Author: Little Manga Neko

Rating: PG

Pairings: 2x1, 3x4, 6x5, DxR, etc.

Warnings: OOC Heero, Angst, um... slight AU, Preggy Heero, Sap.

Disclaimers: I own the story. Does that count?

I think some people only have themselves to blame for this stuff. If everyone hadn't been so nice and encouraged me to continue posting my fics, I wouldn't be bother you guys anymore. But because of all the sweet people who replied I got inspired and currently have 5!!! fics under way. I'm actually pretty proud I got a few angst fluff and comedy coming up not to mention lots of SHOUNEN AI! Neko

The Surprise Part 1

Heero looked at Sally, shocked.


She nodded and looked over the charts in her hands again.

"Yes, It's quite amazing actually. It seems that in his experiments on you Dr. J. messed with your biological makeup so you also happen to have a complete set of female reproductive organs that were completely dormant until now...."

Heero's thoughts drifted away as she continued with her explanation. Apart from that one softly spoken word he did not say anything else. His perfect solider mask had taken over like it always did when he was faced with a situation he couldn't deal with. Inside the little boy was a screaming mass of nerves.

'What the? How can this be? I'm a boy! Boys don' get pregnant. And even if they did I only slept with one person in my life. Two months ago Duo and I had gotten drunk celebrating the end of the war and...' But even as he ranted a small part of himself that usually stayed silent whispered in a tiny voice of awe, 'I can't believe it. For once instead of destroying life I will be nurturing it.'

Suddenly realizing Sally had stopped talking he muttered aloud, "Hn."

"You'll need these vitamins, no more dangerous Preventers missions and NO STRESS! That is if you want to keep the baby."

With a hand protectively on his belly Heero gave a curt nod.

"Mission accepted."

He made the child his new mission. The war had ended two months ago and everyone had kept in touch except for... well Wufei had joined the Preventers and to everyone's surprise moved in with Zechs! Trowa had opened a large animal preserve and Quatre helped Iria run the family business from it. Duo had left to L2. Heero could still remember Duo talk about needing to find himself and other Shimatta. It didn't matter that Hilde's had been the first place he had gone. Then stayed. Heero told himself he didn't care after all it had been a one night stand. They never said the L word. Even if he had thought it often enough. He had hid behind the perfect soldier mask and ignored the fact that his heart was shattering into a thousand pieces, as he had watched Duo go. But now he had a reason to live again. He almost smiled as he made his plans he would have to disappear for a few months but it would all be okay.


"Hmm my first real preggy fic. Don't worry Duo isn't the bastard he seems if I continue it we'll find out it was just a misunderstanding." Neko

"Isn't it always?" Ryu


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