'...' thoughts

One and Only Part 10

Despite a restless night of sleep, Heero was up as soon as dawn lit the sky, immediately calling together the members of his staff so he could find out how much still remained to be finished. He was immensely pleased to find that most of the preparations had been completed the night before, meaning they could leave much sooner than expected. Quickly handing out the various duties, he sent them off to work.

As was decided the night before, only about five of the servants would be accompanying him to the royal palace, Hilde being one of them. By reducing his normal retinue, he hoped to be able to travel faster, putting them at the castle later that night or tomorrow morning at the latest. Hurrying through the manor, Heero found Hilde inside the stables as she oversaw the final stages of the packing. "How are we looking?" he asked as he approached her.

"Everything will be ready in an hour, my lord." Hilde stated firmly as she turned to drop a curtsy to the young man. "We can leave as soon as breakfast is finished."

"Hn." Heero grunted with a nod

"I know we didn't discuss it last night, but I felt we'd be able to travel much faster by leaving the carriage behind and using only horses. I hope I didn't overstep my authority." she stated a bit apprehensively.

"No." the blue-eyed man said. "That was very good thinking. All of the people going with us are capable of riding so we shouldn't have any problems in that respect. And you're correct; we'll travel much faster without the carriage."

"Thank you my lord." Hilde said with a bright smile at the compliment. "Oh, I almost forgot, Lord Winner had the foresight to send his and Lord Barton's horses and supplies over earlier this morning so we won't have to wait on them."

"Good. I figure the both of them will be here for breakfast soon." Heero said with a nod. "Make sure that you and the others eat before we leave as well."

"I will my lord." Hilde agreed then watched as the dark-haired young man left the stables and walked back to the main house before turning back to her work.

As predicted, Heero was greeted by his two friends upon his arrival at the house and was instantly enveloped in a hug by the blonde doctor before he could say a word.

"Good morning, Heero." Quatre greeted smoothly as he released his friend. He had been able to sense the other man's unease and anxiety the minute he walked in the door. "How did you sleep last night?"

"Well enough." Heero said with a shrug.

"In other words, not at all." Trowa translated with a grin.

"I slept some." Heero grumbled but continued at seeing their less then convinced faces. "There was too much to do to sleep. I promised Duo two day and I'll be at the palace tomorrow morning at the latest no matter if I have to ride there by myself."

"He'll be fine Heero." Quatre said. "Wufei won't let anything happen to him."

"I'm not leaving him there any longer than I have to Quatre." Heero stated soundly. "I don't know what Relena has up her sleeves, but I don't trust her and I won't feel comfortable until I can be there to protect him.

"We don't trust her either Heero." Trowa said. "But running yourself into the ground will not help Duo. You'll only exhaust yourself, leaving you unable to take care of him when we do arrive."

"Hn." Heero grunted but did not argue. In truth, he knew that what his auburn-haired friend said was correct, but something inside of him would not let him stop until Duo was in his arms again. Turning on his heels, he led them down the hall to the private dining room where breakfast had been set up for them.

"Surely she wouldn't do anything to harm him." Quatre said as they walked. "She was only using him to lure you to the palace after all."

"Like she needs a reason to hurt someone." Heero sneered heatedly then sighed. "I suspect for the most part she'll leave him alone, at least until we arrive. Once she knows about him and me though, she'll become a problem."

"Maybe it would be best to not let her know." Trowa offered as they sat down to eat.

"I considered that but I don't want to put Duo in that position." the dark-haired lord said. "He has enough to deal with as it is than to have to try and keep our relationship quiet. Besides, it'd be difficult explaining why he's staying in my room if we weren't together."

"Heero's right." Quatre agreed as he filled his plate. "Besides, you shouldn't be required to keep something like this a secret. Everyone at the palace already knows you prefer men to woman so it shouldn't be that much of a shock."

"Hn." Heero said with a nod as he too began filling his plate with food. Inside he knew that letting others know about his relationship with Duo was risky but he truly did not want to hide it. If Duo were uncomfortable with it, then he would do as the boy asked, but he saw no need in keeping it a secret.

As requested, breakfast was a simple affair, consisting of foods that would nourish them while not weighing them down. The conversation soon turned to the trip and the likeliness of making it in the time Heero had allotted as well as the senate meeting, which was to be held within a few days, meaning Heero would have to attend since he would be at the capitol. When the clock struck the hour, Hilde stuck her head in the door to inform them that all the preparations were complete and only their presence was needed so they could leave.

Rising from their chairs, the three friends followed the young maid through the house toward one of the backdoors. On his way through, Heero nodded briefly to Ms. Johnson, knowing the manor would be in good hands while he was gone since she would be assuming command of the staff and property, before continuing on to the stables. Glad once again for Hilde's efficient handling of the packing, Heero saw that indeed, only their presence was missing. Quickly mounting his horse, he waited until the others had done so as well before giving the signal to leave.


