoulders.

Again Duo stated the obvious. "No luck?" he mumbled around a bite of biscuit.

Wufei snorted. For an instant the veil slipped and the images of human and wolf intermingled. Another snort emphasized his exasperation. "Not so much as a damned rabbit."

Quatre pointed to the chair beside him. "Sit down and eat. One bad hunt shouldn't ruin the day."

"But I had my taste set for rabbit." Wufei declared holding out his bowl for several spoonfuls of cooked oats.

Duo couldn't resist some good-natured teasing. "Quail would've been good."

The Twilight Priest chimed in."No, pheasant in butter and brandy sauce."

"But Wufei doesn't like cooked meat." Duo added with an impish grin.

Wufei leaned over his portion. His unbound hair cut off his sight of the cheeky pair who was foolish enough to taunt him. "At this point," he raised his ebony eyes and focused a glare on Duo, "any meat will do."

The remainder of breakfast was eaten in silence except when Duo made nervous noises in his throat each time Wufei glanced his way.


Dishes washed, dried and put away; kitchen tidy and Duo properly chastised for tempting the beast's aggressive nature, the quinque decided that a bath in the hot springs would hopefully put everyone in a better mood.

"Might as well wash clothes at the same time." Trowa suggested after Wufei made the sarcastic comment that Duo was so ripe even wild boars would turn up their snouts.


The footpath leading to the springs meandered around mossy stones and was frequently interrupted by tree roots forcing the five men burdened with their bundles to travel single file.

Of course Heero didn't feel comfortable leaving his crossbow behind. The bow hung from his right shoulder. The quiver of arrows hung from his belt and bumped his hip with each step.

The Tracker already knew Wufei and Duo had their own means of defense and even though he had yet to see Trowa's tri-ringed staff or a demonstration of Quatre's powers of manipulation, he had no doubts that the lovers could take care of themselves.

Heero felt a twinge of envy as he realized he was the only member of the brotherhood that didn't have extraordinary abilities. Don't discount your intuition. his inner voice stated, Your insight has always served you well.

The Lone Hunter nodded in agreement with his wise counsel then refocused his attention on the path before the tricky terrain jeopardized his footing.


Clouds of white mist wafted over the springs fed by hot water gurgling up from underground. Fissures that were fifty feet deep transported the water to the surface in intermittent spurts that hissed and sprayed up foul-smelling mud.

A few pools were placid with hardly a ripple to disturb the blue-green water and the bottoms were solid, not oozy mud. Those sections were perfect for the cleansing quest of both bodies and clothes and to also soothe the mind and liberate the spirit.

Without hesitation, the quinque stripped. Even their breechcloths were peeled away so they could savor the freedom that could only be enjoyed when one was totally nude.

While Heero was not noticeably curious, he did discreetly check out his friends' manly attributes. Unashamedly he invested more minutes admiring Duo's manhood and was very much impressed. He was also granted the rare privilege of seeing Duo with his hair undone and caped around his shoulders.

The washing process was interesting, especially when performed in an "all-natural" state. Various garments were soaked, laid on surrounding rocks, scrubbed with a bar of hard-milled soap then rinse by dunking in the warm water. Nearby branches were soon festooned with trousers, shirts, socks and brighter breechcloths.


Although the water temperature was regulated by condensation in the air, it was prudent to ease into the warm liquid, especially when submerging private parts that weren't normally exposed and therefore were more sensitive.

Slowly, an inch at a time, the water rose to knees, then thighs, then over chests as the quinque descended into bliss. It wasn't long before the Warriors of the Rose lounged in a circle facing each other, each in their own state of ecstasy.

Somewhere above the bathers, a finch warbled melodious notes. The breeze fluttered leaves and carried the perfume of primroses. The active pools sputtered; bubbles stretched to the breaking point then exploded with a loud POP.

"I could stay like this forever." Duo sighed as his eyelids, made heavy by absolute contentment, slid shut.

Now it was Wufei's turn to tease. "You know," he began with a devilish gleam in his eyes, "I usually prefer raw meat but boiled flesh would be nice for a change." he declared then underscored his statement by poking Duo in the buttocks with his foot.

As every nerve ending jumped under his skin, Duo recoiled, "MERCIFUL SAINTS!"

Arms flailed. Duo clawed at the air that offered no handhold. Water splashed.

"Dammit...what ya tryin' to do...give me heart failure?"

"Every deed has its reward." Quatre proclaimed.

Heero stifled a grin but hiding his amusement lasted just a second. The smile widened then burst forth in full-fledged laugher.

"It ain't funny." Duo growled. "I swear by all that's holy, Chang Wufei you'll pay for this."

The wolf threw down the gauntlet. "Any time, any place."

Trowa rolled his eyes at his fellow warriors' childish antics. "Play nice or I shall exile you from Twilight."


Afternoon cycled into evening. The unique brotherhood, refreshed and redressed, shared a supper of oat bread, white cheese and dried figs on the front porch. Wine replaced water to put everyone in a mellow mood.

