Love Thy Neighbor Part 1

"Hilde." Duo called to the petite woman with short black hair sitting behind the High Street Apartments' reception desk.

Hilde Schubeicher glanced up from the computer then locked her green eyes on the energetic man with the beautiful braid. Duo Maxwell had occupied apartment 202 for eight months. He'd moved from Brooklyn to seek employment as a dancer, finally signing on with an off-Broadway company.

Duo wasn't famous...yet...but Hilde had no doubts that, with his engaging personality, enthusiasm and natural talent, he was destined to be a star.

With the same graceful strength Duo displayed on stage, he sauntered up to the desk. "Hey babe." he grinned, leaning his elbows on the desktop. "I'm in desperate need of information and you're just the person to help."

Hilde couldn't help returning Duo's smile that seemed to be contagious. "Stop calling me babe and I'll consider reducing your desperation." She didn't really mind being called babe but she wasn't going to give in too easily.

Duo stepped around the desk and braced his hip on the edge. Still maintaining the infectious smile he craned his neck to see the computer screen. "Could you sneak a peek at the resident records and tell me in which apartment the hunky guy that just left the pool area lives?"

"And what hunk is that?" Hilde wondered even though she had seen an athletically trim man in swim trunks get on the elevator not more than fifteen minutes before Duo's arrival.

Duo paused to pull up a mental picture, "He's about my height, brown hair, blue eyes, I think, and did I mention his body puts Superman to shame."

"You know I'm not supposed to give out private information." Hilde stated as she positioned her shoulder to block the screen.

"Come on bab...ah...Hilde," Duo whined, "it won't take a minute and I won't tell anyone."

"What's in this deal for me, Maxwell?"

"A large multi-topping pizza, a cold six-pack and my undying gratitude." Duo sweetened the "deal".

"Maybe I'll go after him myself." Hilde announced, "All is fair in love and war, babe."

"You don't want me as an enemy, not when it comes to love." Duo warned, "Just a peek, please."

Hilde shot a fleeting look around the lobby, assured herself that no one was watching then quickly entered the list code. "If I'm thinking of the same person your "hunk" hasn't been living here but a few weeks."

"Do you know if he's single?"

Hilde shrugged, "His name is the only one on the lease and I haven't seen him with anyone but I can't say for sure." She scrolled down. "Let's see, Heero Yuy, apartment 302." she said before hitting the back button.

Duo stood up and pulled Hilde into a tight hug, "I'll name my first born after you." he promised.

Hilde patted Duo's back then leaned back until she stared up into his gorgeous violet eyes. "Don't make promise you're not likely to keep. Now go stalk your next conquest before I up the ante to two six-packs."


Entering his apartment, Duo toed off his shoes and flopped down on the sofa. "So the water god lives directly above me."

He stretched out, slipped his hands behind his head and studied the ceiling. "Now to figure a way to meet Mr. Yuy without being too obvious. You could be lounging by the pool." he continued his "stalking strategy". "The laundry room." came the next idea.

Duo sighed as the picture of perfect pectoral muscles glistening with pool water replaced the ceiling contemplation. *Don't let lust get the best of you.* his mind warned.

He sat up with another long sigh, "Not lust. Not just sexual." he countered his mind's council. "Something else." he whispered, "A tingle in my heart."


Sunday morning stretched into afternoon without Heero Yuy taking a swim. Duo spent most of those hours either sitting on his balcony or getting up every half-hour to look out the French doors. He hadn't slept much the night before, tossing in the throes of fleeting images, thrashing water, nude bodies and blue eyes that saw straight into his soul.

Finally Duo gave up his wishful thinking and decided to go to the dance studio to practice. He had to do something to keep his thoughts from wandering and his body from reacting to the stimulation those wandering thoughts triggered. If he didn't channel his libidinous energy into a healthy outlet, if he didn't push himself to the point of exhaustion, Duo felt as though he was going to explode.

He gathered up his practice bag and headed for the stairs. The elevator was too slow, he couldn't wait...he had to get away. He had to resist the urge to run up to apartment 302, knock on the door and make an utter fool of himself.

"What's wrong with you?" Duo muttered under his breath as he hurriedly walked down the hall. "You don't even know if he'd be interested."

He grabbed the stairway exit's handle, flung back the metal door so hard it almost hit the wall and began to descend two steps at a time. Another forceful push threw back the first floor door.

Duo ran into the lobby so absorbed in his anxious flight that he didn't see the other person until they bumped shoulders causing Duo to drop his practice bag. "I'm sorry." he apologized, leaning over to pick up the bag.

"No harm done." A male baritone answered.

