Reclamation Part 4

Thirty minutes later:

Heero reached the halfway point in his hair detangling assignment.

Congratulations were in order for the short time frame considering there was not a single stand that was not snarled and knotted beyond belief. He also had to wonder why the Duo kept his hair so long since he obviously had no means of properly maintaining the extreme style.

But Heero didn't question the young man's reasons or if he would allow the mane to be trimmed. Somehow he was sure that just the mention of a haircut would send the Duo into another fit of panic.

Throughout the ordeal the Duo remained quiet. Occasionally he would wince when the comb hit a particularly tough snag but no words of complaint were forthcoming.

Quatre made an appearance to check on his friends' progress and deliver two bottles of beer. Water was a precious commodity but beer was always in good supply. The fermented brew was imported from L1 where the water filtration systems were still operational.

Of course beer was not cheap but the rebels had discovered some time ago that stealing made everything free.

Duo's hair was thinner at the bottom, less entwined and gradually the persistence Cluster leader reached the end of the task. Heero paused, stretched his back and was rewarded with a soft pop as the kinks unraveled.

Duo also used the break to do some flexing but halfway though the spinal realignment he drew in a halting breath as his shoulders muscles seized up.

Without hesitation Heero slid his hands over the junction between the knotted muscles and Duo's neck and began gently kneading out the tension.

A barely audible sigh flowed over slightly parted lips as Duo relaxed under the masterful stokes. Gradually he leaned back until his back rested against Heero's chest.

Heero had been so absorbed in the massaging he didn't notice the contact until Duo breathed out a second feathery sigh.

The warmth of two bodies so close together caught him totally off guard. Duo, too, must have also sensed the shared space. His previously lax posture stiffened then he quickly straightened up.

Believing he had overstepped his bounds Duo shoulders slumped in an apologetic fashion. "I'm sorry."

"It's all right." Heero muttered, taking a moment to regroup his stunned senses. "Let's finish--the combing--so you can have that bath I promise." he fumbled over the words as an unaccustomed quiver sounded in his voice.

Duo nodded then lifted his head. Fifteen minutes more and the job was done.


The bathhouse was one building divided into three sections, each room with a separate door.

The right section held the toilets. They worked, most of the time, depending on the amount of gravity-fed water collected in the underground pressure tank. However, the rebels had discovered the forest was just as suited to relieving "nature's callings" as the cranky plumbing.

A set of sinks, also dependent on the unreliable water flow, occupied the middle section. The smallest room contained a scratched, discolored cast iron bathtub and a wood-burning stove.

A formal bath was a luxury.

When there was enough water to spare, the tap had to be turned on at least twenty minutes ahead. While the tub was filling the stove was loaded, lit and a pot of water put on to heat. Right before someone was ready to bathe the hot water was mixed with the cold.

However, for hassle free bathing, the rebels had dammed up a nearby stream to form a pond that was a wonderful spot for skinny-dipping.

While Heero attended to Duo's matted mane, Quatre decided the new arrival's overly soiled condition required a formal bath so he began filling the tub then stoked the fire and set a pot of water on the stove.

Towels plundered on one of the Cluster's forging trips were laid out. Finally, figuring that Duo was about his size, Quatre picked out a change of clothing from his meager wardrobe, complete with briefs and socks, and left the clean garments on a straight back wooden chair beside the tub.


Quatre had just finished mixing the hot and cold water when Heero, with a reluctant Duo in tow, stepped inside the small washroom.

"There is plenty of soap but go easy on the shampoo." Quatre reviewed the bathing supplies.

"Thanks for getting everything ready." Heero acknowledged a job well done.

"You're welcome." Quatre replied then shut the door for privacy.


The wood stove had not only heated the water but the air as well making for a toasty atmosphere.

Duo stood in silence, eyes darting to take in the Spartan surroundings.

Hoping the bath wouldn't take as long as the comb-out, Heero moved things along. "You need to get undressed."

