Author: Gypsie1201

Pairings: 1x2, mentioned 3x4x3, 6x5x6, past 1x3x1, 4x5x4, 3x5x3.

Warnings: Angst, BDSM, Language, Lemon, possible NCS (depends on how you look at it), POV, Toys, Yaoi

Rating: NC-17

Archives: My livejournal, Debs-Dragon - GW Diaries, Akira_1x2, anywhere else, please ask first.

Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing or any of its characters nor do I make any money from the creation of these stories.

Feedback: All is welcome and very much appreciated.

Beta work by Chelle.

Summary: When it comes to making a friend see the truth about themselves, to what extremes would you go.

Author's Note: I've been reading a lot of bondage fics lately, which I blame entirely on ShenLong Deb *smile*, and while I'm not saying that's a bad thing, it's led to this. Exactly what this is, is hard to explain. Once again, what I've dubbed my POV muse grab a hold of me and absolutely refused to let go until I'd at least started this fic. And believe me when I say that I'm a little leery of posting this since, in truth, I'm not sure how well it'll be received. It deals with a very touchy subject and could be interpreted a couple of ways (note the warnings). But in the end, it's turned into something I've enjoyed writing and I can only hope you enjoy reading it just as much.

Going to Extremes Part 1
The Hunt

I've always considered myself to be a very stable and level headed person. True, I have my hang-ups, but doesn't everyone? And if it comes right down to it, mine would be considered fairly tame by some other people's standards. Of all my hang-ups though, there's one that has always given me the most trouble. That being that fact that I'm gay and not ashamed of it, well, at least not any more anyways.

I guess it was in my ninth grade in high school when I realized that, while the other guys in my class were chasing after the cheerleaders and debating the class president's measurement, I was sneaking discreet looks at the football captain and wondering what it'd be like to run my fingers through the band leader's thick hair. At first, I tried almost desperately to deny it, just like any other young male, and it nearly made me sick as, instead of passing, my obsession only grew. Acceptance finally came near the middle of that school year in the form of a sit down talk with my mother who, being the amazing person that she is for raising me alone after my father's death when I was eight, had noticed my erratic behavior.

It was a very long and emotional conversation that, at the time, I would've given almost anything not to have gone through. In the end however, I finally admitted not only to myself but also to her that I preferred boys to girls and I firmly believe it was her easy acceptance and support that fermented in my mind the pride I have at being who I am. Unfortunately, that pride didn't come immediately. It took several more years and lots of prejudice later before I came to that acceptance of myself. You see, I grew up in a sleepy little town in the southern coalfields of West Virginia. Being at the heart of the Bible belt, the people there have never been known for their tolerance of anything that they consider wrong. Finally, fearing for my safety and not having any other choice since I'd been effectively black balled from any school within a hundred mile radius of our home, my mother packed us up and moved us to Wyoming just before the beginning of my senior year.

As can be expected, I was extremely leery of making any mistakes at my new school that might lead to the other students learning of my orientation. Not that I was ashamed mind you, but by that time I just wanted to graduate and I also knew that the fights I ended up in would be placed on my permanent record, possibly affecting my chances at getting into the college I wanted. And not that I was afraid of the other students either. After the first few fights during my tenth grade year, I'd gotten my mom to enroll me in martial arts classes in a neighboring town and also spent a lot of time in the weight room, building my body until I could handle just about anything that came my way. I just didn't want to have to deal with it anymore and so I stuck to my normal behavior of keeping to myself and warding off any possible friendship with my patented glare.

For the first part of that year, it worked like a charm and while it was a very lonely existence, I didn't have to deal with the taunts and attacks that usually followed my 'coming out' either. However, that all ended not long after Quatre Winner enrolled in our school at the beginning of the second half; rich, gregarious, handsome, and openly homosexual. The guy showed up for his first day in a pink shirt, purple vest, and tan slacks for crying out loud. The most important aspect of his arrival however happened just two days later when I found out that after nearly six months of thinking myself alone in the school, I really wasn't.

Trowa Barton, all-star athlete not to mention all-star performer in some of my more... erotic dreams was the next person in our class to announce his gayness. This of course, led to his best friend, and then boyfriend, Chang Wufei making the same announcement. Needless to say, I was quite shocked by all this but even still, I kept quiet about my own. Or at least I tried.

It was during the second month following Quatre's arrival that I found myself working on an English project with him. I think it was a surprise for us both that we hit it off so well together and were soon the best of friends. Of course, being so close and working nearly every afternoon together on our project didn't lend itself to keeping big secrets. I never will forget the day he finally worked up the nerve to ask me and even with my shock and initial bout of fear, I couldn't help the relief that washed over me knowing I wouldn't have to keep it to myself any more. I'm pretty sure I scared him half to death when I fell off my chair from laughing so hard.

From that day forward, I became a permanent member of what Quatre dubbed, 'The Gay Squad', which had already gained three more members prior to my official coming out. Not to say that everything was a bed of roses after that, because it wasn't. There were a few bullies that thought it would be interesting to pick on the 'pansies' as they called us. After the first fight with me though, they quickly backed off and the rest of the school year passed in a blur.

It was during the last month of school that Trowa and I started dating. His and Wufei relationship had ended amicably about three weeks prior leaving them both on the field so to speak. Quatre and Wufei had almost immediately hooked up while Trowa and I took a little more time in finding our way to each other but in the end, it worked out for the best.

Being with Trowa was by far the greatest thing of my entire school career to that point, with us both being slightly introverted we seemed to click well. Of course, we never did have much to say but when you're eighteen and in a relationship, talking was usually the last thing on your mind. We had our share of late night 'study dates', and while Trowa wasn't the first guy I'd ever kissed, he was the first one I slept with and during our time together, he taught me many things. More importantly though, we became very good friends so that if we decided to end it, we'd still have that friendship to fall back on.

