A Shifting of Fortune Part 5

A crisp breeze hit Duo's face as he and a now much more composed Quatre stepped into the morning light. The pink layers of dawn had given way to a clear sapphire sky speckled with wispy clouds. The smell of recently mowed grass and the multi-mingled scents of garden flowers were a fitting compliment to the mansion's grandeur.

The pleasant environment, however, was immediately spoiled by the rough-hewn and heavily armed Security Force employees that were conspicuously visible everywhere. Their black uniforms lent a foreboding gloominess to the otherwise immaculate ground's and garden's beautiful appointments.

A large swimming pool and glass-enclosed hot tub was located in a side alcove that was almost hidden by a dense stand of pine trees. Again two guards standing nearby ruined the invitingly pleasurable surroundings. One burly man puffed on an odd-smelling cigarette while his partner kept a short rein on a surly canine that appeared to be the crossbred hybrid between a German Shepherd and a wolf.

Quatre with Duo close behind made a wide swing skirting around the guards and the dog as its narrowed eyes locked on the passing strangers. A throaty growl and a bristling of sliver-gray hair gave the snarling cur an even move menacing presence as his muzzle curled back in a sneering "smile".

Duo couldn't help be cast a apprehensive glance as they walked uncomfortable near to the guard holding back the clearly aggressive animal, not at all trusting Chang's watcher to control the beast. Soon the imposing pair and the dog were out of sight, only then did both Winner and Maxwell breathe easier.

"Do you ever get use to all this security?" Duo asked as he spotted a lone guard sporting a machine pistol patrolling the inner wall's perimeter.

Quatre shrugged in a noncommittal posture, "You never get use to it but you somehow come to accept it."

Without warning several consecutive pistol shots rang out their echoes bouncing over the ground. The sharp sounds seemed to vibrate through the trees before ending with a deafening pop.

Involuntarily Duo flinched drawing in a stabbing breath. Then in quick succession another round of gunplay, this time sounding like larger caliber weapons, exploded causing Duo to freeze in mid-stride.

"Damn what was that!" he exclaimed checking to see if he had been hit. But the lack of pain told him he had been spared the gunfire's fury.

"It is all right," Quatre replied with that same irritating bearing of his shoulders, "that is just fire from the practice range. Chang has some part of his squad out there everyday." he explained, "Just wait until he takes the notion to have a night session, no one gets any sleep then." he added with the slightest hint of a grin.

"I could never get use to this madness." Duo declared wiping cold sweat from his brow.

"And I am sure as hell not going to stick around long enough to try." Duo told himself once more falling in behind the youthful blond.


"Well this is where I leave you." Quatre proclaimed as the reached the mansion's rear section. "Stay within your boundaries and you will be safe." he reminded.

"How long can I stay?" Duo asked still not sure he wanted to be left alone in the middle of the mayhem. Images of guards and guns and dogs made their way with undaunted speed through the mind.

"Madam Noin is expecting you for lunch at noon so I will come for you a eleven, will that give you enough time to shower and get ready?"

"Yeah that should be fine."

"Then I will see you at eleven." Quatre confirmed.

"Steady there Maxwell." Duo whispered aloud as the distance between Winner and himself grew wider. "Keep your mind on finding a good escape route and don't let anything else interfere with your goal."

"In fact," he continued his self-discussion, "the best place to start is the garage. If you want to cover a lot of miles in a short time some form of speedy transportation is necessary. Yeah begin at the garage."

Duo stretched a few times to limber up his muscles then began a slow jog. He did have to admit the spacious grounds were a beautiful place for a soul cleansing run. But he was not be lulled into believing his grand prison was somehow different than any other he had had in his short, hellish life.

With a pretended nonchalant glancing about as he ran, Duo tried not to look as though he had heading for the garage. His steady but leisurely pace soon took him to the building's side and, with quickening steps, he casually disappeared around the side.

Pulling up by a window Duo paused and listened. Hearing no sound from inside he cautiously peered over the sill. The dusty pane clouded his observation but he could still see through the hazy film well enough to get a good view.

Three expensive cars and two SUVs were parked in two neat rows in front of the closed doors. Two large motorcycles occupied the back corner.

"Interesting." Duo thought to himself.

While any one for the cars or SUVs would offered better protection their usefulness as escape vehicles would be limited to the main road. That would involve probably "crashing" the front gates and that move could prove neither wise nor healthy.

