Shinigami's Song Part 16

Duo winked at his lover. "Maybe."

Heero reached out and brushed some hair from Duo's face and rested palm on his cheek- a tender gesture. "You know me too well."

Duo covered that hand with his own and turned his face into the caress, kissing Heero's palm. "It's never too much." He then proceeded to place small kisses all along Heero's arm and shoulder, neck, and chin until he reached his destination- Heero's mouth.

Duo started as Heero wound his arms around his neck and seemed to melt against his body. Not to be outdone, Duo swept his right arm under Heero's legs, lifting him out of the water.

Heero's arms tightened around his neck as Duo wrapped his left arm around Heero's back. His blue eyed lover broke the kiss suddenly. "Why?"

Duo smirked. "As interesting as autoerotic asphyxiation sounds- I have no desire to practice it."

Heero nodded. "Drowning during sex would be pleasurable- but ultimately stupid. Definitely cloud 13 material." [1]

Duo snickered as he bent and deposited his lover on the sandy bank. Then he stood back a moment to enjoy the view. Heero- sprawled out on the sand, his lips swollen and red from kisses, his eyes heavy lidded and his breathing shallow and quick... he'd never looked better to Duo than he did right now. He dropped to his knees, straddling Heero's hips and ground his erection against Heero's as he plundered his lover's sweet mouth.

Heero's hands tangled in his hair as he kissed a trail down his neck and across Heero's chest, attacking one pert nipple with his tongue and teeth before moving to the next. Only when they were thoroughly reddened, did he continue further down Heero's body. The hands were guiding him to where he knew Heero wanted him the most, but Duo lingered at Heero's navel until his koi growled. "God dammit Duo!"

"Yes Heero?" Sweetness. Innocence. Sweetness. Innocence. No one was fooled.


Thoroughly enjoying his lover's tenuous grasp on control, Duo traced his tongue around Heero's navel. "Please what Heero?"

Heero's hands forced Duo to lookup and meet Heero's desperate face. "Suck me koi. Onegai."

Duo slid further down Heero's body and secretly grabbed the tube of KY from its hiding place in the towels. "You only had to ask!" And with a saucy wink, Duo wrapped his lips around Heero's length, swirling his tongue at the tip and tasting the bitter fluid there.

"Aaaaaa..." Heero threw his head back in abandon while Duo deep throated his member and began humming. "Nnnnn... Aaaaaaaa~!"

While Heero was thoroughly distracted, Duo opened the lube and coated three of his fingers. After drawing back for a moment, Duo went down once again, humming harder than ever.

Delighting in Heero's moans, Duo inserted his first finger into Heero's tight hole.

Heero's eyes flew open. "Duo?! How?"

Duo pulled up giving Heero one last lick before holding up the KY. "Thank Relena next time you see her, ne?"

"Hn. Ahhh!" Heero drew up his knees as Duo penetrated him with a second finger- stretching him... searching inside of him. "AHHH! MORE!"

~Bingo.~ Duo pushed against Heero's prostate again and again adding a third finger until he was sure his koi was ready for him.

He removed his fingers, smiling at Heero's disappointed groan. He quickly covered his erection with the lube before moving between Heero's spread legs.


Duo nodded at the entreaty and he firmly grasped Heero's hips. Biting his lip Duo pushed ever so slowly into the tight heat of Heero's body.


Heero tossed his head in the sand as Duo slowly entered his body. When the braided boy was finally fully sheathed, he slid his hands into Duo's hair and pulled him down for a long kiss.

While their tongues spares, Heero hooked his right leg around Duo's hip and bucked up in an obvious demand for attention.

And attention he got. Duo pulled out of Heero's body- almost completely before slowly pushing back in.

"Aaaaa..." Heero couldn't help but cry out as Duo slowly filled him over and over... but he still needed more. "D~U~O!"

The braided boy chuckled and ran his hands up along Heero's legs and thighs, never halting his steady thrusting. Heero felt him drape his legs over Duo's shoulders before Duo began a series of sharp rapid thrusts that made Heero groan deep in his throat.

"Is this what you wanted Heero?" Duo pounded mercilessly into Heero's body. He reached down and wrapped is hand around Heero's straining erection and pumped it roughly, causing more sounds to escape from Heero's parted lips.

"Yeah, I knew it." Heero looked up into Duo's smiling face... he felt slightly nervous "That whole scene in the shower..." Duo bent and bit gently on his right nipple. "You didn't think I forgot that did you?" The braided boy laughed softly as he increased his speed.