Duo straightened up and froze in place as he found himself drowning in twin pools of cobalt blue. As hard as he tried Duo couldn't pull free from the orbs' hypnotic influence and he certainly couldn't make his body move or his voice form any understandable sounds.

"Are you all right?" the bewitching man asked in response to Duo's stunned stare.

A hand on Duo's shoulder broke the spell. He blinked back from his trance then felt his face warm with embarrassment. "Yes." was all he could push passed the dryness in his throat.

The man held out his hand. "I'm Heero Yuy."

Duo took the offered hand. Electricity sparked in his fingertips and the current coursed up his arm so strongly that it threatened to take his breath away. "Duo." he replied barely above a whisper then regained enough volume to finish the introduction. "Duo Maxwell."

"Nice to meet you." Heero replied, letting his hand lingered in Duo's hand for a moment that seemed to stretch into forever. "Do you live here?"

"Yes, 202." Duo managed to reply.

Heero's hand slipped free and Duo immediately missed the contact. "I'll see you around Duo Maxwell." he promised huskily.

All Duo could do was nod as "the hunk" disappeared into the elevator and the doors cut off his view of the captivating stranger. But the separation didn't lessen the residual waves shivering along Duo's skin or erase the intense blue sight indelible etched in his mind.


Two hours later Duo flopped down on the practice floor sweaty and exhausted. A long gulp of water partly emptied the bottle; the remaining liquid was poured over his head. He settled back against the cool concrete wall, closed his eyes, let the water drizzle through his bangs, down his flushed face and further saturate his already wet tee shirt.

Other dancers had come and gone but Duo had nowhere to go...nowhere but home and right then that was the last place he wanted to be.

He fumbled in his bag for a towel. "You made a damn fool of yourself." He wiped stinging sweat from his eyes then draped the towel over his head. "What are you doing to do the next time you see him," he mumbled into the terry-cotton material, "stammer like a pubescent teenage?"

Duo's body felt heavy, his legs rubbery and he knew he'd definitely overextended himself. A dull arch ran from shoulder to shoulder and down both arms. Clumsily he fattened his palms on the floor and pushed to stand up. He winced and sucked in a sharp breath as his muscles registered a keen protest.

*A hot shower before you stiffen up so you can't move at all.* his mind offered sound advice. "I know." Duo grumbled out loud, shouldering his bag.

The locker room was as deserted as the practice area. Duo peeled off his damp tee shirt, shorts and underwear. Soon steamy mist swirled over the frosted shower door. The full-force spray pelted Duo's shoulders and back, soaking his frayed braid. He turned around allowing the water to pummel his chest.

Leaning his shoulder on the smooth white tile Duo let out a weary sigh as his last of his energy gave out completely. He stayed hunched over for a few minutes savoring the hot water as it tingled over his body until every inch was super sensitive.

A dollop of liquid soap was worked into a lather. Duo started with his neck, his shoulders, both arms. The cleaning continued across his chest, his stomach but when his frothy fingers brushed over his genitals, his penis twitched and a shiver coursed through his crotch.

Duo didn't have to look down to know that he was definitely aroused. A dancer and his body were always in tune. Duo had command over each tendon and ligament, muscle and joint. He could control his breathing and balance. He was also skilled in the fine art of self-satisfaction.

Slick fingers curled around the rigid shaft. Fondling caresses, alternating between gentle and firm, teased along every inch. A rough thumb rubbed over the head. Duo braced one hand on the wall while the other hand kept to its pleasuring task.

The shower noise softened the sounds of ragged panting and faint moans. This time Duo didn't give a damn about control. He wanted wild abandonment, to free his body from its strict training. His eyes were squeezed shut; he felt nothing but the stinging spray and the throbbing in his engorged erection.

"Need help?" The question echoed inside his head or had it been whispered next to his ear?

"Yes." Duo replied through shallow gasps for air.

Duo jumped as a hand flattened over his stomach and pulled him back against a toned body. A solid erection ground against his buttocks causing him to go weak in the knees. He sucked in a hard breath as a hand folded over his hand and joined in the sensual stimulation.

Together Duo and his phantom lover rocked in time with each stroke. Heavy breathing was hot on Duo's neck. "Come for me." the order was growled huskily.

Heat rose up both legs then gathered in Duo's groin. "Heero." He gritted his teeth. "Ah, yes."

The orgasmic ejaculation caused a shudder so strong Duo struggled to remain upright. As the shower washed away all masturbatory evidence, residual waves quivered along his softening member.

Suddenly there was no contact with the hard body that only existed in Duo's wet dreams. He opened his eyes. There was no one there, no one to share the afterglow.

Sliding to the floor Duo drew his legs to his chest and rested his head on his knees. The only sounds were pounding water and muffled sobs as Duo realized that he was indeed alone.



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