No, a motorcycle would his best bet for a quick and efficient departure. One of the smaller, less guarded, side exits could be used and the bike's easier maneuverability would allow the escapees, should Quatre and Trowa come along, to make good use of the surrounding forest's and back road's shelter.

Now all Duo had to do was arrange to get a key, sneak out one night, avoid the always present contingency of very aggressive guards and steal one of the two-wheeled machines.

And if Trowa and Winner chose to join him, then there would be an even larger group to hide in the shadows all the while dodging the spotlights that constantly surveyed the estate.

If they took the machines out of gear and silently pushed them through a side gate maybe, just maybe, they could get far enough into the wood's concealment that the firing up of the engines would be muffled and the getting away somewhat less dangerous.

But how Duo looked at the escape attempt, no matter how well planned, it would be a most hazardous undertaking.

"Sounds like a plan to me." Duo grinned to himself. But he was not in any way deluding himself of his chances of success.

"You sure you want to try this?" Duo's inner voice wondered knowing the odds were not at all in his favor.

Duo shook his head answering under his breath, "Like I told Trowa one way or the other I WILL be free."

"You are going to need some help" the voice advised in a somber tone.

Duo nodded again, "I know." he confirmed, "I need Winner's help." he decided.

His private council spoke once more, this time, an even graver tone asked, "Can you risk Quatre's life for your own freedom."

"No." Duo whispered with a heavy sigh. "I will only involve him if that is his wish."

"And Trowa?"

"Not one without the other. I couldn't do that." Duo replied shakily leaning against the garage's cool siding, "One could not live without the other."


Quatre took another less crowded route on his return trip to the mansion. Thoughts of his daily duties occupied his mind, his eyes boring down at his feet as they kicked up dusty clouds. He had already begun to figure how long it would take him to complete his work seeing how he had gotten such a late start.

"Madam will understand." he assured himself knowing as long as the work was done in a reasonable time period Noin never complained.

So intense was Quatre's attention to his task he failed to notice a bluish outline fall across his face as his walking intercepted the elongated shadow. Nor, in his preoccupation, did Winner's eyes focus on the black-clad form now blocking his path.

It wasn't until a near collision with the solid obstruction redirected his line of sight did Quatre look up. He drew in a hard gasp of air as his widened indigo eyes locked with a set of deep onyx orbs offering a narrowed menacing stare.

Chilled fingers of fear inched up Quatre's spine and it took all of his control not to give into the faintness the icy tentacles evoked. The trembling tendrils twined tightly adhering in a smothering fashion threatening to undermine his support and balance.

Chang stood still seeming to tower over the slender blond. A stubby cigar held between his teeth sent up a wafting smoky swirl into the light breeze. An ever so slight grin tugged at the Chinese man's lips at the rattled boy's expected response to his sudden appearance.

"Out for a morning stroll?" Noin's Head of Security asked in a low husky tone that only served to further compromise Winner's rapidly failing composure.

A rough breath did nothing to ease the hard pounding in Quatre's chest. A second, more forceful, blow chased away enough tightness to finally find his voice.

"Move aside." Quatre replied with no vigor or fortitude to back up his feeble demand.

At that moment all he wanted was to be left alone. Quatre wanted no unnecessary contact with or attention from the unstable Security Chief.

Chang leaned forward casing a thicker shadow over Winner's paling features. "Now why would I want to do that?" he hissed with a leering sneer.

Quatre took a step backwards trying to maintain a guarded separation. Chang copied Quatre's movement stepping forward at a faster rate quickly closing the gap until the quaking blond could feel Chang's hot odorous breath on his face. The cigar's sickly smell invaded Quatre's nose causing his already nervous stomach to become even queasier.

"Madam Noin is expecting me for a meeting." Winner lied as he put all he had into sounding truthful.

Chang lifted an eyebrow as the sneer grew into a thin-lipped smile. "Is she?" he declared taking another step, "I believe that would be quite a trick considering I saw her leave not more than fifteen minutes ago." he stated glaring down at his intended prey.

Quatre backtracked once more but only a half-a-step was taken before his back came into hard contact with a broad oak's trunk. The bump and forceful expelling of air it caused was the last straw finally destroying Quatre's brittle equanimity.

Now a stout quivering struck at Quatre's knees making them wobble. Only the tree's support kept the slim blond upright and on his feet. He closed his eyes as his sight jerked and the overhead leaves swam in circling blurs of color.

