Author: Karen The Huntress

Rating: PG

Warning: AU, perhaps a bit surreal

Pairing: 1x2

Feedback: Always appreciated and answered

Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Wing or its characters.

Full Moon Crossing

As Duo gazes out the wavy antique-glass window framed in blue and white Delft tiles, moonlight shimmering through crimson diaphanous curtains lends a hint of color to his pale cheeks and accentuates the cinnamon highlights in his hair.

"The sugar maple is incredible."

Heero pauses beside a round oak table and considers the massive tree dominating the back garden. "It is extraordinarily bright." he agrees.

Two bronze chrysanthemums nestle in a crystal vase next to a book of Robert Frost poetry bound in creased leather. A porcelain teapot decorated with a pair of green dragons rests on a copper trivet.

Heero pours lemon-ginseng tea into matching cups set side by side on bamboo placemats. "Join me before the tea gets cold." he invites.

Tea is sipped in silence. Mirages of light and shadows creep through the curtains to play tag around the margins of the room.

Duo tilts his head. Waning rays cast an iridescent aura along his profile. "The days are shorter. The maple will soon be bare."

Heero stares into his cup; examines the bitter dregs that foretell the future. "I know."

Duo reaches across the table, lays his hand on Heero's hand. A chilly touch.

"We have time."

"Not enough."


"But in between."

"I never leave you." Duo assures with certainty.

The Waterbury clock perched on the mantel above the cold fireplace strikes in tinny tones of worn coils and lax springs.


Damn the clock.


Damn the minutes.


Damn the seconds.


Sunrise is as fiery as the maple.

Passion fuels their copulation. Joined as one, bodies move with the rhythm of familiar lovers. Pulses throb. Hearts hammer in unison. Mutual orgasms shudder to the core. Sated, Heero and Duo bask in the afterglow.

Like a great bloodshot dragon's eye, the sun hovers on the horizon. Heat ripples in bands, warps the firmament's fabric to fuse yellow and orange and red.

Heero recalls the ceaseless sequence of seasons. "Spring is rebirth. Summer does not hurry. Autumn is a harbinger of frosty ground and icy air. Winter's long purple nights are dormant, only asleep and always awakens."

Duo intertwines his fingers and squeezes Heero's hand. "Just as seasons measure the year, lunar cycles synchronize devotion's perpetual cadence."

Corners dim.

Curtains fade.

Tea is cold.

Duo's silhouette frays around the edges.

Entwined in Duo's comforting embrace, Heero closes his eyes. Fingertips feather ghostly across his cheek. Lips tingle from a brushing caress and his soul mate's musky scent is so pungent it lingers like an aftertaste on his tongue.

Duo's voice is softer than a sigh. "My spirit will walk with you by day. I will hold you in your dreams each night. You know these promises to be true. I love you Heero Yuy" is whispered, not in Heero's ears but in his heart.

When Heero opens his eyes Duo is gone.

As Heero gazes out the wavy antique-glass window at a path of fresh paw prints tracking beyond the maple, he avows. "I love you, Duo Maxwell."

Sunrises and sunsets will merge days into nights into weeks. Heero will sip tea and read Robert Frost and, assured by the full moon's metamorphic promise, will once more be united with his lupine lover in his human form.



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