The four weary travelers woke to bright sunshine and happy birdsong that promised a beautifully warm day. However, knowing their time that morning was limited if they wanted to reach the palace before noon, Sally quickly moved to stoke the fire until it was burning brightly before setting their meager breakfast of day old porridge over the flames. Once the food was heated through, they wasted no time in consuming what they could of it before mounting their horses and beginning the final leg of their journey.

During the ride, Wufei asked Sally to ride beside Treize so that he would be near the small elf. He was well aware that Duo had not slept much the night before and the young constable was worried that the boy could possibly fall from the horse due to his exhaustion.

"I'm alright Fei." Duo said with a sigh, distinctly not feeling like being coddled at that moment as he had had a bad night and was feeling extremely cranky.

"Duo, you didn't sleep well last night so I know you're tired."

"Yes, I'm tired." Duo snapped as he turned to glare at the young man beside him. "But that doesn't mean I can't handle riding a horse. You do not have to baby-sit me."

Eyes wide and staring, Wufei was taken aback by the boy's words and actions as memories of a much younger Duo saying the same thing in the exact same tone ran through his mind. Torn between his happiness at seeing the boy's old personality coming back and his frustration at Duo's unwillingness to accept help, the dark-eyed man remained silent.

"Look, Fei," Duo said calmly, but there was still an edge to his voice that the dark-eyed constable knew all too well. "I'm sorry I'm not much company right now, but I'm just not in the best of moods ok?"

Whatever the braided elf was expecting to hear after making his statement, the bright laughter that escaped the black-haired man's mouth was the least likely.

"Well, I'm glad I can be of some amusement to you." Duo said snidely causing the constable to laugh even louder as his own expression darkened. He was preparing to spur his horse forward to ride with Sally and Treize when the dark-eyed man reached over and took hold of his reigns.

"I'm sorry, Duo." Wufei said, a bright smile still on his face. "But have you listened to yourself?"

"What the hell's that supposed to mean." Duo demanded, not understanding what the man was trying to say.

"Duo, you're not acting meek or frightened anymore." the man explained and watched as the realization bloomed in the boy's violet eyes. "This is the first time you've actually glared at anyone since Yuy and Barton found you."

"I..." Duo started and Wufei nearly growled as he saw the fear and apprehension returning to the boy's face.

"Oh no you don't." Wufei said as he pulled both their horses to a stop. "You have nothing to be afraid or ashamed of. You spoke your mind and you spoke the truth, no one is going to punish you for it."

"I know." the violet-eyed elf said as he tried desperately to shake off the conditioning that was attempting to reassert itself. "It's not easy though. After what he...."

"You really need to talk about it, Duo." Wufei said with all seriousness when the boy stopped. However, Duo simply shook his head sharply. "It might help you get past it if you do."

"I don't want to talk about it." Duo snapped. "So just drop it."


"I said drop it!" Duo exclaimed, his violet eyes flashing dangerously.

"Is everything all right back here?" Treize asked causing both Wufei and Duo to jump as they turned to see that the general and healer had turned their mounts around when they noticed the two of them had stopped.

"Everything's fine." Wufei said but could not stop the smile that graced his face. Previously, when the boy was asked about his time spent with his captor, he would refuse to speak or even acknowledge the person asking the question. His anger, while frustrating in its own right, was a welcomed change as well as further proof that the elf was healing.

Turning a knowing look toward Sally, the young constable nudged his horse into a walk once more, leaving the three of them to follow behind.


Their arrival at the human royal palace was done with as little fanfare as possible. Treize had led them in through the surrounding town using the backstreets and alleys he knew to avoid unwanted exposure. In fact, the ginger-haired general was being so careful in keeping their presence a secret; he was surprised to find the king, queen, and princess waiting in the courtyard when they entered the palace gates.

Swallowing his displeasure at being found out, he quickly dismounted before mentioning for the others to do so as well.

"Your highnesses." Treize greeted with a deep bow as he approached the waiting royals, the other three following his example.

"Welcome back Treize. I take it your trip was successful?" Zechs intoned as he looked over the group before him. The man standing to his general's left he knew to be Chang Wufei, the constable for the city of Akrin. The next two, the first wearing a cloak that hid his features and the other a blonde-haired woman, he did not recognize.

"Yes, your highness." the general said as he turned to his traveling companions. "Might I introduce Chang Wufei, whom I'm sure you're familiar with." the general said with a smile before gesturing toward the woman on the end. "Lady Sally Po, a healer from the Dragon Clan." and finally, Treize turned toward the cloaked figure and bowed deeply. "And lastly, may I present his highness, Crown Prince Duo of the elves."