And of course, it did end; during our first year of college in fact. After we became friends during the last half of twelfth grade, the four of us; Quatre, Wufei, Trowa, and I sat down and made the choice of attending the same college, California State. We'd taken a weekend trip together to check out the campus over spring break and we found the atmosphere there was great with the added benefit that no one really cared that Trowa and Wufei were a couple. So, submitting our applications immediately upon our return, we were more than happy when the letters arrived not long after graduation confirming our enrollment.

As usual, not everything went smoothly but when had it ever. During the application process, Trowa and Wufei had requested they be roomed together in the dorms and it had been approved, leaving both Quatre and I with complete strangers and while Quatre seemed to luck out with a guy named Milliardo Peacecraft, I wasn't given that luxury. Now, by this time, Trowa and I were pretty hot and heavy in our relationship, which meant that any roommate would have to deal with him coming over and quite possible seeing us kissing or what not. So, the first thing I did upon meeting the other guy was tell him I was gay and introduce him to Trowa. Five minutes later, he rushed to the administration building and requested an immediate room change. The four of us tried to get Trowa assigned to my room but the college denied our request and instead sent me someone new. At first, I had been seriously upset but on the day Duo Maxwell walked through my dorm door and announced himself as my new roommate, I starting seeing things in a new light.

Duo was by far the most outgoing and happy person I had every met, even putting Quatre to shame. Standing at about five foot eight, making him about the same height as me, maybe an inch shorter, with bright violet eyes and long chestnut hair that he kept in a braid that brush against his round little bottom, he was funny and beautiful and decidedly heterosexual, or at least he thought he was.

Just like with the first roommate, I'd immediately told Duo of my preference concerning men and to my relief he had simple exclaimed that it was cool by him and that had been that. He had even hit it off with my friends, easily insinuating himself into our little group and going on a couple of double dates with Trowa and me. Luckily, the girls he usually went out with were also mostly accepting of us although we did have a problem once or twice. They were gone that next day though so everything worked out. So, after a successful first year of cohabitation, we'd requested and been approved to room together the following year, which is why catching him watching me leave the bathroom in only a towel following my shower one night had been such a shock.

I was standing in front of my dresser, trying to decide what to wear for my date that night when I happened to glance up in the mirror and found Duo staring at my naked back, an unrecognizable look in his expressive eyes. Not wanting to make an assumption about it, I'd brushed it off, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't forget about it. Soon, I found myself thinking back over the last year, trying to remember if there had been other instances like that. But instead of finding a wealth of discreet gazes, I did come to one realization and that being that all the girls he'd dated during that time period ended up being more friends than girlfriends. And while I caught him more than once making out with one outside our door on a Friday night, I'm pretty sure it never went any further than that.

During our second year though, his dates starting coming further and further apart as he chose to spend more and more time with me and the guys, even if doing so made him the only hetero person in the group. This, along with his increasing perchance for watching me when I wasn't looking, confused me to no end especially since I knew he didn't lack for offers from the female population on campus. I never asked him about it though because, if truth be told, I'd crossed the line several months prior when I had let myself fall in love with him.

Ok, if I'm a little more truthful, it was a lot longer than a few months and if I'm totally honest with myself, it's the reason Trowa and I broke up, although he would never say so. But after a while, his knowing smirk when he would find me staring after Duo told me more than any confrontation could have. Of course, I never acted on my feelings because, in my mind by that time, Duo was firmly enshrouded in the heterosexual category and therefore completely off limits, which made the looks all the more hard to believe.

It wasn't until I'd overheard him venting his frustration about not being able to find what he wanted in a partner anymore to Quatre that the possibility that he might just be sliding our way hit me. Deciding to test my theory, I started spending more time around the room without a shirt on, making sure I'd be able to watch Duo without him realizing I was doing so. For the next month, I teased and taunted him, keeping track of the number of cold showers he took until I was finally convinced he was more than a little interested in me. The only problem with the equation of course being that he still believed himself to be heterosexual and during that time, he started dating pretty heavy again, even more so than before. And the more time that went by with me showing off for him, the more girls he would pick up, as if he was trying to prove to himself he was not gay.

I let this go on for another month before deciding to put an end to torturing him. However, I also wasn't ready to let him go either. He had crawled so far under my skin that I just couldn't get him out of my head. Therefore, I came up with the perfect plan to prove to him that he was indeed homosexual, or at least bisexual. It'd be tricky and if it failed, I'd not only lose a roommate, but probably my best friend; not to mention the possible legal action. Thinking the risks were worth the rewards though, I set my plan into action.

Waiting for him to return from one of his dates on a Friday night, I hid myself behind the door of our room. It was nearly midnight when I heard him approaching the door, his steps slow but loud on the tiled hallway floor. Holding my breath in anticipation, I pressed myself against the corner as the door was opened and shut behind him. He never did look behind him as the door closed but instead gave the room a quick look, probably a bit confused to find my bed still perfectly made since he knew I didn't have a date that night.

Giving a small shrug, he walked toward his own bed, pulling his shoes off as he did. Finally stopping at the edge of his bed, he stretched his arms over his head, allowing his back to pop before dropping his arms once again. That was when I made my move. In an instant, I had my right arm around his waist, pinning his arms to his side and pulled him back against my chest while my left arm brought the rag soaked in chloroform up to cover his nose and mouth.

It only took him a second to realize he was under attack before he began struggling in my grasp and while he was fairly strong on his own, he had nothing compared to my strength. Add to that the fact that the drug was quickly making him lose consciousness, he didn't stand a chance. Not five minutes following his entry into our dorm room, Duo was out cold and the second part of my plan was about to commence.



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