Copying daybreak's dazzling display, the dusky sky was set ablaze by the waning sun. Rays spiked through wispy clouds like fiery threads weaving their way to heaven.

As the "eye of the dragon" sunk below the horizon, its iridescent aura melted into softer shades of scarlet then a final burst of brilliance signaled day surrendering to night. In those magical moments all color faded away and the landscape was shrouded in blue shadows.

The full moon shone on the dewy grass to provided suitable illumination so no lamps were required. One by one stars glimmered against the sky's inky backdrop.

A nightingale's haunting song filtered from the forest and an owl took flight with a flapping of wings.


Wufei shed his boots, removed his shirt and clad his legs in hakama pants. His hair feathered over bare shoulders and reflected the lunar light in shimmering bands of silver on black.

A sheen of sweat glistened golden on Wufei's chest. Toes gripped the grass as he practiced his sword drills.

Moonlight glinted off steel. Precise movements flowed fluidly from one position to the other. Soundlessly the blade sliced the air. Ghostly shifts of balance blended force and form. Strength and grace combined into a dance where warrior and weapon moved as one.

A short distance from the house, Duo lay on his back gazing at the stars. He hadn't braided his hair but had secured it in a loose ponytail.

Heero made his way down the porch steps. He had debated whether or not to intrude but he was drawn to Duo as surly as a moth was drawn to a flame.

"Would you rather be alone?" he asked, hoping his comrade would choose his company instead of solitude.

Duo redirected his starry sight from the sky. "Join me."

Heero sat down and tilted his head back to observe the heavenly lights.

"You'll get a crick in your neck." Duo stated then patted the ground. "Lay here beside me."

When Heero was also settled on his back, Duo used an index finger to point at a cluster of stars. "See the six stars?" he moved his finger a little to the left. "And that lesser star makes seven."


"Those are the Pleiades in the Taurus constellation."


"The Seven Sisters." Duo explained. "The Pleiades are the daughters of Atlas and the nymph Pleione. A Greek myth says that Orion, the Great Hunter, wanted to love the sisters so Jupiter turned them into stars and placed them safely in the sky.

The brighter stars were named Alcyone, Merope, Celaeno, Taygeta, Maia and Electra. The seventh sister, Sterope, is the dimmer star because she hides herself in shame over marrying a mortal."

Heero pushed to sit up. In wide-eyed surprise he asked. "How did you learn so much about the stars?"

"My brother, Solo, and I loved to look at the stars. My mother learned the legends from her mother and passed them on to us. I wish it was always night so I could discover their secrets."

Duo sat up with a sigh. "Quatre says I'm star-struck."

"Because you're charmed by the stars?"

"No, because I can see the future in their glow."

"Tell me what the future holds for the Warriors of the Rose."

"There will be many obstacles to overcome and a great battle to fight but the quinque will be victorious."

Duo locked his eyes, which had deepened from violet to an enchanted shade of purple, on the inquisitive Tracker. "There will also be new lovers in Twilight."


Heero and Duo sat on the steps leaning their backs against the support poles.

Wufei sat cross-legged on the pouch. "Play for us." he requested.

Trowa slipped his bamboo flute from a cloth bag. Quatre plucked his fiddle's strings and adjusted the tuning until the tone was pleasant to the ear.

"How about a bargain?" Quatre grinned. "We'll play if Duo sings."

The Irishman straightened at his comrade's attempt to haggle a song. "I'll sing if you ask the elements to accompany me."

Quatre tucked the fiddle under his chin and pulled the bow across the strings. The single note soared on the breeze.

In the garden, cattails, their silhouettes resembling gaunt skeletons with smooth skulls and stalky bodies, ringed the pond that was aglow with foxfire. Crickets chirped a chorus of multi-layer melodies. A bullfrog's "burrrrump" provided the baritone.

With nature setting the cadence, Quatre fingered the frets and drew the bow back across the strings. Trowa put the flute to his lips and let his notes follow his lover's lead.

With fireflies twinkling like the Duel Spirit's beloved stars, Duo closed his eyes, took a deep breath and began to sing....

"Come with me to the twilight of a summer night for awhile. Tell me of a story never told in the past.
Take me to a land where my yearnings were born. The key to open the door is in your hand, now fly me there.
Fanatics find their heaven in never-ending stormy wind. Auguries of destruction is a lullaby for rebirth.
Consolations, be there in my dreamland to come. The key to the door is in your hand, take me there.
I believe in fantasies invisible to me. In the land of misery I'm searching for a sign, to the door of mystery and dignity. I'm wandering down the secret sun, to the land of twilight."


Author's Notes: A katana is a sword with a 29" blade. A wakizashi is a sword with a 16" blade.

Hakama pants are pleaded trousers with flared legs that hide movements and give the illusion of floating.

Foxfire is a gas produced by fungi or rotten wood that gives off a luminescent glow.

Duo's song is "Key of the Twilight" from the .hack//SIGN original soundtrack. Auguries refers to the rite conducted by an augur who is a priest that observes and interprets signs and omens.


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