A brushing on his arm then his chest brought Quatre's eyes opened with a start. Chang had placed a hand on either side of Quatre's head leaning his weight against the tree and trapping Winner's slender frame between himself and the oak's rough bark.

Quatre's panicked sight darted from side to side trying desperately to find someone who would intervene on his behalf. But he knew that there would be no forthcoming help, not from Chang's totally intimidated employees. No interference at all, not if they wanted to avoid an injurious beating that possibly could prove terminal.

A wisp of foul smoke was blown out through the gap the slimy cigar made in Chang's teeth. The mixture of the rank smoke and the complete upheaval of Quatre's nerves sent a nauseous wave crashing around his churning insides.

But Quatre dared not give into the sinking sensations. As long as he had some semblance of wits about him there was a chance, no matter how slim, that he could still persuade Chang to let him go. Fighting back with all he could muster Winner used the trunk to shore up his knees. Slowly he pushed away and straightened his quivering legs.

That move, however, only placed Quatre's fair face that much closer to Chang who seemed to enjoy the narrowing of the gap.

"You want to leave?" Chang asked spitting out the soggy cigar to free up his mouth.

All Quatre could do was nod in the affirmative as he averted his eyes from Chang's centered and quite lustful gaze.

"Then show me how much you are willing do to convince me to let you leave." Chang demanded letting his fingers stroke down Quatre's sweat-moist cheek.

The trailing fingers didn't stop until they folding under Quatre's chin. At first Quatre's stiffened against the bruising digit's efforts to lift his chin and align his mouth with Chang's, but the fingernails dug deeper until Quatre was given on choice.

As Chang mouth parted for the dreaded kiss Quatre' pursed his lips tightly. Chang might force a kiss but Winner would be damned if he would give an inch or respond in any way.

Then Quatre's entire body flinched as he felt Chang's free hand close over his crotch. "No." Quatre whimpered placing both hands on Chang's pressing chest, pushing back against the Security Chief's unwanted advances. "Oh God, Trowa." he called for his lover's rescue even though he knew that it would not come.

At the calling of Trowa's name Chang momentarily froze, this brief pause gave Quatre an opportunity to push again this time widening the gap a bit further.

It didn't take long for Chang to note the opening space. While his one hand kept its firm grip on Quatre's groin, the other pulled away from his chin scraping the nails all the way and leaving behind redden streaks on the soft flesh.

The freed hand moved up folding around a fistful of blond locks using the secured tresses to sharply jerk back Quatre's head. The resulting crash into the oak's trunk sent dizzy dots swirling over Quatre's eyes and again produced a sickening faintness.

"So you want your lover little boy?" Chang growled pulling harder to keep Quatre's head steady, "I don't usually go in for this gay shit but I think I will find out what you have that makes that sorry homo keep coming back for more." he hissed leaning closer.

"You must really be good to give impotent bastard a hard on." Chang declared accenting his statement with a searing kiss.

Quatre struggled in vain under the larger, stronger man's crushing weight as Chang's knee moved up between his legs further holding him in place. All Winner could do was shut his eyes and pray that the fates would not be so cruel as to let Chang take him as Quatre's would be rapist's fingers tore at his waistband.

Finally breaking the bruising kiss Chang put all his effort into wrestling his resisting quarry to the ground. In the undergrowth's dense concealment Chang's horrific deed would be easily accomplished and no one would be the wiser. Even Quatre's pitiful screams and pleading would be muffled making them barely audible above all the other noises produced by the estate's normal activity.

Not appreciating Quatre's thrashing about and his generally uncooperative mind-set Chang decided that some form of punishment should be employed as an attitude adjustment. Chang's hand flew free delivering a swift strike on Winner's jaw line. Then the solid slap was followed with a punch to the stomach which effectively brought his soon-to-be victim's flailing to an abrupt halt.

Quatre became limp in Chang's lustful embrace and offered no further resistance as he was lowed to the ground. As blood seeped from his busted lip and he panted to regain his labored breathing Quatre's tearful pleas fell on deaf ears. Chang ignored his prey's imploring, his begging to be spared from the pain and humiliation.

"At least he won't take my virginity." Quatre told himself finding a small measure of peace in knowing that Trowa had been his first and only lover. "Oh Trowa forgive me." he whispered bracing as best he could for what was about to happen.