Noting Duo's fascinated preoccupation, a grin flickered over Heero's lips. "Let's start with your shirt." he suggested.

Grubby skin stretched over a gaunt skeletal frame best described Duo's unveiled upper body.

Despite his best efforts, Heero sucked in a breath when he saw the raised tracks of old scars crisscrossed over Duo's torso.

At the startled reaction, Duo lowered his head in a state of shame.

"It's all right," Heero reassured, "I have scars, too. Want to see mine?"

Slowly lifting his head, Duo centered his attention as Heero slipped his shirt over his head to reveal three long scars running diagonally from his right shoulder almost to his waist. A thicker roughly healed wound marred his left bicep.

"I got these in a knife fight." he pointed at the triple lines. "And this one was when I was shot." he continued the tour of his disfigurement.

Titling his head, Duo's extraordinary eyes studied Heero's toned chest. Timidly he lifted a finger to let it hover above the middle line."

"Go on."

As the inquiring fingertip traced lightly along the whitish stripe, the gliding touch threatened to spark a fire. A tingle rippled along enkindling a hint of heat that raced from nipples to navel.

But just when Heero thought he could no longer suppress a shiver, the sensuous investigation ended. Suddenly the finger dropped away as Duo caught sight of the swollen bite marks on Heero's forearm.

Following Duo's line of sight, the rebel leader twisted his arm and took a moment to examine the perfect set of teeth prints.

"Nice job." he proclaimed not wanting Duo to feel badly for defending himself. "Hell, a few more scars won't matter, just gives me more character."

With Heero's unconditional absolution, Duo offered his first smile since finding his way into the Cluster's sanctuary.

There was a hint of kindness in that shy smile, a childlike innocence that Heero found refreshing but also surprising.

Duo's physical scars told a tale of abuse, his wary silence spoke volumes concerning his fragile emotional state. It was clear the young man needed a safe haven and someone he could trust but had there been too much negative reinforcement to overcome his fear?

Heero knew he needed to tread carefully if he had any hope of gaining Duo's confidence but could he let down his own carefully constructed barriers and risk the pain that might be associated with such a decision?

Pushing his uncertainty aside, Heero focused on creating an environment where Duo would feel safe. "You need to get in the tub before the water cools off. Can you finish undressing by yourself?"

With an affirmative nod, scuffed boots and threadbare socks were removed. A bit more hesitation was displayed as his grime-stiff trousers slid down thin legs to pool at his feet.

With each step of the disrobing Heero spoke encouraging words and allowed Duo to set his own pace. Now naked except for equally filthy boxers Duo's escalating nervousness was manifested in a quivering vacillation that shook his entire body.

Sensing the apprehension, Heero offered a solution. "I won't look until you finish stripping off and get into the tub." he declared as the pivoted to face the wall and began to gather up the nasty clothes that were destined to be discarded.

A splashing then a tentative "Okay" gave Heero permission to turn around.

Duo huddled in water a little higher than his waist. Knees drawn to his chest modestly shielded his private regions. His recently detangled tresses floated for a second then sunk below the warm water.

Heero knelt on the flood, wetted a washcloth, added a bar of soap and worked up a good lather. "Pull your hair over your shoulder so I can wash your back."

This time no resistance was forthcoming.

As layers of dirt dissolved away to reveal a skin tone two shades lighter, a hidden treasure was discover that made Heero take immediate notice. The red and yellow tiger tattoo gracing Duo's left shoulder blade had been positioned so that it rippled with each muscle contraction.

Damn sexy. Heero thought to himself.

It didn't take long for the bath water to become tainted with a combination of dirt, oil and soap.

Heero handed Duo a towel, "While I put more water on to heat so we can wash your hair, you can wrap the towel around your waist and stand up."

The old water was drained away. The second drawing was slower but there was enough to put about ten inches in the tub. The heated water was added which raising the level a few inches further.