At the general's announcement, Zechs watched at two thin hands snaked out of the cloak's long sleeves to reach up and lower the hood, his eyes widening at the figure that was revealed. Beside him, he heard his wife inhale sharply as she too came to the same conclusion. 'He's just a child.'

"Your highness," Treize said to the longhaired elf, as it appeared neither Zechs not Lucrezia were capable of making their own introductions. "Might I introduce King Milliardo Peacecraft, his wife and queen, Lucrezia, and sister, the Princess Relena."

"It's an honor." Duo intoned formally, as he bowed his head slightly in a show of respect. At the boy's words and action, Zechs instantly snapped out from his thoughts as he smiled at the small elf and repeated the gesture.

"It's an honor for us as well to have you in our home." he stated and was preparing to lead them inside when Relena stepped forward to stand in front of the boy. Zechs watched with growing apprehension as the young woman looked the elf up and down before meeting his eyes.

"You're an elf?" she asked with no small amount of disdain in her voice causing the members of the traveling party to bristle. Meeting her gaze head on, Duo felt his anger boil up inside. He was tired and sore from the ride not to mention his burns had started to hurt nearly an hour ago and were now causing him a great deal of pain. Most importantly though, he remembered from the discussions that preceded him leaving Yuy Manor that it was this woman that had caused him to be separated from Heero. Instant dislike and loathing spread through him for the person standing no more than a foot from him and, letting his anger take hold, he pulled himself up to his full height before giving her the same once over she had bestowed upon him.

"My name is Duo, and I am the crown prince of my people." he stated firmly. "I would appreciate it if you'd remember that in the future when you address me." he finished before dismissing her and turning toward the human king who by all accounts was shocked speechless. "Would it be possible for us to be shown to our rooms? It was a very tiring journey, which I must admit I'm not very used to, and I'd like to lie down for a while."

"Of course." Zechs stated as he shook himself out of his disbelief, secretly though he was cheering the elf for his handling of the young woman. Lucrezia on the other hand was smiling outright at the furious glare on the princess' face.

Leading them through the palace, Zechs took them to the suite of rooms that the elven king and his retinue would be using upon their arrival. After explaining this to the young prince, Duo felt disappointment well up inside of him, but pushing it down, he turned to the king with determination in his eyes. "Where are Heero's rooms?"

"His suite is down the other hallway there." Lucrezia pointed after a moments pause.

"Oh, then could you have my things moved there, since I'll be staying with him?" he said and nearly laughed when Relena made a choking sound from where she stood at the back of the group.

"As will the rest of us." Wufei chimed in happily. "Until Lord Yuy arrives that is."

"Of course." Zechs smiled, thoroughly enjoying the little drama that was playing out.

"But shouldn't you stay with your own people?" Relena snapped out, the barely controlled anger clearly heard in her voice and her emphasis on the word 'people' making it sound like they were dirty, foul creatures.

"Heero is well aware that I'll be sharing his room with him." the elf stated and everyone in the room was more than conscience of the fact that he had used the word 'room' instead of 'suite'.

"It's not a problem." Lucrezia said as she too was enjoying the play between Relena and the longhaired elf. "Especially since you didn't bring very much with you."

"Since Heero didn't plan on leaving me here without him for very long, he didn't see any reason for me to bring more than a day or two worth of clothing." Duo offered with a smile. "He'll be bringing everything else I might need when he arrives."

"Of course," Relena said snidely with a flip of her hair. "One cannot leave a slave alone or they may run off."

"Relena." Zechs bellowed as he watched the longhaired elf's shoulders stiffen. "You will refrain from speaking to our guest in such a way."

"Well, its true isn't it?" she said innocently. "That Heero bought him at the slave pavilion?"

"Yes, that is correct." Wufei said as he glared dangerously at the blonde woman. "However, Yuy immediately released Duo upon completion of the transaction. He is now a free citizen and if I ever hear of you referring to him in such a way again, I will not be responsible for my actions."

"You have no right to speak to me in that tone." the woman seethed.

"Yes, he does." Duo said and turned to pin the princess with a glare. "As my protector, he has the right to deal out whatever justice he sees fit and not even your position can save you from it since, as a crown prince, I'm above you."

The group watched as Relena's face turned several shades of red before she finally spun around and stalked from the room. Once she was gone, Duo felt the trembling in his limbs worsen. He had been holding on to the little bit of control he had ever since they arrived at the palace but with the confrontation and everything else that had happened, he could no longer hold up the front. His last thoughts before unconsciousness claimed him was that he hoped what everyone said about Zechs being a good man was true otherwise he was just about to show a possible enemy his weakness. Luckily, Wufei had been watching him for any sign of exhaustion and caught him before he hit the floor.

"Is he alright?" Lucrezia exclaimed as she rushed to the young man's side.