From some hidden place Chang pulled out a pistol waving it in front of Quatre's ashen face, "You play nice and I won't have to use this." he proclaimed before laying the weapon on the ground within easy reach should his latest conquest decide not to comply with his wishes.

Quatre closed his eyes as a tearing sound filled his hearing. He involuntarily drew up as he felt the waistband's button release and the zipper begin to come undone.

Chang fumbled with his own pants but trying to control the quite fetching blond and free his excitement-taut erection at the same time was proving to be an challenge to even his superb manual dexterity.

Finally he knew he had to release Quatre if he was going to get anywhere fast. Letting go he gave Winner a glare intended to put him on notice that his patience was all but used up and that the lithe boy with the inviting body had better stay still.

Quatre knew exactly what the fierce look was meant to convey but he also knew this might be his last chance to stop Chang's impending invasion. Not considering the painful consequences should he fail, but concentrating on his escape Quatre pulled up all his courage and made his move.

Clenched fists came up and with power borne of desperation Winner plowed both fright-curled hands into Chang's mid-section. The weakened blows did nothing, however, but cause Chang to briefly jerk then without warning, too swift to even see, the enraged Chinese man cocked his elbow ready to give the brash boy a thorough beating.

Now satisfying his carnal desires would not be as pleasing as pummeling Noin's smart-assed manager into a bloody pulp. As the tension built up in knotted muscles the drawn back fist quivered in mid-air awaiting its orders to turn Quatre's beautiful face into mush.

As the fist started down on its punishing path Quatre braced for the forthcoming pain. The coiled tension let go but the flying hand's forward progress was suddenly brought to a surprising halt by the unmistakable feel of cold steel pressing into the back of Chang's head.

"Don't even think about it." a voice hissed, the order being reinforced with a jab of the pistol's business end further into Chang's ebony head.

Slowly Chang turned and look up to find a pair of violet eyes staring staunchly back. In their deep centers sparks jumped and sparkled putting Chang on notice that this was the end of his game.

The pistol had been retrieved, unnoticed in Chang's anxiousness to begin his beating. Keeping its watch near Chang's right eye, the up-close view of the barrel's blackened hollow was one that was not at all pleasant.

"Duo Maxwell, isn't it?" Chang inquired hoarsely getting cautiously to his feet. He had excellent reflexes but even Chang knew he could not win a fight with an already targeted weapon.

"Noin's newest whore." he finished hoping to goad Maxwell into doing something foolish so he could again gain the upper hand.

"Yeah that's me." Duo answered with an alert tilt of his head and a no-nonsense tone to his voice. "Guilty as charged." he grinned as if to add injury to insult.

"Quatre are you all right?" Duo asked disturbed by the blood still oozing from his friend's swollen lips and the raised welt running his jaw's entire length.

Quatre nodded as he pushed against the ground and stood on shaky limbs. With an uncoordinated stagger Winner moved around the furious Security Chief joining Duo a safe distance away.

Duo took a chance for a quick glance at Quatre's eyes to tell if they were clear enough to send him on alone. "Go back to the house and find Trowa." Duo instructed, "Let him take care of you." he added not certain how coherent Winner's thinking was at the moment. "Go on." he urged using his free hand to start Quatre off in the right direction.

When Quatre was well on his way and it seemed he would have no trouble getting back, Duo turned his full attention on the obviously angry Chinese man shaking with rage before him.

"What to do now." Duo began leveling the pistol at Chang's face, "Do we go and tell the Lady you have been a bad boy or do I just shoot you here?" he wondered steadying up his aim, "I really don't believe Noin would be that upset, do you?"

Chang remained silent but Duo could tell by the increased quivering all over his body that his taunting had hit Chang pretty hard.

"Don't press your luck with this one." Duo's inner voice advised.

Duo shook his head in answer to his inaudible council.

"I suppose if I don't shoot you I will have to watch my back from now on." Maxwell stated with certainty strongly considering pulling the trigger and ending his and everyone else's misery then and there.

Chang nodded in a strongly reaffirming gesture as his hands curled into hard fists at his sides.

"Why not shoot him?" Duo's inner voice sincerely inquired.

"Because I am not a murderer." Duo offered his mental reply.

"Okay, back to the house." Duo ordered using the pistol as a pointer.

Chang sighed heavily locking his stone cold black eyes on Maxwell. "You had better do it while you have the chance." he warned daring Duo to pull the trigger.

"No, not my decision." Duo answered, "Now move."



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