"This is going to be a job." Heero announced once Duo was resettled in the tepid water.

Using a chipped cup to soak the abundant locks, the task of washing Duo's hair alternated between shampooing a segregated segment and rinsing until every stand was squeaky clean.

Although each section took at least five minutes to rinse out the suds, the time was well worth the effort. A chestnut colored mane infused with a blaze of auburn highlights was Heero's well-earned reward.

"You clean up nice." Heero commented handing over another towel. "I'll wait outside while you dry off and dress. There's a comb with the clothes. Take all the time you need."

Enlarge pupils shimmering with an inner glow that expressed heartfelt gratitude locked on the Japanese man. "Thank you." was complemented with a respectful bow.


Like a homely caterpillar freed from its cocoon, a beautiful butterfly emerged from the washroom.

Adorned in clean clothes and with silken hair sparkling in the midmorning sun, Duo had indeed undergone a stunning transformation.

Contentment brightened Duo's face. His eyes shone with a dazzling intensity that put the stars to shame.

Bewitched by the metamorphosis from ragamuffin to magnificent, Heero couldn't help but stare and his heart couldn't deny being captivated.

Finally reining in his awestruck senses, Heero was able to put his mind and mouth in gear to form a sentence.

"Now that your hair is clean and combed we need to do something to keep it from knotting up again and I have just might have a plausible solution. Turn around."

With expert efficiency Heero divided the long locks into three sections, plaited the divisions into a thick rope, tied off the end with a remnant of black ribbon then stood back to study his workmanship.

"Perfect." he announced not bothering to hide the pride of his achievement.

Duo tugged the braid over his shoulder. Twirling the tip in his fingers, the subtle grin that blossomed into a smile was the best compensation Heero could have received for his efforts.

"I used to braid my mother's hair." Heero explained. With a faraway gaze, as the remembering stirred secret memories, he declared. "Your hair is just as exquisite as hers."

Reacting to the unaccustomed flattery Duo blushed, the flush of crimson adding a healthier tint to his pale skin. He lowered his head redirecting his sight at the ground.

Heero slipped his thumb under the Duo's chin. "Don't be uncomfortable, you deserve to be noticed." he proclaimed as he lifted Duo's face until their eyes met.

Expressive lavender orbs held a soft appearance as they studied the young Cluster leader. Suddenly tears pooled behind Duo's long eyelashes and squeezing his eyes sent the salty moisture tracking down his rosy cheeks.

"Hey now don't do that." Heero whispered using both thumbs to wipe away the tears. "I didn't intend to make you cry." he apologized then realized his amazement because until that moment Heero Yuy had never expressed regret to anyone for anything.

Duo needed to make Heero understand that he had no reason to feel bad because the shed tears were not from sorrow but joy.

The previously lone stray, while not completely at ease with his new surroundings, knew he had found a refuge. He was a long way from total trust but his street-smart instincts told him that when he did lay down his head he could rest easy without fear of assault.

There were obvious dangers as both OZ and the Alliance were hunting the rebels but the fugitive situation it was still far safer than facing the perilous outside world.

Heero studied Duo's eyes, read his body language. He could sense the relief, the security of belonging. But with the Duo's reclaiming came an awesome responsibility.

The entire Cluster was being charged with the care of a lost soul and they could not fail. Any betrayal would be the end of the young man who had been through too much and was too emotional scarred to survive another unfaithful act.

"I understand." Heero responded. "You're worn out," he stated fully aware of Duo's failing fortitude. "I'll fix you some more food then you're going back to bed."

Instead of trialing the rebel leader as he had prior to the bath, Duo fell in step beside his friend.

The Japanese man had accepted him, promised his guardianship but would the Cluster welcome him? In the same way Duo demanded the rebels' trust he, too, would have to earn their confidence.

One day I'll prove myself and will become a fully accepted Cluster member. he set the goal that could prove to be his salvation.



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