Author: Little Manga Neko

Rating: PG-13

Pairings: 1+2+1, 3+4+3

Warnings: Shounen Ai, AU, Ficlet chances of continuation are slim, Self insertion. OOC.

Disclaimers: Still don't own 'em.

Little Sisters and Anime Twisters

"What do you mean oops?" Heero growled at his stepsister Relena. "First you whine and complain to our parents so I have to take you to some stupid anime convention. And even though I hate Shoujo anime I agree and sit through nine hours of mind numbing girl stuff. Then you use our fare home to buy a tape from that creepy looking girl dressed like a cat. (1) Then you spill your strawberry soda on our DVD when I put it in short circuiting the power and knocking me out. I wake up in chains in some dungeon straight out of some fantasy and all you can say is oops?"

Noticing her big brother had turned an unhealthy shade of chartreuse Relena decided not to tell him the tape had been a Yaoi anime and that this dungeon looked like the one in Shinigami's castle. "Um... I'm sorry... too?"

TBC... maybe

1) Me!


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