Shinigami's Song Part 20


Duo wished he could see the look on the Chinese man's face right at that moment... but there were more important things to think about.

"I need you to trace this call Wufei! I have no idea where I am, and I can't be on the phone long... can you do it?"

"Just a moment." There was a short pause on the line, and finally he heard a short sigh of relief. "I've got your location. Hold tight Duo. We're on our way."

"Out." Duo hung up the phone and quickly retraced his steps to his small room. He had to be back before Vinny saw that he was missing.

He slipped into the room and into his small bed. Satisfied with his bit of sneaking, Duo dug into his meal with gusto. He hadn't been eating for five minutes when Vinny strolled through the door with a bottle of beer in his hand. ~Ok... show time.~

He sent a brilliant smile to his manager. "Vinny! My man you are an angel!" He snagged the offered beer and took a long drink. Then he turned back to is meal and made short work of the remains.

"You sure were in a hurry!" Vinny laughed and set the tray aside. Presumably for the 'nurse' to remove later.

"You bet man! I gotta rebuild my strength ASAP!" [1]

The blonde man seemed puzzled. "Why? You should focus on getting better."

"I know man! But I owe it to the fans to start my tour soon!"

Vinny seemed to accept the answer, and Duo decided to push it just a little bit more. "Do you think they'd allow me a phone and fax in here? I need to start negotiating with people! I want it to start the minute I'm out of here!" He looked hopefully to Vinny. ~Please no please no...~

"I don't think so Duo. But I'll do it for you ok? I'll go and arrange it so everything is ready for you when you're released ok?"

~Got ya.~ "That'd be great Vinny! Wow man, you're the best!"

Duo grinned widely as Vinny smiled and walked from the room. ~Now all I gotta do is sit and wait for the cavalry.~


Nearly an hour later Duo heard the unmistakable click of shoes on the tile outside his room. ~Damn. Don't tell me I have to act all genki genki for that bastard again.~

He plastered a fake smile on his face when the door opened, only to have it bloom into a sincere one immediately. "Heero!!!!"

He bounded out of his bed and ran to his lover, clinging tightly to him. "I missed you!!!! I knew you'd come for me!" He wrapped his arms around Heero's neck and pulled him down for a very satisfying kiss.

"Ai shiteru Duo..."

He smiled up at Heero, his hero. [2] "Ai shiteru Heero."


Heero tightened his hold around Duo's waist. He could feel the box press into his side, he'd never removed it from his jacket.

"This isn't really the perfect moment I'd envisioned... but..."

Heero slowly pulled the box from his pocket and began opening it, when suddenly a fiery pain shot through his chest. He looked down to see a bright patch of red blood on his chest grow larger and larger.

The worlds seemed to go slow motion as he fell to his knees and dropped the box. The sound of Duo's screams echoed in his ears along with the ping of the rings as they clattered onto the tile floor.

The last thing Heero saw were Duo's beautiful eyes crying.


It couldn't be happening! "NOOOOO!" Duo fell to his knees beside Heero and tried to stop the flow of blood. There was just so much! It covered his hands and wrists. He was looking for something to staunch the flow when his eyes rested on the pair of rings that had fallen... one black the other white.

Duo snatched them from the floor before secretly taking Heero's gun and extra clip. He slowly turned to where Vinny stood smirking in the doorway. "Why?"

The man seemed very pleased with himself and like anyone that is happy, he explained why. "You were supposed to be mine! I took care of you & made you a star, but still you didn't see me as more than a friend! So I invented the stalker... the letters, the poison, the accidents... you were supposed to turn to me!" He pointed the gun to Heero's prone body. "But you went to him! He was the one that left you! I never would have left you... I saw what you were doing Duo. And I now know that I can never have you."

He bowed his head as if saddened, but then he looked up again with a wide smile on his face. "But now... neither can he!" And Vinny laughed loudly. He pointed the gun at Duo. "And now, you can die too."

Duo pulled the gun from its concealment and shot Vinny's hand. "I don't think so."

The blonde man stares incredulously at the bloody stump that was once his right hand. "How..."

"Hollow point bullets Vinny. Ain't they a bitch?" Duo then shot the blonde man's right foot, sending him to his knee. "Hurt a little?"

Vinny sobbed in shock pain and terror, but Duo wasn't through. He aimed and shot the man's other foot.

"I might have let you go!!" He shot Vinny in his right knee and quickly then his left. "You did manage to bring us back together after years of separation!" Duo shot Vinny's stomach twice.

He quickly reloaded the gun, not fearing retaliation from Vinny, but not wanting the man to pass out from pain before he was through with his revenge.

"But no! You couldn't leave me alone!" He shot both of Vinny's elbows, sending new sprays of crimson blood onto the white wall behind the howling man.

He sent two more bullets into the man's shoulders, completely severing his arms from his body. "You killed my Heero!!" Duo shot Vinny's right lung, nd smiled viciously at the sick sucking noise that resulted when the man tried to breathe.

"You took away my only chance at happiness!! " He shot once more, this time in Vinny's left lung. Now bright red blood leaked from that lying mouth.

Duo placed the barrel at Vinny's temple and looked into the man's wild eyes. "I bet you want me to pull this trigger huh? You want me to end it." Duo tossed the gun away and stared into Vinny's gray eyes. "Too bad. Suffer."


Drained, physically and emotionally, Duo crawled back to Heero and wrapped his arms around him. He was sure that his koi would already be growing cold. But instead, he felt Heero struggling to breathe. Duo's eyes widened. ~He's still alive!~

Just that moment he heard a noise at the door. There stood Wufei, staring at the bloody remains of Vinny.

"WUFEI!!! Heero's been shot!"

The Chinese man gestured and men rushed into the room and began immediate care of his lover. Tubes were inserted and bandages were applied. Secure that Heero could be cared for, Duo's eyes rolled up into his head and he lost consciousness.


[1] ASAP: As Soon As Possible.

[2] Pun intended...


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