"The prince has had a very trying few days." the black-haired constable answered. "He needs to rest so he can recoup his energy. Could you please show us to our rooms now?"

"Right this way." Zechs stated solemnly, feeling unnerved by the longhaired elf's collapse. Quickly, he led them down the hall to the rooms that Heero normally used when in residence at the palace for the senate meetings. Opening the door to the room situated at the very end of the hall, he stepped aside to allow the constable to enter with his small burden.

The young man moved through the outer room and through an archway to the left, emerging in a large bedroom where he immediately placed the small elf on the bed. Drawing back, he noted the boy's closed eyes and even breathing.

"Sally." he called and the healer immediately appeared at his side. "I think it was all the excitement but perhaps you should look him over."

"I wouldn't doubt it." she said as she pushed him out of the way so she could examine the elf closer. "He wasn't strong enough to undertake this journey in the first place and after everything that's happened since we arrived...."

"I must apologize for my sister's actions." Zechs began at hearing the healers comment.

"Don't Zechs." Treize interrupted. "They already know the circumstances, Duo included."

"Which it why he was being so hostile toward her I think." Sally offered. "He knows that she's the reason he was taken away from Heero."

"So the rumors are true?" Lucrezia asked, a hint of a smile playing at the corners of her lips. "About the two of them?"

"We're not sure what rumors you're talking about." Wufei answered. "But the two have become something more than friends in the last few months."

"Relena's not going to like that." Zechs stated with a calculating look at the small form on the bed.

"Undoubtedly." Wufei said with a nod. "But that's why either I or Heero will be with him at all times. Most of the time it'll be Heero once he arrives."

"I'm guessing we can expect him within a few days then?" Zechs asked.

"More like tomorrow afternoon or the morning after." Sally said. "Like Duo said, he didn't want to leave him here for long."

"Things will get even more complicated once he arrives." Treize warned softly.

"Yes," Zechs agreed. "And to make matters even worse, the elves are expected to arrive within a week and a half. And I fear that's as long as we'll be able to enjoy the peace we have."

"Surely they wouldn't declare war until after they've returned home?" Wufei asked.

"It's a good possibility they're prepared to make the declaration the minute they arrive at the palace." the king answered. "From the scout reports we've received, Thomas left the forest with a small army not to mention the entire elven parliament."

"The nobles are coming." Sally asked apprehensively.

"Yes, why?"

Wufei and the healer shared a look before the constable turned to the king, his own face showing trepidation. "We believe that it was a member of the elven nobility who had Duo kidnapped."

"You can't be serious." Lucrezia gasped. "One of his own people would do this to him? He's only a child for crying out loud."

"He's the crown prince and unofficially he's also the elven king." Wufei explained. "If something were to happen to Thomas now, Duo automatically ascends."

"Actually," Sally stated. "it's the belief of the dragon elders that Thomas himself may have been behind the entire thing."

"No." came the soft reply from the figure on the bed. The others in the room immediately turned guilty eyes toward the violet-eyed elf as he struggled to sit up. "My father would never have done this to me."

"Easy Duo." Sally said as she assisted the boy to sit up. "We didn't say we believed it was your father just that the elders did."

"Well, those ignorant assholes can find somewhere to stick it. My father's not the one who had me kidnapped." Duo snapped, pushing himself up in the bed so he could lean against the headboard.

"Duo, perhaps if you told us what happened?" Lucrezia asked but regretted it immediately when the look of anguish crossed the braided boy's face.

"I... I can't talk about it yet." Duo stammered, looking down at his hands, which were clasped tightly in his lap.

"It's all right." Lucrezia said, moving to sit down on the side of the bed where she pulled the small boy into her arms. "I shouldn't have asked."

Surprising to both Wufei and Sally, the violet-eyed elf allowed the queen to hold him as she rocked gently back and forth. Within a few minutes, the small boy was once again asleep and the blue-eyed woman eased him back down onto the bed before pulling the covers up over him.

"We should let him sleep." she said before turning to meet the stunned stares that surrounded her. "What?"

"Heero's the only one who can calm him like that." Wufei stated. "Or at least he was."

"Well," the dark-haired queen said with a smile. "maybe he just needed a mother's touch."


On the other side of the palace, Relena was seething. "How dare that little pointed eared freak speak to me like that!"

Picking up a vase, she hurled it across the room where it smashed against the wall beside the door. The servants who were all ready scurrying around the room trying to clean up the mess the princess was making, hurried to the glass and began sweeping it up.

"Leave it." Relena snapped.

"But your highness--"

"I said leave it and get out." she screamed causing the servants to all but bolt from the room. Once she was alone again, she walked over to the window that overlooked the inner courtyard. "You think you're better than me little elf. Well I'll show you just who's above whom. And then I'll send you home in a basket."



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