Heero felt as though he was going to explode at any moment.. just a little more. Suddenly Duo stopped.

Heero gasped and looked wildly at his lover, his eyes asking for what he couldn't verbalize. "Say it Heero."

He shook his head no, over come with need and emotions... but still unable to admit what he wanted...

Duo blew gently on the nipple he'd recently bitten. "I'm not going to move until you ask Heero. Not going to move until you beg me for what you want, what you need."

Heero squeezed with his internal muscles, trying to make Duo continue without having to admit...

"Naughty Hee-chan." Duo slapped Heero's thigh. "Not until you beg."

Heero looked up into Duo's violet eyes pleading silently. ~Duo please... please...~

But the braided boy seemed determined to attain his total submission. Only after a few moments of being filled by his unmoving lover did Heero surrender.

"Duo, please?"

"Nani Heero? I didn't quite hear that." The laughter was clear in Duo's soft voice. He wouldn't continue until he deemed it time.

"Duo..." Hero dug his fingers into the sand as he tried to thrust his body against Duo's in a last ditch effort to spur his lover into action. When that failed, Heero reached up and cradled Duo's cheek with his palm in a sweet gesture. "Onegai Duo. Take me. I've missed you so much."

A tear trickled from Duo's eye, but he was also smiling. "I too you, Heero."[2] He planted a swift kiss upon Heero's parted lips before gently rocking his body against Heero's.

"Uhhhnnn." The delicious feel of Duo inside of him increased one thousand fold when his koi actually began moving. "More! Oh gods Duo..." The usual check Heero kept on his tongue was broken with his confession, and now, he couldn't keep the flood of words and pleas and moans from making themselves known.

"Harder Duo!"


Duo smiled to himself as his usually stoic lover let himself go to sensation. Twisting beneath him was the 'perfect soldier', and Duo revelled in the knowledge that only he could ring such a reaction from Heero.

Complying with his koi's demand, Duo increased his pace, rubbing that special spot inside Heero that made him cry out with every push.


"Nnnnn more Duo! I'm almost-" Heero thrashed in the sand, mindless of everything... of the noise he was making... of where they were... of who they were... all that mattered was the pleasure that was overriding his every thought.

He felt Duo's calloused hand wrap around his shaft, stroking it in time with the rhythm of his thrusts. ~Just a little bit more-~ "Ahhhhhhhhh~"

As Duo hit that special spot once more, Heero closed his eyes and cried out as he covered Duo's hand and his own abdomen with the sticky result of his release.

He was dimly aware of Duo calling out a second after him, and of the sensation of being filled with Duo's own release.


Duo carefully lowered Heero's legs down from his shoulders, and cuddled up next his koi. Trailing a finger slowly through the still warm puddle on Heero's stomach, Duo watched Heero slowly come back to reality.

When he was sure Heero watching, Duo brought his finger up to his mouth and cleaned his fingers of Heero's semen with a small moan of appreciation. Looking into Heero's heavy lidded eyes, Duo leaned down and stole a kiss sharing the taste with Heero.


Heero almost laughed as he tasted himself on Duo's tongue, but settled instead for rolling on top of his koi. He stopped abruptly when Duo frowned and shifted uncomfortably. "Nani?"

Duo's frown deepened as he shifted yet again. "Errrr... Let me up koi."

Duo slipped out from beneath Heero's body & sprinted into the lake.

"Duo?" Heero followed Duo into the water, concern clear upon his face.

Smiling shyly Duo wrapped his arms around Heero's neck and whispered softly into his ear. "I seem to have gotten sand in my... nether regions."

Heero lifted Duo up into a tight embrace, allowing Duo to wrap his legs around his hips. "Oh dear! That's not good..." He walked out of the water and began making his way back to the house. "We'll just have to replace it with something more pleasurable."

Laughing delightedly because of the joke, Duo rested his head on Heero's shoulder and sighed contentedly. ~I wish we could stay here forever.~


[1] I saw this somewhere on comedy central, a comic was going on about how people who died in stupid deaths would be relegated to the 'dumb' cloud... cloud 13. Examples of cloud 13 deaths are 'going jogging with your headphones on too loud & being hit by a train', 'blow drying your hair in the tub & getting electrocuted', and 'sticking a fork in the toaster'

[2] I know I heard this somewhere, but it was just too sweet not to use... I'm such a crackhead... I have no idea where I did see it, so it could be from a book, movie, TV, or a fanfic. So if this is yours, I love it & I'm trying to give ya credit here.


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